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Prepared by:
Richie May A. Ramos
Created by: Richie May A.Associate Professor III
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UM Faculty
Associate Professor III
UNIT 1: LAWS OF INHERITANCE the path to the priesthood as he entered the
Augustinian monastery of Saint Thomas and became
a monk. He was finally ordained in 1847. Thereafter,
he decided to work as an educator. However, due to
Genetics is the subdiscipline of biology that the poor quality of his answers, he failed his exams in
focuses on heredity and genetic variation. In physics and natural history. Thus, he enrolled at the
biology, heredity, which is also called inheritance University of Vienna to expand his knowledge in these
or biological inheritance, refers to the transmission areas. Finally, in 1856, he began his hybridization
or passing down of traits from the generation of studies involving pea plants. His eight-year work on
parents to their offspring. experimental crosses was later recognized as a path-
breaking achievement in the field of biology.
Genetic variation, on the other hand, refers to the
degree of difference in the deoxyribonucleic acid Fig. 1
or DNA among individuals of a population. As you Gregor Mendel
can observe, genetics is centralized on the study
of genes or segments of DNA, how they are (1822–1884), the father of
genetics, made vital
inherited, and how different they are among the
contributions to the science
members of a species.
of heredity through his pea
plant experiments at the
Augustinian monastery

Field Description Pea Plant as Mendel’s Model Organism

Molecular Molecular genetics deals with the
Genetics study of DNA and gene Mendel’s experiments were actually borne out of
expression and regulation. his interest for ornamental flowers. He even
Cytogenetics Cytogenetics deals with the study
performed separate experiments involving
of chromosomes and their
behavior during meiosis. honeybees. His study on garden peas or Pisum
Population Population genetics focuses on sativum brought him the greatest success in the
Genetics how the forces of evolution field of genetics.
influence the frequencies of genes
at the population level.
Transmission Transmission genetics deals with
Genetics the different patterns of

Gregor Mendel and His Pea Plant Hybridization

Gregor Johann Mendel as the father of modern
genetics born in 1822 in Moravia located in the Czech
Fig. 2 Garden pea or Pisum sativum is a type of
Republic today (but was part of Austria when Mendel
was born), he grew up on a farm. He worked with his
father to improve the plants in their orchard by grafting Its flowers may either be violet or white. Being a
trees, a technique wherein two vegetative structures legume, its fruits are elongated or pod-shaped, with
from two plants are joined together. Later on, he took seeds attached to only one side of the fruit or pod wall.
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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
Mendel chose Pisum sativum for various reasons, the gene for pod texture, two versions exist—one
which are the following: for wrinkled pods and another for smooth pods.
▪ First, it exhibits more vigorous growth Two chromosomes are used to represent genes
(approximately 70 to 80 days harvest period) and alleles above. This is to emphasize that our
compared to other plants. chromosomes, similar to most organisms, occur in
pairs called homologous chromosomes. The
▪ Second, these plants are easy to cross- members of each pair originate from each of our
fertilize. The flowers of peas contain both parents. Thus, for animals and most plants, two
male and female organs, particularly, the
genes control the expression of a particular
stamens and pistil. Obtaining pollen grains
characteristic. For us, humans, we inherit each of
from the anthers from one plant and delivering
them to the stigma of another plant will allow these genes from our mother and father. Also, in
fertilization. If this is done between plants with the individual has identical alleles for height (both
different traits, then hybridization is alleles for tall). Thus, this individual is said to be
performed. The offspring of the mating, homozygous for height. If this individual happens
consequently, are referred to as hybrids to have inherited an allele for “dwarf” trait from its
parent 2, then its alleles will become different from
▪ Lastly, pea plants are also capable of self- each other, making it heterozygous (or hybrid) for
fertilization through self-pollination. A height. This is the case for pod texture because of
modified petal of the pea flower is capable of the non-identical alleles. These combinations of
covering the reproductive structures. This alleles that an individual possesses at a certain
allows peas to naturally self-pollinate. locus, which can be homozygous or
heterozygous, refer to its genotype. The actual
Review of Genetic Terminologies manifestation of a genotype into observable traits
is called the phenotype. You usually describe
In the discussion of transmission genetics, several your classmates by enumerating their
terminologies will be repeatedly used. You should phenotypes. In the given figure above, if the actual
also understand them well to improve your skills in phenotype of the plant is a round seed, then the
solving genetic problems. Genes refers to the allele for round seed is said to be the dominant
basic unit of heredity. Mendel termed these genes allele. The other allele in which the expression is
as “unit factors” that control the expression of masked (i.e., wrinkled allele) is called the
biological characteristics. A characteristic is any recessive allele.
heritable feature of an organism, which is under
the control of a particular gene. Different genes
control flower color, hair color, and skin color,
Mendelian Laws of Inheritance
which are examples of characteristics. The
definite position that a gene occupies in a 1. The Law of Segregation-Each inherited trait
chromosome is called a locus (plural, loci). A is defined by a gene pair. Parental genes are
gene for a particular characteristic usually has randomly separated to the sex cells so that
different alternative forms, which are called sex cells contain only one gene of the pair.
alleles. In the figure given below, two gene loci are Offspring therefore inherit one genetic allele
given: one for the height of a pea plant and from each parent when sex cells unite in
another for the texture of its pods. If you look at fertilization.

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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
a. Mendel’s Monohybrid Cross- the initial Using Punnett Squares:
individuals that are mated comprise the P
To apply your knowledge of the principle of
generation or the parental generation. Particularly,
dominance and law of segregation in analyzing
the P generation consists of tall and dwarf parents.
other crosses, we can use the Punnett Square.
Note that P generations in all of Mendel’s crosses
This method, which was devised by Reginald
consist of true-breeding or homozygous
Punnett, is a basic technique that can be used to
individuals. These parents, when cross-pollinated.
represent the segregation of gametes in the
In this cross, only one characteristic is involved.
parents and the fertilization to produce the
However, the parents should have different or
possible offspring. By using the example earlier,
contrasting phenotypes.
Table 2 shows separate Punnett squares for P (tall
Interpretations of the Monohybrid Cross: × dwarf) and F1 generations (tall × tall). Note that
the first rows and columns below the parent
Two major observations can be made from the
genotypes represent the segregated gametes
monohybrid cross of Mendel. First, the F1 consists
(sperm and eggs). Combining them will give rise
of only one phenotype, which is tall. Second, the
to the possible genotypes of the offspring. The
dwarf phenotype reappeared in the F2
steps are summarized as follows:
generation. This implies that the tall trait is
dominant over the recessive dwarf trait. This is 1. Write down the genotypes of both parents for
best explained by the Principle of Dominance. each cross.
This states that when an individual is
a. P generation: TT, tt
heterozygous, the dominant allele tends to mask
b. F1 generation: both Tt
the expression of the recessive allele. For you to
understand better, let us establish notations to our 2. Write down the possible gametes for each
monohybrid cross. Let gene T code for height in genotype. Then, draw an empty version of the
the pea plant. This gene exists in two forms: the boxes below where you can write the gametes and
dominant T allele for tall trait and recessive t allele offspring.
for the dwarf trait. In the P generation, a TT (tall)
parent is crossed with a tt (dwarf) parent. In Table
a. TT: only T
1 below, note that the recessive allele is masked
b. tt: only t
in the heterozygous individuals in both F1 and F2
c. Tt: T or t
generations. Also, this explains that the recessive
phenotype is always true-breeding, whereas an
individual with the dominant phenotype may either
be homozygous or heterozygous.

