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81– which of the following belongs to muscles C)m.

Pectoralis major
of mastication: D)m. Deltoideus
A)m. Risorius 89– which of the following belongs to muscles
B)m. Temporalis of the neck:
C)m. Orbicularis oculi A)m. Buccinator
D)m. Orbicularis oris B)m. Pectoralis major
C)m. Orbicularis oris
82– muscles of the mastication are all of the D)m. Mylohyoideus
following except: 90– the part of diagphragm are all of the
A)m. Masserer following except:
B)m. Temporalis A)pars costalis
C)m. Buccinator B)pars sternalis
D)m. Pterigoideus medialis and lateralis C)pars abdominalis
D)pars lumbalis
83– muscles of facial expression are all of the 91– the openings of the diaphragm are all of the
following except: following except:
A)m. Masserer A)aortic hiatus
B)m. Orbicularis oculi B)esophageal hiatus
C)m. Buccinator C)foramen fort he inferior vena cava
D)m. Orbicularis oris D)foramen of the internal thotacic artery
84– muscles of facial expression are all of the 92– which muscle of the followin has sheath:
following except: A)m. Rectus capitis
A)m. Pterigoideus medialis B)m. Rectus abdominis
B)m. Orbicularis oculi C)exsternal oblique
C)m. Buccinator D)transversus muscle
D)m. Orbicularis oris
85– which of the following belongs to muscles 94– all off the following form the walls of the
of mastication: ingvinal canal except:
A)m. Risorius A)m. Rectus abdominis
B)m. Zygomaticus major B)exsternal oblique
C)m. Orbicularis oculi C)transversus muscle
D)m. Orbicularis oris D)internal oblique
86– which of the following belongs to 95– lateral abdominal muscles are all off the
superfacial muscle of the neck: following except:
A)m. Sternocleidomastoideum A)exsternal oblique
B)m. Sclenus anterior B)psoas major
C)m. Buccinator C)trasversus muscle
D)m. Orbicularis oris D)internal oblique
87– suprahyoid muscles are all of the following 96– posterior abdominal muscles are all of the
except: following except:
A)m. Digastricum A)psoas major
B)m. Sternocleidomastoideum B)rectus abdominis
C)m. Mylohyoideus C)psoas minor
D)m. Stylohyoideus D)quadratus lumborum
88– which of the following belongs to thoracic 97– the muscles of the pectoral(shoulder) girdle
muscle: are all of the following except:
A)m. Sternocleidomastoideum A)deltoid
B)m. Scalenus anterior B)supraspinatus
C)rhomboideus major 39. Which of the following does not belong to
D)teres minor suprahyoid muscles of the neck:
98– which muscle of the following belongs to A. Thyrohyoid
flexor of arm: B. Mylohyoid
A)biceps brachii C. Stylohyoid
B)anconeus D. Geniohyoid
D)deltoid 40. Which of the following does not belong to
99– which muscle of the following belong to posterior compartment muscles:
medial muscle of femur (adductors): A. Biceps femoris
A)rectus femoris B. Semitendinosus
B)gracilis C. Quadriceps femoris
C)obturatorius externus D. Semimembranosus
D)psoas major
100– which muscle of the following belongs to 49. Which of the following does not belong to
anterior muscles of femur: suprahyoid muscle of the neck:
A)quadriceps femoris A. Sternothyroid
B)gracilis B. Geniohyoid
C)obturatorius externus C. Mylohyoid
D)psoas major D. Stylohyoid
19. Which of the following belongs to chest
muscles: 50. Which of the following belongs to the
A. Trapezius medial compartment muscles of the femur:
B. Rhomboid minor A. Pectineus
C. Serratus anterior B. Sartorius
D. Rhomboid major C. Rectus femoris
D. Biceps femoris
20. Which of the following does not belong to
external pelvinar muscle:
A. Quadratus femoris 59. Which of the following belongs to
B. Obturator externus suprahyoid muscles of the neck:
C. Gluteus minimus A. Omohyoid
D. Iliacus B. Digastric
29. Which of the following does not belong to C. Sternohyoid
superficial muscles of the back: D. Stermothyroid
A. Trapezius
B. Latissimus dorsi 60. Which of the following does not belong to
C. Longissimus anterior compartment muscles of the femur:
D. Serratus posterior superior A. Adductor magnus
B. Rectus femoris
30. Which of the following belongs to internal C. Vastus medialis
pelvinar muscles: D. Vastus lateralis
A. Piriformis
B. Gluteus maximus
C. Quadratus femoris
D. Tensor fasciae latae 69. Which of the following belongs to superficial
muscle of neck:
A. Platysma
B. Digastric D. Masseter
C. Mylohyoid
D. Omohyoid 100. Which of the following belongs to the
lateral muscles of the abdomen:
70. Which of the following does not belongs to A. Rectus abdominis
posterior muscles of the forearm: B. Quadratus lumbarum
C. Psoas major
A. Brachio radialis D. Internal oblique
B. Flexor capi radialis
C. Extensor digitminimi
D. Supinator

