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International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Physics

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Nanotechnology Applications in Food and Food

Processing: Innovative Green Approaches,
Opportunities and Uncertainties for Global Market

R. Ravichandran

To cite this article: R. Ravichandran (2010) Nanotechnology Applications in Food and Food
Processing: Innovative Green Approaches, Opportunities and Uncertainties for Global Market,
International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Physics and Chemistry, 1:2, P72-P96, DOI:

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International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Physics and Chemistry, 1:P72–P96, 2010
Copyright c Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1943-0876 print / 1943-0884 online
DOI: 10.1080/19430871003684440

Nanotechnology Applications in Food and Food

Processing: Innovative Green Approaches, Opportunities
and Uncertainties for Global Market
R. Ravichandran

ABSTRACT. Nanoscience and nanotechnology are new frontiers of this century and food nanotech-
nology is an emerging technology. Their applications to the agriculture and food sector are relatively
recent compared with their use in drug delivery and pharmaceuticals. Many scientists and engineers
have recognized well the potential of nanotechnology to lead all the food industries in the 21st century.
Even though successful applications of nanotechnology to foods are still limited, some basic concepts
based on nanoscale have been established well. In food engineering field, two major applications related
to nanotechnology, that is, food nanosensing and food nanostructured ingredients are being expected.
In the former field, better food quality and safety evaluation can be achieved by using nanotechnology.
Advances in technologies, such as DNA microarrays, microelectromechanical systems, and microflu-
idics, will enable the realization of the potential of nanotechnology for food applications. In the latter,
food processing can be largely improved in the aspects of smart delivery of nutrients, bioseparation
of proteins, rapid sampling of biological and chemical contaminants, nanoencapsulation of nutraceu-
ticals, solubilization, delivery, and color in food systems; these being some of the emerging topics
of nanotechnology for food and agriculture. Meanwhile, food nanotechnology as a new technology
is requiring reviews of potentially adverse effects as well as many positive effects. In this review, we
intended to cover some of the developments in nanotechnology and their applicability to food and
nutraceuticals systems. It presents some of the nanoscale-sized structures that are uniquely relevant to
the food industry, the different food manufacturing techniques that could benefit from nanotechnology,
and nanotechnology’s applicability to the formulation and storage of food, together with identifying
the outstanding challenges.

KEYWORDS. food, food packaging, food processing, nanotechnology, nanosensors, nutraceuticals

INTRODUCTION comprehend as significant. For this reason, it

would seem illogical that structures measuring
At one billionth of a meter, a nanometer is 1–100 nm would not only exist but would also
miniscule—much too small for the human eye have implications and applications that could
to see. And for most humans, anything mea- be essential to humankind.[1] Nonetheless, sci-
suring 100 nm or less may be impossible to entists have embarked on a field of science

Received 30 November 2009; accepted 1 February 2010.

R. Ravichandran is affiliated with the Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhopal, India.
Address correspondence to R. Ravichandran, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhopal 462 013,
India. E-mail:

R. Ravichandran P73

that could literally fit on a person’s finger- Because applications with structural features
nail: nanotechnology, a derivative of chem- on the nanoscale level have physical, chemi-
istry, engineering, physics, and microfabrication cal, and biological properties that are substan-
techniques.[2] tially different from their macroscopic coun-
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are con- terparts, nanotechnology can be beneficial on
cerned with the understanding and rational ma- various levels.[7] Research in biology, chem-
nipulation of materials at the atomic and molec- istry, engineering, and physics drives the de-
ular levels, generally with structures of less than velopment and exploration of the nanotechnol-
100 nm in size. Scientifically, nanoscience is de- ogy field. Consequently, certain industries such
fined as the study of phenomena and the ma- as microelectronics, aerospace, and pharmaceu-
nipulation of materials at the atomic, molecu- ticals have already begun manufacturing com-
lar, and macromolecular scales, where the prop- mercial products of nanoscale size. Even though
erties differ from those at a larger scale and the food industry is just beginning to explore
have unique novel functional applications. Nan- its applications, nanotechnology exhibits great
otechnology is defined as the design, produc- potential.[8] Food undergoes a variety of posthar-
tion, and application of structures, devices, and vest and processing-induced modifications that
systems through control of the size and shape affect its biological and biochemical makeup,
of the material at the nanometer (10−9 of a me- so nanotechnology developments in the fields of
ter) scale where unique phenomena enable novel biology and biochemistry could eventually also
applications.[3] influence the food industry.[9] Ideally, systems
Nanoscience and nanotechnology have al- with structural features in the nanometer length
ready been applied in various fields, such as com- range could affect aspects from food safety to
puter electronics, communication, energy pro- molecular synthesis.[10]
duction, medicine, and the food industry. The Designing and producing food by shaping
nanoscale devices are often manufactured with molecules and atoms is the future of the food
the view to imitate the nanodevices found in industry worldwide.[11] On the one side, further
nature and include proteins, DNA, membranes, breakthroughs in crop DNA decoding and an-
and other natural biomolecules.[4,5] Nanotech- alyzing enable the industries to predict, con-
nology based on highly reactive particles of trol, and improve the agricultural production.
sizes less than 100 nanometer is predicted to On the other side, with technology of manip-
be central to developing and using new electron- ulating the molecules and the atoms of food, the
ics and energy technologies during the present future food industry has a powerful method to
century.[6] Properties of nanoparticles are not design food with much more capability and pre-
governed by the same physical laws as larger par- cision, lower costs, and sustainability.[12] Mean-
ticles but by quantum mechanics. Their physical while, the combination of DNA and nanotech-
and chemical properties such as color, solubility, nology research generates the new nutrition de-
strengths, chemical reactivity, and toxicity can livery system, which brings the active agents
be quite different. Engineered nanoparticles are more precisely and efficiently to the wanted parts
used in hundreds of commercial products that of the human bodies and cells. Functional food
are marketed today, which include transparent will benefit firstly from the new technologies,
sun screens, light diffracting cosmetics, pene- followed by standard food, nutraceuticals, and
tration enhanced moisturizers, stain- and odor- others.[13]
repellent fabrics, dirt-repellent coatings, long- Food technology is regarded as one of the in-
lasting paints and varnishes, and many others. dustry sectors where nanotechnology will play
A nanometer (nm)-sized particle measures one an important role in the future.[14] It is commonly
billionth of a meter and one can imagine how distinguished between two forms of nanofood
small it is when a human hair measures 80,000 applications: food additives (nano inside) and
nm! A DNA strand is 2.5 nm wide whereas a food packaging (nano outside). Nanoscale food
protein chain is 5 nm in diameter. additives may for example be used to influence

product shelf life, texture, flavor, nutrient com- tion in size of structures leads to step changes
position, or even detect food pathogens and pro- in properties that provide radical new solutions
vide functions as food quality indicators. In to problems and new commercial opportunities,
the context of food packaging, nanotechnolo- these types of applications are considered to be
gies are mainly considered to be of use to examples of what has been termed evolutionary
increase product shelf life, indicate spoilt in- nanotechnology.[20]
gredients, or generally increase product qual- The prospect of the use of products of evo-
ity, e.g., by preventing gas flow across product lutionary nanotechnology in the food area is
packaging.[15] the area that has engendered most debate. The
For food applications, nanotechnology can concern is that if changing the size of mate-
be applied by two different approaches, ei- rials can lead to radical, albeit useful, proper-
ther “bottom up” or “top down.”[1,2] The top- ties, can we be sure how size will affect other
down approach is achieved basically by means properties and, in particular, the potential toxic-
of a physical processing of the food materi- ity of such materials?[21] Although the products
als, such as grinding and milling. For exam- of nanotechnology intended for food consump-
ple, dry-milling technology can be used to ob- tion are likely to be classified as novel prod-
tain wheat flour of fine size that has a high ucts and require testing and clearance, there are
water-binding capacity.[16] This technology has concerns, particularly in the area of food con-
been used to improve antioxidant activity in tact materials, that there could be inadvertent
green tea powder.[17] As the powder size of release and ingestion of nanoparticles of unde-
green tea is reduced to 1000 nm by dry milling, termined toxicity.[22] Such concerns need to be
the high ratio of nutrient digestion and ab- addressed because the ultimate success of prod-
sorption resulted in an increase in the activity ucts based on nanotechnology will depend on
of an oxygen-eliminating enzyme.[17] By con- consumer acceptance. The recent explosion in
trast, self-assembly and self-organization are the general availability of nanoproducts makes
concepts derived from biology that have in- it almost certain that nanotechnology will have
spired a bottom-up food nanotechnology. The both direct and indirect impacts on the food in-
organization of casein micelles or starch and the dustry.
folding of globular proteins and protein aggre-
gates are examples of self-assembly structures
that create stable entities. Self-organization on OPPORTUNITIES
the nanometer scale can be achieved by set-
ting a balance between the different noncovalent The nanoscale is not new to the food and
forces.[18] beverage sector, with various phenomena al-
The electron microscope and, more re- ready witnessed and exploited in nutraceutical
cently, the development of tools such as probe and functional food formulation, manufacturing,
microscopes have provided unparalleled oppor- and processing.[23] Colloid science, for exam-
tunities for understanding heterogeneous food ple, has been applied to food materials for a
structure at the submolecular level.[19] This has long time. An array of food and beverages con-
provided new solutions to previously intractable tain components that are nanoscale in size and
problems in food science and offers new ap- in processing (dairy for example), the manip-
proaches to the rational selection of raw ma- ulation of naturally occurring nanoparticles is
terials, or the processing of such materials to involved. However, it is only recently that novel
enhance the quality of food products. This abil- applications have come under investigation for
ity to use nanoscience to improve the quality new functionalities and efficient delivery mech-
of materials through understanding and refin- anisms for food and beverages.[24] New tools
ing their nanoscale structures is an example of a and processes are allowing researchers greater
form of nanotechnology that has been called in- understanding of areas such as the mechanisms
cremental nanotechnology.[20] When the reduc- of targeted delivery that will potentially lead
R. Ravichandran P75

