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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

2020학년도 중등학교교사 임용후보자 선정경쟁시험

박진이팀 전공영어 모범답안

n 기출문제 관련 문의 안내

※ 박진이팀 카페 〉 중등임용1차 〉 기출 Q&A

n 영어학[통사의미화용]
þ 전공A-5
Two types are cataphoric words and hedges.
The word ‘this’ belongs to cataphoric words. It refers to the following sentence, ‘There is a letter
P on it.’
The phrase ‘sort of’ belongs to hedges. It is used not to express the truth of a statement

[1] cataphoric words 1점
[2] ‘this’ in ‘I found this’ refers to the following sentence. 1점
[3] hedges 1점
[4] ‘sort of’ in ‘It is sort of neat.’ 1점

þ 전공A-6
(i) has the embedded reading. The locational adverbial in any room modifies the embedded
predicate sing because the negation not c-commands the NPI any in the embedded clause.
[Mary said [that Justin did not sing in any room]]
(ii) has both readings. It observes the c-command condition in both readings.
First, when the locational adverbial in any room modifies the matrix predicate say, it has the matrix
reading. [Mary did not say [that Justin sang] in any room]
Second, it can have the embedded reading when in any room modifies the embedded predicate
sang. [Mary did not say [that Justin sang in any room]]

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

[1] (i) embedded reading 1점
[2] (i)에 대한 설명 1점
[3] (ii) both readings 1점
[4] (ii)에 대한 설명 1점

þ 전공B-1

þ 전공B-8
The word ‘married’ in (i) is a verb, and ‘married’ in (ii) is an adjective.
Because ‘married’ is a non-gradable adjective, it cannot be modified by a degree modifier.
The verb ‘remain’ can be followed by adjectives.
*They were too married until last Christmas.
They remained married until last Christmas.

[1] (i) a verb 1점
[2] (ii) an adjective 1점
[3] degree modifier가 들어간 문장을 비문 표시하여 쓰기 1점
[4] remain이 들어간 문장 쓰기 1점

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

n 영어학[음성음운형태]
þ 전공A-4

[문제 분석 및 해설]
영어의 모음과 자음 분류의 기준들을 제대로 이해하고 있는지, 음성학/음운론의 가장 기본적인 지식을
물어보는 문제입니다. 영어의 모음을 단모음과 이중모음으로 분류할 수 있는데, 이중모음의 경우 (aɪ,
aʊ, ɔɪ), 두 개의 음성기호를 쓰지만, 하나의 음가에서 시작해서 다른 음으로 전이되는 음이고, 하나의
모음 취급을 해서, 하나의 음절을 이룹니다. 이러한 이중모음의 특성은 두 개의 음절로 나눌 수 있는
두 개의 모음이 연달아 나란히 오는 경우와 다릅니다 (예: seeing [si.ɪŋ] and ruin [ɹu.ɪn]). 자음 중에서도
affricates (ʧ, ʤ)는 두 개의 음성기호를 쓰지만 이중모음과 같은 성격을 지녔다는 것을 연결해서 생각하
도록 하는 문제라 할 수 있습니다.

이런 자세한 내용은 1-2월 음운론, 기본강의와 3-4월 심화 강의에서 충분히 재미있게 설명하고 또, 두
달마다의 매 강의 시작 때, 늘 다시 반복해서 조음음성학 기초를 설명해왔는데 그 이유는, 모든 음운론
공부의 토대이고 핵심기초지식이고, 영어교사로써, 영어의 개별음들의 특성을 제대로 이해하는 것이 또
한 매우 중요하기 때문입니다.

3-4월 음성학/음운론/형태론 심화이론 Week 1 p. 15

(c) The vowels we have described so far are considered to have a single, unchanging quality
and are called 'monophthongs'. (단일모음)

The vocalic elements of words such as bite, brown, and boy, on the other hand, involve a
complex articulation whereby we move from one vowel to another. Such sounds are known as
'diphthongs': /aɪ/, /aʊ/, /ɔɪ/ (이중모음)

7-8월 음성음운형태 문제분석&이론정리 Week 2 p. 1

1. Phonetic Characteristics of Vowels

Let us first examine what phonetic classes may be defined in the English vowel system.

(1) Monophthongs vs. Diphthongs (and Triphthongs)

① In some vowels the position of the tongue is relatively stable during articulation; such
vowels are called monophthongs: e.g., /ɪ, ɛ, ʊ, ɔ, a, ʌ, æ/ /e, i, o, u/

② In other vowels, the position that the tongue occupies at the beginning of the vowel differs
significantly from what it occupies at the end of the vowel; Such vowels are referred to as
diphthongs: e.g., /aɪ, aʊ, ɔɪ/ (and triphthongs: e.g., /aɪə, aʊə/).

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

Note that triphthongs are not found in all dialects of English: those dialects that pronounce all
underlying /r/'s – the so-called rhotic dialects.

1-2월 음성학/음운론/형태론 기본이론 Week 1 p. 3


The subclass of affricates consists of sounds which start as stops and end up as fricatives, but
they behave as single, complex sounds rather than sequences.
[tʃ] (voiceless)church / [ʤ] (voiced) judge.

3-4월 음성학/음운론/형태론 심화이론 Week 1 p. 9

• Affricate: In a stop sound, the release of the closure is quick and abrupt; however, in sounds
where the closure release is gradual, it creates friction. Such sounds are called affricates. In
other words, affricates start like stops (complete closure), and end like fricatives. Both affricates
of English, /ʧ, ʤ/ are produced in the palato-alveolar place of articulation.

An important point to remember is their one-unit (inseparable) status. Unlike consonant clusters
(e.g. /sk/, /pl/), which are made up of two separable phonological units, affricates always behave
like one unit. For example, in a speech error such as key chain [ki ʧen] becoming [ʧi ken], the
affricate /ʧ/ is interchanged with a single segment /k/; clusters, on the other hand, are separated
in a comparable situation, as illustrated in scotch tape [skʌʧ tep] becoming [kʌʧ step] and not
[tʌʧ skep].

þ 전공A-7
The rule that changes the pronunciation of (i) is ‘Palatalization’. Alveolar stops, /t/ and /d/ are
pronounced as alveolar-palatal affricates, [ʧ] and [ʤ] before a palatal glide /y/, respectively.

The rule that causes S1’s confusion in (ii) is ‘Spelling pronunciation’. S1 didn’t understand that
[fliz] (‘fleas’) is the pronunciation of the plural form of ‘flea’ because s/he misunderstood the
pronunciation of the plural suffix ‘-s’ as [s] due to the spelling <s> in ‘fleas’.

[1] (i)은 palatalization,
[2] (ii)는 Spelling Pronunciation.
[3] Alveolar stops, /t/ and /d/ are pronounced as alveolar-palatal affricates, [ʧ] and [ʤ] before a
palatal glide /y/ (즉, Palatalization rule은 alveopal stop이 palatal /y/앞에서 alveolar-palatal affricate이 되
는 것)
[4] S1 didn’t understand that [fliz] (‘fleas’) is the pronunciation of the plural form of ‘flea’ because
s/he misunderstood the pronunciation of the plural suffix ‘-s’ as [s] due to the spelling <s> in

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

‘fleas (즉, Spelling Pronunciation은 철자 때문에 발음을 오인해서 잘못된 발음을 하는 것. 예를 들면,
S1은 flea의 복수형 fleas의 발음을 철자 <s> 때문에 [fliz]가 아닌, [flis]라 생각해서 알아듣지 못했던

[문제 분석 및 해설]
첫째, 자연스런 대화 문장에서 영어의 대표적인 음운규칙들 중 하나인, palatalization이 일어난 문장을
알아보고, 그 환경을 물어보는 문제입니다. 두 번째는, 영어 학습자가 영어 발음시 저지르는 다양한
종류의 오류가 존재하지만, 그 중 철자 때문에 오인해서 발음을 잘못하는 경우가 있는데 그것을
‘Spelling pronunciation’이라고 합니다. Spelling pronunciation오류를 평소에 들어보지 못했어도, 지문에
상세히 잘 설명되어있어서, 차분히 읽으면, 금방 내용을 파악할 수 있습니다.

이 문제는 최근 5년동안의 기존 음운론 문제 패턴하고는 다른, 신유형이라고 할 수 있습니다. 그 이전,

아주 오래 전에 이런 식으로 <A>에서 여러 가지 음운규칙들을 소개한 후, <B>에서는 여러 가지 문장
을 주고, 해당 음운규칙이 어디서 일어났는지 matching하는 문제가 간혹 출제된 적이 있었으나, 그 문
장들이 별 개의 독립된 문장들이었지, 이렇게 dialogue를 소개하며, 여기 대화에서 나오는 문장 중에서
해당 음운 규칙이나, 발음실수를 찾아서 설명하라는 식의 문제는 아니었으므로, 이번 문제는 신유형이
라 볼 수 있습니다.

