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GRADE 1st BGU the Egyptians had created harps and flutes,
LESSON TITLE: THE MUSIC IN OUR and by 3500 BC lyres and clarinets had been
LIVES developed.
An early form of the trumpet had been
English developed in Denmark, by 2500 BC. This
1. Music vocabulary trumpet is what is now known as a "natural
2. Mixed tenses expressions trumpet." It depends completely on
3. Mixed tenses manipulation of the lips to change the sound.
4. Read about music The guitar, one of the most popular
5.Write a summary instruments today, was created in 1500 BC.
This was a great step; the pitch of a vibrating
Interdisciplinary: string would have led to later instruments
6. Art: Musical instruments such as the violin.
7. Social Studies: History of music Answers:
8. Science: Music and emotions Prehistoric times: drum-based, percussion
Values: 4000 BC: harps and flutes
9. Cultural identity 3000 BC: lyres and clarinets
2500 BC: trumpet
PAGE 2 1500 BC: guitar
AWARENESS After listening to the audios look at the
Teacher tip: pictures of the planet spinning around the sun
Ask students what they think about the origin and have them circle Ecuador and check how
of music. our country always receives the same amount
Answers: may vary. of light.

Script: Teacher tip:
Hi class! Are you ready to talk about music Ask students if they know what choral music
today? Well. Let’s learn about the first known is.
musical instruments. If possible, show them videos about choral
The earliest forms of music were probably music, both, traditional and modern choirs.
drum-based, percussion instruments being Answers:
the most available at the time, for example 1. F A choir is a type of music sung by a
rocks or sticks. These simple instruments choir with two or more voices assigned a part
might have been used in religious ceremonies to sing.
as representations of animals. There was no 2. F Gregorian Chants and sacred choral
writing of this kind of "music". We can infer music are related to religion.
this because its sounds can be compared
3. F Gregorian Chants in Western Europe
from the music of North and South American
were voices singing at the same time in
Indigenous peoples and African natives who
religious rites.
still have some ancient religious practices.
4. T
More advanced instruments evolved slowly
and constantly. It is known that by 4000 BC


PAGE 5 showed that people who actively participate

WRITING in singing or playing instruments have better
Teacher tip: immune system. It is important to notice that
Brainstorm the feelings caused by music. not all music have the same effects.
Remind students about the writing process.
Guide them with process and encourage them find-15-amazing-benefits-listening-music
to answer the questions in order to organize
PAGE 6 Teacher tip:
Discuss the benefits music can bring.
Let the students listen to the audio a couple of
Have them complete the activities
Teacher tip: Have them answer open questions in groups.
Let students organize themselves in groups
and support them when preparing their Answers:
presentations. b, d, e
Be aware that the lyrics do not have rude
words or other kind of inappropriate PAGE 8
PAGE 7 Answers:
ORAL COMMUNICATION a. Learn about better ways to build our houses
b. Use the special equipment available to
Script: predict earthquakes
Welcome to our program! Music, art and c. Take care of nature
happiness. Today we are going to talk about e. Educate people so we all know how to
the benefits we get with music. Yes… believe react if something happens.
it or not, music is good for us.
Teacher tip:
Isn’t it interesting how hearing a particular Start with discussing students’ knowledge on
song can bring back a special memory or the topic.
make you feel happy or calm? People are Ask them about their knowledge of the risks
born with the ability to tell the difference in their communities.
between music and noise. Fast music can
actually increase your heart rate, breathing, PAGE 9
and blood pressure, while slower music tends ORAL COMUNICATION
to have the opposite effect. Teacher tip:
Although, we still do not understand the real Ask them how they feel when it is too hot.
effects of music. Some studies suggest that Have them work in groups to complete the
listening to music can have the following activity. Guide them if necessary.
positive effects on health. Script:
Interviewer: Hello everyone and welcome to
Improves mood, reduces stress, lessens
our radio show. I’m your host Samantha
anxiety, improves exercise, improves
memory. Smith and today I am joined by Dr. Jones, a
neurologist that is going to talk about the
Eases pain. Provides comfort, improves interesting role that music plays in our
cognition, among others. One study also memories. Welcome Dr. Jones!