Table 1. The conceptual approach to Mendel’s Table 2. Punnett squares for P and F1
monohybrid cross generations in a monohybrid cross

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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
2. The Law of Independent Assortment-Genes 3. The Law of Dominance-An organism with
for different traits are sorted separately from one alternate forms of a gene will express the form that
another so that the inheritance of one trait is not is dominant. The alleles that are suppressed are
dependent on the inheritance of another. called the recessive traits while the alleles that
determine the trait are known as the dominant
b. Mendel’s Dihybrid Cross -In Mendel’s dihybrid
cross, the same pattern applies as in the
monohybrid cross. However, this time, two The genetic experiments Mendel did with pea
characteristics or two pairs of contrasting traits are plants took him eight years (1856-1863) and he
involved. published his results in 1865. During this time,
Mendel grew over 10,000 pea plants, keeping
Interpretations of the Dihybrid Cross:
track of progeny number and type. Mendel's work
The F2 generation of the dihybrid cross of Mendel and his Laws of Inheritance were not appreciated
has a characteristic phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1. in his time. It wasn't until 1900, after the
This result is best explained by Mendel’s Law of rediscovery of his Laws, that his experimental
Independent Assortment. According to this law, results were understood.
the alleles from different genes are sorted into the
Using Pedigrees
gametes independently of each other. This also
implies that genes are inherited independently of Why Do We Perform Pedigree Analysis?
each other. For example, in the given cross above,
-A useful approach to study the inheritance of
the result of the dihybrid cross means that seed
traits in humans is pedigree analysis. As shown
color and seed shape are inherited independently.
in Fig.3 a pedigree is a graphical representation of
The inheritance of one gene does not influence
how a trait is inherited among the members of a
that of the other. To better understand this, see
family. This is the first effective method introduced
Table 3.
to determine the mode of inheritance of a trait.
Given the periodic occurrence of a genetic
characteristic in a family, we can also assess the
risk of recurrence, especially if it is a genetic

Table 3. Application of Punnett square to P and F1

Fig. 3 Pedigrees are used to determine the
generations of a dihybrid cross
chances of a trait recurring in a family
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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
However, as mentioned earlier, challenges in 4. Proband. Sometimes, pedigrees specify the
studying the inheritance of traits in humans involve individual being studied or observed. Usually, a
problems in the collection of information. Usually, proband is a member of the family who first sought
one can construct an accurate pedigree of a family the attention of a genetic counselor. A proband is
from a survey or interview if the interviewee is represented by an arrow.
knowledgeable about the number of children, sex,
5. Carrier. A half-shade is used to represent that
and the occurrence of the trait among his or her
an individual is a carrier for a genetic condition.
relatives. Otherwise, false data can lead to wrong
Specifically, the carrier individual is said to be
interpretation of a pedigree.
heterozygous for the condition. Take note that the
Pedigree Analysis in Genetic Counseling status of being a carrier is not always shown in a
Genetic counseling is a procedure performed in
health institutions wherein advice is given to a 6. Unknown Sex. Sometimes, the family being
family afflicted with or at risk of getting a genetic interviewed prior to genetic counseling may be
condition. A genetic counselor usually elaborates certain about the number of children of a relative,
on the genetic, psychological, and other but not sure about their sexes. In such cases, a
implications of the condition so that the family may diamond symbol is used.
adapt as needed. The process of genetic
7. Mating. Mating between a couple is denoted by
counseling entails the analysis of pedigrees
a horizontal line connecting them.
constructed from a series of questions answered
by the family to generate any pertinent 8.Offspring. The children of matings are
information. However, it will always be critical to represented by a vertical line that connects to the
accurate genetic counseling that the family being parents.
interviewed has a correct recollection of the
inheritance of traits among their relatives. 9. Consanguinity. Mating between genetically
related individuals, or a consanguineous mating,
Constructing Pedigrees is represented by a double horizontal line. ○ An
example of this is when cousins marry each other
Symbols and notations are used to construct a
and have children.
pedigree. These symbols set the standard in all
genetic tests or analyses, and they are as follows: 10. Twinning. Twins can be denoted by branching
from a common point. Connecting the members of
1. Sex. Use squares for male individuals and
a twin represents a monozygotic or identical
circles for females.
condition. Otherwise, they are considered
2. Traits. A shaded square or circle denotes that dizygotic or fraternal.
an individual is affected by the condition.
11. Labels. Roman numerals are used to denote
Otherwise, the individual does not possess the
generations. In each generation, individuals are
condition and is represented by an unshaded
numbered consecutively from left to right. ○ For
example, individual II-2 is an affected son of
3. Status. A slash is used to denote that an individuals I-1 and II-2, both of whom are
individual is deceased. Not all pedigrees specify unaffected.
this status of the individuals, however.

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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
Analyzing Pedigrees
Identifying whether a trait that runs in the family is
dominant or recessive is crucial to the
determination of the chances of recurrence of that
trait in the family. This can also contribute to Many people believe that American biologist
continuously becoming a more extensive James Watson and English physicist Francis
understanding of how human traits are inherited. Crick discovered DNA in the 1950s. In reality, this
It may not be as convenient as generating is not the case. Rather, DNA was first identified in
hundreds of seeds in plant hybridization. the late 1860s by Swiss chemist Friedrich
However, it can at least narrow down options Miescher. Then, in the decades following
regarding the possible mode of inheritance of a Miescher's discovery, other scientists--notably,
trait in humans Phoebus Levene and Erwin Chargaff--carried
out a series of research efforts that revealed
additional details about the DNA molecule,
including its primary chemical components and
the ways in which they joined with one another.
Without the scientific foundation provided by these
pioneers, Watson and Crick may never have
reached their groundbreaking conclusion of 1953:
that the DNA molecule exists in the form of a
three-dimensional double helix.
The First Piece of the Puzzle: Miescher
Discovers DNA
Fig.4 Symbols and notations used in constructing
human pedigrees Although few people realize it, 1869 was
a landmark year in genetic research, because it
Conclusions from Mendel’s Experiments was the year in which Swiss physiological chemist
Friedrich Miescher first identified what he called
▪ The genetic makeup of the plant is known as
"nuclein" inside the nuclei of human white blood
the genotype. On the contrary, the physical cells. (The term "nuclein" was later changed to
appearance of the plant is known as "nucleic acid" and eventually to
phenotype. "deoxyribonucleic acid," or "DNA.") Miescher's
▪ The genes are transferred from parents to the plan was to isolate and characterize not the
offspring in pairs known as alleles. nuclein (which nobody at that time realized
▪ During gametogenesis when the existed) but instead the protein components of
chromosomes are halved, there is a 50% leukocytes (white blood cells).
chance of one of the two alleles to fuse with Miescher thus made arrangement for a
the allele of the gamete of the other parent. local surgical clinic to send him used, pus-coated
▪ When the alleles are the same, they are patient bandages; once he received the
known as homozygous alleles and when the bandages, he planned to wash them, filter out the
alleles are different they are known as leukocytes, and extract and identify the various
heterozygous alleles. proteins within the white blood cells. But when he
came across a substance from the cell nuclei that
had chemical properties unlike any protein,
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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
including a much higher phosphorous content and functions: (1) it contains the blueprint for making
resistance to proteolysis (protein digestion), proteins and enzymes; (2) it plays a role in
Miescher realized that he had discovered a new regulating when the proteins and enzymes are
substance. In addition, Chargaff’s rules state that, made and when they are not made; (3) it carries
“in DNA of any species and any organism, the this information when cells divide; and (4) it
amount of guanine should be equal to the amount transmits this information from parental organisms
of cytosine; and the amount of adenine should be
to their offspring. In this chapter, we will explore
equal to the amount of thymine”. Further, a 1:1
the structure of DNA, its language, and how the
stoichiometric ratio of purines (adenine and
guanine) and pyrimidines (cytosine and thymine) DNA blueprint becomes translated into a physical
bases should exist. Those purine and pyrimidine protein.
nucleotides are major energy carriers, subunits of
nucleic acids, and precursors for the synthesis of
nucleotide cofactors of NAD and SAM.
More than 50 years passed before the
significance of Miescher's discovery of nucleic
acids was widely appreciated by the scientific
community. For instance, in a 1971 essay on the
history of nucleic acid research, Erwin Chargaff
noted that in a 1961 historical account of
nineteenth-century science, Charles Darwin was
mentioned 31 times, Thomas Huxley 14 times, but
Miescher not even once. This omission is all the
more remarkable given that, as Chargaff also
noted, Miescher's discovery of nucleic acids was
unique among the discoveries of the four major
cellular components (i.e., proteins, lipids,
Fig. 5 DNA Structure
polysaccharides, and nucleic acids) in that it could
be "dated precisely... [to] one man, one place, one
A.DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid

