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5175-10-32CR AID: 213955 |


The soil's capacity to permit movement of contaminants is known as exchange limit. The
more noteworthy the exchange limit, the more prominent the movement of contaminants.
However, this is undesirable.

A soil with low permeability and porosity can lengthen the flow period and act as natural
defense by retarding the movement of contaminants. Both glacial outwash plains and
deltaic sands are well-sorted sand and have gravel beds with high permeability. Thus,
they allow wastes to move faster and farther. Clays and silts have lower permeability and
thus inhibit the movement of wastes.

Sorption capacity depends on the organic content, predominant minerals, pH, and soil.
Sorption includes both absorption and adsorption of contaminants. Sorption is important
in limiting the movement of metals, phosphorous, and organic chemicals.

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