to smart delivery for both optimization of hu- noencapsulation systems can be used to add ad-
man health and novel physical, visual, and sen- ditional nutrients without changing a product’s
sory effects.[25] Potential applications include flavor or quality.[30] This might enable produc-
food that can alter its color, flavor, or nutri- ers to integrate nutrients that are not naturally
ents to suit each consumer’s preference or health occurring, or that so far could not be integrated
requirements; filters that can take out toxins due to reasons of chemistry. The advantages of
or modify flavors by sifting through certain such encapsulation systems also encompass ex-
molecules based on their shape instead of size; tended shelf life, protection of the encapsulated
and packaging that can detect when its con- ingredients from the surrounding medium and
tents are spoiling, and change color to warn undesired interaction during food processing, as
consumers.[26] The understanding of food mate- well as delivery of certain contents to a specific
rials and food processing at the nanoscale is im- target site within the body.[31] Although such
portant in order to create new and improved food opportunities appear to be very promising at a
products. first glance, they may also bring new risks into
How about a butter with low fat but tast- play.
ing and feeling like natural butter? Nanotech- The natural tendency for food biopolymers to
nology bluffs believe it is possible in future self-assemble into larger structures can be used
using this powerful technique. Similarly one to fabricate coatings, barriers, and interfacial
can make milk taste like cola beverage so that structures with controlled properties. Nanocom-
youngsters will have less inhibition in con- posites are already available as packaging or
suming nutritious milk. Foods can be enriched in coatings on plastic bottles to control gas
with fruits and vegetables through nanotechnol- diffusion and prolong the lifetime of various
ogy to deliver higher nutrient density in such products. Nanotechnology is already being used
foods. Nanoscale food components can be en- worldwide to produce antimicrobial food con-
capsulated and mixed with other foods in novel tact materials commercially available as packag-
combinations.[27] This technology is also seems ing, or as coatings on an ever-increasing number
to be useful in dissolving additives, such as of products such as food containers, chopping
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemi- boards, and refrigerators.[32] There is currently
cals, nutritious oils, that are not normally sol- research on ‘smart’ surfaces that could, for ex-
uble. Nanoparticles can make many products ample, detect bacterial contamination and react
clear that otherwise are opaque or translucent.[28] to combat infection. Although many of these ma-
Nanoadhesive properties can bind to harmful terials contain nanoparticles, they are generally
matters in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and re- regarded as safe, provided their use does not lead
move them without any harm. Pure silver colloid to the release and ingestion of these particles.[33]
liquid, reduced to 1 nm size with atomic parti- Concern has been expressed over the long-term
cles, is highly bactericidal, capable of achiev- fate and disposal of these materials, which might
ing 99.9% kill against 650 species of microor- then lead to release of nanoparticles into the en-
ganisms within 6 min, whereas a normal antibi- vironment. These types of concerns have led to
otic is effective only against 5–6 species. There debate on the labeling, approval, traceability, and
are containers being offered with coatings of regulation of these materials.[34]
nanosilver particles that can be used for storage Potential application areas include[35] :
of foods safely without spoilage. Use of nan-
otechnology as a sensor to detect food spoilage r Organic nanoadditives
within a packet of processed food is fraught with r Inorganic nanoadditives
great significance in our fight against pathogenic r Food with nanoparticles
microorganisms.[29] r Nanosensors for food quality control and
Promising applications combining nanotech- smart packaging
nologies and food are also expected to result r Nanocoating and nanofilms for kitchen-
from new encapsulation technologies. Such na- ware and foodstuffs

r Antimicrobial, hygiene coatings following areas of the food industry: devel-

r Detection of pathogens in food and bever- opment of new functional materials, food for-
ages mulations, food processing at microscale and
r Self-sanitizing surfaces nanoscale levels, product development, and
r Polymeric films for food packaging with storage.[42] This article mainly focuses on the
high antibacterial properties nanoscale applications within these areas that
r Nanoscale freshness indicators have a greater chance of commercial viability
r Nanoemulsions for fat reduction now and in the near future. The spectrum of
nanotechnology applications in food science and
technology is given in Figure 1.
POTENTIAL FOOD APPLICATIONS Owing to the greater surface area of nanopar-
ticles per mass unit, they are expected to be more
All organisms represent a consolidation of biologically active than larger-sized particles of
various nanoscale-sized objects. Atoms and the same chemical composition. This offers sev-
molecules combine to form dynamic structures eral perspectives for food applications. Nanopar-
and systems that are the building blocks of every ticles can, for instance, be used as bioactive com-
organism’s existence. For humans, cell mem- pounds in functional foods.[43] Bioactive com-
branes, hormones, and DNA are examples of pounds that can be found naturally in certain
vital structures that measure in the nanome- foods have physiological benefits and might help
ter range. In fact, every living organism on to reduce the risk of certain diseases, including
earth exists because of the presence and inter- cancer. By reducing particle size, nanotechnol-
action of various nanostructures.[36] Even food ogy can contribute to improve the properties of
molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, and bioactive compounds, such as delivery proper-
fats are the results of nanoscale-level merg- ties, solubility, prolonged residence time in the
ers between sugars, amino acids, and fatty gastrointestinal tract, and efficient absorption
acids.[37] through cells.[44] Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty
As it applies to the food industry, nanotech- acids, probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, and min-
nology involves using biological molecules such erals have found their applications in food nan-
as sugars or proteins as target-recognition groups otechnology as bioactive compounds.[45] In the
for nanostructures that could be used, for ex- food industry, several novel applications of nan-
ample, as biosensors on foods.[38] Such biosen- otechnologies have become apparent, including
sors could serve as detectors of food pathogens the use of nanoparticles, such as micelles, lipo-
and other contaminants and as devices to track somes, nanoemulsions, biopolymeric nanopar-
food products. Nanotechnology may also be ticles, and cubosomes, as well as the develop-
useful in encapsulation systems for protection ment of nanosensors, which are aimed at ensur-
against environmental factors. In addition, it can ing food safety.[46−49]
be used in the design of food ingredients such
as flavors and antioxidants.[39] The goal is to Nanodispersions and Nanocapsules
improve the functionality of such ingredients
while minimizing their concentration. As the As the fundamental components of foods,
infusion of novel ingredients into foods gains functional ingredients such as vitamins, antimi-
popularity,[40] greater exploration of delivery crobials, antioxidants, flavorings, and preserva-
and controlled-release systems for nutraceuti- tives come in various molecular and physical
cals will occur.[41] forms. Because they are rarely used in their
Although nanotechnology can potentially be purest form, functional ingredients are usually
useful in all areas of food production and pro- part of a delivery system. A delivery system
cessing, many of the methods are either too ex- has numerous functions, only one of which is
pensive or too impractical to implement on a to transport a functional ingredient to its desired
commercial scale. For this reason, nanoscale site. Besides being compatible with food prod-
techniques are most cost-effective in the uct attributes such as taste, texture, and shelf life,
R. Ravichandran P77

FIGURE 1. Nanotechnology applications in food science and technology.

