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Great Time 4 Program

1st semester

Week = Homework WB
Page(s) Workbook support and Extra
4 Unit Differentiation: select exercises according to Suggestions
SB extension For extra activities for all the lessons, please check the PES Hub
lessons Ss' level: , , 

Introduction to English Introductory lesson: Information on the Great Time series –

1 0 0 Select what your group needs
lessons Student’s Book and Workbook – Integration activity

2 4, 5, 6, 7 4, 5, 6
3 8, 9, 10, 11 7, 8, 9

4 12, 13, 14 12 10, 13 ex. 1 or 2 Grammar support SB page 122 Flipped lesson: have students watch the Great Time 4 - Unit 1 video lessons on the portal so
5 1 15, 16, 17 12 11, 14 Pronunciation SB page 120 and WB page 118 that they come into the classroom aware of the lesson items
6 18, 19 15, 16 Think Exams: Cambridge English WB 17

7 20, 21, 22, 23 20 18, 21 ex. 1, 2, 3 or 4 Grammar support SB page 122 Flipped lesson: have students watch the Great Time 4 - Unit 2 video lessons on the portal so
8 2 24, 25 20 19, 21 ex. 5 or 6 Pronunciation: SB page 120 and WB page 118 that they come into the classroom aware of the lesson items
9 26, 27 22, 23, 24 Consolidation Unit's 1 and 2 SB page 29 WB 26 and 27 Think Exams: Cambridge English SB 28 WB 25

10 30, 31, 32 30 28 and 31 ex. 1 or 2 Grammar support SB page 122 and 123 Flipped lesson: have students watch the Great Time 4 - Unit 3 video lessons on the portal so
11 3 33, 34 29 ex. 5 or 6, 32 Pronunciation: SB page 120 and WB page 118 that they come into the classroom aware of the lesson items
12 35, 36, 37 30 29 ex. 7, 31 ex. 3, 4 or 5, 33, 34 Think Exams: Cambridge English WB 35
13 WRITTEN Units 1 to 3 0 Use 45 minutes for this test

14 38, 39, 40 38 36, 39 ex. 1 and 2 Grammar support SB page 123 and 124 Flipped lesson: have students watch the Great Time 4 - Unit 4 video lessons on the portal so
15 4 41, 42, 43 38 37, 39 ex. 3 and 4; 40 Pronunciation: SB page 120 and WB page 119 that they come into the classroom aware of the lesson items
16 44, 45 41, 42 Consolidation Unit's 3 and 4 SB page 47 WB 44 and 45 Think Exams: Cambridge English SB 46 WB 43

17 48, 49, 50 48 46, 49 ex. 1 and 2 Grammar support SB page 124 Flipped lesson: have students watch the Great Time 4 - Unit 5 video lessons on the portal so
18 5 51, 52 47 ex. 5 and 6; 50 Pronunciation SB page 120 WB page 119 that they come into the classroom aware of the lesson items
19 53, 54, 55 48 47 ex. 7, 8 and 9; 49 ex. 3, 4, 5 and 6; 51, 52 Think Exams: Cambridge English WB 53

20 56, 57, 58 56 54, 57 ex. 1, 2, and 3 Grammar support SB page 124 Flipped lesson: have students watch the Great Time 4 - Unit 6 video lessons on the portal so
21 6 59, 60, 61 56 55, 57 ex. 4, 5 and 6 Pronunciation SB page 120 WB page 119 that they come into the classroom aware of the lesson items
22 62, 63 58, 59, 60 Consolidation Unit's 5 and 6 SB page 65 WB 62 and 63 Think Exams: Cambridge English SB 64 WB 61
23 WRITTEN Units 4 to 6 0 Use 45 minutes for this test

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