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6 FEB 2023

This was my last day of vacation, so I was a little concerned

M Aabout
R T Eschool
S the next
day, but I wasn't wasting it doing nothing, so instead I meet with my friend in Town
square for our last time in vacation and enjoy the last day of freedom that I had, I
passed i really great time that day and slept a little late.

7 FEB 2023

Finally, back to school, waking up that morning was an absolute nightmare, I was
waking up at 11 pm so naturally waking up that soon was horrible, the day was
boring and long, but at least i got to play football and meet some of my friend in a
long time, then i got to play basketball in the afternoon.

8 FEB 2023

I wasn't completely used to being back in school, I didn't even have notebooks and
the teachers were starting really fast, also I got to meet my new teachers and new
subjects, understood what second semester was about, and it is still as hard as the
first one but with fewer classes.

9 FEB 2023

Today i woke up at 3 am and couldn't sleep anymore, so I was feeling a lot more
tired than usual, I almost slept in one class, sadly I couldn't, that day we had a two-
sided discussion with all the class for who got to get the best free hour of Arduino
and my side won so that was nice

10 FEB 2023

Finally, Friday, it felt like an eternity, but I survived, that day I played really great
in my basketball class, but my friend had to stay for three matches and I already got
plans with him, so we canceled, and instead I went to the cinema to see an
apocalypse movie called Knock in the Cabin and was pretty good.

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