이 문제를 통해, 시험공부로써 음운론의 규칙들을 공부하되, 영어학습현장과 분리된 이론 공부에 그치

지 않고, 영어를 학습하는 실제 세계, 교실현장에서 얼마든지 일어날 수 있는 현상이라는 것을 부각시
키면서, 앞으로의 전공영어, 음운론 시험문제와 시험공부의 방향성을 제시한 것이라 할 수 있습니다.
음운론과 영교론의 연계 문제같은 이런 식의 문제가 앞으로 한 문제 이상은 꼭 출제될 수 있으리라는
예측을 해봅니다.


2020대비 박진이팀 실전모의고사 8회 음운론 B형 서술형

Consider the data in (1). The core process is a type of assimilation and there are several
points to notice here. First, there is a process affecting sequences of coronals, /t d s z/ +/j/.
Second, in each case the coronal sound is turned into an alveopalatal. Third, the /j/ disappears.
Forth, the alveopalatal is long.

(1) a. What you want [wɔtjuwɔnt] [wɔtʧuwɔnt]

b. Would you [wʊdju] [wʊdʤu]
c. In case you [ɪnkeɪsju] [ɪnkeɪʃʃu]
d. Has your [hæzjɔ] [hæʒʒɔ]

The coronal sound is turned into a type of palatal, hence we call this process ‘Coronal
Palatalization’. Now let’s consider the process in more detail, at the level of features. What
distinguishes /s/ from /ʃ/ is the feature [anterior]: the phoneme /s/ is [+anterior], while /ʃ/ and
/j/ are [-anterior]. A reasonable assumption is that this type of palatalization involves spreading
to the left of the feature ____________ .

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

2020대비 박진이팀 실전모의고사 10회 A형 기입형

Lexical palatalization is a rule that operates inside a word, i.e., a lexical item, and regulates
the pronunciation of the consonant letters <t>, <d>, <s>, <c>, <x> representing the alveolar
obstruents /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/ before an underlying /j/ phoneme represented by the vowel letters <i>
or <u> in certain environments to become [ʃ], [ʧ], [ʒ], [ʤ], respectively. It is an obligatory
process independent of style, speech situation or tempo in contrast to cross-word palatalization,
like ‘Nice to meet you’.

1-2월 음성학/음운론/형태론 기본이론 Week 8 p. 13

관련기출문제 2012년 (1차) 음운론
Read <A> and <B> and answer the question.
When neighboring sounds mutually affect each other to merge into a third sound, the
process is called coalescent assimilation, which can be found in palatalization in English.
This coalescent assimilation or palatalization occurs when 'a morpheme-final or word-final
alveolar obstruent' is followed by 'the palatal glide' in English, merging the two sounds into
'a palatalized fricative or affricate'. For example, within a word as in architecture, the
underlying /t/ in the morpheme final position of architect- and the initial /j/ in the suffix
-ure affect each other to merge into the palatalized affricate [ʧ]. This process can also be
found across words as in the phrase kiss you in fast, casual speech of North American

a. You don't accept your failure easily, do you?
b. You seem to be under the delusion that he follows you.
c. The old class divisions had begun to melt down.
d. We should cut down on our spending next year.
e. He checked his yacht before his departure for Australia.
f. After six years, her gracious demeanor became known to everybody.

Which of the following lists all and only sentences that contain the expressions which can
undergo the coalescent assimilation described in <A> both within a word and across words?
➀ a, c, d ➁ a, d, e ➂ b, c, f
➃ b, e, f ➄ c, d, e


7-8월 음성음운형태 문제분석&이론정리 Week 1 p. 16

[1995년 59번]
59. 17C 후반에 일어난 <보기>의 음운변화를 가장 잘 나타낸 규칙은?

fortune [tj] → [ʧ]

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

cordial [dj] → [ʤ]

special [sj] → [ʃ]
vision [zj] → [ʒ]

① ⌈ +sonorant ⌉ ⌈ -anterior ⌉
⌊ -coronal ⌋ j → ⌊ +strident ⌋
1 2 1/2

② ⌈ +sonorant ⌉ ⌈ +anterior ⌉
⌊ +coronal ⌋ j → ⌊ -strident ⌋
1 2 1/2

③ ⌈ -sonorant ⌉ ⌈ -anterior ⌉
⌊ +coronal ⌋ j → ⌊ +strident ⌋
1 2 1/2

④ ⌈ +sonorant ⌉ ⌈ +anterior ⌉
⌊ +coronal ⌋ j → ⌊ -strident ⌋
1 2 1/2


해설: /t, d, s, z/는 alveolar ridge에서 발음되는 coronal obstruents에 속한다. 그래서 이 음들의
공통점은 [-sonorant]이면서 [+coronal], [+anterior]인 자음들이고, palatla sound인 j앞에서 /ʧ, ʤ,
ʃ, ʒ/로 융합 (coalescence)된 구개음화(palatalization) 현상이다.

þ 전공B-3
Version 1: While assimilation is involved in (1), dissimilation is involved in (2).
The allomorph ‘-al’ is attached to the base ending in a [-lateral] liquid, while the allomorph ‘-ar’
is attached to the base ending in a [+lateral] liquid.

Version 2: While assimilation is involved in (1), dissimilation is involved in (2).

The suffix ‘-al’ is added where the last consonant of the base is a [-lateral] liquid while the suffix
‘-ar’ is added where the last consonant of the base is [+lateral].

Version 3: While assimilation is involved in (1), dissimilation is involved in (2).

When the base ends in a [-lateral] liquid, the suffix ‘-al’ is chosen, and when the base ends in a
[+lateral] liquid, the suffix ‘-ar’ is chosen.

[1] (1) assimilation

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

[2] (2) dissimilation

[3] The allomorph ‘-al’ is attached to the base ending in a [-lateral] liquid
[4] the allomorph ‘-ar’ is attached to the base ending in a [+lateral] liquid.

[문제 분석 및 해설]
이 문제는 영어에는 하나의 ‘형태소 (morpheme)’가 환경에 따라 다른 (발음)변이형들을 보이는 ‘이형
태소 (allomorphs)’를 갖는 그런 형태소들이 꽤 존재하는데, 그 중 친숙하게 볼 수 있는 부정 접두사
와 형용사형 어미를 선택해서 제시합니다.

형용사형에 붙는 부정 접두사인 il-, ir-과 형용사형어미 –al, -ar을 관찰해보면, l~r alternation과 관
련지어 흥미로운 몇가지 점들을 지적해낼 수 있습니다.
첫째, 전자는 접두사이고, 이 접두사들이 붙을 때, base가 l로 시작하면 il-을 붙이고, base가 r로 시
작하면 ir-을 붙이는 assimilation현상입니다.
둘째, 후자는 base가 l (즉, [+lateral])이면 접미사 –ar를 붙이고, base가 r로 끝나면 (즉 [-lateral])로
끝나면 접미사 –al을 붙이는 dissimilation현상입니다.

접미사의 dissimilation이 일어나는 환경을 서술하는 이 문제는, assimilation이 일어나는 환경을 앞서

지문에서 서술해주어서 참고도 할 수 있었고, 또 음운환경도 너무나 단순해서 쉽게 해결할 수 있는 문
제였습니다. 시험을 위해 그리 어려운 음운규칙들과 환경을 분석하면 열심히 공부했는데, 이렇게 쉬운
문제가 출제되어 다소 허탈할 수 있으나, 음운환경을 정확히 서술하는 것이 중요하다 볼 수 있겠습니
다. 그리고, 박진이팀의 10회 모의고사에 음운론 문제 출제 시, 음운환경에 distinctive feature를 섞
어서 쓰는 문제가 나올 것이라 예측하고 강조하면서, 그런 답이 나오도록 출제한 문제들이 꽤 있었기
때문에 더욱 그리 어렵지 않게 풀 수 있었겠습니다. [+lateral]/ [-lateral]의 기본 개념을 이해하는지를
음운규칙을 통해 확인해보는 문제였으니까요.

5월-6월 음성/음운/형태 기출문제풀이 Week 3 Phonological Rules I p. 5

(ii) Historical assimilation through Latin borrowing: cf. degemination

Before roots whose first consonant is a liquid (/l/ or /r/), the nasal of the negative prefix
assimilates the manner of articulation features of the liquid so that /n/ becomes /l/ before
/l/-commencing roots or before /r/-commencing roots.

in-legal ~ illegal in-licit ~ illicit

in-rational ~ irrational in-revocable ~ irrevocable

Exceptions: ‘unloved’, ’unreasonable’...

