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Assignment (PPE)

Veronica Shane F. Fernandez, RR12

1. What are the different types of Personal Protective Equipment? ( Please show
illustrations )

Type of PPE Use Illustration

Gloves Gloves help protect you

when directly handling
potentially infectious
materials or
contaminated surfaces.

Gowns Gowns help protect you

from the contamination
of clothing with
potentially infectious
Shoe and Head Covers Shoe and head covers
provide a barrier against
possible exposure within
a contaminated

Masks and Respirators Surgical masks help

protect your nose and
mouth from splatters of
body fluids, respirators
filter the air before you
inhale it.

Face and Eye Protection Goggles help protect

only your eyes from
splatters. A face shield
provides splatter
protection to facial skin,
eyes, nose, and mouth.
2. What is the importance of PPE?

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as "PPE", is

equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace
injuries and illnesses. These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with
chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace

3. When and which particular clinical setting or area do we use PPE?

All hospital staff, patients, and visitors should use PPE when there will be contact
with blood or other bodily fluids as well as when exposed to air-borne diseases
such as COVID-19. It is particularly used in hospitals.


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