Dr. Jones: Hello everyone, thanks for having Answers:

me on your show Samantha! 1. music, brain.
Interviewer: So tell us Dr. Jones why can a 2.areas, memory
particular song remind us of a special 3. rhythm and rhyme
moment or memory? 4. explicit and implicit
Dr. Jones: Neuroscientists have studied the 5. implicit memory
effects of music and the brain for a long time Teacher tip:
and we think that we know why certain songs Let them listen to the audio a couple of times.
can remind us of a memory in such a Make sure they understand most of the
powerful way. You see, the hippocampus and information contained in the activity.
the frontal cortex are two large areas in the Encourage them to complete the second
brain that are associated with memory and it activity speaking only English.
is not always easy to retrieve information
from these areas because of how much PAGE 10
information they process every minute. The READING
reason a song reminds us of a particular Teacher tip:
moment or feeling so strongly is because it Ask the students what they know about
contains a rhythm and rhyme that helps our classic music.
brains to access that information in a unique If possible, show them videos of orchestras
way. playing classic music.
Interviewer: That is so interesting! And tell Ask them if they like it.
us doctor, why are we reminded of certain Have students read the passage and complete
emotions when we listen to a song, why don’t the chart un groups.
we just remember the lyrics of the song?
Dr. Jones: That’s a very good question PAGE 11
Samantha. There are different types of WRITING
memory, like explicit and implicit memory. Teacher tip:
Explicit memories are ones that we know Encourage students to express their feelings
about like what you ate this morning. Implicit and emotions when listening to some special
memories are more subconscious and songs.
reactive. This means that they are Have them answer the questions in order to
emotionally based and we cannot simply organize ideas.
think about them to remember them. Students may want to let their classmates read
Interviewer: Oh, I see. So, when we feel their paragraphs.
emotions when we listen to a song, it is being
triggered by our implicit memories? PAGE 12
Dr. Jones: Exactly Samantha! Emotions that LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS
we remember or feel through music, often .
come from a particular time in our lives such Teacher tip:
as our childhood or teenage years. This Guide students in order to use correct
probably happens because when we are vocabulary and expressions.
young, everything seems new and exciting. Put the posters in the classroom and let
Interviewer: Wow, this has been such an students share their family’s special
interesting conversation. Thanks for being on moments.
the program Dr. Jones!
Dr. Jones: Thanks for having me on! PAGE 13 ORAL COMMUNCATION
20140417-why-does-music-evoke-memories Teacher tip:


Students should enjoy this activity. Let them lot of different instruments you could even
get into groups if they want. become a famous musician.
Make sure that lyrics and expressions are There are different types of instruments you
appropriate for students. can choose to play. For example, if you want
to play classical music, you can learn how to
PAGES 14 AND 15 play the flute, the clarinet, and the violin. If
ASSESSMENT you want to play rock music you could learn
VOCABULARY how to play the guitar and the drums!
Piano  A stringed musical instrument Answers:
which is operated from a keyboard. The 1. A multi-instrumentalist is a person that
strings are struck by wooden hammers. plays a lot of different instruments.
Guitar  A string instrument played by 2. You could play in a band at school or start
plucking the strings and usually made from one with your friends. If you practice playing
wood or plastic. a lot of different instruments you could even
Violin  A string instrument that has four become a famous musician.
strings and is played with a bow, it is held 3. If you want to play classical music, you
between the shoulder and the chin. can learn how to play the flute, the clarinet,
Ukulele  A small, guitar-like musical and the violin.
instrument associated with Hawaiian music. 4. Answers may vary.
Piano  A stringed musical instrument READING
which is operated from a keyboard. The a. It was popular because of its special
strings are struck by wooden hammers. rhythm which was composed by different
READING musical traditions like soul, funk, and even
1. F. Researchers in Finland have developed salsa.
a new method to study how the brain b. Deejays were the creators of this particular
processes different parts of music. music by mixing songs.
2. T c. It became popular in the 1970’s.
3. F Our brain reacts to music the same way it d. The song that is even danced nowadays is
reacts to food. YMCA by Village People.
4. F Dopamine is released in our brain every
time we experience something that we really PAGE 18
PROJECT Teacher tip:
Let students play some music with their Ask students if they know about Elvis Presley
home-made instruments. or other famous singers or musicians.
Read the passage and have students get the
PAGE 17 most important ideas.
Script: 3, 4, 5
How many instruments can you play? One?
Two? Three? There are some people that can
play a lot of different instruments! They are PAGE 19
called multi-instrumentalist. There are many ORAL COMMUNICATION
benefits to playing different instruments. You Teacher tip:
could play in a band at school or start one Explore previous knowledge by asking some
with your friends. If you practice playing a questions about the guitar.