DNA and RNA Physical Structure of DNA

Few people in literate societies can avoid
Except for some viruses, life’s genetic code is seeing a picture of DNA. Physically, DNA
written in the DNA molecule (aka resembles a spiral staircase. For our purposes
deoxyribonucleic acid). From the perspective of here, imagine that we twist the staircase to remove
design, there is no human language that can the spiral so we are left with the ladder-like
match the simplicity and elegance of DNA. But structure depicted in Fig. 6. The two backbones to
from the perspective of implementation—how it is this ladder are composed of sugars (S in the
actually written and spoken in practice—DNA is a figure) and phosphates (P); they need not concern
linguist’s worst nightmare. Most of the DNA, is us further. The whole action of DNA is in the rungs.
found inside the nucleus of a cell, where it
Each rung of the ladder is composed of
forms the chromosomes. Chromosomes haver
two chemicals, called nucleotides or base pairs,
proteins called histones that bind to DNA. It has
that are chemically bonded to each other. DNA
two strands that twist into the shape of a spiral
has four and only four nucleotides: adenine,
ladder called a helix. DNA has four major
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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
thymine, guanine and cytosine, usually 3’ (“three prime”) end.1 If DNA nucleotide
abbreviated by the first letter of their names—A, T, sequence number 1 lies between DNA sequence
G, and C. These four nucleotides are very number 2 and the “top,” then it is referred to as
important, so their names should be committed to being upstream from DNA sequence 2. If it lies
memory. Inspection of Figure 6 reveals that the between sequence 2 and the 3’ end, then it is
nucleotides do not pair randomly with one another. downstream from sequence 2.
Instead A always pairs with T and G always pairs
DNA Replication
with C. This is the principle of complementary
base pairing that is critical for understanding Complementary base pairing also assists in the
many aspects of DNA functioning. faithful reproduction of the DNA sequence, a
process geneticists call DNA replication. When a
cell divides, both of the daughter cells must
contain the same genetic instructions.
Consequently, DNA must be duplicated so that
one copy ends up in one cell and the other in the
second cell. Not only does the replication process
have to be carried out, but it must be carried out
with a high degree of fidelity. Most cells in our
bodies—neurons being a notable exception—are
constantly dying and being replenished with new
cells. For example, the average life span of some
skin cells is on the order of one to two days, so the
skin that you and I had last month is not the same
skin that we have today. By living into our eighties,
Fig. 6 DNA base-pairing
we will have experienced well over 10,000
Because of complementary base pairing, if we generations of skin cells! If this book were to be
know one strand (i.e., helix) of the DNA, we will copied sequentially by 10,000 secretaries, one
always know the other helix. Imagine that we copying the output of another, the results would
sawed apart the DNA ladder in Figure 5 through contain quite a lot of gibberish by the time the task
the middle of each rung and threw away the entire was completed. DNA replication must be much
right-hand side of the ladder. We would still be more accurate than that.
able to know the sequence of nucleotides on this
Replication involves a series of protein and
missing piece because of the complementary
enzymes that we will call the replication stuff. The
base pairing. The sequence on the remaining left-
first step in DNA replication occurs when an
hand piece starts with ATGCTC, so the missing
enzyme (cannot get away from those enzymes,
right-hand side must begin with the sequence
can we?) separates the rungs much as our
TACGAG. DNA also has a particular orientation in
mythical saw cut them right down the middle (the
space so that the “top” of a DNA sequence differs
left-hand picture in Figure 6). Enzymes then grab
from its “bottom.” The reasons for this are too
on to nucleotides floating free in the cell, glue them
complicated to consider here, but the lingo used
on to their appropriate partners on the separated
by geneticists to denote the orientation is
stands, and synthesize a new backbone (right side
important. The “top” of a DNA sequence is called
of Figure 6. The situation is analogous to opening
the 5’ end (read “five prime”) and the bottom is the
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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
the zipper of your coat, but as the teeth of the not have the ladder-like structure of the DNA in
zipper separate, new teeth appear. One set of new Instead, RNA would look like Figure 5 after the
teeth binds to the freed teeth on the left hand side ladder was sawed down the middle and one half
of the original zipper, while another set bind to the of it discarded (with, of course, the added
teeth on the original right hand side. When you get provision that U would substitute for T in the
to the bottom, you are left with two completely remaining half).
closed zippers, one on the left and the other on the
Fourth, while there is one type of DNA,
right of your jacket front.
there are several different types of RNA, each of
which perform different duties in the cell. The
different types of importance for this text are listed
in Table 4. Note the abbreviations. In terms of
function, think of DNA as the monarch of the cell,
giving all the orders. Some occupy buildings in
outlying districts (ribosomal RNA), others
transport material to strategic locations (transfer
RNA), while yet others act as messengers to give
instructions on what to build (messenger RNA). As
we will see, the common language of the realm is
Fig. 7 DNA replication the genetic code and it is communicated by the
way of complementary base pairing.
B. RNA-Ribonucleic acid
Name Abbreviation Function
Before discussing the major role of DNA, Messenger mRNA Carries the
it is important to discuss DNA’s first cousin, RNA message from
ribonucleic acid or RNA. Besides its chemical the DNA to the
composition, RNA has important similarities and protein factory.
differences with DNA. First, like DNA, RNA has Transfer tRNA Responsible for
four and only four nucleotides. But unlike DNA, RNA bringing amino
RNA uses the nucleotide uracil (abbreviated as acid to the
U) in place of thymine (T). Thus, the four RNA ribosome.
nucleotides are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine Ribosomal rRNA Comprises part
RNA of the protein
(G), and uracil (U).
Second, the nucleotides in RNA also Small snRNA Process the pre-
exhibit complementary base pairing. The RNA nuclear mRNA to mature
nucleotides may pair with either DNA or other RNA RNA RNA.
molecules. When RNA pairs with DNA, G and C Micro RNA miRNA A guide by base-
always pair together, T in DNA always pairs with pairing with
target mRNA to
A in RNA, but A in DNA pairs with U in RNA.
When RNA pairs with RNA, then G pairs with C
regulate its
and A pairs with U. experession.
Third, RNA is single-stranded (usually) Table 4. Some important types of RNA
while DNA is double-stranded. That is, RNA does
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Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
The Genetic Code Finally, DNA, just like a book, is organized
into chapters. The chapters correspond to the
DNA is a blueprint. It does not physically construct chromosomes, so their number will vary from one
anything. Before discussing how the information in species to the next. The book for humans consists
the DNA results in the manufacture of a concrete of 24 different chapters, one for each chromosome
molecule, it is it important to obtain an overall (22 autosomes plus the X and the Y). The book for
perspective on the genetic code. It is convenient other species may contain fewer or more chapters
to view the genome for any species as a book with with little correlation between the number of
the genetic code as the language common to the chapters and the complexity of the life forms.
books of all life forms. The “alphabet” for this
language has four and only four letters given by
four nucleotides in DNA (A, T, C, and G) or RNA Protein synthesis
(A, U, G and C). A. Definition
In contrast to human language, where a We now examine the specifics of how
word is composed of any number of letters, a blueprint in the DNA guides the manufacture of a
genetic “word” consists of three and only three protein. Although we have already spoken of
nucleotide letters and is called a codon. Each proteins and enzymes, we must now take a closer
genetic word symbolizes an amino acid. (We will look at these molecules. The basic building block
define an amino acid later.) For example, the for any protein or enzyme is the amino acid.
nucleotide sequence AAG is “DNAese” for the Protein synthesis is the process in which cells
amino acid phenylalanine, the sequence GTC make proteins. It occurs in two stages:
denotes the amino acid glutamine, and the transcription and translation. Transcription is the
sequence AGT stands for the amino acid serine. transfer of genetic instructions in DNA to mRNA in
Like natural language, DNA has the nucleus. It includes three steps: initiation,
synonyms. That is, there is more than one triplet elongation, and termination.
nucleotide sequence symbolizing the same amino There are three major sources for the amino
acid. For example, ATA and ATG in the DNA both acids in our bodies. First, the cells in our bodies
denote the amino acid tyrosine. The sentence in can manufacture amino acids from other, more
the DNA language is a series of words that gives basic compounds (or, as the case may be, from
a sequence of amino acids. For example, the DNA other amino acids). Second, proteins and
sentence AACGTATCGCAT would be read as a enzymes within a cell are constantly being broken
polypeptide chain composed of the amino acids down into amino acids. Finally, we can obtain
leucine-histidine-serine-valine. Because of the amino acids from diet. When we eat a juicy steak,
triplet nature of the DNA language, it is not the protein in the meat is broken down into its
necessary to put spaces between the words. amino acids by enzymes in our stomach and
Given the correct starting position, the language intestine. These amino acids are then transported
will translate with 100% fidelity. by the blood to other cells in the body
Like natural written language, part of the A series of amino acids physically linked
DNA language consists of punctuation marks. For together is called a polypeptide chain. For now,
example, the nucleotide DNA triplets ATT, ATC, think of a polypeptide chain as a linear series of
and ACT are analogous to a period (.) in ending a boxcars coupled together. The boxcars are the
sentence—all three signal the end of a polypeptide amino acids and their couplings the chemical
chain. They are called stop codons. TAC is a bonds holding them together. The series is linear
start codon. It acts as the capital signaling the first in the sense that it does not branch into a Y-like
word in a new sentence. Biologically, it instructs structure. The notion of a polypeptide chain is
the cell to “start the peptide chain here.” absolutely crucial for proper understanding of