other functions of a delivery system include pro- size from 5 to 100 nm and are usually transparent
tecting an ingredient from chemical or biological solutions. The major disadvantages to associa-
degradation, such as oxidation, and controlling tion colloids are that they may compromise the
the functional ingredient’s rate of release un- flavor of the ingredients and can spontaneously
der specific environmental conditions. Because dissociate if diluted.
they can effectively perform all these tasks, nan-
odispersions and nanocapsules are ideal mech- Nanoemulsions
anisms for delivery of functional ingredients.
These types of nanostructures include associa- An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liq-
tion colloids, nanoemulsions, and biopolymeric uids (such as oil and water) that do not eas-
nanoparticles. ily combine. Therefore, a nanoemulsion is an
emulsion in which the diameters of the dispersed
Association Colloids droplets measure 500 nm or less. Nanoemulsions
can encapsulate functional ingredients within
Surfactant micelles, vesicles, bilayers, reverse their droplets, which can facilitate a reduc-
micelles, and liquid crystals are all examples of tion in chemical degradation.[54] In fact, dif-
association colloids. A colloid is a stable sys- ferent types of nanoemulsions with more com-
tem of a substance containing small particles plex properties—such as nanostructured mul-
dispersed throughout. An association colloid is tiple emulsions or nanostructured multilayer
a colloid whose particles are made up of even emulsions—offer multiple encapsulating abil-
smaller molecules. Used for many years to de- ities from a single delivery system that can
liver polar, nonpolar, and amphiphilic functional carry several functional components. In struc-
ingredients,[50−53] association colloids range in tures such as these, a functional component

encased within one component of a multiple based films are good barriers against oxygen
emulsion system could be released in response and carbon dioxide, they are poor at protect-
to a specific environmental trigger. ing against moisture. On the other hand, lipid-
based nanolaminates are good at protecting food
Biopolymeric Nanoparticles from moisture, but they offer limited resistance
to gases and have poor mechanical strength.[63]
Food-grade biopolymers such as proteins
Because not polysaccharides, proteins, or lipids
or polysaccharides can be used to produce
can provide all of the desired properties in an
nanometer-sized particles.[55−57] Using aggrega-
edible coating, researchers are trying to identify
tive (net attraction) or segregative (net repul-
additives that can improve them, such as poly-
sion) interactions, a single biopolymer sepa-
ols. For now, coating foods with nanolaminates
rates into smaller nanoparticles. The nanopar-
involves either dipping them into a series of so-
ticles can then be used to encapsulate func-
lutions containing substances that would adsorb
tional ingredients and release them in response
to a food’s surface or spraying substances onto
to distinct environmental triggers. One of the
the food surface.[64]
most common components of many biodegrad-
While there are various methods that can
able biopolymeric nanoparticles is polylactic
cause adsorption, it is commonly a result of an
acid (PLA). Widely available from a number of
electrostatic attraction between substances that
manufacturers, PLA is often used to encapsulate
have opposite charges. The degree of a sub-
and deliver drugs, vaccines, and proteins, but it
stance’s adsorption depends on the nature of the
has limitations: it is quickly removed from the
food’s surface as well as the nature of the adsorb-
bloodstream, remaining isolated in the liver and
ing substance. Different adsorbing substances
kidneys. Because its purpose as a nanoparticleis
can constitute different layers of a nanolami-
to deliver active components to other areas of
nate; examples are polyelectrolytes (proteins and
the body, PLA needs an associative compound
polysaccharides), charged lipids, and colloidal
such as polyethylene glycol to be successful in
particles. Consequently, different nanolaminates
this regard.[58]
could include various functional agents such
Nanolaminates as antimicrobials, anti-browning agents, antiox-
idants, enzymes, flavors, and colors.
Besides nanodispersions and nanocapsules,
another nanoscale technique is commercially vi- Nanofibers and Nanotubes
able for the food industry: nanolaminates. Con-
sisting of two or more layers of material with Two applications of nanotechnology that are
nanometer dimensions, a nanolaminate is an ex- in the early stages of having an impact on the
tremely thin food-grade film (1–100 nm/layer) food industry are nanofibers and nanotubes. Be-
that has physically bonded or chemically bonded cause nanofibers are usually not composed of
dimensions. food-grade substances, nanofibers have only a
Because of its advantages in the preparation of few potential applications in the food industry.
edible films, a nanolaminate has a number of im- Produced by a manufacturing technique using
portant food industry applications. Edible films electrostatic force, nanofibers have small diam-
are present on a wide variety of foods: fruits, veg- eters ranging in size from 10 to 1000 nm, which
etables, meats, chocolate, candies, baked goods, makes them ideal for serving as a platform for
and French fries.[59−62] Such films protect foods bacterial cultures. In addition, nanofibers could
from moisture, lipids, and gases, or they can im- also serve as the structural matrix for artifi-
prove the textural properties of foods and serve cial foods and environmentally friendly food-
as carriers of colors, flavors, antioxidants, nutri- packaging material. As advances continue in the
ents, and antimicrobials. area of producing nanofibers from food-grade
Currently, edible nanolaminates are con- materials, their use will likely increase.
structed from polysaccharides, proteins, and As with nanofibers, the use of nanotubes has
lipids. Although polysaccharide- and protein- predominantly been for nonfood applications.
R. Ravichandran P79

Carbon nanotubes are popularly used as low- and understood and has led to generic strate-
resistance conductors and catalytic reaction gies for improving the stability of the protein
vessels. Under appropriate environmental con- networks that can be applied widely in the bak-
ditions, however, certain globular milk pro- ing, brewing, and dairy industries. This form of
teins can self-assemble into similarly structured incremental nanotechnology is likely to lead to
nanotubes.[65−68] continued improvement in food quality, but is
unlikely to require modifications to food regula-
Nanostructures in Food tion or labeling. Novel raw materials with new
molecular structures and properties, identified
Food proteins are often globular structures through nanoscience, would require clearance
1–10 nm in size. Most polysaccharides (carbo- for use in foods.
hydrates) and lipids (fats) are linear polymers
with thicknesses less than nanometers, the func- Nanoparticles in Foods
tionality of many raw materials and the suc-
Up to now, most of the research on nanotech-
cessful processing of foods arise from the pres-
nology focused on the electronics, medicine, and
ence, modification, and generation of forms of
automation sector. The knowledge gained from
self-assembled nanostructures.[69] Examples in-
these sectors could be adapted for the use of
clude the planer assemblies of cellulose fibrils
food and agriculture products, such as for ap-
in plant cell walls, the crystalline structures in
plications in food safety (e.g., detecting pes-
starch, and processed starch-based foods that
ticides and microorganisms), in environmental
determine gelatinization and influence the nu-
protection (e.g., water purification), and in deliv-
tritional benefits during digestion, the fibrous
ery of nutrients (“Conventional and Nano-Based
structures that control the melting, setting, and
Water Technologies,” available at http://www.
texture of gels, and the two-dimensional (2D)[43,73−75] The area
nanostructure formed at oil-water and air-water
that has led to most debate on nanotechnology
interfaces that control the stability of food foams
and food is the incidental or deliberate intro-
and emulsions.[70]
duction of manufactured nanoparticles into food
Understanding the nature of nanostructures in
materials. This debate largely concerns the risk
foods allows for better selection of raw materi-
and benefits, given the lack of knowledge on
als and enhanced food quality through process-
the potential bioaccumulation and possible toxi-
ing. Techniques such as electron microscopy and
city of nanoparticles. The report on ‘Nanofoods’
the newer probe microscopies, such as atomic
from the Helmut Kaiser Consultancy (2004) es-
force microscopy (AFM), have begun to reveal
timates an increasing growth in the develop-
the nature of these structures, allowing rational
ment of food-related nanoproducts and patent
selection, modification and processing of raw
For example, the creation of foams (e.g., the Food Contact Materials
head on a glass of beer) or emulsions (e.g.,
sauces, creams, yoghurts, butter, margarine) in- Various additives or ingredients are approved
volves generating gas bubbles, or droplets of fat for use in food contact materials. The types of
or oil, in a liquid medium. This requires the materials approved and the regulations on their
production of an air-water or oil-water inter- use will vary for different countries. If the ma-
face and the molecules present at this interface terials do not partition into foods, then there
determine its stability. These structures are one should be little concern over the safety of their
molecule thick and are examples of 2D nanos- use in food contact applications. Should some
tructures. A source of instability in most foods degree of partitioning occur, then the limita-
is the presence of mixtures of proteins and other tions on their use are based on an acceptable
small molecules such as surfactants (soap-like daily uptake (ADI) for these additives or ingre-
molecules or lipids) at the interface.[72] AFM dients. The inclusion of nanoparticles in food
has allowed these interactions to be visualized contact materials can be used to generate novel

types of packaging materials and containers. The number of food-related nanoproducts is

