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1. “Implicit” thinking that is effortless, habitual, and without awareness;

roughly corresponds to “intuition”. Also known as the system 1.
a. Controlled processing
b. Automatic processing
c. Priming
d. Embodied cognition

2. “Explicit” thinking that is deliberate, reflective, and conscious. Also known

as system 2.
a. Controlled processing
b. Automatic processing
c. Priming
d. Embodied cognition

3. Awakening or activating particular associations in memory.

a. Controlled processing
b. Automatic processing
c. Priming
d. Embodied cognition

4. The mutual influence of bodily sensations on cognitive preferences and

social judgments.
a. Controlled processing
b. Automatic processing
c. Priming
d. Embodied cognition

5. The tendency to be more confident than correct to overestimate the

accuracy of one’s beliefs.
a. Overconfidence Phenomenon
b. Confirmation bias
c. Heuristic
d. Prompt feedback

6. A tendency to search for information that confirms one’s preconceptions.

a. Overconfidence Phenomenon
b. Heuristic
c. Confirmation bias
d. Prompt feedback
7. A thinking strategy that enables quick, efficient judgments.
a. Overconfidence Phenomenon
b. Confirmation bias
c. Prompt feedback
d. Heuristic

8. Perception of a relationship where none exists, or perception of a stronger

relationship than actually exists.
a. Regression towards the average
b. Attribution
c. Gambling
d. Illusory correlation

9. The phenomenon in which people cling to their initial beliefs and the
reasons why a belief might be true, even when the basis for the belief is
a. Misinformation Effect
b. Belief perseverance
c. Preconception
d. Social Beliefs

10. Incorporating “misinformation” into one’s memory of the event after

witnessing an event and receiving misleading information about it.
a. Misinformation Effect
b. Belief perseverance
c. Preconception
d. Social Beliefs

11. Mistakenly attributing a behavior to the wrong source.

a. Misattribution
b. Spontaneous Trait Inference
c. Attribution Error
d. Dispositional Attribution

12. The theory of how people explain others behavior - for example, by
attributing it either to internal dispositions (enduring traits, motives, and
attitudes) or to external situations.
a. Attribution theory
b. Dispositional theory
c. Attachment theory
d. Misattribution theory

13. The tendency for observers to underestimate situational influences and

overestimate dispositional influences upon other’s behavior.
a. Fundamental attribution error
b. Dispositional attribution
c. Misjudgment
d. Misattribution

14. A belief that leads to its own fulfillment.

a. Behavioral Confirmation
b. Self-fulfilling prophecy
c. Experimenter Bias
d. Teacher Expectations and Student Performance

15. A type of self-fulfilling prophecy whereby people’s social expectations lead

them to behave in ways that cause others to confirm their expectations.
a. Behavioral Confirmation
b. Self-fulfilling prophecy
c. Experimenter Bias
d. Teacher Expectations and Student Performance

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