11 | P a g e
Created by: Richie May A. Ramos
Associate Professor III
genes, so permit some latitude to digress into two processes involved in the central dogma
terminology. are transcription and translation. In eukaryotic
We are now ready to define our old friend the cells, transcription takes place in the nucleus. It
protein. A protein is one or more polypeptide uses DNA as a template to make an RNA
chains physically joined together and taking on a molecule known as messenger RNA (mRNA).
three dimensional configuration. The polypeptide The RNA molecule then leaves the nucleus and
chain(s) comprising a protein will bend, fold back goes to a ribosome in the cytoplasm, where
upon themselves, and bond at various spots to translation occurs. Translation reads the genetic
give a molecule that is no longer a simple linear code in mRNA and makes a protein.
structure. An example is hemoglobin, a protein in
the red blood cells that carries oxygen. It is b. 1 Transcription
composed of four polypeptide chains that bend The enzyme RNA Polymerase transfers
and bond and join together. information from one strand of DNA to another
strand of RNA during transcription. Three parts of
B. The Process of Protein Synthesis: The the DNA strand are involved in this process: the
Central Dogma promoter, the structural gene, and the terminator.
DNA strands that synthesize RNA are
Your DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, contains called template strands, and DNA strands that
the genes that determine who you are. How can Code for RNA are called coding strands. RNA
this organic molecule control your characteristics? polymerases that are DNA-dependent bind to the
DNA contains instructions for all the proteins your promoter and catalyze the 3' to 5' directions of
body makes. Proteins, in turn, determine the polymerization.
structure and function of all your cells. What The newly synthesized RNA strand is
determines a protein’s structure? It begins with the released from the terminator sequence as it
sequence of amino acids that make up the approaches the terminator. RNA strands released
protein. Instructions for making proteins with the after transcription undergo further modifications
correct sequence of amino acids are encoded in post-transcriptionally.
DNA is found in chromosomes. In eukaryotic b.2 Translation
cells, chromosomes always remain in the nucleus, Proteins are encoded by RNA by a
but proteins are made at ribosomes in process called translation. Translation involves
the cytoplasm. How do the instructions in DNA get energy and is an active process. The energy
to the site of protein synthesis outside the comes from the charged tRNA Molecules.
nucleus? Another type of nucleic acid is The translation process is initiated by
responsible. This nucleic acid is RNA or ribosomes. Ribosomes are made up of two
ribonucleic acid. RNA is a small molecule that can subunits, one larger and one smaller. As a result,
squeeze through pores in the nuclear membrane. the larger subunit consists of two tRNA Molecules
It carries the information from DNA in the nucleus positioned together so that enough energy can be
to a ribosome in the cytoplasm and then helps expended to form a peptide bond.
assemble the protein. In short: The mRNA enters the smaller subunit and
is then held by the tRNA Molecules present in the
DNA RNA proteins larger subunit that are complementary to the
codon. In this way, two codons are held together
Discovering this sequence of events was a by two tRNA Molecules placed close together and
major milestone in molecular biology. It is called a peptide bond is formed between them. This
the central dogma of molecular biology. The
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process results in long polypeptide chains of Genetic Engineering
amino acids Genetic engineering, also called genetic
Genetic Code modification or genetic manipulation, is the
Proteins are manufactured from RNA and modification and manipulation of an
their Genetic Code contains information about organism's genes using technology. It is a set
them. In general, three nucleotides and four of technologies used to change the genetic
nitrogenous bases collectively Code for an amino makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes
acid, forming a triplet codon. As a result, there are within and across species boundaries to produce
64 amino acids possible, including 4 x 4 x 4 amino improved or novel organisms.
acids. There are 20 amino acids found naturally.
As a result, the Genetic Code Brief History
deteriorates. Due to the characteristics of the Humans have altered the genomes of
Genetic Code, some amino acids are enCoded by species for thousands of years through selective
more than one codon at a time, causing the amino breeding, or artificial selection as contrasted
acid to degenerate. with natural selection. More recently, mutation
In total, there are 64 codons, of which breeding has used exposure to chemicals or
three are stop codons that end transcription and radiation to produce a high frequency of random
one is an initiator codon, i.e. AUG, which Codes mutations, for selective breeding purposes.
for methionine. Genetic engineering as the direct manipulation of
DNA by humans outside breeding and mutations
Summary: has only existed since the 1970s. The term
The central dogma states that the pattern "genetic engineering" was first coined by Jack
of information that occurs most frequently in our Williamson in his science fiction novel Dragon's
cells is: Island, published in 1951 one year before DNA's
• From existing DNA to make new DNA role in heredity was confirmed by Alfred
(DNA replication) Hershey and Martha Chase and two years
• From DNA to make new RNA before James Watson and Francis Crick showed
(transcription) that the DNA molecule has a double-helix
• From RNA to make new proteins structure – though the general concept of direct
(translation) genetic manipulation was explored in rudimentary
form in Stanley G. Weinbaum's 1936 science
fiction story Proteus Island.

The process…
1. A small piece of circular DNA called a plasmid
is extracted from the bacteria or yeast cell.
2. A small section is then cut-out of the circular
plasmid by restriction enzymes called molecular
3. The gene from human insulin (for example) is
inserted into the gap in the plasmid. This plasmid
is now genetically modified.
4. The genetically modified plasmid is introduced
into a new bacteria or yeast cell.
Fig.8 DNA Structure 5. This cell then divides rapidly and starts making

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6.To create a large amounts of the cells, the minus strain of Pseudomonas syringae to protect
genetically modified bacteria or yeast are grown in crops from frost, but environmental groups and
large fermentation vessels that contain all the protestors delayed the field tests for four years
nutrients they need. The more the cell divide, the with legal challenges.
more insulin is produced.
7.When fermentation is complete, the mixture is 1987-the ice-minus strain of P. syringae became
filtered to release the insulin. the first genetically modified organism (GMO) to
8. The insulin is then purified and packaged into be released into the environment[36] when a
bottles and insulin pen for distribution to patients strawberry field and a potato field in California
with diabetes. were sprayed with it.

Years of GMO successful records: 1992- he People's Republic of China was the first
country to commercialise transgenic plants,
1972-Paul Berg created the first recombinant introducing a virus-resistant tobacco.
DNA molecules by combining DNA from the
monkey virus SV40 with that of the lambda virus. 1994-Calgene attained approval to commercially
release the first genetically modified food,
1973- Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen created the Flavr Savr, a tomato engineered to have a
the first transgenic organism by inserting antibiotic longer shelf life.
resistance genes into the plasmid of
an Escherichia coli bacterium. 1995- Bt potato was approved safe by
the Environmental Protection Agency, after having
1975- A year later Rudolf Jaenisch created been approved by the FDA, making it the first
a transgenic mouse by introducing foreign DNA pesticide producing crop to be approved in the US.
into its embryo, making it the world's
first transgenic animal. 2009- transgenic crops were grown commercially
in 25 countries, the largest of which by area grown
1976-Genentech, the first genetic engineering were the US, Brazil, Argentina, India, Canada,
company, was founded by Herbert Boyer China, Paraguay and South Africa.
and Robert Swanson and a year later the
company produced a human protein 2010-scientists at the J. Craig Venter
(somatostatin) in E. coli. Genentech announced Institute created the first synthetic genome and
the production of genetically engineered inserted it into an empty bacterial cell. The
human insulin in 1978. resulting bacterium, named Mycoplasma
laboratorium, could replicate and produce
1980-the U.S. Supreme Court in the Diamond v. proteins.
Chakrabarty case ruled that genetically altered life
could be patented. 2012-JenniferDoudna and Emmanuelle
Charpentier collaborated to develop
1982- The insulin produced by bacteria was the CRISPR/Cas9 system, [48][49] a technique
approved for release by the Food and Drug which can be used to easily and specifically alter
Administration (FDA). the genome of almost any organism.

1983-a biotech company, Advanced Genetic Applications

Sciences (AGS) applied for U.S. government 1.Medicine- Genetic engineering has many
authorisation to perform field tests with the ice- applications to medicine that include the

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manufacturing of drugs, creation of model
animals that mimic human conditions and gene AND EMERGENCE OF LIFE

2.Research- Genetic engineering is an important Introduction

tool for natural scientists, with the creation of For decades, humans have explored
transgenic organisms one of the most important possible explanations for the origin of life on Earth.
tools for analysis of gene function. Scientists started to formulate a series of theories
regarding the emergence of life forms on the
3.Industrial- Organisms can have their cells planet and relate it to the physical changes on
transformed with a gene coding for a useful Earth’s environment. In this lesson, students are
protein, such as an enzyme, so that they expected to explore the geological timeline of
will overexpress the desired protein. Earth together with the story on the early
emergence of life on the planet. In the end,
4.Agriculture- One of the best-known students must be able to construct Earth’s timeline
and controversial applications of genetic and identify the prevailing hypothesis regarding
engineering is the creation and use of genetically the emergence of primitive life forms.
modified crops or genetically modified livestock to
produce genetically modified food. Brief History
Earth’s Geologic Time Scale Earth has
been around for billions of years and the way that
scientists make an estimate is through the
geologic time scale. This refers to a system of
dating the history of Earth in a chronological
manner using geological data. The entire geologic
time scale of the Earth reflects the entire history of
the geological history of our planet. The geologic
time scale is divided into eons, eras, periods,
and epochs.