Nanoparticles of pigments such as TiO2 become increasing rapidly, and examples include
transparent but retain their ultraviolet (UV) ab-
sorption characteristics. This suggests applica- r nanoparticles of carotenoids that can be
tions in transparent wraps, films, or plastic con- dispersed in water, allowing them to be
tainers where absorption of UV radiation needs added to fruit drinks providing improved
to be avoided. Layered composites containing bioavailability;
nanoparticles (such as nanoclays) are being used r a synthetic lycopene has been affirmed
to generate long path lengths through materials GRAS (“generally recognized as safe”)
to reduce gas diffusion and prolong the shelf under US Food and Drug Administration
life of products. At present, any regulation of (FDA) procedures;
the use of additives or ingredients does not ap- r nanosized micellar systems containing
pear to take into account the size of the mate- canola oil that are claimed to provide de-
rial and how this could affect ADI values. Thus, livery systems for a range of materials such
technically, it may be possible for a supplier to as vitamins, minerals, or phytochemicals;
sell nanoparticles of food-approved ingredients r a wide range of nanoceutical products con-
or additives as approved for use in food contact taining nanocages or nanoclusters that act
applications.[77] Ultimately, however, there must as delivery vehicles, e.g., a chocolate drink
be an obligation that the final products that use claimed to be sufficiently sweet without
these food contact materials are safe. added sugar or sweeteners;
r nano-based mineral supplements, e.g., a
Chinese nanotea claimed to improve se-
Foods lenium uptake by one order of magnitude;
r patented “nanodrop” delivery systems, de-
Worldwide commercial foods and food sup- signed to administer encapsulated mate-
plements containing added nanoparticles are be- rials, such as vitamins, transmucosally,
coming available. A major growth area appears rather than through conventional delivery
to be the development of “nanoceuticals” and systems such as pills, liquids, or capsules;
food supplements.[78] The general approach is and
to develop nanosized carriers or nanosized ma- r an increasingly large number of min-
terials, in order to improve the absorption and, eral supplements such as nanosilver or
hence, potentially the bioavailability of added nanogold.
materials such as vitamins, phytochemicals, nu-
trients, or minerals. The materials can be incor-
porated into solid foods, delivered as liquids in
Indirect Food Applications
drinks, or even sprayed directly on to mucosal of Nanotechnology
surfaces. The important issues are whether the Computing and Communications
carriers and the encapsulated products are nor-
mally absorbed, digested, and metabolized. If Silicon chips have been made by nanotechnol-
they are, then the interest is in whether the ab- ogy for over 20 years, and have led to advances
sorption and metabolism remains the same for in electronics, computing, and communications.
the nanoform of the material, and whether there Continued incremental advances in these areas
could be new issues related to enhanced levels of and the growing sophistication of communica-
absorption: the aim of encapsulation will be to tion devices will continue to influence the way
optimize rather than just increase bioavailability. consumers shop. New types of labeling, possi-
There are added concerns for materials such as bly based on polymer light-emitting diodes, offer
minerals that are normally largely excreted: will new ways to store, display, and interrogate infor-
the nanoform lead to enhanced bioaccumulation, mation on packaging. This will allow individu-
reduced excretion, and thus a need to establish als to access more information about the source,
new ADIs for these materials in the nanoform? history, and storage of specific foods, their
R. Ravichandran P81

nutritional characteristics, and their suitability ranging from nano- to millimeter scale, which
to their genetic makeup and lifestyle. might serve as developing tools in food preser-
vation. They can control the storage environ-
Material Science ment and act as active “sell by” devices. A
digital transform spectrometer (DTS) produced
Techniques such as microfluidics and, in the
by Polychromix (Wilmington, MA, USA) uses
future, nanofluidics will allow small factories
NEMS systems technology to detect trans-fat
or laboratories to be constructed on chips. Cou-
content in foods.[87] NEMS could be used in
pled with the ability to interrogate increasingly
food quality-control devices because they con-
sophisticated databases, such advances should
sist of advanced transducers for specific detec-
enhance authentication, and improve the safety
tion of chemical and biochemical signals. The
of foods.
use of so-called micro- and nanotechnologies
Nanosensors (MNTs) have several advantages for food tech-
nology, such as portable instrumentation with
In addition, food preservation is also of great quick response, low costs, and smart communi-
importance for the food industry. Food spoilages cation through various frequency levels. In the
can be detected with so-called nanosensors, for area of food safety and quality, MNTs are par-
example, an array of thousands of nanoparticles ticularly suitable because they are able to detect
designed to fluoresce in different colors on con- and monitor any adulteration in packaging and
tact with food pathogens. Taking into account storage conditions.[88]
the crucial importance of time in food microbiol- Nanocantilevers are another innovative class
ogy, the main aim of nanosensors is to reduce the of biosensors. Their detection principle is based
time for pathogen detection from days to hours on their ability to detect biological-binding in-
or even minutes.[79] Such nanosensors could teractions, such as between antigen and anti-
be placed directly into the packaging material, body, enzyme and substrate or cofactor, and
where they would serve as “electronic tongue” receptor and ligand, through physical and/or
or “noses” by detecting chemicals released dur- electromechanical signaling.[89] They consist
ing food spoilage.[80,81] Other types of nanosen- of tiny pieces of silicon-based materials
sors are based on microfluidics devices[82] and that have the capability of recognizing pro-
can also be used to detect pathogens efficiently teins and detecting pathogenic bacteria and
in real time and with high sensitivity. A ma- viruses.[90] Nanocantilever devices have already
jor advantage of microfluidic sensors is their had tremendous success in studies of molecu-
miniature format and their ability to detect com- lar interactions and in the detection of contam-
pounds of interest rapidly in only microliters of inant chemicals, toxins, and antibiotic residues
required sample volumes, which has already led in food products.[91] Pathogen detection is based
to widespread applications in medical, biologi- on their ability to vibrate at various frequencies
cal, and chemical analysis.[83,84] in dependence on the biomass of the pathogenic
Silicon-based microfluidic systems have organisms. A European Union–funded project
proven popular in the so-called laboratory-on-a- called Bio-Finger developed a nanocantilever
chip technology.[85] Recently, Bodor et al. have device that could be used for the diagnosis of
used several food additives, including benzoate, cancer and to detect pathogens in food and
sorbate, p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters, and glu- water based on the sensing of ligand–receptor
tamate, to evaluate the performance of differ- interactions.[92] The silicon surface of nanocan-
ent types of electrophoresis methods within a tilevers can be modified to attach antibodies, re-
chip setup and found that, for different addi- sulting in a change of the resonant frequency
tives, different detection methods proved to be depending on the attached mass. Gfeller et al.
optimal.[86] In the food-analysis market, devices were able to detect Escherichia coli, which is
produced with the so-called nanoelectromechan- an indicator of fecal pollution of water and food
ical system (NEMS) technology are already in products, with the help of acantilever coated with
use and these systems contain moving parts agarose.[93]

Food Packaging environmental conditions or repair itself or alert

a consumer to contamination and/or the presence
Novel food packaging technology is by far of pathogens.[96] Scientists at big name compa-
the most promising benefit of nanotechnology nies including Kraft, Bayer, and Kodak, as well
in the food industry in the near future. Com- as numerous universities and smaller compa-
panies are already producing packaging materi- nies, are developing a range of smart packaging
als based on nanotechnology that are extending materials that will absorb oxygen, detect food
the life of food and drinks and improving food pathogens, and alert consumers of spoiled food.
safety. Food packaging and monitoring are a ma- These smart packages, which will be able to de-
jor focus of food industry–related nanotechology tect public health pathogens such as Salmonella
research and development (R&D).[94] and E. coli, are expected to be available within
While the nanofood industry struggles with the next few years. According to industry an-
public concerns over safety, the food packaging alysts, the current US market for “active, con-
industry is moving full-speed ahead with nan- trolled and smart” packaging for foods and bev-
otechnology products. Leading the way is active erages is an estimated $38 billion—and will sur-
or ‘smart’ packaging that promises to improve pass $54 billion by 2015. The following exam-
food safety and quality and optimizes product ples illustrate nanoscale applications for food
shelf life. Numerous companies and universi- and beverage packaging.
ties are developing packaging that would be able Similar technology is being developed for the
to alert if the packaged food becomes contam- US Government as a means of detecting possible
inated, respond to a change in environmental terrorist attacks on the US food supply. Scientists
conditions, and self-repair holes and tears. in The Netherlands are taking smart packaging
Worldwide sales of nanotechnology products a step further with nanopackaging that will not
to the food and beverage packaging sector in- only be able to sense when food is beginning to
creased from US$150 million in 2002 to US$860 spoil, but will release a preservative to extend
million in 2004 and are expected to reach to the life of that food. Because of their ability
US$20.4 billion by 2010.[95] However, despite to improve safety and extend the life of food,
the increased marketing efforts in the nanotech- these nanopackaging solutions are some of the
nology sector, research into nanotechnology of most exciting innovations in the food industry
food and food-related products is only just be- today. However, other less dramatic (but far more
ginning to develop.[43] Some examples of the use practical) developments in nanopackaging are
of nanotechnology in food products are cooking already in use around the world.[96−98]
oils that contain nutraceuticals within nanocap-
sules, nanoencapsulated flavor enhancers, and
Using Clay Nanoparticles to Improve
nanoparticles that have the ability to selectively
bind and remove chemicals from food (“Nan- Plastic Packaging for Food Products
otechnology in agriculture and food,” available Chemical giant Bayer produces a transpar-
at The main rea- ent plastic film (called Durethan) containing
sons for the late incorporation of food into the nanoparticles of clay. The nanoparticles are dis-
nanotechnology sector are issues associated with persed throughout the plastic and are able to
the possible labeling of the food products and block oxygen, carbon dioxide, and moisture
consumer-health aspects. from reaching fresh meats or other foods. The
nanoclay also makes the plastic lighter, stronger,
Smart Packaging and Active Packaging and more heat-resistant. Clay nanocomposites
are being used in plastic bottles to extend the
One of the most promising innovations in shelf life of beer and make plastic bottles nearly
smart packaging is the use of nanotechnol- shatter proof. Embedded nanocrystals in plas-
ogy to develop antimicrobial packaging. Pack- tic create a molecular barrier that helps prevent
aging that incorporates nanomaterials can be the escape of oxygen. The technology currently
“smart,” which means that it can respond to keeps beer fresh for 6 months, but developers at
R. Ravichandran P83

