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PUEDO aportar muchas habilidades y conocimientos a la posición que contribuirán a

impulsar y mejorar la compañía. SOY ambiciosA y ves que este nuevo cargo te hará
crecer, te pondrá a prueba y te ayudará a seguir mejorando y completando tus

Siento que llegue a un tope en mi carrera actual, y quiero contribuir con mis
capacidades a un grupo, a un propósito común.

Me gusta mucho la idea de ser un nexo comunicacional entre la empresa y el cliente.

Soy buena comunicando y también escuchando, interpretando, y entendiendo algunos
mensajes entre líneas.

Estoy dispuesta a aprender, viendo qué es necesario aprender, por donde puedo
acercarme. Me

I feel I am a strong candidate for the position since I have got five years-
experience in managing teams, and working in groups.

I have been improving my communication skills during the last years through my
professional career, learning to be more empathic, and also developing
listening/interpretation skills.

I’m a very proactive and confident person, who is always looking forward to
grow and get the best of every situation. As a teacher I’ve got coaching and
teaching skills and a great sense of empathy. I’m always wishing to learn from
others, and improve myself. Sometimes, I’m too optimistic, and that can be seen
as a weakness. I set myself big goals, which sometimes I reach in more time than
I expected.

I love to work in a team, where we can develop our potential together with

Well, some years ago we had to make an exposition where different groups
of children showed some abilities they had and what they were working on.
It was a challenge to integrate the different ideas they had, and the fact
that they were not motivated at all to show a product. I divided them into 3
groups, where they chose a different artistic way of communicating
feelings they were experiencing. We made a short movie, a song, and a
play. I was a moderator, and I helped them make decisions that allowed us
to create a product. The whole school came and watched it, and children
were surprised with their own performance. 

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