EONS refer to the greatest expanse of time that

can be divided into the Phanerozoic and
Precambrian eons.

I. Precambrian eon (4 billion years ago)

represents the period between the birth of the
planet and the appearance of life forms. This is the
eon where the earth’s formation started to form in
three stages: Hadean (Earth’s surface was
possibly in the form of liquid rock and boiling sulfur
that built an ocean of hot materials), Archean
(Earth mostly cooled down and the water vapor
from the air condensed and formed the global
ocean) and Proterozoic (multicellular organisms
Fig. 9 GMO procedure in the form of algae in the ocean started to free
oxygen that bonded with chemical elements such

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as iron to form great mineral deposits around the known as the first appearance of first mammals
world). and first dinosaurs.
b.2 Jurassic period- Dinosaurs continued as the
II. Phanerozoic eon (542 million years ago) dominant species and evolved to be gigantic.
means ‘visible life’ that was constructed through Known for first bird appearance and dinosaur
rock units that bear abundant fossils. diversity.
b.3Cretaceous period- Major extinction of
ERAS which are the second-longest units of dinosaurs, first appearance of primates. The
geological time. The Phanerozoic eon is divided environment evolved to the point that flowering
into three eras: the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and plants (angiosperms) began to appear for the first
Cenozoic. These time, eras were constructed time.
based on the major changes in available fossil
records and the PERIODS this is the basic unit of C. Cenozoic era is also known as the ‘age of
geologic time. Which means shorter time than the mammals’. In this period, scientists observed a
era. A Period lasts tens of millions of years, which series of speciation of mammals. Most
is the time it takes to form one type of rock system. importantly, this is the time when the first humans
appeared. It is subdivided into two periods
A. Paleozoic era is also known as the ‘age of including the tertiary (also sometimes referred to
invertebrates’ due to the presence of the fossils in terms of Paleogene and Neogene period) and
of animals without backbones, including trilobites quaternary.
and corals. It is divided into six periods. This time c.1 Tertiary period- mammals diversity.
period is represented by Cambrian, Ordovician, c.2 Quaternary period-human evolution.
Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian
a.1 Cambrian period- The explosion of life
occurred; first fish, and first chordates (animal with
a.2 Ordovician period- Dominant animals were
marine invertebrates such as trilobites and corals.
a.3 Silurian period- It is marked by the first
appearance of land plants.
a4. Devonian period- fish diversity and first
a5. Carboniferous period- First seed plants and
first reptiles appeared.
a6. Permian period- It is marked by the extinction
of 90% of Earth’s species and reptiles diversity.

B. Mesozoic era is also known as the ‘age of

reptiles’. Within this time frame, reptiles,
especially dinosaurs, were abundant. It is divided
into three periods – Triassic, Jurassic, and
b.1 Triassic period- Dinosaurs evolved in the
late-Triassic period along with crocodilians, flying
reptiles, sea-reptiles, and mammals. This is Fig.10 Summary of events in each period

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Early theories regarding the origin of life on Earth to the gases that made up Earth’s early
started during the 16th century in Europe. These atmosphere.
theories include the spontaneous generation
theory, primordial soup theory, and theory of UNIT 5: THEORIES OF
1. Theory of Spontaneous Generation-states
the idea that life comes from lifeless or
nonliving material through a mysterious Evolutionary Thoughts
process. Abiogenesis is the process by which
life emerges naturally from inanimate or nonliving Our modern ideas regarding evolution come from
materials. This theory was introduced by many sources. Among the most notable of these
Anaximander, a Greek philosopher in the 6th are from Charles Darwin, who is widely
century BCE. Other philosophers including recognized as the father of evolution. Many of his
Aristotle adapted and expanded Anaximander’s ideas are known to be among the earliest accurate
idea, where he explained that some organisms explanations for the diversity of life on Earth.
appeared from inanimate objects spontaneously.
However, there have also been many other
Another supporter of abiogenesis is John
concepts put forth that predate Darwin’s theory.
Needham (1748), an English priest and biologist.
Needham tested whether life can arise This lesson will tackle some of these concepts and
spontaneously after boiling. He boiled mutton beliefs.
broth and sealed its container with cork to prevent Older Evolutionary Beliefs
the entry of microorganisms.
I. Ancient Beliefs
2. Theory of Panspermia- suggests that building
blocks of life came from another planet. These A. Aristotle-a Greek philosopher who lived
include comets colliding with Earth and depositing sometime between 384 and 322 B.C. Aristotle is
living cells or the precursors of life, and aliens well known even in modern times due to his
making life-essential materials in a laboratory. contributions to ethics, the study of logic, and his
Fred Hoyle introduced this idea in the 19th other philosophical work. His other work also
century, where he mentioned that life on Earth was extensively tackled scientific topics including the
seeded from a celestial source. According to the following:
idea of this theory, bacteria and other
microorganisms might have traveled in dormant -Historia Animalium (The History of Animals),
stages within comets and asteroids that heated another preserved work of Aristotle, classified
the Earth. animals based on their structure and functions.
-Scala naturae or “Natural Ladder” where he
3. Theory of Primordial Soup- This theory organized all natural objects, from nonliving matter
suggests that life started in a primordial soup of to living organisms in a continuum which implies
organic molecules. It tries to explain how catalysts that species are rather immutable or unchanging
for nonliving things became living cells from entities.
chemical compounds abundant on early Earth.
This idea of the primordial soup was originally B. Theophrastus (371–287 B.C.)- who was one
proposed by Alexander Oparin and John of Aristotle’s successors and has done extensive
Haldane. The theory states that if energy is added work on plants in his Historia Plantarum (a study
on plant anatomy, structures, reproduction,
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growth, and more), which earned him the moniker observations that have been made by the natural
the “Father of Botany”. philosophers that have come before him.
C. Pliny the Elder- a Roman military man, was H. Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406)-was born in Tunisia
also a prominent natural historian and and published the Muqaddimah. In his work, he
philosopher. He lived sometime between 23 and described the origins of Earth as being from basic
79 A.D. and wrote the work Naturalis Historia, nonliving components. Later on, he described the
which is Latin for Natural History. This vast formation of plants and animals from simple life
publication spanned ten volumes that tackled forms to more complex ones.
several fields such as biology, astronomy,
The Lead-Up to the Theory of Evolution
mathematics and many other branches of science.
Pliny’s observations on animals and plants have The modern theory of evolution did not develop
been widely read even centuries after his death. In overnight, and the ideas did not all just come from
fact, many of these ideas influenced his a single scholar. The contribution of multiple
contemporaries many years afterward. naturalists and the revision of ideas from one
scholar to another led to the theory of evolution as
D. Roman Catholic-creation story which states
we know it today. Many of the concepts that build
that the world and all its inhabitants were created
the modern theory of evolution were formulated in
over the course of six days. Some Islamic creation
the 1700s.
myths are also very similar to the Catholic creation
story, with the world being fashioned out of A. Charles Bonnet and Evolution (1720–1793)-
nothing. Buddhist mythology, on the other hand, was a naturalist who was born to French parents
states that the universe has no beginning and end. in Geneva, Switzerland. In Charles Bonnet’s
publication, the Considérations sur les Corps
E. Pope Francis- in 2014, saying that the Big
Organisées (Considerations on Organized
Bang and the occurrence of evolution are indeed
Bodies), he used the term evolution to describe
scientific facts.
his own concept of preformation, which is an idea
that states that a miniature version of organisms is
carried by females to give rise to future organisms.
II. Other Beliefs in the Middle Ages
B. Comte de Buffon’s Natural History of
F. Al-Jahiz (776–869 A.D.)- was an Islamic
Animals-was a French naturalist who published
scholar born in Basra, Iraq. He published the
an important work that contributed to the modern
Kitab al-Hayawan, also known as the Book of
idea of evolution. His work, entitled Natural History
the Animals. This was a vast work that spanned
of Animals, put forth ideas in comparative anatomy
seven volumes and contained ideas that had
that are closely related to today’s idea of evolution.
some influences from Aristotle. Al-Jahiz’ Kitab al-
Some of his observations included noting the
Hayawan had multiple ideas that predated but
similarities in the limbs of several vertebrates and
supported the idea of natural selection.
the specific structures and functions involved in
G. St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) -was an these limbs.
Italian Catholic priest who has also made
C.Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s Transmutation of
significant contributions to scientific thought. He
Species-was a French naturalist who counted
notably stated that there is no disconnect between
Comte de Buffon as one of his mentors. His
the Catholic creation myth and the natural
contribution, though since been discredited, was
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also a major step toward the development of developed, which led him to formally study the
evolutionary theory. His transmutation of species field of evolutionary biology and became a
is an idea that species change over time and may naturalist by profession.
also be seen as a derivative of his mentor’s ideas.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Take note that some of his concepts, like many
other naturalists before him, were built and Charles Darwin is credited for his
adapted from earlier ideas put forth by other significant contributions to the development of the
naturalists. Lamarck’s concept of evolution had modern theory of evolution, and rightfully so. The
two major ideas, with some significant differences main ideas put forth by Darwin were that species
from Comte de Buffon’s proposals: change over long periods of time and that these
developed from ancestors to descendants. His
• Changes: The first idea aimed to explain
ideas were published in the book. On the Origin
how organisms change over time. Simpler
of Species, which remains famous and relevant
forms of life are continuously formed
until today.
through spontaneous generation. These
simple life forms become more complex On the Origin of Species
as time passes through various changes
On the Origin of Species (sometimes
that occur in these organisms. The
shortened to Origin) is undoubtedly Charles
changes that occurred are explained by
Darwin’s most famous work. This book, published
Lamarck’s theory of use and disuse,
on November 24, 1859, is still widely-read even in
which will be discussed later.
modern times. As was mentioned in the previous
• Inheritance: The second idea aimed to
lesson, many ideas and explanations regarding
explain how these changes persist over
the development of life on Earth and the
generations. According to Lamarck, the
diversification of species have already been put
traits that the organisms have acquired
forth. Darwin, in fact, derived many of his ideas
through change can be passed onto their
from these previous works. Some of the most
notable parts of Origin are the following:
D. Robert Chambers’ Vestiges of the Natural
● the proposal of branching evolutionary patterns
History of Creation- Another work that put forth
that show common ancestries between
ideas regarding evolution was Robert Chambers’ organisms;
(1802–1871) Vestiges of the Natural History of ● explanations on the process of natural selection
Creation, published in 1844. This work was and how it leads to evolution, and
published in the wake of the discrediting of ● various pieces of evidence from Darwin’s own
Lamarck’s theories. Vestiges presented ideas findings and observations.
regarding the origins of life on Earth. Important to
the concept of evolution, however, were his claims The Components of Darwin’s Theory of
that fossils show the progressive changes that Evolution
happen to organisms.
A. Common Descent -refers to how organisms
E. Charles Robert Darwin- on February 12, 1809 have descended from other organisms and
in England, he already showed interest regarding how species share a common ancestry.
the natural world even as a young child. As he Because of common descent, multiple species
aged, his interest in the natural world further can arise from just a single ancestor. This provides

