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Compiled by
Budi Prihanto 21.0101.0015 Manajemen Paralel
Dendi Purnomo Aji 21.0101.0035 Manajemen Paralel
Theme Related to Study Program : Human Development Management

There are 9.1 million people or 6.49% of the total Indonesia. Currently This situation is in an
unemployed condition without a job (BPS, 2021), unemployment which is still very high is
certainly a problem that is not easy and must be resolved.

The right approach and education pattern is the key in facing this challenge, maximizing the
role of every educational institution starting from the elementary level of SMP, SMA and
SMK is a mandatory thing that must be done. It is time for schools to proceed to provide
educational services that are in line with the needs of today's world of work, but
unfortunately the majority of schools still only prioritize academic learning in order to meet
the final exams which many believe are not in line with the needs of the current world of
work and the role of counselors is not yet optimal. each school to help educate and provide
appropriate guidance for students who are not only focused on academic learning but also
focus on structured career planning.

Career planning is one of the important aspects in the career development of each individual,
there is a lot of anxiety that arises that today there are still many students who do not have
awareness or are still very low in terms of good career planning, an indication that is evident
from their difficulty in determining majors for education. continuation, work plans, to their
unpreparedness in entering the competitive world of work and responding to the challenges.

This condition is a sign that schools must change and start making programs to develop and
plan the careers of their students, both through instructional activities as well as guidance and
counseling, and ensure that the program has a positive impact on students by making students
have the ability to plan their careers.

With the background of this problem, the author would like to discuss this problem in a paper


Career Planning Programs for Students

One of the paradoxes in implementing career guidance in Indonesia is that although its
success has been proven in facilitating the transition from school to the world of work. , only
a very few of the students have access to meaningful and relevant career and educational
guidance. The results of the ILO-IPEC Market Survey of Indonesian Youth and the Impact of
Dropping Out of School and Child Labor conducted by the ILO-IPEC (2006) show that in
eastern Indonesia, 88 percent of respondents have never received career guidance, while 80
percent of those who do feel that guidance is useful in finding a job.

The problem does not stop just because the program does not exist, but more fundamentally
about the readiness of human resources and the education system in Indonesia where various
problems were found, such as:
1. As many as 60 percent of BK/Counselors did not have education regarding career
guidance and said the initial manual was difficult. For use the
2. The Principal and the Office of Education do not prioritize guidance and counseling
in schools and often in carrying out these services, there is no dedicated guidance and
counseling room (a separate room) and/or there is no specific time for guidance and
counseling in the school schedule.

Facing the challenges of this problem, of course there must be a solution presented to unravel
every existing problem, ILO EAST designed 25 Career and Education Guidance service
plans using an active guidance approach and determined the 'minimum service package' that
must be obtained by each student. This service plan is a tool that can easily be used by
BK/Counselors in schools to structure class-based and group-based sessions which are
face-to-face sessions with students. In line with the composition in the Guidelines, all
guidance and counseling service activities in this guide are related to four main competencies,
which include:
1. Self-Awareness – What do I want? What field am I an expert in?
2. Opportunity Awareness – What opportunities are available to me in terms of work and

3. Decision Making – How should I make a decision? What factors should I consider (or
not consider) in making an education or employment decision?
4. Transitional Learning – How do I implement this decision? What are the first steps I
need to take to get the job I want?
These four main competencies can be achieved by carrying out 25 educational activities and
assessments for students, including:
1. Know Yourself
2. Let's Find Out What's Important
3. Consider Ability
4. Appropriate Types of Skills
5. I Like Working Conditions
6. My Family Support!
7. Recognizing Gender Bias in Society Regarding Natural Law and Roles
8. Men's or Women's Work
9. What is the Job Market?
10. Labor Market Presentation
11. Company Visit
12. My Competence as an Entrepreneur
13. My Dream Job Profile
14. Key Job Skills
15. Assess Your Key Job Skills
16. Known Technical Skills
17. Presentation from Vocational and High School Teachers
18. Let's Understand the PAKET Program
19. Presentation from PAKET Tutors
20. Presentation from Lecturers
21. Assess All Choices
22. Identify Skills I've Got
23. Writing Cover Letters and Curriculum Vitae
24. Ready for Interviews
25. Don't Forget It Contract

This package of 25 programs will help schools to guide students in planning their careers in a
structured, measurable and gradual manner. However, this program will not have a positive
impact if there is no collaboration and synergy between schools, teachers, students and

guardians, so it is important to ensure that all parties involved can carry out their respective
roles to the fullest.

Article 1 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the Education System

National states "Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere
and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious
spiritual strength,
self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and good skills
needed by himself, society, nation and state”.
Learning does not only mean the process of exchanging learning materials from teachers to
students, but for example for counseling sessions a transformative process in which students
will gain knowledge, capacity, and willingness to make and implement decisions related to
work and work.


ensuring that every individual has a good career planning is the expected outcome of the
program, ensuring they master the four major aspects such as,
ensure every learner is aware of his ability and identifies their desire to continue their
education / career.
Awareness of Work Opportunities
Introduction to the world of work is an important aspect that must be included in the learning
system in schools, that every student must know and understand the real picture of the world
of work they will enter.
Decision Making
Making a choice of work or education is an important moment in
a person's life. It is therefore important for schools to provide space for students to be able to
make the right decisions that they are able to live with to the fullest.
Transitional Learning
This Guide is not only aimed at facilitating the decision-making process, but also following
up on the implementation of decisions. Practical recommendations are given after the
implementation of the career guidance service plan.

Puskur Balitbangdiknas (2007), Self-Development Curriculum Model. Jakarta:
Research Center for National Education Research and Development.

Career Development Program website
Career Planning
Steps to Create a Career Development Plan 1917798

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