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United Arab Emirates University

College of Science

Department of Chemistry
CHEM- 115 General Chemistry Lab
Title of the experiment

Heat of neutralization

Instructor: Dr. Rakesh

Experiment Date: 04.02.22

In chemical reactions between acids and basis, the energy changed is observed, in
the form of heat at constant pressure.
It is defined as enthalpy change (∆H). The amount of heat is measured
experimentally by using calorimeter. In this experiment the system acts as a closed
system where only heat is allowed to flow between system and surrounding.

In this experiment, the amount of heat neutralization is measured when acids and bases react to
form salt and water. The temperature change of calorimeter and its contents is measured before
and after reaction.

Change in enthalpy ∆ H =−c × m× ∆ T of calorimeter and its contents

The heat capacity of calorimeter was calculated by using hot and cold water
Heat capacity C cal=
T f −T i
qcal, can be found using:
q cal =heat lost by hot water−heat gained by cold water

We experimented 2 reactions between strong acid and strong base and in other procedure
between weak acid and strong base, in those two reactions heat was released, ∆H outcome is

Materials& Reagents:
1 M HCl, 1 M NaOH, 1 M acetic acid

– Hot plate
– Styrofoam cups (2)
– Cardboard Square with hole in the center,
– 400 mL beaker, thermometer (2)
– 50 mL graduated cylinder
– 250 mL baker
Part A: Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter

1. Construct a calorimeter by nesting two Styrofoam cups together

2. Use a cork borer to make a hole in the lid and insert a thermometer - 1 . The thermometer
should not touch the bottom of the cup
3. Keep the entire apparatus in a 400 mL beaker
4. Measure exactly 50.0 mL of deionized water using a graduate cylinder, and transfer into
the calorimeter, then close the cover with the thermometer – 1.
5. After 5-10 min, record the temperature to the nearest 0.1 °C on the data sheet. (This is the
cold water)
6. Place exactly 50 mL of deionozed water in a 250 mL beaker and
heat the water in a hot plate until the temp is above 20 °C above the

cold water temperature, (do not boil the water)

7. Allow the water to stand for a minute and quickly measure its temperature using a
thermometer – 2 to the nearest 0.1 °C and record in the data sheet.
8. Immediately pour the hot water to the calorimeter completely .
9. Place the cap with the thermometer – 1 and carefully stir the water with the thermometer.
10. Observe the temperature for the next 3 min and record the temp. every 15 s on Temp Vs
Time data sheet

Part B: Heat of Neutralization of HCl & NaOH

1. Dry the calorimeter and thermometer-1 with towel

2. Carefully measure 50.0 mL of 1 M NaOH and add into the Calorimeter.

3. Replace the cap but leave thermometer out!

4. Measure exactly 50.0 mL 1 M HCl in to a dry beaker, and allow to stand for few mints.

5. Measure the temperature of the acid, rise the thermometer with water and dry.

6. Insert the thermometer into the calorimeter and measure the temperature of the NaOH
solution and record in the data sheet.

7. The temperature of NaOH & HCl must be within 0.5° C range

8. Lift the lid carefully and add the 1 M HCl solution all at once

9. avoid splashing, and immediately cap the calorimeter with the thermometer -1 and stir

10. Record the temperature in every 15 s for the next 3 minuts

11. Construct a temperature Vs Time curve and determine ∆T

12. Calculate the heat of neutralization /mol of water formed.

Part C: Heat of Neutralization of HCl & NaOH

Follow the same procedure as in Part B, but substitute 1 M CH3COOH for 1 M HCl.
Calculate the heat of neutralization /mole of water formed

Add your data table and show all the calculations here

You must attach the data sheet at the end of your report

On the other hand the enthalpy of neutralization of weak acid /strong base was
lower because weak acid slightly ionized in aqueous solution, both reactions
produced 0.05 mol of H2O.

The main purpose of this experiment was achieved, we have learned how to
preform neutralization reaction in order to calculate to calculate change of enthalpy
using calorimeter.
The neutralization reaction between strong acid HCl and a strong base of NaOH
releases heat energy and has a greater negative enthalpy change; as a strong
acid/strong base dissociates completely in water.

1. General chemistry lab for college of science
2. Enthalpy Change of Neutralization. (2020, August 16). Truro School in Cornwall.

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