Application Paper 2 Part 1

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Huang 1

Chuchu Huang

San Mateo County Community College District

Application Paper 2 Part 1

The following is the second of three application papers wherein concepts and research covered in

class, particularly the wisdom skills, are being applied to everyday life, especially situations

related to anxiety, stress, irritation, anger, and frustrations.

The wisdom skills include the following:

1. Mindfulness- is the state of being aware of something or a mental state achieved by

focusing on your awareness of the current state while calmly accepting and

acknowledging your feelings, body sensations, and thoughts.

2. Forgiveness- is a deliberate or conscious action or decision to release the heavy feelings

of vengeance or resentment towards a person who has harmed or caused pain to you,

regardless of whether he or she deserves it.

3. Emotional Intelligence- is the ability to comprehend, apply, and control your emotions

positively to relieve stress and anger, communicate coherently, sympathize with other

people, defuse conflicts, and overcome challenges encountered daily. It is defined by four

attributes: self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship


4. Gratitude- is the quality of being thankful for what has been done or said to you. It is

also the readiness to show appreciation for something or someone and to return kindness.

5. Humility- is the attitude of feeling that one does not have particular importance that

makes them better than others. It is also defined as a lack of pride and keeping a low

Huang 2


The following situation took place after the match between Spain and Morocco today

(12/6/2022). My brother and I are great football fans. He supports Chelsea in England and

Barcelona in Spain, and I support Manchester United in English Premier League and Real

Madrid in La Liga. Today, in the match between Spain and Morocco, I wanted Spain to qualify

for the quarter-finals in this world cup tournament because it is the team I want to win the

trophy. My brother supports France in this world cup tournament. Spain blew several chances

during the second half of extra time, and the game ended with a draw of nil-nil; the winner had to

be decided by the shots from the spot. Finally, the game ended with Spain a loser after the

Moroccan goalkeeper thwarted the first three shots from the Spaniards from going past him.

With all that humiliation from a small team like Morocco, I felt so low and went to my room to

at least relieve myself. In the living room, my brother was celebrating and calling me to go back.

The worst thing is that he extended his celebrations into my room. He even had the audacity to

make noise into my ears, shouting, “You lost, my France will defend their championship, your

boys could not defeat cheap Morocco.” I got out of bed and ran into the bathroom to avoid my

brother’s drama, but he came again. I felt it was the height of it. Filled with rage and anger, I

pushed my brother out of the bathroom into my room. Luckily, he landed on the bed safely.

As I was preparing to fall on him like thunder, my emotional intelligence kicked in and

reminded me that it was my brother that I was about to hit. That is when he got the chance to

raise against me and punch me in the face. Although he is younger than me, I did not want to

beat him anymore. My anger subsided immediately, and humility came into me. It humbled me

to the extent that my brother thought his punch injured me. I held his hands and sat on the bed

with him. I also realized that his anger had subsided, so I let off his hands. After that drama, we
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regained our senses and consciousness and realized that we had taken our jokes and football

issues too far. I remembered that we are siblings and I should mind my brother. That was when

mindfulness kicked in, and I told him I was sorry for overacting. He said that he should be the

one who should apologize because he knew what he was doing was wrong. I forgave him and

reminded him to always care about other people’s feelings. He received my forgiveness with

gratitude as we hugged and went to the living room.

Results and Conclusion

The calming process in the above situation was brought about by my emotional

intelligence. The solution to our conflict started after I understood the situation and controlled

my emotions. This helped me realize that although I was hurt and angered, it was wise to calm

down and spare my little brother. I could have hit him badly and remain to regret it for the rest of

my life. Regretting comes with stress and anxiety, and these things could haunt me for a long

time. Wisdom skills helped me humble myself (humility) and remember that it was my young

brother that I was about to hit (mindfulness). In conclusion, practicing emotional intelligence,

humility, gratitude, forgiveness, and mindfulness in situations that involve anger, stress, and

frustration is imperative. It brings back the about-to-relationships during these scenarios.


Bringing emotional intelligence, humility, gratitude, forgiveness, and mindfulness in a

situation to reduce anger, stress, and frustration was significant. I hope to use these wisdom skills

and others, such as compassion, realism, and empathy, in similar situations. Finally, practicing

them daily would be an essential step in life.

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