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one of the explanations for how life on Earth ended offspring. Through natural selection, organisms
up being enormously diverse. with favorable traits are more likely to survive, and
those with unfavorable traits have lower chances
B. Speciation- refers to the process by which
of survival.
organisms change and evolve to form a
distinct new species. This process occurs Differences from Earlier Explanations
through different mechanisms that will be
Darwin’s ideas were significantly different from
discussed in the next unit. However, an important
the ideas of those that came before him, most
thing to note about speciation and its mechanisms
especially in terms of the following four points:
is that there is a shift in the characteristics that
occur within the population. For example, a shift 1. Physical and scientific explanations-unlike
may occur from a previously-dominant white many of the other works published regarding the
coloration in a population of insects to a population rise of species, Darwin’s work provided physical
mostly made up of black coloration. and scientific evidence on how diversification
came to be.
2. Evolution occurs in stages-Darwin also gives
C. Gradualism-Many theories attempted to
a stepwise explanation of how evolution occurs in
explain and estimate the Earth’s age, even before
different stages, which was something that many
Darwin’s time. Many of these explanations are
other publications were not able to provide.
vastly inaccurate, being much shorter than Earth’s
4.54 billion years of age. A theory that Earth is 3.Evolution occurs in groups-Unlike the
indeed older than what most people think was put Lamarckian concept that predated Origins, Darwin
forth by Charles Lyell (1797–1875). Lyell was a was able to correctly conclude that evolution and
geologist who extensively studied Earth’s history speciation occur in groups of organisms instead of
and explained much about the changes that individuals. In other words, evolution takes place
happened to the planet over its long course of at the population level.
existence. Furthermore, he stated that the age of
4.Environmental influence- Darwin also
Earth is ancient, contrary to what many other
recognized the fact that evolution happens due to
studies claimed. This view is also reflected in his
the differences in the success of organisms
view of evolution, stating that the change that
depending on the environment that they are
happens to species occur over very long
exposed to.
periods of time. The slow process of evolution
has occurred over the long history of Earth, The Unified Theory of Evolution
taking place in a gradual manner with small
changes happening to species through time. As was mentioned in the previous lesson,
Charles Darwin’s contributions, even without the
ideas of Gregor Mendel’s experiments, were
significant enough to revolutionize the
D. Natural Selection-According to Darwin, the
understanding of evolution. This remains true until
preservation of traits can stem from how
today, although many other concepts that have
organisms that have favorable traits within their
been discovered since the publication of On the
current environments are more likely to survive to
Origin of Species have been incorporated into the
reproductive age, mate, reproduce, and
modern evolutionary theory. The inclusion of
consequently pass on these traits to their
these concepts unites several fields of biology
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together, and these provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the evolutionary
2. Evolution Has a Goal-Some people believe
process. Thus, the modern evolutionary theory is
that evolution produces organisms that are
also known as the unified theory of evolution,
better than their ancestors and that evolution
which is sometimes also referred to as the
has a goal of making organisms better over
modern synthesis or neo-Darwinism.
1. Adaptation- refers to both the mechanism of
adjusting to environmental changes and the 3. Survival of the Fittest-This is inaccurate as
features that organisms have or use to survive in the statement implies that only the fittest will
their habitats. survive in their environments. The more
accurate statement would be that natural
2. Genetic drift- refers to the change in the allele
selection is closer to “survival of the fit” (or
frequencies that occur in a population as a result
“survival of the fit enough”), wherein
of chance.
organisms that meet the requirements of their
3.Phylogeny and Systematics-these fields environment have higher chances of survival
primarily deal with deciphering how species are and passing on their genes to their offspring.
related to each other and how lineages have
diverged in order to form new species. 4. Humans Evolved from Chimps-It is true that
humans are very closely related to the great
4. Phylogenetic change- refers to the changes apes, like chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas,
that occur during a species’ evolutionary history. and bonobos. In fact, chimpanzees are the
This means that phylogenetic changes are those closest living relatives of humans. Many
that occur across generations, which is in contrast people incorrectly believe, however, that
with the ontogenetic change, which deals with humans have directly descended from
those that occur in the lifespan of one organism. chimpanzees. While humans are closely
5.Comparative Anatomy- studies the related to the apes, we are not direct
comparisons between the structures of organisms descendants of the great apes. What we do
to establish their evolutionary relationships. know is that we share common ancestors, and
our lineages diverged and produced the
6. Biogeography- is a branch of biology that deals extant species that are present on Earth
with the distribution of species across the world. A today.
branch of biogeography, the historical
biogeography, concerns itself with the past and
present distribution of organisms.
Misconceptions about Evolution UNIT 6: EVIDENCES OF