several companies are already working on a bot- Using a Nanotechnology Bioswitch in

tle that will extend shelf life to 18 months. Sev- “Release on Command” Food Packaging
eral large beer makers, including South Korea’s
Hite Brewery and Miller Brewing Company, are Researchers in The Netherlands are going one
already using the technology. further step to develop intelligent packaging that
will release a preservative if the food within be-
gins to spoil. This “release on command” preser-
vative packaging is operated by means of a
How Creating a Molecular Barrier by bioswitch developed through nanotechnology.
Embedding Nanocrystals in Plastic
Can Improve Packaging Using Food Packaging Sensors in Defence
and Security Applications
Until recently, industry’s quest to package
beer in plastic bottles (for cheaper transport) Developing small sensors to detect food-
was unsuccessful because of spoilage and flavor borne pathogens will not just extend the reach of
problems. Today, Nanocor, a subsidiary of Am- industrial agriculture and large-scale food pro-
col International Corp., is producing nanocom- cessing. In the view of the US military, it’s
posites for use in plastic beer bottles that give a national security priority. With present tech-
the brew a 6-month shelf life. By embedding nologies, testing for microbial food contamina-
nanocrystals in plastic, researchers have created tion takes 2 to 7 days and the sensors that have
a molecular barrier that helps prevent the escape been developed to date are too big to be trans-
of oxygen. Nanocor and Southern Clay Products ported easily. Several groups of researchers in
are now working on a plastic beer bottle that may the United States are developing biosensors that
increase shelf life to 18 months. can detect pathogens quickly and easily, rea-
soning that “super sensors” would play a cru-
cial role in the event of a terrorist attack on the
Using Nanotechnology Methods to Develop food supply. With US Department of Agriculture
(USDA) and National Science Foundation fund-
Antimicrobial Packaging and “Active ing, researchers at Purdue University are work-
Packaging” ing to produce a hand-held sensor capable of de-
Kodak, best known for producing camera tecting a specific bacteria instantaneously from
film, is using nanotechology to develop antimi- any sample. They’ve created a start-up company
crobial packaging for food products that will be called BioVitesse.[100]
commercially available in 2010. Kodak is also
Problems That Sensors and “Smart
developing other ‘active packaging,’ which ab-
sorbs oxygen, thereby keeping food fresh.[99] Packaging” Will Not Address
Although devices capable of detecting food-
borne pathogens could be useful in monitoring
Embedded Sensors in Food Packaging and the food supply, sensors and “smart packaging”
“Electronic Tongue” Technology will not address the root problems inherent in
industrial food production that result in contam-
Scientists at Kraft, as well as at Rutgers Uni- inated foods: faster meat (dis)assembly lines, in-
versity and the University of Connecticut, are creased mechanization, a shrinking labor force
working on nanoparticle films and other pack- of low-wage workers, fewer inspectors, the lack
aging with embedded sensors that will detect of corporate and government accountability, and
food pathogens. Called ‘electronic tongue’ tech- the great distances between food producers, pro-
nology, the sensors can detect substances in parts cessors, and consumers. Just as it has become
per trillion and would trigger a color change in the consumer’s responsibility to make sure meat
the packaging to alert the consumer if a food has has been cooked long enough to ensure that
become contaminated or if it has begun to spoil. pathogens have been killed, consumers will soon

be expected to act as their own meat inspectors contain nanoscale additives are already being
so that industry can continue to trim safety over- sold, such as iron in nutritional drink mixes, mi-
head costs and increase profits.[101] celles that carry vitamins, minerals, and phyto-
chemicals in oil, and zinc oxide in breakfast ce-
reals. Nanoclays have also found use in plastic
THE CAUTIOUS STEP beer bottles.
Although consumer will be thrilled at the
Despite the obvious enthusiasm for nanoscale enormous range of exciting food products
science and its applications to food engineering emerging by application of nanotechnology, like
and processing, the food and beverage indus- any other new technologies, serious questions
try is generally conservative and cautious when about safety will be an issue requiring attention
talking about the future of nanotechnology and by the industry as well as the policy makers. The
food. Most industry representatives decline to GRAS list of additives universally accepted will
provide specific details about the level of fund- have to be reexamined when used at nanoscale
ing and industry partners. Same with scientists level. Rats breathing nanoparticles showed a ten-
at giant food and beverage corporations (Kraft dency to collect them in the brain and the lungs,
and Nestlé), as well as university researchers increasing the biomarkers for inflammation and
and representatives from small nanotechnology stress response. Toxicity is one issue that will
start-ups. After witnessing widespread rejection be uppermost in the minds of the consumer and
of genetically modified foods, the food industry because nanoparticles are more reactive, more
may be especially skittish about owning up to mobile, and likely to be more toxic, this concern
R&D on “atomically modified” food products. must be addressed. There is strong possibility
In fact, there are no worldwide accepted rules that nanoparticles in the body can result in in-
or regulations for nanotechnology. In a survey creased oxidative stress that, in turn, can gen-
performed by Israel and the United States in erate free radicals, leading to DNA mutation,
March 2006, it was found that over 200 man- cancer, and possible fatality. It is also not fully
ufacturers currently market products identified understood whether enhancing the bioavailabil-
as “nanoproducts.” Approximately 60 of these ity of certain nutrients or food additives might
products were for “health and fitness” and 9% negatively affect human health.[103] Irradiation
were for “food and beverage” products.[43] De- technology has taken more than 5 decades of
spite the lack of unifying nanotechnology guide- research and safety assessment before becom-
lines, manufacturers nevertheless have to deal ing acceptable in a limited way. Nanotechnol-
with existing general regulations for food prod- ogy also will have to wait till all safety issues
ucts and the introduction of a new nanoingredi- are resolved.
ent can be difficult and time-consuming. For this
reason, most expected nanoapplications in the
food market will probably occur in food pack- REGULATIONS
aging and only few in actual food products.
In the United States, the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) require manufacturers to
THE SAFETY ISSUES demonstrate that the food ingredients and food
products are not harmful to health, yet this
It is important to note that nanomaterials, ow- regulation does not “specifically” cover nanopar-
ing to their increased contact surface area, might ticles, which could become harmful only in
have toxic effects in the body that are not ap- nanosized applications. Thus no special regu-
parent in the bulk materials.[102] In addition, lations exist for the use of nanotechnology in
there might be potential and unforeseen risks the food industry[104] . In contrast, the Euro-
for their use in food-packaging materials. De- pean Union has recommended special regula-
spite this lack of regulation and risk knowledge, tions that have yet to be accepted and enforced.
a handful of food and nutrition products that The FDA says that it regulates “products, not
R. Ravichandran P85

