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James Jeferson

● Explain the process of asexual reproduction
○ Describe the steps of mitosis in order
● Explain the process of sexual reproduction
○ Describe the steps of meiosis in order
● Explain how dna is replicated
A. What is reproduction?
Production is the process.By which an OrganismProduces.More of its
B. Types of reproduction
1. Asexual reproduction
The prefix a Means Not Meaning that asexual reproduction.Means
not sexual. Sexual reproduction one parent Organism could, which
could be single celled makes a copy of itself.the result is that the
offspring and the parent have identical DNA meaning that the offspring
is exactly like the parent
a. Budding
A new Organism begins to form at the side of the parent
Organism. Whole new Organism is formed. Yeast.are an organism
that reproduce by budding recall that yeast is
b. Regeneration
Another form is regeneration.This happens when.loop part to
replace the old broken off parts of The Organism. Some organisms
can grow new organisms from parts of the old one
c. Binary fission
The DNA and the bacterium replicate themselves or.make a
copy And then the cells split into two new cells, each with a copy of
it Own DNA.
2. Sexual reproduction
James Jeferson

Sexual reproduction occurs.When?two individuals produce one

new In this case, the DNA of the offspring is not the same as the
parents. This process occurs When a male sperm cell.Fertilizes.A
female.egg cell
a. Fertilization
Fertilization is which the process where a sperm cell joins.A
female egg cell.Each gamete.Has one set of chromosomes. Making
the cells haploid, when two gametes join, they form a zygote. Is
another word for fertilized egg. In new cell or zygote has a full set
of chromosomes. One set from each parent.Making it what is called
b. Development
Zygote then goes through stages of development before.It
becomes a child.One week it is a concept, this two week it is still a
conceptus three-week it's an embryo.At 5 weeks, it's an
embryo.Nine weeks it's a fetus. 12 weeks it's a fetus. This process of
growth and development happens as cells divide.
C. Plant reproduction
Can reproduce sexually and asexually. Thing is when you cut a piece of a
plant off.and then If you cut a piece of a stem or root, it will grow the
missing part. And a whole new plant.
1. Asexual reproduction
Thing is when you cut a piece of a plant off.and then If you cut a piece of
a stem or root, it will grow the missing part. And a whole new plant.
2. Sexual reproduction
Flower reproductive organs of angiosperms. Flowers can have
male parts or female parts. Or both parts on the same flower? The male
part of the flower is called the statement. The stamen is made of
the.anthra and the filament The anther Produces pollen.what time is the
sperm cells in it.The female part of the flower is called the pistol or the
James Jeferson

carpool. Stigma at the end that receives pollen and grains. The style
which is connected to the ovary.Houses the old view, which produces the
egg sales. When Paula lands on the stigma.a pollen tube forms to allow
these sperm cells to travel to Arts include.The.Colorful petals.And

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