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Alchemist Build Guide DOTA 2: Better Living Through Alchemy! http://www.dotafire.




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Better Living Through Alchemy!
December 18, 2011 by Atlas
COMMENTS: 28 | VIEWS: 90970 | Like 2 41 Votes

Build 1

Build 1: General
DotA2 Hero: Alchemist

Strength 0 Damage 49-58
Intelligence 0 Attack Speed 0
Agility 0
BASIC STATS Armor 1.54
Health 1822 Evasion 0%
Health Regen 0 Spell Resist 0%
Mana 1144
Mana Regen 0 Movement Speed 295 Alchemist
Purchase Order





Hero Skills

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1 von 6 02.01.2013 11:18

Alchemist Build Guide DOTA 2: Better Living Through Alchemy!

Better Living Through Alchemy!

December 18, 2011

1. Introduction
2. Pros and Cons
3. Skill Overview
4. Skill Orders
5. Item Explanation
6. Alternate Item Builds
7. Early Game
8. Mid Game
9. Late Game
10. Fights
11. Final Words
12. Change Log

Alchemist is a monster of a hero if played right. He has a ranged stun, his acid does a deceptively large amount
of damage, he can lack creep kills and have the same items as you, and he can regenerate his missing HP in a
jiffy. This is Alchemist in a nutshell, he does, however grow more complicated. Timing and placement of your
skills is more important than with any other hero on Alchemist, in my opinion of course.

Pros and Cons
Extra gold from farming
Long ranged, high duration stun
Hard to kill
Very diverse
High reward for players that are competent
Low CD ult

Stun can backfire
Very weak without rage on
Susceptible to aggressive play in lane
Item dependent
Teammate dependent

Skill Overview

Acid Spray is a damage over time AOE spell. At max level it will do 32 damage in the area and last
for 16 seconds. All this together will round up to be 512 damage IF a single enemy were to stay in the AOE the
entire time. It should probably be damaging more than just a single unit, to get the maximum DPS. Keep in
mind, I haven't even accounted for the armor reduction. If placed right in a teamfight, it can be an amazing tool.
Can also be used to kill a creep wave.

Long ranged stun, and it does decent damage when leveled. Of course there is more to it than that,
and this is where timing of abilities comes into play. The duration of the stun and damage increases as the 7
second timer decreases. If the timer hits 0, it backfires and you receive damage and get stunned. Use this
wisely! If you get stunned while timer is low, you just gave them a double-stun on you.

Self explanatory. You get extra gold for every creep you kill, and you get even more gold for each
successive creep kill. This is why you should really be good at farming, because if you can land all the last hits in
a creep wave, then that is 28 extra gold per wave. Plus, it can carry over to the next wave starting at the 8
bonus gold. Seriously, getting core items and luxury items is quick.

The primary trait with this ability is the health gain and mana+HP regen. It's why Armlet works so
well with this ult. Added bonus is you get more attack speed, and movement speed boost, and it has a really low
CD meaning you can just use it for sustain in lane so you can continue farming!

Skill Orders

2 von 6 02.01.2013 11:18

Alchemist Build Guide DOTA 2: Better Living Through Alchemy!

Alchemist is pretty diverse, in that he can really do completely different things in the early game.

If you plan on pushing hard early, grab points in Acid Spray before the others.

If you plan on farming all day, grab points in Goblin's Greed before the others.

If you plan on ganking a lot or having decent lane control, grab points in Unstable Concoction before the

Mix it up to your liking, depending on what you plan to do.

Item Explanation
For Alchemist, I like to build on what he already has going for him. This build makes it so that you remain weak
early game, but after your core you are capable of tanking lots of damage, as well as dealing a great amount of

Starting, Quelling Blade is really going to help your farm. Stout Shield is also a perfectly good choice.

I usually just grab a ring of regeneration as soon as I can in lane, it will allow you to stay in lane without the
need for a Tango or Healing Salve. If all is going well and you aren't getting harassed much, save up for
either Ring of Health or Helm of Iron Will. If the enemy is harassing a lot, grab another ring of
regeneration. As soon as you can, build a Hood of Defiance. The HP regen helps a lot, and being a "in your
face" kind of hero, you will have spells blown on you. After that, grab your armlet. This isn't an expensive build,
but it is damned effective. Just farm until you have these two items, then you are a force to be reckoned with.
Before hand, you are weak. Just farm until you can afford these, if you have enemies playing aggressively, it will
take even longer to farm your core, which is a pain in the ***.