technologies.” Nevertheless, FDA expects that depending on particle size. Similar to any other
many products of nanotechnology will come un- industry sector, the current lack of methodolo-
der the jurisdiction of many of its centers; thus, gies and guidelines on how to assess potential
the Office of Combination Products will likely risks emanating from certain substances at the
absorb any relevant responsibilities.[105] nanoscale complicates risk assessment in the
Because FDA regulates on a product-by- food sector.
product basis, it emphasizes that many products The regulatory system for food additives in
that are already under regulation contain parti- Switzerland sticks to the so-called “positive prin-
cles in the nanoscale range. Accordingly, “parti- ciple.” Food additives may only be used if they
cle size is not the issue,” and any new materials have been tested and appear on a positive list,
will be subjected to the customary battery of identifiable by an E-number. In Switzerland, sil-
safety tests. icon dioxide (E 551), iron oxide (E172), titanium
The Institute of Food Science and Technology dioxide (E 171), silver (E 174), gold (E 175), and
(IFST), a United Kingdom–based independent aluminium (E 173) are registered and on the pos-
professional body for food scientists and tech- itive list of food additives. These substances may
nologists, has a different view of nanotechnol- be used in certain foods according to the stan-
ogy. In its report,[106] the organization says that dard of “Good Production Practice.”[109] Most
size matters and recommends that nanoparticles food additives on the positive list, however, have
be treated as potentially harmful until testing only been used and tested in the macroscale form
proves otherwise. Still, it is the European Com- so far. Because particle size is not a relevant cri-
mission’s intention to apply existing food laws terion to distinguish substances in safety tests
to food products using nanotechnology. Conse- (yet), the nanoscale form of these substances is
quently, the European Commission says that the implicitly admitted too. This problem also exists
technology will likely require some modification concerning, e.g., chemicals legislation or infor-
for it to adhere to existing laws. mation disclosure obligations through material
Commissioned by the UK to assess the poten- safety data sheets.
tial effects of nanotechnology, the Royal Society An emerging trend in food packaging makes
and the Royal Academy of Engineering recom- use of silver’s antibacterial properties by im-
mend indicating nanoparticles in the lists of in- plementing silver nanoparticles into food con-
gredients. The UK government agrees that the tainers. Using fresh strawberries, the test series
inclusion of nanoparticles on ingredient labels clearly demonstrated that the silver-coated food
is necessary for consumers to make informed container reduced mould growth. Critics, how-
decisions; thus, updated ingredient labeling re- ever, argue that it is not yet clearly understood
quirements will be necessary.[107] The UK gov- whether and how nanoparticles might pass out
ernment plans to consult with its EU partners to of the packaging into the food, and what effects
determine whether IFST’s recommendation to they might exhibit once they have been ingested.
scrutinize nanoparticle ingredients for safety is Even if such nanosilver applications might not
valid. be available at this time in Switzerland’s stores,
TA-Swiss, the Swiss center for technology with the possibility to globally order goods over
assessment, has recently analyzed the situa- the Internet, products with less stringent or dif-
tion concerning nanotechnologies and food in ferent safety standards are readily available to
Switzerland,[108] considering in particular food consumers. Particularly in the food sector, it will
additives that have been used in Switzerland for be of utmost importance to deal with the men-
many years (e.g., carotenoids, micelles, and sil- tioned safety issues in an early phase in order to
icon dioxide). Although according to the TA- avoid harsh consumer (over)reactions.
Swiss study, there are no indications at this There are several generic issues related to reg-
time that nanoparticles are used in Switzerland ulation, labeling, and approval of nanoproducts:
that have been shown to be dangerous to hu-
man health, in most cases no specific tests have r In the UK the Royal Society and the
been conducted to clarify possible new risks Royal Academy of Engineering produced a

report on nanotechnology. They identified openly discussed, and that it is important

a lack of knowledge on the bioaccumula- to consider the issue of labeling. In partic-
tion and toxicity of nanoparticles. Based ular, the use of the term “nano” or related
on this they suggested caution in the use terms as part of the branding of a product
of nanoparticles in consumer products un- is at present ill defined. It would be use-
til more information was available on their ful if regulators provided guidelines as to
safety. when such branding was appropriate and
r Although regulatory authorities agree with justified. Where the term “nano” is used,
the need to be cautious in the use of new there should be a requirement that produc-
technologies such as nanotechnology, they ers define how nanotechnology has been
anticipate that most applications of nan- used in the development of the product,
otechnology in food to be considered for and why this process enhances the quality
approval will be safe and beneficial to the of the product.
consumer. It is generally suggested that r Special attention should be given to novel
there is a need to evaluate new products on uses of nanoparticles as antimicrobial
a case-by-case basis and then consider any agents on surfaces such as cutting boards,
necessary amendment of regulations. They refrigerators, or utensils. The key questions
reason that they could not ban a nanoprod- here are whether such materials are re-
uct unless there was some evidence that leased on contact with food, whether they
the product was actually harmful. Such are ingested, and if they are, their impact
an approach to regulation could be per- on human health and the acceptable lev-
ceived by consumers as a loophole that els of intake of such materials on a daily
could allow industry to introduce products basis. New applications such as the use of
onto the market without adequate testing nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents in ed-
or approval. Given the ambiguity of the ible films and coatings are likely to arise in
status of the use of nanoparticles of food- the future and will raise new issues on the
approved ingredients or additives in food or ingestion, accumulation and safety of such
food contact materials, the authorities re- products.
sponsible for regulation should make clear r There is a need for further research into the
statements about their use and that they consequences of the ingestion of nanopar-
consider that new products based on the ticles. There is a specific need for research
use of added manufactured nanoparticles on materials not normally adsorbed, di-
in food or food contact materials should gested, and metabolized on ingestion. For
be regarded as novel products, requiring these materials the research should con-
evaluation and approval. sider the effect of size on the bioaccumula-
r The attitude to regulation, labeling and tion and toxicity of such particles, as well
approval of products of food nanotechnol- as the benefits and risks of any antimicro-
ogy varies from country to country. How- bial effects on the microbial ecology of the
ever, nanoproducts are becoming widely mouth and the gut.
available through the Internet. The lack of r Consideration should be given to the con-
consistency in regulation, labeling, and ap- sequences of the use of nanotechnology
proval of such products makes it difficult to enhance the bioavailabilty of nutrients.
for consumers to exercise choice in a ratio- This should consider the safety of the prod-
nal manner. ucts, the consequences of enhanced or al-
r Consumer attitudes are likely to be vital to tered metabolism, and also the need for
the successful application of nanotechnol- labeling, regulation, and testing of health
ogy in the food industry. Given the lessons claims for such food supplements.
of the genetically modified (GM) debate in r Where the safety data or ADIs for man-
the UK and Europe, it is important that the ufactured nanoparticles of food-approved
benefits and risks of nanotechnology are ingredients or additives differs from that
R. Ravichandran P87

of the bulk materials, then there may be a Because there is little government oversight in
need for selective or distinctive labeling of this area, says Craig Minowa, an environmental
these nanoproducts. scientist for the Organic Consumers Association
(OCA), the public may have little to say about it.
“Products are not labeled, so consumers cannot
PUBLIC AND ACTIVIST CONCERNS choose to avoid them,” he explains.[114]
The OCA, a grassroots nonprofit public in-
Public perception of nanotechnology is an- terest organization based in the United States,
other important factor that will affect the re- is one of many vocal organizations calling for
alization of nanotechnology approaches in the government regulation on nanofoods, at least
food industry, as seen in the example of ge- until more safety testing is completed. These
netically modified (GM) foods.[109−112] Similar organizations argue that a lack of evidence of
to GM foods, consumers cannot directly judge harm is not the same as reasonable certainty
the benefits of a food derived from nanotech- of safety, which is what food companies must
nology and any benefits need to be explained demonstrate to the US Food and Drug Admin-
to the consumer. However, it is likely that some istration (FDA) before introducing a new food
products engineered with nanotechnology will additive.
be accepted more easily by the public than “The OCA is focusing its efforts on educating
others. A recent survey performed by Siegrist the public about the potential risks of nanofoods
et al.[113] evaluated the public perception of dif- and putting pressure on government agencies to
ferent types of food materials, including an an- increase oversight,” says Minowa, adding that
tibacterial food-packaging material, a nanocoat- ever-tightening federal budgets, at least in the
ing that protects tomatoes from humidity and United States, will make the latter a huge chal-
oxygen, a bread containing nanocapules of lenge. “There’s a lack of consumer understand-
omega-3 fatty acids, and a juice with vitamin A ing, a lack of government oversight, and a lack
encapsulated in starch. The results obtained from of labeling,” says Minowa. “Combine these with
153 people showed that the nanotechnology- a lack of testing and you have an equation for
derived packaging was perceived as being more serious problems.”
beneficial than the nanotechnology-engineered Although there is far less opposition to
foods. These results also supported the hy- nanopackaging than there is to nanofoods, there
pothesis that nanotechnology inside a food is are some who argue that the use of these devices
perceived as less acceptable than being on the will allow the food industry to further shirk their
outside (i.e., in the food packaging). However, corporate responsibilities.
there are social and ethical issues of using nan- “While devices capable of detecting food-
otechnology in the food sector that must be con- borne pathogens could be useful in monitor-
sidered. Currently, the potential risks of nanoma- ing the food supply, sensors and ‘smart pack-
terials to human health and to the environment aging’ will not address the root problems inher-
are unknown.[102] The 2006 report of the Insti- ent in industrial food production that result in
tute of Food Science and Technologists mentions contaminated foods: faster meat (dis)assembly
that “size matters” and recommends the use of lines, increased mechanization, a shrinking la-
nanoparticles in the food sector only after safety bor force of low-wage workers, fewer inspectors,
has been proven following vigorous testing. Spe- the lack of corporate and government account-
cial attention should also be given to consumer ability, and the great distances between food
attitudes towards food nanotechnology. Taking producers, processors, and consumers,” says the
lessons from the GM arguments across European ETC Group, a conservation and sustainable ad-
countries, it is crucial to discuss the benefits and vancement organization. “Just as it has become
risks of this highly promising technology. Gov- the consumer’s responsibility to make sure meat
ernments should consider appropriate labeling has been cooked long enough to ensure that
and should also set down regulations that will pathogens have been killed, consumers will soon
help to increase consumer acceptability. be expected to act as their own meat inspectors

