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Physics, 3rd ed.

Chapter 28 Guided Notes

Quantum Physics
Fill in each blank with the correct word or phrase as you watch each video.

Quantum Theory

− Blackbody Radiation

• Blackbody Radiation

o ___________________: a perfect emitter of thermal radiation

 Although perfect emitters do not exist, ___________________ are a close approximation.

o ___________________: voids in opaque materials that have small openings to the outside

o ___________________ ___________________: the energy emitted by a cavity

• Stefan’s Law

o The rate at which energy is emitted follows ___________________ ___________________.

− Wien’s Displacement Law

• Figure 28-2 on ST p. 642

• Wien’s Displacement Law

o This law states that the most intense radiant energy emitted by a cavity progresses to shorter

wavelengths as the cavity’s temperature rises.

 In other words, ___________________ temperature shifts radiation to a

___________________ wavelength (___________________ energy).

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− The Rayleigh-Jeans Function

• Rayleigh and Jeans attempted to find the relationship between ___________________ and the

___________________ emitted at that frequency from a blackbody radiator at a given


• Figure 28-3 on ST p. 642

− Plank and Quantized Energy

• Plank and Quantized Energy

o Max Planck proposed a nonclassical equation that agreed with experimentation:

___________________ ___________________ ___________________.

 h: Planck’s constant, ___________________

o Planck assumed that energy is ___________________ (emitted as quanta—values

proportional to the frequency of the radiation).

 These values are given by the equation ___________________, where n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .

o Since energy is quantized, it is _______ continuous but can take on only

___________________ values.

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− Photons and the Photoelectric Effect

• photon—the smallest packet (quanta) of light energy

• photoelectric effect—the process of using energy to ___________________

___________________ electrons

o Light falling on a metal surface can ___________________ electrons from the metal.

 The energy of the photon frequency must be ___________________ than hf (the

___________________ ___________________; the ___________________


 If the energy is ___________________ than hf, __________ electrons are emitted.

o The photoelectric effect shows that light has ___________________ properties.

Quantum Mechanics and the Atom

− Naming the New Physics

• Quantum

o Physicists use the word ___________________ (broken into increments or parcels) to

describe the physics of very small particles.

o Electrons and protons never have fractional charges—they are ___________________.

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− The Electrical Atom

• J. J. Thomson

o J. J. Thomson discovered that the charge carriers in different conductors have the same

___________________ -_________ -___________________ ratio.

o This evidence suggested that all atoms contain the ___________________ charge carriers,

now called ___________________.

o Thomson suggested that an atom is a ball of ___________________ charge containing

possibly thousands of ___________________ scattered evenly throughout.

 This model is called the ___________________-___________________ model.

− The Nuclear Atom

• Rutherford

o ___________________ studied atoms by directing alpha particles at gold metal foils.

o He discovered that an atom is mostly ___________________ ___________________.

o The positive charge is concentrated in a small but massive ___________________.

− Isotopes

• Nucleus

o The nucleus is made up of two major kinds of particles (___________________ and

___________________), collectively called ___________________.

 ___________________ ___________________ (_____): the total number of nucleons in

a given nucleus

 ___________________ ___________________ (_____): the number of protons in a


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• Isotopes

o Atoms of the same element but with different mass numbers (different numbers of neutrons)

are called ___________________ of the element.

o ___________________ ___________________ displays the mass number and the atomic

number of an element.

 Figure 28-7 on ST p. 647

− Energy Levels

• Bohr’s Model

o Bohr postulated that electrons are restricted to certain ___________________


o The electron orbits are called ___________________ ___________________.

 ___________________ ___________________: All electrons in an atom are at their

___________________ energy states (applies to e− located nearest to the nucleus).

 ___________________ ___________________: The electrons have energies

___________________ than the ground state (applies to e− located farther away from the


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− Evidence that Supports the Bohr’s Model

• Bohr’s Model

o Bohr’s model explained the line spectra of ________________-________________ gases.

 There are several lines in a spectrum because several ___________________ are


 Even hydrogen, the simplest element, has a ___________________ of lines.

− Particles as Waves

• Louis de Broglie

o If waves (like light) can be considered to be particles (like photons) under some circumstances,

why can’t particles act like waves at times?

o This question caused de Broglie to calculate what a ___________________

___________________ would be like.

o The wavelength of a matter wave would be

 As m ___________________, λ ___________________.

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− Schrödinger Wave Equation

• Schrödinger Wave Equation

o Waves are described by ___________________.

o Schrödinger developed an equation that uses the ___________________

___________________ (𝜓𝜓) of an electron’s wave.

o The function 𝜓𝜓 for an electron’s wave gives the probable ___________________ of the


 The waveform is therefore called a ___________________ ___________________.

• ___________________––the probable location of an ___________________

− Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

• Heisenberg uncertainty principle––It is impossible to know the ___________________ and the

exact ___________________ of a quantum mechanical object at the same time.

• Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

o It is impossible to know where an electron ___________________ and where it is

___________________ at the same time.

o Measuring one property ___________________ the other, so the two properties

___________________ be known simultaneously.

− Wave-Particle Duality

• The uncertainty principle illustrates the principle of ___________________: the concepts of

waves and particles are both needed in order to describe reality.

o An electron is both a ___________________ and a ___________________.

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Modern Atomic Models

− The Quantum Numbers

• Quantum Numbers

o There are four ___________________ ___________________ that uniquely specify each

electron’s energy in an atom.

 ___________________ quantum number (n): ___________________

 ___________________ quantum number (l): ___________________

 ___________________ quantum number (m): ___________________

 ___________________ quantum number (ms): ___________________

− Electron Ordering Using Quantum Numbers

• Pauli exclusion principle––No two electrons in the same atom can have

___________________ sets of quantum numbers.

• Spin-Paired

o Electrons can be in the same orbital only if they are ________________-________________

(the two electrons spin in opposite directions).

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