Let them listen to the audio a couple of times. 3. Cremona was home to some of the
Students might want to work on the activity most famous luthiers like Giuseppe Guarneri,
in groups. Antonio Stradivari and the Amati family.
Script: 4. The Amati family became so famous for
The guitar is a string instrument. It is used to their skills
play different styles of music like jazz, rock, in crafting violins that Catherine de Médicis,
and reggae. Guitars are usually made of a ruler from France, asked
wood and have three parts: the body, neck them to make a variety of string instruments
and head. for the Royal Ensemble.
The sound made by a guitar is projected 5. Answers may vary
acoustically through the sound box to the rest
of the guitar. The sound box is located in the PAGE 21
middle of the biggest part of the guitar which WRITING
is also called the body. The strings that run Teacher tip:
through the long part of the guitar from the Tell students how we can report what other
body to the top of the guitar is called the people say.
neck. The top of the guitar, or the head, has Have them read the grammar note and focus
the tuning pegs from where the six strings on on the structures used to report.
the guitar run all the way to the bottom to the Guide them when students write the article
bridge. reporting what the artist said.
The guitar is typically played by strumming
or plucking the strings with one hand while Answers: may vary.
the other hand presses the strings along the
KatyTheoryLessons/index.html You could do the research about mind maps in order to guide students.
guitar/390915 Guide them to find the most important ideas.
Answers: Answers:
1. head a. A fiddle is someone who plays the violin.
2. neck b. The modern violin is about 400 years old
3. body while other string instruments like the harp
have been around for almost 1,000 years.
c. Because violins became one of the most
PAGE 20 important instruments in orchestras in the
READING 17th century and many composers wrote
Teacher tip: music that included the violin.
Ask students what they know about violins.
Ask them if they recognize their sound. PAGE 23
Show them a video where musicians play the ORAL COMMUNICATION
violin. Script:
Answers: Hello everyone and welcome to the National
1. Violins were typically made with the wood Music Museum! I’m going to show you guys
from maple trees that are available some really cool ancient instruments and
in the Lombardy region of Italy. explain their origins to you.
2. Brescia was the first city to make The first instrument we have here is an
quality violins. ancient guitar. This guitar probably


originated from Spain in the 16th century and

it was smaller and narrower than the modern PAGE 25
guitar. Today, guitars are bigger and more ORAL COMUNICATION
varieties exit like the electric guitar. Teacher tip:
Over here we have an ancient flute that was Ask the students if they recognize the person
found in Germany. This flute is at least in the picture and her songs.
35,000 years old and it is about 22 cm long Ask them if they know about the influence of
and has 5 holes on it to play music! There are classic music.
different types of ancient flutes; some are Script:
held in a vertical position and some are held Hello everyone and welcome to our weekly
in a horizontal position. Flutes are musical musical report where we talk about, you
instruments that have existed for a very long guessed it, music! This week we are going to
time and have been played in many briefly talk about the influence that classical
civilizations like that of the Greeks and the music has had on other music genres.
Chinese. Even though classical music is not as popular
Finally, we have this ancient trumpet that as it used to be, it continues to be one of the
was found in the tomb of the Egyptian most liked and inspiring types of genres of all
pharaoh Tutankhamun. These ancient time. Several classical composers such as
trumpets are over 3,000 years old! They are Mozart and Beethoven, created wonderful
very long and are engraved with some pieces of music that have captivated
drawings of Egyptian gods like Ptah and generations of people.
Amun. Nowadays, trumpets look a lot You might listen to some of these composer’s
different. They are smaller and made of music nowadays but did you know that
brass. classical music has influenced almost every genre of music that is popular today? Many of today’s pop songs are based on a handful
instruments/ of chords and sequences that were discovered during the Classical period. This means that
instrument really famous artists like Adele or Lady Gaga
have used themes from classical music in
Teacher tip: some of their songs!
Discuss in class what instruments students The chorus is without a doubt one of the main
think are the oldest. ways that classical music has impacted
Have them listen to audio a couple of times. today’s music. The chorus, or the short
Answers: melody repeated throughout most songs, was
1. F The ancient guitar probably originated in first seen during the Classical era. The
Spain. majority of songs we hear on the radio today
2. T also include a chorus. It’s typically the part
3. T of songs we remember the most, and we have
4. They were very long. the Classical era to thank for it!
PAGE 24 influences-popular-music-today/
AWARENESS 1. Several classical composers such as Mozart
Teacher tip: and Beethoven, created wonderful pieces of
Ask students what they know about some music that have captivated generations of
rhythms and different origins. people.
Answers: may vary.