1. Evolution Is a Theory-The name “theory of EVOLUTIONS

evolution” has then led many people to believe
that evolution is not yet considered a fact and is Fossil Formation and Classification
merely a supposition for how life diversified. Fossils are not just indicators of life on
However, in truth, there are already many pieces Earth. Another important use that scientists
of irrefutable evidence that evolution is indeed real have gained out of them is that they provide
and continuously occurring.
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very important pieces of evidence for 2. Cast fossils -are formed when sediments and
evolution. Fossils give a glimpse of how minerals fill up the body cavities of an organism.
organisms that have long since become
3. Trace fossils-These are traces left behind by
extinct have lived and changed over very long
organisms in the past. In most cases, these fossils
periods of time. Our knowledge of past life
are not part of the body of the organism that left
forms can be attributed to fossils or the
them behind.
preserved remains of organisms from earlier
periods of Earth’s history. 4. True form fossils- are among the most useful
fossils in studying organisms since these are
The Process of Fossil Formation
entire organisms whose bodies have been
There are many different types of remains that preserved.
organisms can leave behind as fossils and each of
Fossil Dating Methods
these types form a certain way. In general,
however, fossils may form through the enclosure Estimating the age of a fossil allows us to
of the organism in a preserving substance, determine when the organism lived in Earth’s
through carbonization, permineralization, or history. This allows scientists to reconstruct the
through replacement. history of places, ecosystems, or the evolutionary
history of organisms and how they changed over
1. Permineralization-involves groundwater filling
time. Among the most useful fossil dating methods
up these spaces. Groundwater leaves behind
are relative dating and absolute dating.
minerals in these spaces which results in the
formation of a fossil in the image of the organism. 1. Relative dating methods- involve estimating
the sequence of events that are involved in Earth’s
2.Carbonization-involves organisms leaving
behind the residual carbon while many other
elements are shed off. This usually happens when 2. Absolute dating methods- give a numerical
the remains of the organism are subjected to heat estimate of the age of rock layers and fossils.
and pressure. Possibly the most common method used in the
study of fossils is radiometric dating which uses
3. Replacement- involves the minerals in these
the decay of radioactive isotopes in order to
organisms’ bodies being replaced by other
determine the age of a subject.
minerals. For example, when minerals replace the
organic parts of a tree trunk to leave behind a Structural Evidence in the Study of Evolution
The physical characteristics of organisms
Types of Fossils allow them to survive, grow, and reproduce. Most
of the physical characteristics that organisms have
There are many different types of fossils
are heritable. This means that if the organism
that form through different means. Some of the
survives, it has a chance of passing on its physical
major types of fossils that are useful for scientific
characteristics. As such, because of heritability,
studies are cast fossils, mold fossils, trace
scientists are able to use these as structural
fossils, and true form fossils.
evidence in studying evolution.
1. Mold fossils- form when substances like
1. Homologous Structures-refer to structures in
minerals or sediments press over the body of a
different organisms that are similar in terms of
dead organism.
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structure but may have different functions due to
evolutionary differences between organisms.

Fig. 13 Whales and other cetaceans (like

dolphins) have a vestigial pelvis.
Fig. 11 A photo showing the limbs of several 4. Embryological Evidence-Embryos refer to the
vertebrates unborn and still-developing organism in the early
stages of life. The similarities between embryos of
different species can be used for tracking
2. Analogous Structures-structures that have evolutionary relationships between them.
similar functions even though they have evolved
independently between different organisms. In
many cases, these organisms are only very
distantly related and do not share any recent
common ancestors that could have given them the
shared trait.

Fig. 14 Embryonic features of chordates

5.Structural Evidence from Fossils-are also
useful evidence for evolution since scientists are
able to observe the similarities and differences
between extinct organisms and the organisms of
Fig. 12 Bird and insect wings are examples of today.
analogous structures

3. Vestigial Structures -Not all structures in

organisms are functional. Some have lost their
function over the course of an organism’s Fig. 15 Evolution of tetrapods and its relation
evolutionary history. to ancient fishes

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Associate Professor III
Biogeographical Evidence of Evolution 1. Continental Drift- In 1912, a scientist named
Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental
The study of the distribution of species
drift. He stated that the locations of the continents
over space and time is crucial to the study of
in Earth’s distant past were not the same as the
evolution. Knowing when and where species
locations that they are found in today. He
existed is important in determining evolutionary
proposed that the landmasses on Earth are
and ecological relationships. This is the primary
continually moving although at a very slow pace.
concern of the field of biogeography.

Fig.16 Difference between vicariance and

Dispersal -refers to when a population moves
across a geographical barrier in order to settle in
a new location. If this population has the Fig.17 Image of Pangea
necessary adaptations to survive in the new area,
2. Climate and Sea Level Change-changes in the
then this population will most likely thrive.
sea levels on Earth affected the amount of land
Vicariance -refers to when a barrier appears available for organisms to thrive in. The lowering
which isolates two populations of the same of sea levels led to more land being exposed from
species that were once connected. An example is under the sea and may have allowed species to
when an earthquake causes a river to overflow colonize these areas.
and widen which causes two animal populations
on each side of the river to become isolated from
each other.
Factors and Phenomena That Shape
Biogeographical Patterns
There are many phenomena that scientists
believe help shape biogeographical patterns.
Some of these include continental drift, migration, Fig. 18 An example is this area between
climate, sea levels, geographic barriers, and Jerusalem and the Dead sea
centers of origin.
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Associate Professor III
3. Migration- refers to the movement of 5. Center of Origin- refers to a geographic
populations from one geographic location to location where multiple species have been proven
another. Migration can either be emigration or to have acquired distinct characteristics which
immigration, depending on where the population may have led to speciation.

Fig. 21 The geographic location of the East

Fig.19 Emigration and immigration in the
The Hierarchy of Organization
4.Geographical barriers- may be selective in The process of organizing organisms based on
how they isolate populations from each other. taxonomic hierarchy involves classifying them into
Some types of barriers may allow some species to multiple levels of the organization. These levels of
disperse through, whereas the same barrier organization indicate the classification of
completely bars other species from movement. organisms based on general characteristics and
how scientists believe they are related to other
similar organisms.
Domain The highest level of classification
which separates eukaryotes and
prokaryotes (bacteria and
Kingdom The kingdoms were traditionally
the highest level before domains
were introduced. Examples of
kingdoms are Animalia and
Phylum This is the uppermost level of
organization within kingdoms.
Examples are Chordata,
Fig.20 The geographic barrier between Arthropoda, and more.
populations of lobster in Panama Class The class is a rank below phylum
and above order. An example
includes the class Mammalia.

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Associate Professor III
Order Orders are classifications under
each class and organisms within CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES
them show many similar
characteristics. An example is
Primata, where humans are
classified under. Taxonomy refers to the science that deals with the
Family The family is one of the lowest description, identification, nomenclature, and
levels of classification denoting classification of organisms. Taxonomy takes into
close relationships between account how organisms are related, but it does not
organisms. totally reflect evolutionary relationships.
Genus Organisms of the same genus Particularly, the taxonomic processes mentioned
are very closely related and above can be described as follows.
usually with small differences.
Species Those that share the species 1. Description. This basic procedure in taxonomy
level are known as conspecifics, entails the assignment of characteristics to an
which have genetic similarities. organism for use in the succeeding steps.
Table 5. All organisms have a corresponding -For example, one can describe the venation of a
classification in the taxonomic hierarchy. corn plant as parallel.

Taxonomy The field of taxonomy is an important 2. Identification. This step determines whether
field in biology. This field involves naming and an organism already falls under a previously
classifying organisms based on characteristics identified organism.
and relatedness. Carl Linnaeus, also known as -For example, a flower-bearing plant with netted or
Carl von Linnė or Carolus Linnaeus, is often called reticulate venation can be used as a feature to
the “Father of Taxonomy”. His system for naming, identify the dicot group.
ranking, and classifying organism is still in wide
use today. Giving an organism an appropriate 3.Classification. This step involves the
assignment of an organism to a particular level or
scientific name, for example, is one of the things
rank in the taxonomic hierarchy.
that taxonomy is in charge of. Although it seems
-For example, at the phylum level, a red fox can
like a very simple field, taxonomy is essential to all be classified under Chordata, which is similar to
biological branches that involve studying that of humans.
A scientific name, in most cases, is composed of 4. Nomenclature. This a procedure in taxonomy
two components: the genus name and the specific in which organisms are named by using a
epithet. These two must be included in a complete standardized system. Particularly, formal scientific
scientific name, with both names being italicized if names should be in Latin.
in a digital format or separately underlined if -For example, the standard scientific name for
handwritten. For example: humans, which should be in Latin similar to all
other organisms, is Homo sapiens.
The scientific name of the Philippine eagle:
Pithecophaga jefferyi Taxonomic classification groups organisms
Genus: Pithecophaga according to their relatedness. In the classification
Specific epithet: jefferyi of the red fox, organisms are more distantly
related at the domain level and tend to share more

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Associate Professor III
similarities as we go down the taxonomic 2. Derived traits- are characters that are
hierarchy. For example, a comparison between a present in a species but absent in their
human and an ostrich is shown in Figure 22. ancestor. This can also be in vice versa condition,
These two organisms fall under the same where the structures that are not present in an
classification from the domain down to the phylum organism, but were present in its ancestors.
level. Derived traits are very useful in studying the
evolution of organisms. Most of the time, derived
traits are products of evolutionary changes that
allow organisms to adapt to their environment. In
taxonomy, derived traits are useful in classifying
organisms into their specific taxonomic groups.

