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Part 3 - The Tools of Virtual

This is vastly different that a traditional building.

Handouts, attendance, assessments, group work, just
about everything looks and is different. classroom tools
will also look vastly different.
*Please note, I teach social students and are looking at
the tools as a social students teacher.
The Big 4 are
1) LMS
2) Digital Monitoing System
3) Presentation tool +
4) Curriculum and Supports
Always keep in mind, the district most LMS
likely has invested in some software Google Classroom is a great way to push
already. See what you have, how it works, out information, but it is a delivery
and if there is a training available on a system, not a Learning Management
product before you make a wish list of 15 System. When looking for an LMS look at
of the latest and greatest EdTech toys. what you want it to do. For the price,
services, and organizational needs, we
went with Schoology.

Digital Monitoring System

Discussing with other programs, a digital
monitoring system is a non-negotiable,
you chant have success without being
able to see your student's screen. There
are many out there and each has positive
and negative attributes. We first had
Securly and this year the district switched
What tools do you need to Classwize.

to run a successful Presentation tool

In terms of a system that enables me to
Be different, on purpose, for a virtual program? push out the exact material I need for my
purpose student and to provide me with
instantaneous feedback while maintaining
student anonymity, the only choice is
Curriculum and Supports
SALBER I have minimal say in the curriculum, but
in terms of supports, there has been a testing platform, Edulastic, that has been a fantastic tool to monitor and keep test
security and School Status that has
enabled easy parental interaction.

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