2. Many of today’s pop songs are based on a LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS
handful of chords and sequences that were
discovered during the Classical period. Also
the chorus is without a doubt one of the main Teacher tip:
ways that classical music has impacted Let students work in small groups if they
today’s music. need it in order to get ideas to write the song.
3. Because it is a short melody repeated Make sure they are using appropriate and
throughout most songs. correct expressions.

Teacher tip: Script:
You could start by asking if they know any The traditional chants and melodies of
legend about musicians. Some of them could Andean music come from areas in which
mention the “club of 27”. indigenous groups, like the Quechua people
Let them know that many years ago people that are originally from Peru, and the
also created stories about other talented Aymaras that are originally from Bolivia,
musicians. live.
After reading the passage ask them their The early forms of this type of music were
opinions about the story. mixed with other elements of Spanish music
Answers: from Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia,
1. Paganini’s mother wanted him to become a Peru and Venezuela. Andean music is
famous violinist so people believed that she popular to different degrees across Latin
had made a deal with the Devil; trading her America. It is most popular in rural areas
son’s soul to him so that he would be the and among indigenous populations. The
greatest violinist in history. Nueva Canción movement of the 1970s
2. Because of two possible physical revived the genre across Latin America and
syndromes: Marfan’s and Ehlers-Danlos. brought it to places where it was unknown or
T or F forgotten.
1. F He was famous because he memorized The 1970s was a decade in which Andean
all the songs he played. music saw its biggest growth. Different
2. T groups came out of the different villages
3. F All churches refused to bury him in their throughout the Andes. Many musicians
yards. moved to bigger cities forming different
bands and groups. One of the most legendary
PAGE 27 was Los Kjarkas, from Bolivia. They became
WRITING huge hits in Bolivia and would later take
Teacher tip: Andean music to the rest of the world.
Review very quickly the tenses mentioned in
the grammar note section.
Remind about the writing process and the Teacher tip:
importance of following it. Explore previous knowledge about Andean
Ask them to get the information they like the music and the most common instruments
most about the violin. used to play it.
Guide them in the use of expressions and Talk about its beauty and wonderful sounds.
language use. Answers: are part of the script.



ASSESSMENT Talk about the kinds of music.

READING Do research about the most common kind of
Answers: music in students’ community, neighborhood,
1. T town, etc.
2. F It was created by Alomía Robles.
3. F It is now free for the public to use.

1. Alomía Robles first composed El condor

2. The original composition was done to be
played by an orchestra.
3. In 1933, the rights of El Cóndor Pasa were
sold to the Edward B. Marks Music
Diego: Hey Carla! I heard your dad wrote a
new song with his band Las Aves Blancas.
Carla: He did Diego! He spent a lot of time
working on it and he practiced a lot with the
other members in his band.
Diego: That is so cool! What is the name of
the song and when are they going to release
Carla: Well the name of the song is called
Tristes Rios and they are working on
finishing an album so they still need to make
3 more songs.
Diego: Oh ok, and how many songs will be
on their album?
Carla: It’s going to be a full-length album so
about 10-12 songs. I think they will release
the album in 4 to 6 months.
Diego: That sounds really exciting, you have
to let me know when they release it so I can
buy it!
Carla: I definitely will!
1. His band Las Aves Blancas
2. The song is called Tristes Rios.
3. It will be a full-length album so it will have
about 10-12 songs.
4. It will be released in about 4 to 6 months.

Read the information about traditional
Ecuadorian music.


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