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Teacher Name: Bryana Valverde Teacher ID: 1722396
28Q620-Thomas A. Edison Career and
School Year: 2021-2022 School Name/DBN: Technical Education Hi


In each observation, all components for which there is observed evidence must be rated. Each form must
contain lesson-specific evidence for each of the components observed during a classroom observation.

This observation was: (check one)

Formal Observation (full period) Informal Observation (15 minutes minimum)

Date of Observation: 05/19/2022 Time/Period: 6th

Component Ratings

1a (obs): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy 3- Effective

You created a lesson that supported the learning objective and was aligned to the
curriculum. "How can we analyze themes in and Then There Were None by
Agatha Christie?" Standards addressed in this lesson are in line with the skills the
students must master for the Regent exam.

1e (obs): Designing coherent instruction 4- Highly Effective

You broke students into pairs. Each pair was assigned a different topic on which
to do their research and create their presentation. You utilized Peardeck as an

2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport 4- Highly Effective

You were encouraging to the students and fostered enthusiasm among the
students, having them “send energy” and clap for groups before they started their

When the group completed their presentation, they said these statements to their

When one student had trouble reading a word during the presentation, his partner

2d: Managing student behavior 4- Highly Effective

There was an absence of misbehavior. Students held each other to standards of

Last Revised: 05/23/22 11:40:03 AM By ascolavino

3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques 3- Effective

3c: Engaging students in learning 4- Highly Effective

Student groups presented their presentations to the class. You implemented a

The students shared warm and cool feedback using PearDeck and the class
placed their icons on the digital rubric of assessment for each presentation. At the
end of class as a closure activity, you had students complete a reflection slide on

3d: Using assessment in instruction 4- Highly Effective

Students were given the rubric of assessment to review on their own. You went
over the rubric with the class and specifically went over the “Excellent” category to
show the students the standards for a high quality presentation. You checked for

“I like how JP added pictures and sounds from Law and Order. He also used great

"Although he spoke louder, he didn't make eye contact. He kind of looked at the

4e (obs): Growing and developing professionally 4- Highly Effective

You are receptive to feedback and implemented recommendations made in past
observation reports as it relates to peer assessment. You have continued to
voluntarily help with the Community Art Project on Wednesdays. You have been
helping grade the AP Capstone exam this year to prepare for teaching the class

Last Revised: 05/23/22 11:40:03 AM By ascolavino

Teacher ID 1722396 Teacher Name Bryana Valverde


In this section of the form, evaluators should rate evidence for components 1a, 1e, and 4e that was
observed within fifteen (15) school days prior to the classroom observation as part of an assessment
of a teacher’s preparation and professionalism. Each form must contain teacher-specific evidence
for each of the components observed.

Component Ratings

1a (p&p): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy N/A

1e (p&p): Designing coherent instruction N/A

4e (p&p): Growing and developing professionally N/A

Additional Evaluator Notes (please attach more pages, as necessary):

1. You continue to hold students of your self-contained class to high academic standards. By providing
scaffolds, encouragement and activities that allow for choice, students have risen to the the standards set
forth in the English curriculum. Implementing a peer assessment activity using the rubric of assessment

2. You are a cheerleader for the students! The classroom environment you have created and the belief you
have instilled in the students is beautiful. The students were nervous, but persevered, spoke in front of the
class and were even comfortable enough to be vulnerable as evidenced by the students helping each other

3. Thank you for voluntarily supporting the Community Art project on Wednesdays and recruiting students
from your ICT classes. This speaks to how well you know your students; you recruited students that have
interests in the arts and talents beyond the academic classroom. As a result of your efforts, these students
have been engaged after school and on weekends with a project that will be showcased for years to come in

1. While this lesson was highly effective in so many aspects, the only area in which there could be
improvement would be in questioning and discussion. To be highly effective, in this case, students posing
questions to the presenters would have made the difference between an effective and highly effective rating.
Consider requiring students to formulate one higher order question during each presentation for the group.
This will not only teach students how to ask good questions, but also require student presenters to formulate

Thanks for inviting me to this class! Seeing how far this group of students has come since September is

Last Revised: 05/23/22 11:40:03 AM By ascolavino

Teacher ID 1722396 Teacher Name Bryana Valverde

Teacher's signature: Date

(I have read and received a copy of the above and understand that a copy will be placed in my file.)

Evaluator's name (print): Andrea Scolavino

Evaluator's signature: Date

Last Revised: 05/23/22 11:40:03 AM By ascolavino

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