7-8월 음성/음운/형태 문제분석 및 이론정리 Week 3 p. 13-14

[관련기출문제 변형 : 2010년 (1차) 음운론]
Read <A> and <B> and follow the directions.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

Assimilation, one of the most common phonological processes, comes in two types. One is
place assimilation, in which the assimilated sound becomes similar to the conditioning sound
in terms of place. The other is manner assimilation, where a sound takes on the manner of
articulation from an adjacent sound. In English, these two types of assimilation can be found
in the alternations of the negative prefix ‘in- ,’ as shown below.

(1) incoherent /in + kouhiərənt/ → [ iŋkouhíərənt ]

(2) irregular /in + regjələr/ → /irregjələr/ → [iréjələr]
(Note: In (2), after assimilation, degemination occurs, i.e., the two identical consonants are
fused into one.)

a. / in + laʤikəl / ‘illogical’ [ɪl]
b. / in + mətjuər / ‘immature’ [ɪm]
c. / in + rezəlu:t / ‘irresolute’ [ɪr]
d. / in + græətju:d / ‘ingratitude’ [ɪŋ]
e. / in + kərekt / ‘incorrect’ [ɪŋ]

Identify the place and manner assimilation in all the examples in <B>. Then state the
phonological condition(s) for this assimilation, respectively.

5월-6월 음성/음운/형태 기출문제풀이 Week 3 p.21

5. Dissimilation

(1) While assimilation (by making sounds more similar to each other) facilitates speech
production, it does also have the undesirable effect of making the hearer's task of
discriminating between sounds somewhat more difficult.

(2) Phonological processes which ensure that differences between sounds are enhanced so that
sounds become more auditorily distinct make speech perception easier.---Dissimilation.
After a dissimilation rule has applied, phonological elements are less like each other than
they were before the rule applied.

(3) In English, the adjective forming suffix –al has two phonetic manifestations. ***기출
Sometimes it is -al, as in column A below and sometimes it –ar, as in column B.

noun adjective noun adjective
electric electrical angle angular
region regional circle circular
orbit orbital table tabular
baptism baptismal circle circular
genitive genitival title titular
culture cultural single singular

In column A, the last consonant of the noun is a sound other than [l]. The shape –ar is the
alternant which is normally added where the last consonant of the noun is [l].

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

(4) The addition of –al after a root ending in [1], which would have resulted in two [1] sounds
merely separated by a schwa, is thus avoided.

cf. vel-ar, alveol-ar, vs. lavi-al, dent-al palat-al, pharynge-al, glott-al

The English dissimilation process is another Latin relic.

7-8월 음성/음운/형태 문제분석 및 이론정리 Week 4 p. 15

11. Dissimilation

(1) Phonological processes which ensure that differences between sounds are enhanced so that
sounds become more auditorily distinct make speech perception easier. --- Dissimilation

(2) In English, the adjective forming suffix –al has two phonetic manifestations. ***기출
Sometimes it is -al, as in column A below and sometimes it –ar, as in column B.
noun adjective noun adjective
electric electrical angle angular
region regional single singular
orbit orbital table tabular
baptism baptismal circle circular
genitive genitival title titular
culture cultural module modular
logic logical molecule molecular
globe global pole polar
person personal spectacle spectacular
inflection inflectional

① In column A, the last consonant of the noun is a sound other than [l]. The shape –ar is the
alternant which is normally added where the last consonant of the noun is [l]. --- The
English dissimilation process is another Latin relic.

② The addition of –al after a root ending in [l], which would have resulted in two [1] sounds
merely separated by a schwa, is thus avoided.
e.g. vel-ar, alveol-ar, vs. labi-al, dent-al, palat-al, pharynge-al, larynge-al, glott-al

7-8월 음성/음운/형태 문제분석 및 이론정리 Week 5 p. 14

[박진이팀 2019임용대비 공개모의고사 전공A 문제]
8. Read the passage and fill in the blank. [2 points]
Epenthesis is the term for inserting a sound between two other sounds. Both vowels and
consonants can be inserted within an existing morpheme. In both cases, the changes are
triggered by avoidance of phonetically undesirable sound sequences. U-epenthesis affects the
cluster composed of a velar stop ([k], [g]), or a bilabial stop ([p], [b]), plus the sonorant [lˌ]
where it is syllabic. When a morpheme ends in a syllabic [lˌ] after a consonant and is

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

followed by a suffix beginning with a vowel, the cluster is broken up by the insertion of
[yu] (spelled <u>).

(1) single + ar → singular

particle + ar → particular
table + ar → tabular
angle + ar → angular
oracle + ar → oracular

The final –e in words above such as single, particle, table, angle, and oracle is not
pronounced and merely indicates that the [l] is syllabic.

Not strikingly, schwa insertion can occur in some varieties of American English in similar

(2) baffle → baffling [-f(ə)l-]

battle → battling [-t(ə)l-]
embezzle → embezzling [-z(ə)l-]
muddle → muddling [-d(ə)l-]
tickle → tickling [-k(ə)l-]

Returning to the rule of U-Epenthesis, it does not apply to all potentially eligible words.
When velar/labial consonant plus lateral clusters are not in _________ position they do not
undergo U-Epenthesis.

(3) diglossia, inclination, implication.

morpheme-final (또는 coda)

1-2월 음성학/음운론/형태론 기본이론 Week 6 p. 4

(4) [+/-lateral] separates [l] sounds from all others, thus distinguishing [l] from [ɹ], with which it
shares all other features.
[+lat] sounds are produced with central oral obstruction and airflow passing over one or both
sides of the tongue. [l]
[-lat] sounds refers to all other sounds.

3-4월 음성학/음운론/형태론 심화이론 Week 1 p.9-10

Two of the English approximants, /1, ɹ/ 'liquids', vowel-like consonants in which voicing energy
passes through a vocal tract with a constriction greater than that of vowels.

The liquid /1/, which is called the 'lateral' liquid, is produced with the tongue tip creating a
closure with the alveolar ridge while maintaining an opening at the sides of the tongue where
the air escapes. (cf. /r/: a central liquid)

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

The non-lateral approximant, /ɹ/ was described earlier in relation to retroflex place of articulation
and is also known as the 'rhotic'.(American English)

7-8월 음성/음운/형태 문제분석 및 이론정리 Week 1 p. 13

• Lateral
If the tip of the tongue is partially blocking the airstream, but the air is allowed to pass along
one or both sides of the tongue, the resulting sound is [+lateral]. The phoneme /l/ is the only
[+lateral] sound in English.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

n 영어교육론
þ 전공A-1

[채점기준 및 해설]
Anderson and Freebody (1981), Nation (2001)에 따르면, 어휘지식을 두 가지로 분류할 수 있습니다. 첫
째는, 얼마나 많은 단어의 뜻을 알고 있는지, 단어의 size 측면의 지식, breadth (or size) of vocabulary
knowledge가 있고, 두 번째는, 단어의 표면적 의미를 아는 것으로는 불충분하고, 단어의 form, meaning
and use를 배워야 제대로된 produce를 할 수 있다고 해서, 어휘의 좀 더 심층적인 질적인 지식, depth
(or quality) of vocabulary knowledge, 이 두 가지 어휘지식이 있다고 합니다.