Fig. 22 Taxonomic classification of red fox

Taxonomic Traits

Taxonomic traits are the characters used

to classify organisms according to their taxonomic
groups. These characters are very important in Fig. 24 Importance of derived traits in studying
quantifying the degree of relatedness of species the evolution of organisms and in identifying
with one another. Taxonomic characters can be more specific traits to groups of organisms.
classified into two general categories—ancestral
traits and derived traits. Taxonomic Evidence for Classification
1. Morphological traits- refer to the set of
1.Ancestral traits- are evolutionary traits that are physical features of living organisms. These can
homologous within groups of organisms. It is be external or internal morphological features that
expected that they all descended from a common are useful for the classification of organisms.
ancestor, in which the ancestral trait first evolved
shares this similarity. Most of the time, ancestral 2.Developmental traits- refer to the set of
traits are useful in classifying organisms in the developmental features that can be used for the
domain, kingdom, or even until the phylum level. classification of organisms.
3. Physiological traits -are mainly focused on the
functional features of the structures. Physiological
traits are usually compared among organisms. In
some cases, the morphological structure of the
body parts can be highly different, but their
functions are the same.
4. Genetic traits -refer to specific sequences of
Fig. 23 Evolution of fish, birds, and mammals the DNA molecule in organisms. The use of
involving the presence of jaws genetic sequences in comparing the similarities
and differences of organisms is highly useful in
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Associate Professor III
delineating organisms until the species or even e. Clade - This refers to the cluster of organisms
until the subspecies level. that were grouped together due to their great
Phylogenetic Tree of Life
Development of Taxonomy
Phylogenetic trees- are illustrated diagrams that
show evolutionary relationships between featured Taxonomy is the science of classifying and
organisms and are based on hypotheses of how naming organisms. Taxonomy classifies
the organisms are related. Taxonomists and organisms based on their relatedness which is
evolutionary biologists construct phylogenetic why phylogenetic trees are relevant in this field. At
trees based on morphological, genetic, and the same time, evolutionary relationships of
behavioral data. organisms are also being considered to provide a
more comprehensive understanding of the overall
1. Morphological Data - These are the physical
connection of one organism to another. In general,
traits that can be observed in organisms.
the field of taxonomy can be divided into three
Examples are bone structure, body shape, or
major functions. These are identification,
muscle patterns.
naming, and classification.
2.Genetic Data - This refers to the DNA
A. Identification and Description Taxonomy-
sequences collected from the organisms. The
deals with the identification of organisms. To do
sequences are analyzed based on the number of
this, modern-day taxonomists provide
similarities in the DNA base pairs.
comprehensive taxonomic descriptions of all
3.Behavioral Data - Many evolutionary biologists documented species on Earth. The taxonomic
consider observable behavior in constructing a descriptions can be based on morphology,
phylogenetic tree, especially for some animal behavior, and genetic data.
B. Naming- Taxonomy also deals with the naming
The following are the parts of a usual phylogenetic of species. This is particularly important for newly
tree: discovered species that require their own scientific
names. The subfield of Taxonomy that deals with
a. Root - This is the origin point that represents the proper naming of organisms refers to
the position of the common ancestor of all species nomenclature.
included in the tree.
C. Classification-Taxonomy deals with the
b. Nodes - Nodes represent diverging points in the proper groupings of organisms based on their
evolutionary history of the organism due to the morphological, genetic, and evolutionary
development of derived traits along the organism’s relatedness. This is usually done by studying the
history. phylogeny of the organisms. The process of
c. Branch - It shows the positioning order of each classifying organisms in a highly organized
organism within the phylogenetic tree. manner refers to Systematics.

d. Branch Length - For scaled phylogenetic trees, Significant taxonomists who contributed major
the branch length may signify the estimated time works in the development of the field in taxonomy
period for the evolutionary changes to happen are as follows:
within the group of organisms included in the tree.

28 | P a g e
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Associate Professor III
• Aristotle -is considered as one of the earliest • Carolus Linnaeus started the modern
formally trained taxonomists. For example, he botanical and zoological taxonomy and is
defined humans as "rational animals" due to considered the “Father of Taxonomy”. Also,
their ability to think and decide on things. Linnaeus published “Systema Naturae” in 1758
Aristotle summarized all of his works in early that contains information for zoological
taxonomy in the History of Animals (Latin: nomenclature.
Historia Animalium), where he classified
organisms based on their similarities. The Importance of the Linnaean System
Classifying organisms into hierarchical
• Theophrastus-wrote early works on the
ranks and giving them binomial names have
classification of all known plants in his work,
several benefits. Some of these include
“De Historia Plantarum.”
uniqueness, uniformity, and organization.
• Dioscorides- documented many Roman and
Greek medicinal plants. He summarized all of A. Uniqueness of the Name- all binomial names
his works in a book, “De Materia Medica”, are unique. This means that a scientific name can
which describes around 600 species. refer to one species of organisms and that species
• Plinius wrote many books about giving Latin only. This can prevent confusion when referring to
names to plants. In his only surviving work, different species of organisms.
“Naturalis Historia” that contains 160
B. Uniformity-The use of a binomial name is
volumes, he described plants and then
universal. This means that the binomial name is
provided them with Latin names.
used by the scientific community all around the
• Caesalpino is considered as the "the first
world. This can prevent confusion because
taxonomist". He wrote “De Plantis,” a book
species names tend to have local variations
containing 1 500 species of plants that were
depending on the area.
classified based on the growth habit, fruit, and
seed form. C. Organization-The use of ranks also provides
• The Bauhin Brothers- wrote “Pinax Theatri organization regarding the relationship between
Botanici” in 1623. Their work tried to fix this organisms. Looking at the respective hierarchical
issue by recognizing the concept of genera ranks can provide an indication of how closely-
and species as major taxonomic levels. related or distantly-related organisms are from
• John Ray -wrote several important books each other.
about taxonomy. He published a book,
Species diversity- refers to the degree of
“Methodus Plantarum Nova”, where he
variation among species in a given ecosystem. For
tried to identify a total of 18 000 plant species
example, a drop of pond water can be considered
based on a relatively narrow species concept.
rich in species diversity because it tends to harbor
• Joseph Pitton de Tournefort-constructed a a high diversity of protozoans, bacteria,
botanical classification that was dominantly phytoplankton, and zooplankton species.
followed in plant taxonomy until the time of
Carl Linnaeus. He published “Institutiones Measurement of Species Diversity
Rei Herbariae”, which contains around 9 000
A. Species Richness- refers to the number of
species from a total of 698 genera. He tried to
unique species present in a specific area. This
emphasize the classification of plants based
measurement answers the question of how many
on genera.

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Associate Professor III
distinct species are present within a specified Autapomorphies -happen when the derived trait
area. is exhibited by a single species or group.
B. Species abundance- refers to the total number Synapomorphies- happen when all species in
of individuals that belong to one distinct species. the entire clade possess the derived trait.
C. Species evenness- measures the diversity of ● Homoplasy refers to an event where a
species while considering the abundance of each character is shared by at least two organisms but
species within the ecosystem. This is a measure tends to be absent in common ancestors.
of how close the abundances of species are in a
Willi Hennig was a German entomologist who laid
given environment.
the foundation for the development of
D. Species dominance- refers to the relative “phylogenetic systematics”. During his time,
importance of a species related to the degree of Hennig’s work on analyzing relatedness of
influence it has on ecosystem components. organisms based on their shared similarities was
heavily criticized by other taxonomic schools. But
Cladistics- is a branch of taxonomy that deals
eventually, Henng’s cladistics approach was
with the categorization or classification of species
accepted by the scientific community and served
based on their shared traits.
as the foundation for the works of modern-day
Cladograms -are diagrams that propose a systematists.
hypothesis for the relatedness between species
based on their shared characteristics.
Berg, Linda R. Introductory Botany: Plants,
Cladogram Character States
People, and the Environment. Belmont, CA:
To fully understand a cladogram, one must know Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2008.
specific terminologies to describe characteristics
Hickman, Cleveland P. Animal Diversity. New
based on their states (“character states”). The
York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.
following are cladistic terms that are used to
describe different character states in the Miller, Stephen A., and John P. Harley. Zoology.
cladogram: New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
● Plesiomorphy is an event where ancestral Russell, Peter J. Biology: The Dynamic Science.
traits were retained in one or more taxa throughout Student Ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Brooks/Cole,
evolution. In the cladogram, it is possible for two 2008.
or more taxa to share plesiomorphic characters
Starr, Cecie, Ralph Taggart, Christine A. Evers,
even if they cluster into different groups.
and Lisa Starr. Biology: the Unity and Diversity of
● Apomorphy is an event where derived Life. Boston, MA: Cengage, 2019.
characters were used to define specific clades in
Mader, S.S. 2014. Concepts of Biology. New York:
the cladogram. Most of the time, this allows the
McGraw-Hill Education. Reece, J.B., and
separation of one group to another due to the
Campbell, N.A. 2011.
presence or absence of derived traits. Apomorphic
characters can be classified as autapomorphic or Campbell Biology. Boston: Benjamin
synapomorphic: Cummings/Pearson.2014

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Associate Professor III

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