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Laboratory: Session 10

Lesson Review
X 1. Skeletal muscles do have shorter size than cardiac muscles.

 2. Nervous system can make skeletal muscles move in an involuntary.

 3. When a muscle tissue contracts the muscle fibers shortens.

X 4. There are 4 types of muscle tissues.

 5. When a muscle tissue contracts the muscle fibers shortens.

Check for understanding

Muscle type Location Muscle Activity Striated

Skeletal 1. Attached to bone or 2. Movement of the 3. Striated
other connective tissue body, voluntary control
Cardiac 4. In the heart 5. Contracts heart to 6. Striated
pump blood,
involuntary control
Smooth 7. In hollow organs, 8. Regulates the size of 9. Not striated
such as the stomach organs, involuntary
and intestine. control

 Glia - important supportive functions.

 Dendrite – receives nerve impluses from other cells and carry them to the cell body.
 Axon – transmits nerve impluse away from the cell body and towards other cell at axon
 Cell body of nueron – coatain the nuclues and the site of general function
 Nuclues – responsible for conductong action potential
 Nuclei of glia - protect and nourish neuron.
AL Activity

Muscular tissue consists of elongated cells called muscle fibers or myocytes that can use ATP to
generate force. As a result, muscular tissue produces body movements, maintains posture, and
generates heat. It also provides protection. Based on location and certain structural and functional
features, muscular tissue is classified into three types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal muscle
tissue is attached to bones for body movement and is striated and voluntary. The action of cardiac
muscle tissue, which forms most of the heart wall that contracts heart to pump blood and is striated, is
involuntary. Smooth muscle tissue is found in the walls of hollow internal structures (blood vessels and
viscera) and is nonstriated and involuntary.

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