so that industry can continue to trim safety over- surge from $10 billion today to $30.4 billion in
head costs and increase profits.”[115] 2015.[116]
Interestingly enough, the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) declared on November
22, 2006, that it intends to regulate a large class NANOFOOD, HOW FAR WE ARE?
of consumer items made with silver nanoparti-
cles. The decision, which will affect not only The potential benefits of nanofoods—foods
washing machines but other consumer prod- produced using nanotechnology—are astonish-
ucts such as odor-destroying shoe liners, food- ing. Advocates of the technology promise im-
storage containers, air fresheners, and a wide proved food processing, packaging, and safety;
range of other products that contain nanosilver, enhanced flavor and nutrition; ‘functional foods’
marks a significant reversal in federal policy. where everyday foods carry medicines and sup-
Nanosilver-containing consumer products plements; and increased production and cost-
that are applied to food packaging are not regu- effectiveness. In a world where thousands of
lated by the EPA but by the FDA. The FDA is people starve each day, increased production
still considering whether it needs new rules for alone is enough to warrant worldwide support.
nanomaterials. For the past few years, the food industry has
been investing millions of dollars in nanotech-
nology research and development. Some of the
R&D AND MARKET ESTIMATES world’s largest food manufacturers, including
Nestlé, Altria, H.J. Heinz, and Unilever, are blaz-
A handful of food and nutrition products con- ing the trail, while hundreds of smaller compa-
taining invisible nanoscale additives are already nies follow their lead. Yet, despite the poten-
commercially available. Hundreds of compa- tial benefits, compared with other nanotechnol-
nies are conducting research and development ogy arenas, nanofoods don’t get a lot of pub-
(R&D) on the use of nanotechnology to engineer, licity. The ongoing debate over nanofood safety
process, package, and deliver food and nutrients and regulations has slowed the introduction of
to our shopping baskets and our plates. Among nanofood products, but research and develop-
them are giant food and beverage corporations, ment continue to thrive—though, interestingly,
as well as tiny nanotechnology start-ups. In ad- most of the larger companies are keeping their
dition to a handful of nanofood products that activities quiet (when you search for the term
are already on the market, over 135 applications ‘nano’ or “nanotechnology” on the Web sites
of nanotechnology in food industries (primarily of Kraft, Nestlé, Heinz, and Altria, you get
nutrition and cosmetics) are in various stages of exactly zero results). Although the risks as-
development. According to Helmut Kaiser, more sociated with nanotechnology in other areas,
than 200 companies worldwide are engaged in such as cosmetics and medicine, are equally
nanotech research and development related to blurry, it seems the difference is that the pub-
food. Among the 20 most active companies are lic is far less apt to jump on the nanotechnol-
5 that rank among the world’s 10 largest food ogy bandwagon when it comes to their food
and beverage corporations, Australia’s leading supply.[117]
food corporation, and Japan’s largest seafood According to a definition in a recent report
producer and processed food manufacturer. Ac- (“Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food”)
cording to Jozef Kokini, the Director of the Cen- food is “nanofood” when nanoparticles, nan-
ter for Advanced Food Technology at Rutgers otechnology techniques, or tools are used during
University (New Jersey, USA), “Every major cultivation, production, processing, or packag-
food corporation has a program in nanotech or is ing of the food. It does not mean atomically mod-
looking to develop one.” A report produced by ified food or food produced by nanomachines.
Helmut Kaiser Consultancy, “Nanotechnology In the forefront of nanofood development
in Food and Food Processing Industry World- is Kraft Foods, which took the industry’s lead
wide,” predicts that the nanofood market will when it established the Nanotek Consortium, a
R. Ravichandran P89

collaboration of 15 universities and national re- Figure 2 gives the nanotechnology applications
search labs, in 2000. Kraft’s focus is on ‘in- in agriculture and food.
teractive’ foods and beverages. These products
will be customized to fit the tastes and needs of
consumers at an individual level. Possible prod- FUTURE FOR NANOFOOD?
ucts include drinks that change colors and fla-
vors to foods that can recognize and adjust to a “The food industry is more traditional than
consumer’s allergies or nutritional needs. Other other sectors like IBM” (where nanotechnology
large companies, such as Nestlé and Unilever, can be applied), explains Gustavo Larsen, a pro-
are exploring improved emulsifiers that will fessor of chemical engineering and a former con-
make food texture more uniform. These huge sultant to Kraft. “My take is that there are good
Western companies are responsible for the bulk opportunities and it’s often more feasible to re-
of the food industry’s research and development; alise these opportunities in the food sector. You
however, the nanofood industry is truly a global can make nanoparticles and use them in foods—
phenomenon.[118] you don’t have to assemble them first.” When
In Australia, for instance, nanocapsules are asked what he believes will be the first products
used to add omega-3 fatty acids to one of the of nanotechnology R&D related to food, Larsen
country’s most popular brands of white bread. said that consumers are likely to see packaging
According to the manufacturer, nanocapsules of composed of nanoscale materials before novel
tuna fish oil added to Tip Top Bread provide valu- food products. “I think the packaging is a safer
able nutrients, whereas the encapsulation pre- bet,” said Larsen.[120]
vents the bread from tasting fishy. NutraLease, Nanotechnology can confer unique advan-
a start-up company of the Hebrew University of tages on processed foods in many ways. Pro-
Jerusalem, has developed novel carriers for nu- grammable foods, considered the ultimate dream
traceuticals in food systems. The nanosized self- of the consumer, will have designer food fea-
assembled structured liquid (NSSL) technology tures built into it and a consumer can make a
allows for encapsulation of nutraceuticals, cos- product of desired color, flavor, and nutrition
meceuticals, and essential oils and drugs in food, using specially programmed microwave ovens.
pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Another advan- The trick is to formulate the food at the manu-
tage to the NSSL technology is that it allows facturer’s end with millions of nanoparticles of
the addition of insoluble compounds into food different colors, flavors, and nutrients and un-
and cosmetics. One of the first products devel- der the program in the oven set by the consumer
oped with this technology—a healthier version based on his preferences, only selective particles
of canola oil—is already available to consumers are activated while others stay inert, giving the
in Israel. desired product profile. Nano-based polymers
In other parts of the world, nanotechnology with silica-based nanoparticles sandwiched can
efforts are focused on the agricultural side of enhance the properties of pressure-sensitive ad-
food production. A joint effort among universi- hesive labels and create biodegradable properties
ties in India and Mexico is directed at develop- in them. Enhanced solubility, improved bioavail-
ing nontoxic nanoscale herbicides. Researchers ability, facilitating controlled release and pro-
at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in India tecting the stability of micronutrients in food
and Monterrey Tech in Mexico are looking for products, are other virtues of nanotechnology.
ways to attack a weed’s seed coating and prevent The Government of India is setting up a Na-
it from germinating. tional NanoScience and Technology Institute
The range of current nanofood research and to develop nanofoods by using nanotechnology
development is as impressive as the industry’s during cultivation, processing, and packaging of
projected growth. Last August, UK-based Ci- food, but it is not clear whether the declaration
entifica estimated that nanotechnologies in the has any backing of the Government of India or
food industry were currently valued at $410 mil- whether any serious planning has really gone
lion and would grow to $5.8 billion by 2015.[119] into the proposal.[121]

FIGURE 2. Nanotechnology applications in agriculture and food.