<A> 지문에서 보면,

Knowing a word does not simply mean knowing its surface meaning. Rather, it involves
knowing diverse aspects of lexical knowledge in depth including phonological and morphological
forms and syntactic and semantic structures.

surface meaning만 아는 것(breadth (or size) of vocabulary knowledge)과 대비를 이루는 음운, 형태, 구문,
의미적 구조를 포함하는 깊이있는 어휘지식(depth (or quality) of vocabulary knowledge)을 소개하고 있

Depth of vocabulary knowledge refers to how well words are known. Developing vocabulary
depth typically involves the accumulation of knowledge through encountering and using words in
a variety of different contexts in order to learn the forms, meanings, and uses of words.
Knowledge of a word’s spelling, pronunciation, derivations and inflections, meaning senses,
semantic associations, collocations, and grammatical functions, and when it may be appropriate or
inappropriate to use it are all required to fully know words (Nation, 2001). Vocabulary depth is
indicated by the extent to which these aspects of vocabulary knowledge are present, and this in
turn signals the extent to which words may or may not be used successfully. The term “depth
of knowledge” was introduced as one dimension of vocabulary knowledge by Anderson and
Freebody (1981) in contrast to a second dimension, breadth of knowledge. Breadth refers to how
many words are known and is typically indicated by scores on tests of vocabulary size, such as
the Eurocentres Vocabulary Size Test (Meara & Jones, 1990) and the Vocabulary Size Test
(Nation & Beglar, 2007). Breadth is usually determined by the degree to which learners are able
to link form to meaning. Being able to link form to meaning is an important step in vocabulary
development because it increases the likelihood that words may be understood and used.
However, it does not ensure that these words will be understood and used correctly and this is
why there is also a need for learners to develop vocabulary depth.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

þ 전공A-2
Needs Analysis

[채점기준 및 해설]
학자에 따라, Curriculum design을 4단계나, 5단계, 6단계로 분류하는데, 보통은 다섯단계로 많이 나눕니
다. 약자, ADDIE로 기억하고 있으면 나중에라도 더 기억하기 쉽겠습니다.
Analysis – Design – Development – Implementation – Evaluation

문제에서는 이 중 첫 번째 단계가 무엇이냐고 묻는 빈칸 기입형이었습니다. 그 근거를 보면,

- analyze areas of necessity for my students in order to satisfy their language learning
- a survey which asked students questions about their English deficiencies and the difficulties
they face.
- get more information about the students’ preferred learning styles and interests
- to gain an understanding of their levels of linguistic proficiency and background experience.
- I interviewed students both in groups and individually to get more detailed information.
교사의 이 모든 노력은 Needs Analysis를 위한 것이겠지요.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]


박진이팀 최종찍기 영교론 p. 26

needs analysis: A procedure for establishing the specific needs of language learners. These needs
include the situations in which the language will be used and the communicative purpose it will
be put to. (Ellis, TBLT); an analysis of the setting, the audience, and needs of the students,
two types of needs: objective and subjective. (2018 A-10 TBLT; 2017 B-2)

박진이팀 7월-8월 영어교육 문제 분석 및 이론 Week 3 pp. 3-4

3. Course Design
1) Situation Analysis
The first in course design is an analysis of the setting, the audience, and needs of the students,
otherwise known as a situation analysis (Richards, 2001), or environment analysis. *** 기출
1. Educational setting. Within what societal and cultural norms is the course situated? What
is the institutional framework into which the course must be integrated? What are the
broad instructional goals of the program? In general what is the structure of the program?
What are the physical conditions (e.g., classrooms) and resources (labs, computers, AV,
materials)? Who are the learners, in very general terms? Basic questions here look at the
larger educational context within which a course is placed.
2. Class characteristics. How would you describe the class in terms of the homogeneity of
learners, the size of the class, and its relationship to others that learners are taking?
3. Faculty characteristics. What are the qualifications of teachers-training, experience,
methodological biases? What are the working conditions (hours of teaching, support
services) for the faculty? To what extent is there collaboration among teachers?

4. Governance of course content. Who determines course content? To what extent can
teachers choose content and/or adapt content as they perceive the need to do so?

5. Assessment and evaluation requirements. What stipulations are in force for assessing
students for placement, diagnostic, or achievement purposes? What grading norms are in
place? How, if at all, are courses evaluated and revised?

2) Needs Analysis ***

(1) A second step in the process of developing or understanding a course centers on the needs
that the course presumes to address. Richards (2001) is quick to point out that needs is not
an easy concept to define. Depending on whom you ask, they are "wants, desires, demands,
expectations, motivations, lacks, constraints, and requirements".

(2) A needs assessment (Graves, 2014) is an important precursor to designing the goals of a
course in that it can identify the overall purposes of the course, "gaps" that the course is
intended to fill, and the opinions of both course designers and learners about their reasons
for designing/taking the course. As such, it is important to identify at least two types of
needs: objective and subjective.

① Objective needs are those that can be relatively easily measured, quantified, or specified with
agreement by administrators (and possibly teachers) on what constitutes defined needs.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

Typically, objective needs are analyzed through test data (including learner language samples),
questionnaire results, teacher reports, observations, and interviews of teachers and students.
Information gathered will include the following:

• demographic data on learners, including language ability, interests, etc.

• needs expressed in terms of proficiency levels
• language skills to be addressed
• what learners need to do in English (target contexts for English use)

② Subjective needs are often of equal or greater importance, as they focus on needs as seen
through the eyes of the learners themselves. Granted, sometimes learners' perceived needs do
not match their actual needs. For example, students often feel that they should spend lots of
time studying grammar in a class, when in reality they may need more time in
communicative activities. But it still is wise for a curriculum developer to ascertain all
subjectively perceived needs in order to address them in the course itself. Subjective needs
are more difficult to gather, but are typically sought through interviews, questionnaires,
teachers' perceptions, observations, and the opinions of "experts." From these procedures, the
following information may emerge:

• learners' attitudes toward the target language, culture

• expectations that students have of themselves, and of the course
• purposes that students perceive for studying English
• specific language skills that students wish to focus on
• preferences (styles, strategies) that students have about their learning

þ 전공A-3

[채점기준 및 해설]
style (formality)과 register의 차이를 PLLT강의할 때부터 일년동안 강의하면서 기회있을 때마다 강조하
고, 모의고사 문제로, register문제도 출제하고, 또 style문제도 따로 출제했었습니다. euphemism이 출제되
었듯이 style이나 register도 언젠가 시험에 꼭 한번은 출제될 수 있다고 생각했기 때문이지요. 빈칸 기
입형으로 style과 관련된 formality가 나와서 개인적으로 반가운 문제였습니다.

발화할 때 얼마나 신경을 쓰면서 말하는지, 상황이나, 장소, 대화하는 상대의 사회적 지위 등에 따라
formality를 달리하면서, 좀더 formal하게 말할 수도 있고, 좀더 casual하게 말할 수도 있겠다라는 내용들
이 제시되어있지요. 그리고 Mina 학생을 비롯해서 학생들에게 상황에 따라 적절한 speech style 사용하
는법, 즉 상황의 formality에 부합하는 대화법을 가르쳐야겠다는 내용입니다.

- When you are not paying much attention to the way you are speaking, your speech may be
more casual. By contrast, if you are conscious about the way you are speaking, your output
will be less casual.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

- where you are affects the formality of your output. When you are in a formal situation, such
as a business meeting, you naturally use more formal language, and the opposite is true as
- she doesn’t know how to adapt her conversational style when making a request.
- have trouble making their speech style appropriate to the situation.
- show them how speech styles differ across various situations
- show the importance of selecting the appropriate conversational style to match the
_____________ of the situation.

2020년대비 박진이팀 실전 모의고사 6회 A형-10번: formality 관련문제
10. Read the passage in <A> and the dialogue in <B> and follow the directions.【4 points】
Styles are not social or regional dialects, but they vary considerably within a single language
user's idiolect. So, for example, an informal conversation with a friend employs a different
style from that which you might use in a job interview.
Martin Joos (967) provided one of the most common classifications of speech styles using
the criterion of formality, which subsumes subject matter, audience, and occasion:
1. Oratorical: Language conventions used in public speaking before a large audience.
Wording is carefully planned in advance, intonation is somewhat exaggerated, and
numerous rhetorical devices are utilized.
2. __________: Conventions employed in more impromptu contexts in front of audiences. A
formal news interview and a classroom lecture are typical examples.
3. Consultative: A dialogue, formal enough that words are chosen with some care. Examples:
business transactions, doctor-patient conversations, teacher-student conferences.
4. Casual: Language used in conversations between friends, colleagues, or sometimes
members of a family. In this context, words need not be guarded and social barriers are
moderately low.
5. Intimate/personal: Language characterized by complete absence of social inhibitions. Talks
with family, lovers, loved ones, and very close friends are examples.
M: As is illustrated in the clip we just watched, culture shock can come in many forms. I
would say it’s generally stress or some sort of negative feeling that someone experiences
from being in a new environment, unfamiliar culture, and a different way of life.
W: So culture shock is always negative? Can it ever be a positive experience?
M: Well, I it’s generally always negative. Think about it, if you were in an environment that
is completely unfamiliar and so different from what you are accustomed to, how would
you feel?
W: Maybe anxious and nervous.
M: Yes, many people would feel that way. But, not everyone experiences culture shock.
Some people may enjoy the new experience, but that is not “positive” culture shock. I’m
guessing that’s what you were asking?
W: Yes.
Note: M = man, W = woman

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

Fill in the blank with the ONE appropriate word. Then, identify which of the styles listed in
<A> is exemplified in the dialogue in <B>. Provide evidence from <A> and <B>.

