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- Volcanic activity ranges from release of gases, non-explosive

lava emission to extremely violent explosive burst.

Types of Eruptions in terms of activity

- gas driven explosion that propels

magma & tephra

- outpouring of lava without significant

explosive eruption
Metatypes of Volcanic Eruptions

Magmatic Eruption
• Hawaiian
• Strombolian
• Vulcanian
• Pelean
• Plinian
Magmatic Eruption

- derived from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii

- Fire fountains
- Calmest eruption
- Less viscous; low gas content
- 2 Types of Hawaiian eruption:
a. Pahoehoe lava – smooth lava
b. A’a-lava – fragmented, rough, spiny
or blocky
Magmatic Eruption

- derived from Stromboli volcano in Italy

- Bursting of gas bubbles within the
- gas slugs
- Short-lived and explosive eruptions
- Passive and non-damaging to its source
Magmatic Eruption

- Named after the Italian island, Vulcano

- series of violent, noisy, & short-lived
- ejection of volcanic bombs & blocks
- partially hydrovolcanic (generated by
the interaction of magma &
underground or surface water)
Magmatic Eruption

- Named after Mt. Pelee

- Aka Nuee Ardente
- large quantity of gas, dust, ash, & lava
- one of the most dangerous volcanic
activity in the world
Magmatic Eruption

- most explosive and powerful of all

- starts suddenly & unexpectedly after
long period of dormancy
- viscous magma containing a lot of gas
- forms enormous dark columns of tephra
& gas high to the stratosphere
Metatypes of Volcanic Eruptions

Magmatic Eruption Phreatomagmatic Eruption

• Hawaiian • Surtseyan
• Strombolian • Submarine
• Vulcanian • Subglacial
• Pelean Eruption
• Plinian
Phreatomagmatic Eruption

- named after the island of Surtseyan in

- hydromagmatic eruptions
- as water becomes in contact with lava,
explosion follows producing plumes of
ash, steam, & scoria
Phreatomagmatic Eruption

- takes place in beneath the surface of

- generated at subduction zones & within
tectonic plates
- pillow lava
Phreatomagmatic Eruption

- aka Glaciovolcanism
- interaction between ice & lava
- occurs at areas of high altitude and
- behavior & appearance depends on
temperature, composition, volume of
magma, thickness & permeability of ice
Metatypes of Volcanic Eruptions

Magmatic Eruption Phreatomagmatic Eruption Phreatic Eruption

• Hawaiian • Surtseyan
• Strombolian • Submarine
• Vulcanian • Subglacial
• Pelean Eruption
• Plinian
Phreatic Eruption
- aka steam-blast eruption
- driven by explosive expanding steam
- from cold ground or surface water meeting
hot rock or magma
- driven by cracking of rock strata under
- triggered by earthquakes
- release of toxic gas

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