79. Which of the following does not belong to

the muscle of facial expression:
A. Zygomaticus minor
B. Procerus
C. Temporalis
D. Buccinator

80. Anterior muscle of the upper arm is:

A. Triceps brachii
B. Biceps brachii
C. Anconeus
D. Pronator teres

89. Which of the following does not belongs to

muscles of mastication:
A. Temporalis
B. Zygomaticus major
C. Medial pterygoid
D. Lateral pterygoid

90. Which of the following does not belong to

muscle of the shoulder joint :
A. Deltoid
B. Teres major
C. Supraspinatus
D. Biceps brachii

99. Which of the following belongs to the

muscle of mastication: 81– which of the following belongs to muscles of
A. Levator labii superior mastication:
A)m. Risorius
B. Zygomaticus major B)m. Temporalis
C. Buccinator C)m. Orbicularis oculi
D)m. Orbicularis oris B)esophageal hiatus
82– muscles of the mastication are all of the following C)foramen fort he inferior vena cava
except: D)foramen of the internal thotacic artery
A)m. Masserer 92– which muscle of the followin has sheath:
B)m. Temporalis A)m. Rectus capitis
C)m. Buccinator B)m. Rectus abdominis
D)m. Pterigoideus medialis and lateralis C)exsternal oblique
83– muscles of facial expression are all of the following D)transversus muscle
except: 93– ingvinal ligament is formed by:
A)m. Masserer A)m. Rectus abdominis
B)m. Orbicularis oculi B)exsternal oblique
C)m. Buccinator C)transversus muscle
D)m. Orbicularis oris D)internal oblique
84– muscles of facial expression are all of the following 94– all off the following form the walls of the ingvinal
except: canal except:
A)m. Pterigoideus medialis A)m. Rectus abdominis
B)m. Orbicularis oculi B)exsternal oblique
C)m. Buccinator C)transversus muscle
D)m. Orbicularis oris D)internal oblique
85– which of the following belongs to muscles of 95– lateral abdominal muscles are all off the following
mastication: except:
A)m. Risorius A)exsternal oblique
B)m. Zygomaticus major B)psoas major
C)m. Orbicularis oculi C)trasversus muscle
D)m. Orbicularis oris D)internal oblique
86– which of the following belongs to superfacial muscle 96– posterior abdominal muscles are all of the following
of the neck: except:
A)m. Sternocleidomastoideum A)psoas major
B)m. Sclenus anterior B)rectus abdominis
C)m. Buccinator C)psoas minor
D)m. Orbicularis oris D)quadratus lumborum
87– suprahyoid muscles are all of the following except: 97– the muscles of the pectoral(shoulder) girdle are all of
A)m. Digastricum the following except:
B)m. Sternocleidomastoideum A)deltoid
C)m. Mylohyoideus B)supraspinatus
D)m. Stylohyoideus C)rhomboideus major
88– which of the following belongs to thoracic muscle: D)teres minor
A)m. Sternocleidomastoideum 98– which muscle of the following belongs to flexor of
B)m. Scalenus anterior arm:
C)m. Pectoralis major A)biceps brachii
D)m. Deltoideus B)anconeus
89– which of the following belongs to muscles of the neck: C)triceps
A)m. Buccinator D)deltoid
B)m. Pectoralis major 99– which muscle of the following belong to medial
C)m. Orbicularis oris muscle of femur (adductors):
D)m. Mylohyoideus A)rectus femoris
C)obturatorius externus
D)psoas major

90– the part of diagphragm are all of the following except: 100– which muscle of the following belongs to anterior
A)pars costalis muscles of femur:
B)pars sternalis A)quadriceps femoris
C)pars abdominalis B)gracilis
D)pars lumbalis C)obturatorius externus
91– the openings of the diaphragm are all of the following D)psoas major
A)aortic hiatus

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