2019년 6월 4일 박진이팀 카페 글 --- 유용한 정보와 자료가 많으니 잘 활용하시기 바랍니다

[The Sense of Style --- formality]

영어의 오랜 역사에 비하면 영문법이 확립된 것은 그리 오래되지 않았다. 16세기경에 이르러

서야 영문법서들이 나타나기 시작했는데 그것도 라틴어로 쓴 영문법서들이었고 이후, 18세기
경 언어의 변화를 막아보려는 언어순수주의자들이 사전과 문법서들을 편찬하면서 영어의 표준
용례들이 확립되었다. Robert Lowth <A Short Introduction to English Grammar> (1762)라든지
Lindley Murray의 <The Rudiments of English Grammar>(1761)같은 책들이 권위를 인정 받으면
서 이들이 제시한 영어용례의 예들이 올바른 문법으로 오늘날까지 효력을 발휘하고 있다. 올
바른 용례라지만 사실 다분히 주관적이고 자의적인 주장이 많다.

아뭏든, 문법에 대한 두가지 태도가 존재할 수 있는데, 한 언어의 올바른 용법들을 미리 규정

해놓고 이를 언어화자로하여금 준수하도록 강요하면서, 언어의 변화는 언어의 타락이므로 언
어의 변화를 최대한 막으려는 규범문법(prescriptive grammar)의 입장이있고, 이와 대조적으로,
언어의 변화는 피할 수 없는 사실임을 인정하면서 실제 그 시대의 언어화자가 어떻게 언어를
사용하고있는지 실제 용례들을 그대로 기술해주는 기술문법(descriptive grammar) 입장이 있다.

Steve Pinker는 그의 책 <The sense of style>에서 우리가 실제 언어를 사용할 때, 특히 글을

쓸 때, 위의 두 입장이 그리 이분법적으로 명확히 구분되지도 않고, 무엇이 올바른 용례인지
에 대한 문제에 직면할 수 있음을 지적한다. dangling modifiers, like/as/such as, split infinitive,
that/which, predicative nominals, less/fewer, who/whom 사용 등... 규범문법에서 금지하고 올바
른 용례(usage)로 제시한 문법내용과는 다르게 우리가 실제 쓰고 있는 언어 현상을 비문법적
이라고 단정을 내리면 안된다는 것이다. 즉, 규범문법에서는 informal style을 incorrect 또는
ungrammatical로 오해하고 있다는 것이다. 우리가 언어를 사용할 때 시간과 장소에 어울리게,
격식을 갖춘 상황과 격식을 차리지 않은 상황(formal/informal)에 맞게 적절하게 언어를 쓰고
있고, 그것을 구분하는 것이 중요하다.

Formal situation에서 informal style을 쓰면 "breezy, chatty, casual, flippant"해보이고, 반대로

informal style을 써야 할 상황에서 formal style을 쓰면 "stuffy, pompous, affected, haughty"하게
보인다. 결국, informal style을 어떤 상황에서 쓰는지가 중요한 것이지 무조건 incorrect
grammar로 간주해서는 안된다는 주장.

10페이지가 넘게 흔히 영어화자들이 저지르는 문법적 오류처럼보이는 용례 10가지를 추려 설

명해 놓았으니 관심있는 분들은 Stephen Pinker 책을 보시기를. Steven Pinker가 여기 든 예들
은 사실 요즘 문법책에 informal style의 예로 꽤 수록되어있는 내용들이다.
<The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century>

•Stephen Pinker는 영어의written form에 대한 formality를 구분했지만, formality는 사회언어학의
중요한 화두 중 하나이고, 임용 시험에서도 오래 전 출제된 적이 있는 개념.

PLLT 책에 나오는 spoken style의 5가지

formality levels 기억하고 계시겠죠?

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

① An oratorical style
② A deliberative style
③ A consultative style
④ Casual conversations
⑤ An intimate style :

저한테 수업들으셨는데도 register와 style을 구분 못 하시면 안됩니다!

þ 전공A-5
First, a cataphoric word is used in S1’s utterance, “Oh, wait, on her jacket, I found this”. The
cataphoric word, ‘this’ refers to the following sentence. “There is a letter P on it”.
Second, a hedge, ‘sort of’ is used in S2’s utterance, “It is sort of neat”, to avoid expressing the
truth of the sentence categorically.

[Cataphoric words]
cataphora (n.) A term used by some grammarians for the process or result of a linguistic unit
referring forward to another unit. Cataphoric reference is one way of marking the identity
between what is being expressed and what is about to be expressed: for example, I said this/the
following . . . , where the meaning of this and the following must be specified in the
subsequent context.
Here is the 9 o’clock news shows the cataphoric function of here. Cataphoric words (or
‘substitutes’) are usually contrasted with anaphoric words (which refer backwards), and
sometimes with exophoric words (which refer directly to the extralinguistic situation). cataphoric
(adj.) see cataphora

hedge (n./v.) An application in pragmatics and discourse analysis of a general sense of the word
(‘to be non-committal or evasive’) to a range of items which express a notion of imprecision or
qualification. Examples of hedging include sort of, kind of, more or less, I mean, I guess, you
know, approximately, roughly. Hedges may also be used in combination: something of the order
of 10 per cent, more or less.

Lakoff identified a number of features that occurred more frequently in women’s speech than
in men’s. For example, women “hedge” their speech more often than men do, with
expressions like I suppose, I would imagine, This is probably wrong, sort of, but . . . , and
so on. Women also use tag questions more frequently to qualify their statements (He’s not a
very good actor, is he?), as well as words of politeness (e.g., please, thank you) and
intensifying adjectives such as really and so (It’s a really good film, It’s so nice of you).
Lakoff claimed that the use of these devices was due to uncertainty and a lack of confidence
on the part of women.
Since Lakoff’s study, an increasing number of scholars have been conducting research on

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language, gender, and sexism, investigating the differences between male and female speech
and their underlying causes. Many sociolinguists studying gender differences in speech now
believe that women use hedges and other, similar devices not because they lack confidence
but in order to express friendliness and solidarity, a sharing of attitudes and values, with
their listeners.
<An Introduction to Language p. 449>

[Backchannel cues]
backchannelling (n.) A term used in pragmatics and sociolinguistics, as part of the study of
listener behaviour in an interaction, referring to the reactions given to a speaker by way of
feedback. They include monosyllabic responses (mhm), short phrases (I guess so), utterance
repetitions and sentence completions, as well as non-verbal cues (e.g. nodding, gaze variation.

박진이 실전모의고사 1회 A형-10번

First, backchannels are signals (verbal and non-verbal) e.g. ‘mhm, yeah, uh huh, right’, etc.
that indicate to one of the speakers that he/she can continue talking or that the interlocutor
is listening or is interested in what is being said. They are often used to elicit more
conversation or elucidation on some topics (in Cogo, Dewey 2012).

박진이 모의고사 8회 B형-1번. Backchannels와 Fillers 비교.

1. Backchannels
A backchannel during a conversation occurs when one participant is speaking and another
participant interjects responses to the speaker. A backchannel response can be verbal,
non-verbal, or both. Backchannel responses are often phatic expressions, primarily serving a
social or meta-conversational purpose, such as signifying the listener's attention, understanding,
or agreement, rather than conveying significant information. Examples include such
expressions as "yeah", "uh-huh", "hmm", and "right" or give a nod.

2. Fillers; Filler words

A filler, filled pause, hesitation marker or planner is a sound or word that is spoken in
conversation by one participant to signal to others a pause to think without giving the
impression of having finished speaking. In American English, the most common filler sounds
are ah or uh /ʌ/ and um /ʌm/ (er /ɜː/ and erm /ɜːm/ in British English). Among younger
speakers, the fillers "like", "you know", "I mean", "okay", "so", "actually", "basically", and
"right" are among the more prevalent.

þ 전공A-10
Version 1: ‘Outlining technique’ is used. Modern tourists’ demands on insulation from the real and
indigenous environment negatively affect local people as well as tourism entrepreneurs.

Version 2: ‘Outlining technique’ is used. Modern tourists’ demands on pseudo-events influence both
tourism entrepreneurs and local populations negatively, (which leads to having a distorted view of
indigenous cultures.)

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

[채점기준 및 해설]
이렇게 긴 지문을 처음 접하면 당황할 수 있습니다. 그러나, 저희는 모의고사 10회 후반부부터 영어교
육문제를 비롯해서 전반적으로 문제의 지문을 상당히 길게 제시하기 시작했는데, 그 이유는 문제수와
시간배분상 지문의 길이가 길어지리라 예상했기 때문입니다. 긴 지문에 약간 적응이 되어 도움이 되었
길 바랍니다. 그리고, 임용시험의 유형이 변경된 첫 시험인 올해 시험에서는, 영어교육론 파트 특성
이기도 한데, 지식 자체를 묻기 보다는 (그런 문제도 있지만) 대부분 영어독해 하듯이 제시된 지문의
내용을 충분히 파악하면 그리 어렵지 않게 풀 수 있는 문제들이 많았습니다.

