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Joshua Henshaw

Internship Journal

June 1, 2023 – Today was the first day of the internship. I was able to meet some of the people I
will be working with this summer, and I am very excited for what this internship has in store for
me this summer. One of my co-workers was training me on a new role that they provided for me
on the golf course today. One of the roles that I will be working in for my internship is the role of
the starter. The starter is the individual who sets everyone up for their round of golf for the day.
I am excited for this role as well as many other roles I will be completing for my internship this

June 2, 2023 – Today I continued in my training as the starter at the golf course. I was able to
talk with many of the members today about many different things. I was able to have some
valuable conversations and build some connections with some people while I was working
today. At the course I am completing my internship, there are many members who can connect
me with many different possible workplaces that could employ me in the future. I am excited to
continue growing my relationships with the members out here as well as learning some
different skills on the job.

June 3, 2023 – Today I was working outside with the golf carts. The driving range was very busy
today so that required me to stay on top of keeping an eye out for the amount of golf balls that
the driving range was stocked with. Whenever we are running low on golf balls, we must take a
cart out onto the driving range and pick up the balls with this machine that we call the picker.
The picker scoops up the golf balls as we drive over them. Once we have collected enough golf
balls, we go restock the driving range with the balls we just collected.

June 9, 2023 – Today I continued my role at the Currahee Club as a starter. Right when I got to
work around 7:15am, I collected the supplies I would need to set up on the first tee box. These
items include a tent, a cooler, and a table. I have these things to greet the golfers as they begin
their rounds in the mornings. I conversate with the golfers and offer them waters and some
snacks before they begin their rounds. I do this for a few hours and then ride around and make
sure all the golfers on the course are enjoying themselves.

June 10, 2023 – Today I was put under the starting role again. Basically, the routine was the
same as yesterday, got to work around 7:15am, set up my station on the first tee, completed
that for a few hours, and then I rode around and made sure everyone was doing great on the
course. Except today, after I completed my shift as the starter, I stayed and helped my co-worker
finish his duties with the golf carts. I chose to do this because it was his first day working and I
would have appreciated someone helping me out on my first day on the job.
Joshua Henshaw

June 11, 2023 – Today I was working back in the golf carts. I like working in several different
areas at the Currahee Club because it keeps the workplace feeling fresh and different. But today
was a slower day so there wasn’t that much work to be done in the golf carts area. After I
completed all my duties that I had in the golf carts area, I was also able to continue training to
work in the golf shop. I believe I am getting the hang of working in the golf shop. I know it will
be easier as time goes on.

June 12, 2023 – Today I was working with the golf carts again. Today was a mediocre day
regarding how many golfers we had playing today. We had just enough golfers to stay busy
throughout the day, but not overwhelmingly busy. Also, on Mondays, we have to pick the
driving range clean of every golf ball. We have to do this because we mow the grass on Tuesdays
so we have to pick up every ball or else it will get cut up. This process is difficult because our
driving range is huge, and we have a lot of golf balls to pick up.

June 14, 2023 – Today was my first official day working in the golf shop all by myself. I was a
little nervous going into today because there were just some things that I didn’t know. Like what
do I do if someone calls the phone and has a question that I don’t know the answer to? But I
was able to answer many of those calls today and I believe that I handled them well. I got more
comfortable with answering the phone as time went on. I also got more comfortable with
checking people in and out as well as booking tee times for the day.

June 15, 2023 – Today I was working outside in the carts again. Today was a very slow day
regarding the number of golfers we had playing. Thursday is usually our slowest day, so it is not
very rare to see that on a Thursday. Because there were not a lot of golfers today, we were able
to get a lot of smaller tasks done. Some of these tasks include refilling the sand and water
around the course and making sure that there are enough golf balls for the next day. We were
able to complete all these tasks and still get out of work at a decent hour.

June 17, 2023 – Today I worked in the starting role. I was able to greet the golfers and make
conversation with them before they started their rounds. I was able to have some good
conversations about my schooling and career path. I really enjoy getting to know some of the
members and their stories. After I completed my tasks as the starter, I helped my co-worker
with some work in the cart area. I ended up staying at work for an 11-hour shift to help. This
week has been busy thus far, but I feel like I have been very productive with my hour count.

June 18, 2023 – Today I was working inside the golf shop helping set up tee times and check
people in and out. It was raining while I was at work today so there was not a lot of golf being
Joshua Henshaw

played today. Regardless, people were still coming in to buy Father’s Day gifts and other things
from the shop. So, although there was not a lot of golf being played today, I was still busy for
most of the day. I was also able to talk to many people in the shop and build relationships while
completing my internship. I am enjoying this part of the job better than I thought I would.

June 21, 2023 – I was in the golf shop again today. One of the guys that normally works in the
golf shop every day is at the beach, so I am filling in for him while he is away. It was also raining
again today so there were not that many golfers again today, so it was a slower day inside the
shop. Nonetheless, whenever someone would come inside the golf shop, I was able to have
good conversation with them and continue to build my relationships with the members.

June 22, 2023 – I worked in the golf shop again today. Thursday is usually our slowest day of the
week, so it was a slow day. It was also wet from the rain this whole week so that did not help
the number of golfers at the course either. We were supposed to have one of our largest
tournaments of the year tomorrow, but the rain has caused us to postpone the tournament
until September. We were already prepared and exited for the tournament, so it is unfortunate
that the tournament was postponed. But I will hopefully be able to work the tournament in
September so that will be fun.

June 23, 2023 – I worked in the golf shop again today. I was able to see a lot of our members
today and have a lot of valuable conversations. Most of the members at Currahee Club are
successful in their own field of work. With this being said, having conversations and building
relationships with these people can prove to be very valuable for my future in the business
world. I am very glad that I am able to have this opportunity to grow my network of people
before I venture out into my own career.

