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Lala : Assalamualaikum, Excuse me

Fatwa : waalaikumsalam, please dit down, is ther anything I can help you ?
Lala : yes mss. Thank you. I’m here to do an interview with the HRD of kasih bunda
Fatwa : oke, have you received a reply from the email before ?
Lala : already mr
Fatwa : Why should we hire you
Lala : “As I recently graduated with a bachelor’s in nursing. but I know it's a big thing
because I don't have much experience.Although I am still a fresh graduate and do not have
much experience, I have had internships and attended various trainings in the nursing field.
Thus, the experience I gained from training and internships has made me accustomed to
working in a team, so I can learn quickly and adapt easily.”
Fatwa :What is your weakness ?
Lala : My fast-paced way of working makes me impatient to work with people whose work
rhythm is slow. This then leaves me having to take on their task and handle it myself. If it
was like this, usually I would feel exhausted and make the other party feel guilty. To
overcome this, usually I will find out the cause of their work rhythm. It could be that they are
having difficulties that I don't know about. Therefore, it is important for me to empathize and
see from another perspective the situation, so that it is a win win solution
Fatwa : How do you handle the stress of being a nurse and all that comes with the job ?
Lala : I handle stress by focusing on the most important thing: the care of the patient. I feel I
owe it to my patients to stay calm and focused on them.
Fatwa : alright, thank about it. Do you have any question ?
Lala : no mr
Fatwa : okey, we will leet you know the result by the end this week. Have a good day
Lala : thank you mrs > I waiting for good news from you

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