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Mastery Learning Model

This was a great video I really enjoyed how he has the class set up and the way he

has his students helping other classmates in the classroom. When these students help each

other they begin to feel a sense of accomplishment about themselves. The way he

structures his class using mastery learning he has the students work at their own pace and

is able to meet the students where they are at. He was able to work with each student on

the level they have made it to and also see which one may need more help on a level.

This was a good video, and I have learned more about how to use this model in a

classroom. Each student builds the other one up as they help each other throughout the

class. I understood each part of the classroom that he was talking about and how to use it

to build a great classroom. The things that made this a good video to watch and learn

from was that after the teacher helped the students understand and mastered the lesson,

they were able to help other students to do the same. it then became teamwork, and each

help the others. 

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