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Missionary Response

1. What event in Jesus’ life does it depict?

The event in Jesus’ life that depicts this, is when he preach about the kingdom of God.
With this event he enhanced the knowledge of His people about the God and led them to have a
deeper insights. His teachings before were centered into parables and with this things, we are
gaining moral lessons that we can apply in our lives.
2. What is the significance of this event to you?
The significance of this event to me is that I can gain insights about the parables that I
can apply in my life and I can also share this things to other people. Because of the teachings of
Jesus we are influenced to do good and depart from evil things even if there are so many
temptations in today’s generation.
3. Inspired by the event in Jesus’ life, what message do you want to convey to your viewers.
The message that I want to convey to my viewers is that we should obey what God has
taught us and apply it to our daily lives. His teachings are important and we should not ignore it,
for this things are important.

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