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Outline for an essay on how occasional arguments in friendship can be healthy:

I. Introduction

A. Explanation of the topic

B. Brief overview of the points to be covered

> Acceptance of other’s beliefs as well

> Individual Growth

> Communication gap filled

II. Defining friendship

A. Explanation of what friendship is

>Mutual Respect between people

>Acceptance of each other

B. Importance of friendship in our lives

>Vital thing to exist

> Complete life

III. The role of arguments in friendship

A. Why arguments occur in friendships

B. Types of arguments that can occur in friendships

C. How occasional arguments can strengthen friendships

IV. Benefits of occasional arguments in friendship

A. Encourages honesty and openness

B. Helps to clarify boundaries

C. Promotes growth and personal development

D. Increases trust and intimacy

E. Reduces the likelihood of bigger conflicts in the future

V. Tips for managing arguments in friendship

A. The importance of effective communication

B. Understanding each other's perspectives

C. Taking a break if needed

D. Apologizing and forgiving

E. Moving on and learning from the experience

VI. Conclusion

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