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Department of Basic Science-Chemistry

Applied Chemistry

Module 2: Thermodynamics
Question Bank

I. Answer the questions (2 Marks each)

1. What is meant by thermodynamics system? How do you classify it?
2. Define the term thermal engineering.
3. What is meant by closed system? Give an example.
4. Define a open system, Give an example.
5. Define an isolated system.
6. Define: Specific heat capacity at constant pressure.
7. Define: Specific heat capacity at constant volume.
8. What is meant by surroundings?
9. What is meant by thermodynamic property?
10. How do you classify the property?
11. Define Intensive property.
12. Define Extensive property.
13. What do you understand by equilibrium of a system?
14. What is meant by thermodynamic equilibrium?
15. Define the term Cycle.
16. What is meant by reversible and irreversible process?
17. Define the term enthalpy?
18. Define the term internal energy.
19. Define Heat.
20. Define entropy of a pure substance.
21. Distinguish between open and closed system.
22. What is meant by thermodynamic work?
23. Define the terms equilibrium, path and process.
24. Define Surface Tension.
25. Define dynamic viscosity.
26. Define density or mass density.

1 Question Bank
Department of Basic Science-Chemistry
Applied Chemistry

II. Answer the questions (5 Marks each)

III. Answer the questions (10 Marks each)
1. Using a well labelled Ellingham diagram, describe its salient features. (10 Marks)
2. Define term reaction quotient and equilibrium constant and explain how they differs from
each other. (5 Marks)
3. Explain how different variables impact on the equilibrium constant. (5 Marks)
4. Enumerate the application of equilibrium constant and provide an example (5 Marks)
5. Explain how Kp and Kc are related to one another (5 Marks)
6. Discuss Haber's procedure for synthesising ammonia and explain Le-principle
Chatelier's in its synthesis. (10 Marks)
7. Describe how the contact mechanism leads to the formation of H2SO4. (10 Marks)
8. Using examples, talk about the intensive and extensive properties of the system (5 Marks)

2 Question Bank

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