This is where your build will root out. Depending on your enemies, different items will be better in certain cases.
This will also depend on your role in the team.

Primary Items

Our two boots of choice are Power Treads or Phase Boots. Power treads are my preference, it will give
you attack speed, damage, and health (on top of the movespeed bonus). These are all going to benefit you
greatly, while Phase Boots will provide you attack damage and the ability to chase a little better. Since you
are a melee hero without any real way to stay on your enemy, phase boots are a serious option to consider, but
my advice will be to only grab phase boots if the enemy team is very mobile or your team has a real lack of

Black King Bar is one of the better items in the game. Since Alchemist isn't particularly fast and has no
gap closer, slow and stuns will be a problem for you when you're trying to wail on an enemy. BKB fixes this.

Radiance is a powerful item that will make you a true force in teamfights. If you get this, you need free
farm and you should rush it, as it falls off later in the game.

This will stack onto your armor reduction, and makes your blows hurt like hell. Great against a team of
beefy strength heroes.

Crits! This will allow you to melt enemies fast, though I would only get this over Desolator if the enemy
team is more squishy.

For use against Faceless Voids and Phantom Assassins.

This makes you beefy and hard to take down. A very good item to grab if you find yourself low on HP in

Useful in the same way that Heart is. It will keep your HP up and gives you some nice strength.

Other Items

Getting a pipe is really great if your enemy has a lot of nukes. It's upgraded from your Hood of
Defiance, so it is never too expensive for you.

Cuirass is a good item to get if you have the farm for it. It gives you and your team some great
bonuses, however I personally do not find myself getting it very often. If you are more of a support/dps, then
this item is superb.

Really, same as above. It can benefit you and your team, and it really should be on every team, but I
usually don't get it unless it's needed when the team fights start to break out.

You know what? Some supports on the team don't grab a chicken. It happens, and shame on
them. Those tangos are so much more important than keeping your entire team in lane, I suppose. But if they
don't get a courier, and they should, but if they don't, please don't be stingy, and set the example for the rest
of the team and buy it instead of your shield/axe.

Alternate Item Builds
Of course, Alchemist wouldn't be Alchemist if he didn't have choices! My current build I have showed you leaves
you a little weak on attack early but, but emphasizes on getting regeneration and survivability early on. Let's

3 von 6 02.01.2013 11:18

Alchemist Build Guide DOTA 2: Better Living Through Alchemy!

talk about some alternate item builds...

Radiance Rush

Rushing radiance will really rely on you staying in lane and leveling goblin's greed. You can manage to get an
incredibly early radiance, which can catch people off guard and turn you into a real DPS monster. There are
some per-requisites for this, however. You will need a relatively easy lane that doesn't give you too much
trouble. If you are in a lane where your enemies rarely leave and there is still constant tension over creeps, it
may benefit you more to go with my standard regeneration build.

After you complete Radiance, which maybe basic boots and a few other small items built in there, simply
continue on with my standard build. Finish your boots, grab a Hood of Defiance/ Vanguard, then armlet.

Early Game

Mid Lane - No.
Any Solo Lane - Hell no.
Jungle? - ********it, no!
Side Lanes with a Partner - Yes!

Lets face it. Alchemist can not hold and defend a lane by himself at all. If you take a solo lane, you are doomed
to have little farm and die repeatedly and possibly lose a tower in the process.

As a duo-lane however, you make an excellent lane partner! Your stun can be pretty damaging and if used to its
maximum effect, it makes ganks a breeze, and you can farm much better.

Basically, try to farm and last hit when possible, or establish lane control with your concoction. A well timed
concoction is very bad to deal with, and enemies will be wise to avoid it.

Mid Game
Once you have a core item, or preferably both, this should mark your "mid game". The way this build goes
really encourages you having both items before you leave lane. At the bare minimum, have one before you start
going out and ganking. If you do plan on ganking, take some extra points in Unstable Concoction. Alchemist
is an amazing ganker, simply for the fact that once the enemy sees you, your timer is already down to 1 second
and they just got one hell of a stun to the face.

