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Vincent Haspe Antigua 12-Jade


SOCIAL SCIENCES - is the study of people as individuals, groups, and societies, as

well as their interactions with their built, technological, and natural environments, as
well as with one another. Social science is a scientific discipline that studies how
societies work and how people interact within them. In the past, the phrase referred
to the original "science of society," sociology, which was founded in the nineteenth
century. In addition to sociology, it now encompasses a wide range of academic
disciplines such as anthropology, archaeology, economics, human geography,
linguistics, management science, communication science, and political science.

APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES - Counseling theories, concepts, methods, and

findings are used to define counseling practice in this typology. The same is true for
the fields of social work and communication. However, this description of applied
social science downplays or even ignores the interdisciplinary nature of social
science when it is applied. There can be no such thing as a one-dimensional social
issue. Disciplines within the field of social science each bring their own unique
perspective to a better understanding of social phenomena. As a result, applied
social sciences can no longer afford to be fragmented. Essentially, it must unite and
cross over. Applied social sciences investigate the systematic and empirical study of
the social world, which includes all political, economic, legal, technological, and
cultural concepts, systems, and practices.

SOCIAL WORK - is a practice-based academic discipline concerned with meeting

the basic needs of individuals, families, groups, communities, and society as a whole
in order to improve their individual and collective well-being. To engage with systems
and policies, conduct assessments, develop interventions, and improve social
functioning and responsibility, social work practice draws on areas such as
psychology, sociology, health, political science, community development, law, and
economics. The ultimate goal of social work is to improve people's lives and bring
about social justice. Social work is both a practice and an academic discipline that
promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and people's
empowerment and liberation. Social work is founded on the principles of social
justice, human rights, collective responsibility, and diversity.Social work engages
people and structures to address life challenges and improve well-being, based on
theories of social work, social sciences, humanities, and indigenous knowledge.The
goal of social work is to improve people's, families', groups', and communities'
individual and communal well-being. It aims to assist people in improving their
abilities to solve problems using both their own and community resources. The
professional application of social principles and techniques to one or more of the
following goals constitutes social work practice: assisting people in obtaining tangible
services; counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families, and groups;
assisting communities or groups in providing or improving social and health services.
Individual and personal problems are addressed by social workers.
COUNSELING - is a joint effort between the counselor and the client. Professional
counselors assist clients in identifying goals and potential solutions to problems that
cause emotional turmoil; they strive to improve communication and coping skills;
they promote behavior change and optimal mental health.
All counseling is designed to alleviate distress and assist people in understanding
why they think, feel, and behave the way they do. The majority are non-directive,
assisting people in coming up with their own solutions rather than telling them what
to do. The majority of BCCS counselors integrate various models of counseling,
adapting their skills and knowledge to meet the needs of their clients.
PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING - A non-directive talking therapy model that
focuses on assisting people in understanding why certain things are repeatedly
difficult and distressing for them, so that they can better manage their situation.
Psychological Counseling
An active and collaborative talking therapy model that focuses on assisting people in
managing their problems by changing how they think and behave. Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression
symptoms by changing thoughts and behavior, which can result in symptom relief
HUMANISTIC THERAPY - A non-directive person-centered model of talking therapy
that focuses on assisting clients in coming to terms with past and present difficulties
by assisting them in thinking things through. One of its central beliefs is that people
have the ability to shape their own future and that real change is possible. The goal
of supportive counseling is to improve wellbeing and facilitate healthy coping
mechanisms in clients who are experiencing psychological pain. It is appropriate for
people who want to take their time talking about their experiences with an
understanding listener.
GESTALT - A non-directive talking therapy model that emphasizes self-awareness
and the 'here-and-now' (what is happening from one moment to the next), with the
belief that self-awareness is the key to personal growth and developing full potential.
TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS - a non-directive talking therapy model that aids in
elucidating to patients how and why they feel, think, and act the way they do on a
daily basis. This sort of therapy will appeal to those who recognize that they behave
stereotypically when they respond to others and circumstances and follow their own
internal commands, especially under pressure.
EXISTENTIAL - a talking therapy approach that seeks to go further into the
philosophical meaning of the word "meaning." It is appropriate for those who want to
reflect on the significance they assign to their human being and the state of
COMMUNICATION - The traditional definition of communication is the exchange of
information. The term can be used to refer to both the transmission of the message
and the field of study known as communication studies that focuses on them.
Regarding the precise definition of communication, there are some points of
disagreement, like whether unintentional or unsuccessful transmissions are included
and whether communication also generates meaning in addition to transmitting it.
Communication models aim to provide a brief summary of its essential components
and how they interact. Many models take into account the idea that a source uses a
coding system to transmit data as a message. The message is sent across a
channel from the sender to the receiver, who must decode it to understand what it
represents.Depending on whether information is exchanged between humans,
members of other species, or non-living objects like computers, different types of
communication can be classified. The contrast between verbal and non-verbal
communication is significant for human communication. Language-based
communications are exchanged during spoken communication. Esperanto is an
example of an artificial language, although it can also occur through natural
languages like English or Japanese. Verbal communication encompasses the
exchange of spoken, written, and sign language messages. The exchange of
nonverbal signals takes place without the use of a spoken system. Nonverbal
communication can take many different forms, like employing body language, body
posture, touch, and tone. Communication between people and inside people is
another crucial factor.
In conclusion, the primary benefit of studying the social sciences is the way in
which it can help us better our societies. We are learning more about how societies
should be organized by studying social science. Studying social sciences can offer
us a wealth of knowledge and insights that can help us better understand our lives
and, in turn, our interactions with one another.

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