June 24, 2023 – This morning I worked as the starter on the first tee box. Meaning I was able to
see everyone that was golfing that day and interact with each one of them. Starting has its pros
and cons though. It gets so hot because I am out there from 7:30am to around 2pm. After I
finished my starter position around 2, I moved into the golf shop to finish my shift in there until
6pm. The change of scenery into the air conditioning was quite nice I must say. Inside the golf
shop was slow for the remainder of the day, just answering phone calls and answering

June 25, 2023 – Today I was working in the golf shop again. It was a huge relief because it was a
super-hot day yesterday. I am really starting to enjoy working in the golf shop. At first, I was a bit
hesitant because all the technology software was foreign to me, and I was not sure how easy it
Joshua Henshaw

would be to learn. But I am very glad that I have started working in here because I have met so
many new people and learned so many new things.

June 26, 2023 – Today I worked outside with the cart staff. It has been a very hot week, so it has
been very tiring. But I have been able to work a lot this week, so it makes up for it a little bit. It
is so fun to interact with the members and their guests every day. The conversations that I am
having with these people are ones that will build relationships for a lifetime. I am very glad that
I have chosen to do my internship at this place.

June 28, 2023 – I worked outside in the cart staff again today. Today was a slower day because
we did not have as many golfers. Because it was a slower day, we were able to get a lot of work
done in the cart barn and in the pro shop. We received a lot of new inventory for our pro shop,
and we were able to put all the new merchandise out on the floor. Days like this are good
because we can catch up on some of the smaller tasks that are harder to get done during busy

June 29, 2023 – This week has been very slow because of the high temperatures. Therefore,
working in the shop is very slow and does not require a ton of work. On days like this, I rarely
make any sales inside the shop, and I don’t answer that many phone calls. Because of this,
whenever I do have guests that walk in the shop or call on the phone, I am able to give them all
the enthusiasm that I have built up from sitting inside the shop alone.

June 30, 2023 – Today I was working as the starter on the first tee box. Although it was a very
hot day today, I was able to talk to many people and serve the members and their guests. I was
able to inform members and guests of our course rules and regulations, as well as offering them
snacks and waters before they begin their rounds of golf. I continue to have memorable
conversations with the people that I meet on a day-to-day basis.

July 1, 2023 – Today was a long day. I first worked in the morning as a starter on the first tee
box, and then I shifted into working in the pro shop after I finished on the first tee. It was long to
begin with, and it was not very busy which made it increasingly longer. Anyways, I will still
getting my hours completed and I was getting paid, so it was a win-win. I am getting closer to
the end of my internship, so I’m excited to work these long days and get more hours logged.

July 2, 2023 – Today I was working outside in cart staff again. Today was busier than days prior
due to July 4th being in the next couple of days. Because of this, today went by quicker than
most days and I was able to talk to a lot of members and their guests. I was able to deepen my
Joshua Henshaw

relationships with several members as well as create new relationships with their guests.
Overall, work was good today and not too difficult, very happy with the day.

July 6, 2023 – Today I was back in the pro shop. I was able to have a couple days off for July 4th
so that was a nice bonus. But work today was not busy at all. I figured that the golf course
would be busy after July 4th, but I guess I was wrong. Therefore, I was working in the pro shop so
slow days go by very slow. I was able to help a few members with questions they had, and I sold
a little bit of merchandise.

July 7, 2023 – I worked in the pro shop again today and the day was very similar to yesterday. It
was a slow day on the golf course but I was able to deal with some more customers today so
that was exciting. I answered the phone a lot more today than I did yesterday. I also sold a lot
more merchandise today than I did yesterday. I am glad I was able to be inside today because it
was very hot outside. I work outside most days, so it is nice to have some days where I am in the
air conditioning all day.

July 9, 2023 – Today I worked as the starter on the first tee box. It has been super hot the last
couple of weeks so the amount of play on the golf course has not negatively affected. Although
there were not a lot of golfers today, I was able to talk to a few members and serve them
however I could. After I was able to help the members, I was able to get some tasks done in the
cart barn. I was able to clean up the cart barn and prepare several things for tomorrow’s shift.

July 10, 2023 – Today was another long day. In the morning, I worked as the starter on the first
tee box. After I completed my shift there, I moved inside the pro shop to finish my shift and
close for the night. The first half of my shift felt like it took way longer than it did. I think this
was because of how hot it was. The second half of my shift in the pro shop was much more
enjoyable though. I am nearing the end of this internship and I am excited to complete it.

July 13, 2023 – Today was my last day working outside with the cart staff for this internship.
Because of this, I made sure to make the most of every interaction I had with the members and
their guests. I made sure to conversate with every person that I could to try and further my
relationship with these members. The work portion of today was not too bad at all because I
made sure to enjoy every second of today. I have had an amazing experience meeting new
people while working outside in the cart staff.

July 14, 2023 – Today I was working in the shop. I am really beginning to see myself working in
the golf business. Working at the golf course has really opened me up to a whole new side of
business and I am really enjoying it. Work today was not too bad because I was able to sell a lot
Joshua Henshaw

of merchandise and answer a lot of questions for our members. The day went by much faster
than the past couple of days, which was very good. I am excited to see my future in the golf

July 16, 2023 – Today is the last day of my internship which is very bitter-sweet. My last day was
a long day. I began my day by working outside on the first tee box, and I concluded my day by
closing in the pro shop. I was able to talk to many members and continue to strengthen my
relationships with our members. I am excited to see where these relationships that I have built
take me throughout these next few years after graduating college. I am also excited to see
where I can go through the connections that I have built inside the golf business. I am very
thankful for this internship opportunity that I have been given this summer.

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