10번 문제도 지문은 상당히 길지만, 결국 요구하는 것은 <A>에 간략히 설명된 reading technique 중에
서 어떤 기술을 써서 reading 수업을 했는지 고르고, handout으로 나눠 준 내용 중에서, topic sentence
를 완성하되 연속적으로 4단어를 가져다 쓰지 말라는 제약이 있었습니다.

마지막에 제시된, Handout 구성을 보면, article의 topic과 supporting ideas를 간략히 요약해서 전반적인
구조를 통해 내용 이해를 돕기 때문에, <A>지문의 reading technique중, “as for the reading content,
the teacher can employ the outlining technique, which can help the students see the overall
organization of the text by reconstructing the ideas or events.”처럼 outlining technique을 사용한
것이 가장 합당하다고 볼 수 있습니다.

Topic sentence는 article의 처음 시작과 마지막 문장에 나온 내용을 요약하면 됩니다.

- Many contemporary tourists avoid encountering reality directly but thrive on psuedo-events in
their tourism experiences thus affecting tourism entrepreneurs and indigenous populations.
- In sum, while tourism is on the rise, the trend is to maintain a distance from the real
environment rather than to see the locations for their own values, and this negatively affects
tourism entrepreneurs and local people.

박진이팀 최종찍기 영교론 p. 47
1. Reading Aloud
2. Written Response
1. Perceptive Reading
3. Multiple-Choice
4. Picture-Cued Items
1) Multiple-Choice (for Form-Focused Criteria)
2) Matching Tasks
2. Selective Reading 3) Editing Tasks
4) Picture-Cued Tasks
5) Gap-Filling Tasks
1) Cloze Tasks
2) Impromptu Reading Plus Comprehension Questions
3) Short-Answer Tasks
3. Interactive Reading
4) Editing (Longer Texts)
5) Scanning
6) Ordering Tasks

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7) Information Transfer: Reading Charts, Maps, Graphs,

1) Skimming Tasks
4. Extensive Reading 2) Summarizing and Responding
3) Note-Taking and Outlining

þ 전공B-2

[채점기준 및 문제해설]
교재 선택의 여러 기준 중에서 authenticity에 대해 묻는 문제입니다. T2는 B교재가 더 적당하다고 하는
데 그 근거는, Textbook B can provide more exposure to language as it is actually used in the real world
outside the classroom. 즉, 실제 세계에서 실제로 사용하는 언어에 더 노출시키는 교재라는 점을 지적하
니까, authenticity를 충족시키는 교재라 할 수 있습니다.

지난 4월 박진이팀 전국모고에서 authenticity은 아니지만, authentic을 빈칸으로 만들어 출제했고, 또한

박진이팀 실전모의고사 5회 B형-8번에서는 두 교재 중 어느 교재가 더 authentic한지 고르고 그 근거를
제시하는 문제를 출제하기도 했습니다.

적중: 박진이팀 4월 공개모의고사 전공 A-10번: Authentic
1. Read the passage and follow the directions. 【2 points】
<Script A>
Reporter: We are here at Broadway and 22nd  street where firefighters and rescue crew have 
been working on getting a dog trapped under the high way back to its owner. The crew
have been working on the rescue for five hours. The owner has been waiting nearby. We
will interview the owner and a member of the rescue crew. John, you are the owner of
the dog?
John: Yes. He’s my dog.
Reporter: How long have you had him?
John: For five years.
Reporter: How did he get under the highway?
John: I don’t know. He escaped from my home and later I heard him barking so I called
Reporter: So, Lorraine is with the rescue group. Are you close to rescuing the dog?
Lorraine: It’s complicated. It will take some time and patience.
Reporter: Well, we hope you can get the dog out.
<Script B>

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Reporter: We are here at Broadway and 22nd street where firefighters and rescue crew have
been working on getting a dog trapped under the highway back to its owner. The crew
have been working on the rescue for five hours so far. The owner has been waiting
nearby. John, you are the owner of the dog?
John: Yes, I adopted him five years ago and he’s been my fur baby ever since.
Reporter: Fur baby? You must be very worried.
John: Oh yeah, really worried. He’s family, but I’m glad the rescuers are here.
Reporter: How did he get under the highway?
John: I’m not sure, but he escaped through the back door and when I couldn’t find him, I
began to search the neighborhood and heard barks coming from the highway. I
immediately called rescuers.
Reporter: So Lorraine here is with the rescue group. Have you made much progress yet? It’s
been over 5 hours.
Lorraine: Well, it’s complicated. The dog keeps ducking into crawl spaces under the highway
and we’ve tried everything from luring to trapping but nothing has worked so far.
Reporter: Well, we’re rooting for you and our viewers anxiously await the reunion between
dog and owner!

Complete the passage by filling in the blanks with one most appropriate word.
Based on the two scripts above, the more _____________ script is <Script B>. One reason
for this is because the conversations flow more smoothly between speakers as they explain
what their situations are. Another reason why <Script B> is more _____________ is because
more colloquial phrases and idiomatic expressions are used than in <Script A>, which
mimics real conversations in real life.
Real life scripts can be very useful for more advanced students and simplified scripts that
are similar to real world conversations which include common colloquial expressions can be
useful for lower level students. This way expressions that are generally not taught in
textbooks can be taught in class to help students get exposed to real life conversational
phrases and idioms and even cultural aspects of the conversation.


박진이팀 실전모의고사 5회 B형-8번 , Authentic Material 고르기와 그 근거.

Materials need to be authentic-like, that is, ‘authentic, in the sense that the language is not
artificially constrained, and is, at the same time, amenable to exploitation for language teaching
purposes’ (MacWilliam, 1990). Another related aspect of authenticity concerns the classroom
interaction to which the materials give rise (Crawford, 1990; Taylor, 1994). The more realistic
the language, the more easily it can cater to the range of proficiency levels found in many

박진이팀 최종찍기 영교론 p. 4

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authentic: (referring to pronunciation) oral production judged by a speech community to be

correct, native or nativelike, and appropriate within that speech community
(2016 년 전공 B-8 번 authentic materials; 2014 년 전공 A 서술형-3 번 authentic tasks; 2012 년 1
차-26 번 authentic examples; 2012 년 1 차-27 번 authentic materials; 2011 년 1 차-15 번 authentic
stories; 2011 년 1 차-24 번 authentic English)

authenticity: (of a test) the degree of correspondence of the characteristics of a given language
test task to the features of the actual target language task (2016 년 전공 A-13 번)

Authentic language: language used in a real context. Banking method of education: a more
'traditional' form of education where the teacher 'deposits' information in the students, making the
assumption that the teacher knows what the students need to learn.
authentic texts: spoken and written language which is created in the course of genuine
communication rather than being specially created for the purposes of language learning and
teaching. (PELT)

þ 전공B-4
The utterance that indicates ‘a response’ is “It’s similar to tired” said by S1. S1 used lexical
modification or an easier synonym by replacing the lower frequency word ‘drained’ with the higher
frequency word ‘tired’
‘A reaction to response’ is “Oh, I see. I’m tired”. This utterance is a signal of the explicit
statement of understanding and indicates that the communication difficulty caused by the word
‘drained’ was solved.

[채점기준 및 해설]
[1] ‘a response’ is “It’s similar to tired” said by S1.
[2] S1 used lexical modification or an easier synonym by replacing the lower frequency word
‘drained’ with the higher frequency word ‘tired’
[3] ‘A reaction to response’ is “Oh, I see. I’m tired”
[4] This utterance is a signal of the explicit statement of understanding and indicates that the
communication difficulty (caused by the word ‘drained’) was solved.

대화 상호작용시 의미전달에 문제가 생기면, 의미협상을 합니다. 이때, 대화 중 여러 가지 이

유로 의사소통이 잘 안될 수 있는데, 일단은 의사소통 흐름의 단절을 초래하는, 문제가 되는
표현이나 발화가 있을 수 있는데 이를 trigger라 하고, 이 trigger를 기점으로 의미협상이 시작
됩니다. 다음과 같은 단계를 거치면서.