If the rest of the team is not in need of ganks, just stay and lane and farm. After level 6 you really shouldn't
have too much trouble with anything. Just work on keeping yourself farmed well, because you are very item

If your team wants to coordinate a push on a tower, you can really help out here. Laying down your Acid
Spray will take out the enemy creeps fast, resulting in a quick, clean push.

Late Game
Here you will be coordinating pushes and fights with your team. Try to have some items other than your core, if
you have done well you will be farmed pretty well and everything should go smoothly on your part.

Where all other Alchemists fail. But you? No. You are going to do good, because you are not a failure like all
those other idiotic Alchemists. Right?

The one problem with Alchemist is having your Unstable Concoction backfire on you. A well coordinated team
will silence you or stun you right before you throw it, at then you have a nasty 4 second stun on yourself, and
this can result in an entire team fight turning around. Try not to even use Unstable Concoction unless you are
chasing down an enemy or starting a fight.

At the start of a fight, try to find the most concentrated area of enemy heroes and lay down Acid Spray.

Right when the fight starts, use your Chemical Rage.

There may come a time where you get caught by yourself against an enemy or enemies you cannot escape
from. At this point you may want to try a small tactic: suicide. If you can time it right, your Unstable
Concoction can kill yourself, denying enemies your gold reward.

Final Words
Thanks for viewing my guide, and please feel free to criticize me! Did I leave anything out? If so, what? Are
there any points in here you feel are incorrect? Does the guide just need polishing and more meat to it? Don't be

Also, vote!

Change Log
12/18/2011 - Guide Created

4 von 6 02.01.2013 11:18

Alchemist Build Guide DOTA 2: Better Living Through Alchemy!


1 2 3 >>

by PotM_Plz » December 19, 2011 12:14am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep



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by HamSandwich » December 19, 2011 12:29am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Radiance is what makes this hero so powerful - the fact that he can get it before anybody
else in the game.


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by Sarcyn » December 19, 2011 8:19am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Very nice, incredible detail and overall very helpful! +1 Great Work


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by Loveless » December 24, 2011 11:28pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

It should also be noted that Alchemist can allow your team to do Roshan pretty early
on in the game and should be taken advantage of. I am also with Ham here,
Radiance is an item that he should be going for if nobody else on your team has it as a
core item, like Weaver or Bloodseeker.

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by DiamonD » February 21, 2012 11:02pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Thanks for good guide!


Posts: 2

by Mrs Warboys » February 26, 2012 1:54am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

I like this guide but I was wondering how you feel about on-hit attack items like Mjolnir
and Monkey King Bar. His ultimate reduces his base attack time, so he's much more
likely to proc item abilities than anyone else.
Mrs Warboys

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by Atlas » February 26, 2012 6:32am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Mjolnir is definitely a good item choice.

Regarding MKB, I would just get a Basher for its more powerful stun combined with your
high attack speed.
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5 von 6 02.01.2013 11:18

Alchemist Build Guide DOTA 2: Better Living Through Alchemy!

by Speedstar91 » April 7, 2012 5:26am | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Great Build!!!
Have you tried Soul Ring on him. In some situations it works perfektly, like when you
can't farm probably, because of the oponents range or they play really aggressive. With
acid spray you can keep them on distance. As you have a great health regeneration it
doesnt hurt that you loose some hp using it! And in case you have to play mid getting a Speedstar91
quick soulring is the best you can do. It works really well. (Soul Ring -> Other Items)
Posts: 1

by trickeyfish » April 16, 2012 6:35pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

Great guide. Alchemist has become my favorite hero so far. I don't know why more
people don't like him.


Posts: 1

by Atlas » April 16, 2012 7:27pm | Report Quote | PM | +Rep

trickeyfish wrote:

Great guide. Alchemist has become my favorite hero so far. I don't know why Atlas
<Community Support>
more people don't like him.
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Posts: 1153

He can be tricky to use really effectively. People like to build him full on carry, and some
can't adapt to the current situation and prefer using the same build every game.

Knowing when it's good to farm straight for radiance, or farm and grab some HP and
regen, or gank is really important.

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