Agriculture Food Processing Food Packaging Supplements

• Single molecule detection • Nunocapsules to improve • Antibodies attached to • Nanosize powders to
to determine enzyme bioavailability of fluorescent nanoparticles increase absorption of
substrate interactions neutraceuticals in standard to detect chemicals or nutrients
• Nanocapsules for delivery ingredents such as cooking foodborne pathogens • Cellulose nanocrystal
of pesticides, fertilizer and oils • Biodegradable nanosensors composite as drug carrier
other agrichemicals more • Nanoencapsulated flavor for temperature, moisture • Nanoencapsulation of
efficiently enhancers and time monitoring neutraceuticals for better
• Delivery of growth • Nanotubes and • Nanoclays and nanofilms absorption, better stability
hormones in a controlled nanoparticles as gelation as barrier materials to of targeted delivery
fashion and viscosifying agents prevent spotlage and • Nanocochleates (coiled
• Nanosensors for • Nanocapsule infusion of prevent oxygen absorption nanoparticles) to deliver
monitoring soil conditions plant based steroids to • Electrochemical nutrients more efficiently
and crop growth replaces meat’s cholesterol nanosensors to delect to cells without affeccting
• Nanochips for identity • Nanoparticles to ethylene color or taste of food
preservation and tracking selectively bind and • Antimicrobial and • Vitamin sprays dispersing
• Nanosensors for detection remove chemicals or antifungal surface coatings active molecules into
of animal and plant pathogens from food with nanoparticles (silver, nanodroplets for belter
pathogens • Nanoemulsions and magnesium, zinc) absorption
• Nanocapsules to deliver particles for better • Lighter, stronger and more
vaccines availability and dispersion heat-resistant films with
• Nanoparticles to deliver of nutrients silicate nanoparticles
DNA to plants (targeted • Modified permeation
genetic engineering) behavior of foils

During last 3 years, food industries have wit- in 2009 and is expected to reach US$20.4 billion
nessed that the nanotechnoloy has been really in- in 2015. Nano-featured food packaging market
tegrated in a number of food and food-packaging will grow from US$ 1.1 billion 2009 to US$3.7
products. There are now over 300 nanofood billion up to 2015. More than 400 companies
products available on the market worldwide. around the world are today active in research and
These exciting achievements have encouraged a development and production. USA is the leader,
large increase of R&D investments in nanofood. followed by Japan and China. By 2015, Asia,
Today, the nanotechnology is no longer an empty with more than 50% of the world population,
buzzword, but an indispensable reality in the will become the biggest market for the nanofood,
food industry. Any food company who wants with China in the leading position.[123]
to keep its leadership in food industries must be-
gin to work with nanotechnology right now. The
impact of nanotechnology is huge, ranging from THE PROMISES
basic food to food processing, from nutrition de-
livery to intelligent packaging. It is estimated Nanotechnology is becoming increasingly
that the nanotechnology and nano-bio-info con- important for the food sector. Promising results
vergence will influence over 40% of the food and applications are already being developed in
industries up to 2015. The risk for the food com- the areas of food packaging and food safety.
panies lies in NOT entering the nanotechnology, Nanotechnology has begun to find potential ap-
but entering too late.[122] plications in the area of functional food by engi-
The nanofood market has been soaring from neering biological molecules toward functions
US$2.6 billion in 2006 to US$5.3 billion dollars very different from those they have in nature,
R. Ravichandran P91

opening up a whole new area of research and de- “agricultural productivity enhancement,” num-
velopment. Of course, there seems to be no limit ber three was “water treatment and remedia-
to what food technologists are prepared to do to tion,” and number six was “food processing and
our food and nanotechnology will give them a storage.”[126]
whole new set of tools to go to new extremes. Apart from funky food that changes color and
Many have taken critical view of food nanotech- taste, and glows in the dark, food nanotechnol-
nology in the past. Today, though, we look at the ogy will also lead to beneficial health effects in
potentially beneficial effects nanotechnology- overfed Western countries.
enabled innovations could have on our foods “The ancient Asian concept that ‘food and
and, subsequently, on our health. medicine are one’ has gradually also become
According to a definition in a recent report accepted in Western countries,” says Dr.Yun-
(“Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food”), Hwa Peggy Hsieh, a professor at Florida State
food is nanofood when nanoparticles, nanotech- University with a research interest in functional
nology techniques or tools are used during culti- foods. “Foods no longer merely meet an indi-
vation, production, processing, or packaging of vidual’s basic physical needs, but are also ex-
the food. It does not mean atomically modified pected to contribute to their health and well
food or food produced by nanomachines.[124] being. Nutritional and epidemiological studies
Because food and agricultural sciences are have provided strong evidence that many chronic
mostly concerned with biological systems, and diseases such as cardiovascular disease, dia-
much of biology is grounded in nanoscale betes, and cancer are linked to diet and the risks
phenomena, the National Institutes of Health posed by these diet-related diseases can be re-
provide a more detailed definition of nanotech- duced by the consumption of foods with ex-
nology with regard to biological systems: “Only tra measures of phytochemical antioxidants and
those studies that use nanotechnology tools and with lowered fat content, especially saturated
concepts to study biology; that propose to engi- fat.”[127]
neer biological molecules toward functions very In a recent article in Asia Pacific Journal of
different from those they have in nature; or that Clinical Nutrition, titled “Innovations in food
manipulate biological systems by methods more technology for health,” Hsieh and her colleague
precise than can be done by using molecular Jack Ofori look at a range of modern technolo-
biological, synthetic chemical, or biochemical gies applied in food production and agricul-
approaches that have been used for years in ture and describe how nanotechnology is also
the biology research community are classified beginning to find potential applications in this
as nanotechnology projects.”[125] area.[128] Hsieh points out that federally funded
Below is an overview of what nanotechnol- nanotechnology research in food and agricul-
ogy applications are currently being researched, ture is devoted primarily to the areas of food
tested, and in some cases already applied in food packaging and pathogen detection and that var-
technology. ious innovative nanosensors for the detection of
Let’s start with where the benefits of this will pathogenic bacteria have been developed. “Re-
be needed most: third world countries where cent research, however, has begun to address
food supply is often limited and the quality of the potential applications of nanotechnology for
available food leads to nutritional deficiencies functional foods and nutraceuticals by applying
and the quality of drinking water is a major con- the new concepts and engineering approaches
tributor to disease. In a study by the Univer- involved in nanomaterials to target the deliv-
sity of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics from ery of bioactive compounds and micronutrients,”
2 years ago (“Nanotechnology and the Devel- she says. “Nanomaterials allow better encapsu-
oping World”), a panel of international experts lation and release efficiency of the active food in-
ranked the 10 nanotechnology applications in gredients compared to traditional encapsulating
development worldwide with the greatest poten- agents, and the development of nanoemulsions,
tial to aid the poor. Number two on the list was liposomes, micelles, biopolymer complexes, and

cubosomes have led to improved properties for CONCLUSIONS

bioactive compounds protection, controlled de-
livery systems, food matrix integration, and As developments in nanotechnology continue
masking undesired flavors.” to emerge, its applicability to the food industry
Nanotechnology also has the potential to im- is sure to increase. Most aspects of incremen-
prove food processes that use enzymes to con- tal nanotechnology are likely to enhance prod-
fer nutrition and health benefits. For example, uct quality and choice and will be perceived as
enzymes are often added to food to hydrolyze progressive changes in standard and accepted
antinutritive components and hence increase the technology. There are a few issues, particularly
bioavailability of essential nutrients such as min- regarding the accidental or deliberate use of
erals and vitamins. To make these enzymes nanoparticles in food, or food-contact materi-
highly active, long-lived, and cost-effective, als, which may provoke consumer concern. It is
nanomaterials can be used to provide supe- particularly important to ensure that consumers
rior enzyme-support systems due to their large are able to exercise choice in the use of the prod-
surface-to-volume ratios compared to traditional ucts of nanotechnology and that they have the
macroscale support materials. information to assess the benefits and risks of
An article in the April 22 New York Times such products. The success of these advance-
magazine, “You are what you grow,” shows the ments will be dependent on consumer accep-
frightening connection between low-cost, highly tance and the exploration of regulatory issues.
processed foods and obesity and bad health. Of Food producers and manufacturers could make
course there is no substitute for eating healthy, great strides in food safety by using nanotech-
natural foods; but if food nanotechnology could nology, and consumers would reap benefits as
contribute to making processed foods less un- well. Many companies are conducting research
healthy, then this would be a tremendous success in nanotechnology and its application to food
story for nanotechnology.[129] products and as more of its functionalities be-
The incorporation of nanomaterials into food come evident, the level of interest is certain to
packaging is expected to improve the barrier increase. Nanotechnology has already made in-
properties of packaging materials and should roads into the food industry and it is claimed
thereby help to reduce the use of valuable that more than 300 foods have already been de-
raw materials and the generation of waste. veloped with this technology. The market value
Edible nanolaminates could find applications for nanofoods is estimated to increase to more
in fresh fruits and vegetables, bakery prod- than US$30 billion by 2015 and it is predicted
ucts, and confectionery, where they might pro- that more than 40% of food products will be nan-
tect the food from moisture, lipids, gases, otechnology based by the year 2015. To maintain
off-flavors, and odors. Natural biopolymers of leadership in food and food-processing industry,
nanosize scale, such as polysaccharides, can one must work with nanotechnology and nano-
be used for the encapsulation of vitamins, pre- bio-info in the future. The future belongs to new
biotics, and probiotics and for delivery sys- products and new processes with the goal to cus-
tems of drugs or nutraceuticals. In the food tomize and personalize the products. Improving
sector, one of the most important problems is the safety and quality of food will be the first
the time-consuming and laborious process of step. Designing and producing food by shaping
food quality-control analysis. Innovative devices molecules and atoms is the future of the food
and techniques are being developed that can industry worldwide.
facilitate the preparation of food samples and
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