Negotiation of meaning is composed of three phases as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Meaning Negotiation Framework by Varonis and Gass (1985). From “Non-
Native/Non-Native Conversations: A Model for Negotiation of Meaning,” by E. Varonis
and S. Gass, 1985, Applied Linguistics, 6, p. 74

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- Trigger: Nonunderstanding as triggers, are problematic utterances that cause the negotiation of
meaning. Triggers can be lexical/semantic, structural, content, discourse, and pragmatic in
- Indicators are signals of nonunderstanding, which are either explicit or implicit. Confirmation
check and clarification requests are also considered indicators.
- Responses are utterances by the respondent that replies to a signal of nonunderstanding.
Responses can be minimal or elaborative, or modification of the problematic utterances that
have caused the nonunderstanding.
- Reactions to the responses are signals that learners are ready to resume the main line of
discourse. This phase normally takes the form of an explicit statement of understanding such
as “I see,” “OK,” “Please continue,” or willingness to continue even though there are still
problems “I don’t understand. Let’s talk about something else.” This phase is optional.

적중: 박진이팀 10월 12일 보충자료 – 박진이팀 카페 참조

II. [배경]
1. The term UPTAKE refers to the response move in the negotiation sequence in shown in
Figure 1.1. (i.e. when S2 responds to S1’s confirmation check - “retired?” - with ‘Yes’).

S1 And what is your mmm father’s job?
S2 My father now is retire. ································································································ T
S1 Retire? ······························································································································· I
S2 Yes ································································································································· R
S1 Oh, yes ························································································································· RR

T = trigger (i.e. the utterance which causes misunderstanding)

I = indicator (i.e. of misunderstanding)
R = Response
RR = Reaction to Response

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þ 전공B-6
Step 4 and 5 are problematic.
In step 4, it is needed to have more test items with the higher index of Item Discrimination in
order to intensify internal consistency, rather than remove them. In step 5, asking colleagues to
evaluate the test items is not related to the concurrent validity, which can be measured and
supported by connection between the test and another externally recognized test or other criterion

[채점기준 및 해설]
[1] Step 4 and 5 are problematic.
[2] In step 4, it is needed to have more test items with the higher index of Item Discrimination
in order to intensify internal consistency, rather than remove them.
[3] In step 5, asking colleagues to evaluate the test items is not related to the concurrent validity,
which can be measured and supported by connection between the test and another externally
recognized test or other criterion data.

Assessment의 types과 definition을 잘 숙지하고 있는지를 평가하는 문제입니다. Item Facility,

Item Discrimination, reliability, validity, Cronbach’s coefficient alpha, concurrent validity에 대한
정확한 definition을 모르면 빨리 파악해서 풀기 힘든 문제입니다.

박진이팀 최종찍기 영어교육론 p. 22

item discrimination (ID): a statistic used to differentiate between high- and low-ability test-takers.
the tester can calculate ID by subtracting IF of lower group from IF of upper group;(LA) (2013
년 27번) (2015년 전공A-3번) (2005년 전국 10번) (2009년 전국 18번)

item facility (IF): a statistic used to examine the percentage of students who correctly answer a
given test item. (IF). Item facility (IF, or item easiness) refers to the percentage or proportion
of test takers who answered an item correctly in a given test; (2013년 27번) (2011년 1차-21번
internal consistency);

박진이팀 8월 전국 모의고사 A형-10번:

Item Facility와 Item Discrimination 계산하기

박진이팀 11월 14일 최종찍기 영어교육론, pp. 2-3

Principles of Assessment (2009년 모의) (2005년 기출)

Principles Adapted Concept
Practicality clear administrative details e.g. time, materials, people

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consistency (2016년 기출)

Reliability - inter-rater reliability (2014년 기입형)
- intra-rater reliability
Validity assessment of intended object
a. content test tasks involve performance of the objective
b. face Test appears valid to the test taker
c. construct support through statistical and other research; 2005년 전국 13번
① concurrent validity
- the extent to which test takers’ scores on one test relate to
those on another externally recognized test of measure.
Criterion-related validity
② predictive validity (2017년 기출)
- the extent to which scores on test Y predict test takers’ ability
to do X. e.g. IELTS+success in academic studies at University.
Authenticity natural, real-world tasks (2016년 기출)
positive, useful feedback to test taker (2009년 기출) (2016년 기

practicality (of a test): extent to which an instrument is within desirable financial limitations,
time constraints, and ease of administration, scoring, and interpretation

*reliability (of a test): the consistency and dependability of an assessment instrument rhetorical
formality (in writing) organizational conventions in writing for connecting sentences, showing
relationships, opening paragraphs, using subordination, and so on, that extend beyond the
sentence level (TBP); the extent to which two or more scores yield consistent and dependable
results (LA):
Ÿ inter-rater: condition in which two or more scores yield consistent scores for the same test
Ÿ intra-rater: condition in which the same scorer yields consistent scores across all tests.
Ÿ student-related: a learner-related issue such as fatigue, anxiety, or physical or psychological
factors that may make an “observed” score deviate from one’s “true” score.
Ÿ test: consistency of different facets of a test (e.g. instructions, item types, organization)
during each test administration.
(기출: 2011년 1차-21번; 2016년 A-13번; 2014년 A-7번)

**validity (of a test): the degree to which a test actually measures what it is intended to
measure (TBP); the extent to which inferences made from assessment results are appropriate,
meaningful, and useful in terms of the purpose of the assessment. (LA); the extent to which an
assessment is appropriate for its intended purposes. (PELT)
(2012 논술 3-1 construct validity; 2016 A-13; 2008 평가원 20; 2006 전국-21; 2005 서울-22;
2005 전국-13; 2007 서울-11)

Ÿ concurrent: the extent to which results of a test are supported by other relatively recent
performance beyond the test itself.
Ÿ consequential: a test’s impact, including such considerations as its accuracy in measuring
intended criteria, its effect on preparation by test-takers, and the (intended and unintended)
social consequences of the test’s interpretation and use.
Ÿ construct: any theory, hypothesis, or model that attempts to explain observed phenomena in
one’s universe of perceptions (2008년 20번) (2005년 전국 13번,interactiveness/authenticity)
Ÿ content-related: the extent to which a test actually samples the subject matter abut which

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conclusions are to be drawn. (2008년 20번)

Ÿ face: the extent to which a test-taker views the assessment as fair, relevant, and useful for
improving learning. (2008년 20번)
Ÿ predictive: the extent to which results of a test are used to gauge future performance.

박진이팀 5-6월 강의 8주차 p. 7

Concurrent Validity: when the predictor and criterion data are collected at the same time. It can
also refer to when a test replaces another test (i.e. because it’s cheaper). For example, a written
driver’s test replaces an in-person test with an instructor.

[참고] 박진이팀 5-6월 영어교육기출문제풀이 Week 8 p. 32]

기출: 2011학년도 1차 21번

21. Read the following and answer the question.
A high school teacher constructed a 20-item multiplechoice English test. She wanted to
find out about the test qualities. She examined the reliability of the test and obtained
Cronbach’s alpha of 0.45. She also performed item analysis, and part of the results is
presented below.
Item Facility*
Item Number High Ability Group Low Ability Group
(N=20) (N=20)

16 0.4 0.5
17 0.6 0.3
18 0.2 0.7
19 0.8 0.2
20 0.7 0.5
*Item Facility: Proportion Passing

Which of the following is a correct statement about the item analysis results?
① Item 16 was more difficult for the low ability group.
② More than half of the total examinees got Item 17 correct.
③ Item 18 deteriorates the internal consistency of the test.
④ Item 20 shows the highest discrimination among the five items.
⑤ The data above shows the relative standing of each test-taker in terms of performance.

þ 전공B-10
‘Appropriateness’ in Category (C) Language and ‘Confidence’ in Category (D) Delivery are weak
points. Yuna did not use appropriate language for the formal presentation because she used some
informal expressions such as ‘you guys’ and ‘you know’. She seemed to lack confidence by
looking at cue cards too often without giving eye contact to the audience.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

[채점기준 및 해설]
[1] Language (‘Appropriateness’) and Delivery (‘Confidence’) are weak points.
[2] Yuna did not use appropriate language for the formal presentation because she used some
informal expressions such as ‘you guys’ and ‘you know’.
[3] She seemed to lack confidence by looking at cue cards too often without giving eye contact to
the audience.

Presentation Assessment의 rubrics를 학생들에게 미리주고, 발표 후, 교사와 학생이 conferencing

을 하면서, Yuna 학생의 발표에 대한 평을 하는 상황입니다. 여기서, Yuna의 두가지 단점 해
당 범주를 고르고, 그 근거를 제시하는 문제입니다.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

n 영미문학
þ 전공B-5
- potential
- The underlined part indicates that the narrator's father's life-goal was to achieve fame as a
successful filmmaker but he experienced frustrating failure in earning a reputation because of his
lack of talent.

