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Name: Rylie Read

Worksheet 2 – Client Brief Requirements

Task 1: The requirements of a client brief can be split into 4 different categories – Implicit, Explicit,
Open and Constrained. Provide definitions for each type of requirement: [4]

Requirement Definition
Implicit Something that is not as clear or exaltedly stated but it is still required

Explicit Something that is very clear and you absolutely have to do

Open You mostly have freedom to make your own decisions

Constrained This is unrelated to the others because it is boundaries set by a company e.g.

Task 2: When analysing a client brief you will normally use 4 different types of analysis tool; a Mind
Map, a Mood Board, Blue Sky Thinking and a SWOT Analysis. Provide an explanation for each tool
describing what the tool is and how it would normally be used. [8]

Tool Explanation
Mind Map A structured document where ideas are linked to a central concept.
Overall related to one topic. Contains branches and nodes as well as the
Mood Board A collection of images to give an overall understanding of an ongoing
project. Typical things found would be photos, colour schemes, font
Blue-Sky Thinking Blue-sky thinking involves a group of people looking at an opportunity
with fresh eyes. As a group, you could write down everyone's ideas and
every will be contributed. Furthermore, nothing will be discounted from
the ideas.
SWOT Analysis Strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats. Each topic will be broke
down and talked about.

Task 3: First, re-read the client brief for Welsh Mocha from Worksheet 2. Then identify what you
think are the requirements of the brief and then see if you can split those requirements into the
following categories:

Welsh Mocha Requirements

Implicit Requires a graphic image-shirt colour is to be black and the design work
bright, colourful, clean and simple, The company logo is to be designed using
two colours, The company would like the logo to reflect their view that the
environment needs to be protected.
Explicit Will be worn by all staff in coffee shop, The need for a corporate identity

Open The idea of relaxation as a focus is also to be incorporated

Name: Rylie Read

Constrained The design work is to be completed within the designated time frame — two
weeks for initial design.

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