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1 2 3
What Has no evidence of Has an example or Has an example and
evidence of what it
what it was like for evidence of what it was was like for
was it someone in this group like for someone in this
living in the colonies. group living in the someone in this
like? colonies. group living in the
Has an example or Has an example
Daily Has no evidence
of what someone evidence of what and evidence of
life of this group does someone of this
group does during
what someone
of this group
during the day. does during the
the day. day.
Has an
Has no evidence Has an example or example and
evidence of this evidence of
Role of this groups role
in the colones. groups role in the this groups
colonies. role in the
Has no evidence Has an example or Has an example
Hard of hardships evidence of
hardships faced by
and evidence of
hardships faced
Ships someone in this
group faced someone in this by someone in
this group.
Extra Has three or
Credit Has one Has two more
Interesting interesting fact interesting facts interesting
Facts facts

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