- 아버지는 다큐멘터리 영화 하나만을 제작했을 뿐 이 분야에서 더 이상의 업적이나 성공을 이
루지 못하게 되자 자신이 생각하기에 더 잠재력이 있다고 여기는 다른 분야를 시도했다. 그리
고 내레이터도 아주 어린 시절에는 아버지에 대한 잠재력(potential)을 전적으로 믿었다.

- 아버지의 인생목표는 훌륭한 필름제작자가 되어 명성을 얻는 것이었지만 그는 적은 재능을 소

유했기 때문에 그 목표를 이루지 못하고 다른 일들을 시도하는 과정에서 가정에 어려움을 주
고 자신에게 좌절을 안겨주는 원인이 되었다.

Andrew Porter, “Coyotes”

þ 전공B-7
- singer / wanderer
- The underlined part means the wind begins to blow softly like a song when it is silent at night
and the speaker can hear the wind blow in the silence.

이 시에는 'singer'와 'wanderer'로 의인화된 바람이 밤의 고요함 속에서 생각에 잠긴 화자를 찾아
와 감미롭게 속삭이며 마음과 생각을 파고들려 한다. 그 속삭임의 유혹을 따르길 거절하는 화자
와 포기하지 않는 바람사이의 긴장감이 엿보이는 대화가 담겨있다.
밑줄 친 ‘Whose silence wakes my song’은 깊고 그윽한 여름밤의 고요함을 틈타서 부드럽게 바람
이 불면 화자는 그 바람의 노래 소리를 들을 수 있다는 의미다. 바람이 singer로 의인화 되어있기
때문에 바람 소리는 노래에 비유할 수 있다.

Emily Brontë , "The Night-Wind"

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

þ 전공B-11
- tempo
- 'Neither fish nor flesh' means 'not belonging to any specific group', so Owen thinks of the word
'Bunowen' as an unclear word which cannot be classified into either English or Irish.

이 문제의 지문은 공병(sappers)들이 아일랜드 지도를 제작하는 과정에서 아일랜드어 지명을 영어
식 지명으로 번역하는 업무를 위임받은 Yolland와 이것을 도와주는 Owen의 대사로 되어있다. 강
어귀에 해당하는 아일랜드어 'Bun na hAbhann'을 영어로 옮기는데 'Bunowen' 이라는 단어에 대해
Owen이 'that's neither fish nor flesh'라고 말한다. 이는 '이도 저도 아닌' '정체성이 애매한' 이라는
의미로 'Bunowen'이 아일랜드어나 영어의 특성을 명확히 지니지 않은 모호한 단어라고 여긴다.
또한 지명을 영어로 다 번역해야 지도 제작이 완성되고 공병들이 주말에 철수할 예정이므로
Yolland는 Lancey로부터 작업의 속도를 내라고 호되게 잔소리를 들었음을 알 수 있다.

Translations by Brian Friel

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

n 일반영어
þ 전공A-8
- haggle
- The underlined part means illogical optimistic attitude or confidence which successful salespeople
take when they face certain frustrating situations where there seems little chance of reaching a
negotiated agreement.

이 글은 협상에 있어서 BATNA (합의에 대한 최고의 대안)의 한 방법으로 제시되어온 협상 중단
과 그것이 가지고 있는 약점을 언급하고 다른 대안을 제시하고 있다. 고객과 협상을 해야 하는
전문 세일즈맨들에게 있어서 단순한 협상 중단이 다소 무책임한 대안으로 보이는 이유는 아무리
가능성이 희박해 보이는 협상도 타결의 가능성이 있기 때문이다. 따라서 협상 중단보다는 성사될
가능성이 있는 협상들을 가급적 많이 하게 되면 책임 할당량을 달성하는데 기여할 뿐 아니라 강
인한 협상가가 될 수 있다. 이런 점에서 BATNA는 협상 기술을 향상시키는 의도로 설계된 것임
에도 불구하고 협상하기를 거부하는 방법을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 글쓴이는 이상하게 여긴다.
빈 칸에 들어갈 단어로서 negotiate 가 좋지만 본문에는 동일한 형태가 없기 때문에 대신 ‘흥정하
다’라는 의미로 haggle이 적합하다.)

þ 전공A-9
- negative
- ‘Synthesizers’ mean those who overcome cultural boundaries and combine different cultures
although they are marginal people.

이 글은 전반적으로 문화 학습의 결과로서 문화 소외와 주변성(marginality)의 장단점에 대해서 다
루고 있다. 주변성이 어떤 문화의 주류에서 소외된다는 것과 어떤 특정 문화의 정체성을 반영하
지 못한다는 점에서는 부정적이지만, 서로 다른 문화의 경계를 뛰어넘고 차이를 조절할 수 있다
면 오히려 다양한 문화를 통합할 수 있는 긍정적 요소가 되기도 한다.
기입형 문제 괄호 바로 앞에는 부정적인 면이 제시되어 있다면, 괄호부분 다음에 나오는 문장은
주변성이 주는 긍정적인 면으로 볼 수 있기 때문에 주변성이 항상 부정적(negative) 요소는 아닌

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

þ 전공A-11
- power
- fear
- The reason why fear is represented by killer robots is because when they have the help of
artificial intelligence- powered computers they can bring about devastating results to modern
society and modern people as it could bring mass destruction, even a holocaust.

본문은 한 사회에서 숭배되거나 중시되는 사람이나 대상을 보면 그 사회에 대한 것을 상당히 파
악할 수 있다는 내용을 전개한 글이다. 한 예로서 뉴욕박물관에 전시되어 있는 다양한 동물들이
나 괴물 혹은 신화적 동물들이 담긴 공예 전시품을 통해서 중세시대의 정치적 종교적 지배계층
이 동물들의 형상이나 문장을 어떻게 이용했는지 소개한다. 그 전시품을 보면 당시 사람들이 느
꼈던 감정, 특히 해상활동에서 느꼈던 바다에 대한 두려움 혹은 공포심이 바다 괴물에 반영되어
있으며, 이데올로기 유지와 권력을 휘두르는 것에도 괴물들이 매개체로 이용되었다는 것을 알 수
있다. 인간적 성향은 유사해서 현대에도 이런 특성이 킬러로봇과 같은 존재에서 나타나는데, 이
는 2차 세계대전에서 비롯된 대량학살이나 대량파괴에 대한 두려움을 암시해 준다. 기입형 문제
괄호 앞의 wield는 ‘휘두르다’ ‘행사하다’라는 뜻으로 글의 흐름상으로나 단어의 쓰임 면에서 있
어서 괄호에는 power가 적당하다.

þ 전공A-12
- progress
- The underlined part (1) refers to antibiotics and the underlined part (2) refers to the evolution of
bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics.

이 글은 세균 감염으로 인한 치명적 결과에도 불구하고 그동안 여러 분야에서 항생제와 항균제
의 남용으로 항생제가 효력을 잃어가고 있다는 내용을 다루고 있다. 농업, 처방약, 기타 소비 제
품에서 항생제와 항균제를 많이 쓰게 되면서 박테리아는 이런 약물에 대한 내성을 가지도록 진
화하여 전문가들은 항생제에 의존하던 방법에 한계가 오고 있다는 것을 알게 되었다. 따라서 이
런 위험을 인식하고 전 세계적으로 이 상황을 개선하기 위해서 강제적 또는 자발적인 시도가 서
서히 이루어져 왔다. 즉, 농업이나 목축업, 약 처방전에서 항생제 사용을 줄이는 등 진전(progress)
을 보여주고 있지만 더 많은 진전이 필요한 상황이다.

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▶ 박진이팀 전공영어 [2020학년도 임용시험 모범답안]

þ 전공B-9
Effective teachers have two important qualities which are more necessary than intelligence and
capability. The first quality that effective teachers have is that they worked hard on their studies in
order to build their knowledge stage by stage. The next quality is that they can explain their
knowledge and content clearly so that students may understand abstract concepts. In conclusion, the
most important qualities of teachers are having experienced the steady course of building their
knowledge and possessing the ability to teach the content easily.

효과적인 교사가 되기 위해서는 단순히 지식이나 능력이 뛰어난 것 이외에 두 가지 필수적인 특
성이 필요하다. 하나는 많은 노력을 기울여서 자신의 지식을 쌓은 고된 과정의 경험이 있어야 하
며, 또 다른 하나는 지식을 학생들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 명확하게 설명할 수 있어야 한다.
결론적으로 훌륭한 교사는 이렇게 지식축적을 위해 애쓴 경험과 추상적 개념을 쉽게 가르칠 수
있는 능력을 소유해야 한다.

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