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Reflective Learning (Verbal vs Non-Verbal Communication Story # 1):

 As I watched the First Video, it indicates the importance of self-expression

towards the message that was being conveyed. In which, how we react upon the

said matter will distinguish how we overcome those acts. Also, it was quite

obvious that the man wasn’t fine and alright. It was such a kind of ethical deeds

where the girl who asked him if what’s the matter, Shows how the man expressed

his emotion will affect how an individual would be able to response to an specific

message wether if it contains a good one or not. It doesn’t change the fact that

even if it delivers right and well, it will always matter how we overcome things.

Furthermore, I’m impressed the way the man say it literally that he’s not in the

state of clear thinking and that honest statements heats me, it wasn’t wrong to

admit that we’re not fine. Our emotions are valid, but sometimes we can easily

caught by means on what we focused, based on what our eyes meant to infer.

Reflective Learning (Verbal vs Non-Verbal Communication Story # 2):

 Based on my insights in reagrds to the video presented, was there is a conflict

between the two parties which we can clearly sighted that both of them insists

their own reasons without knowing the other side idea. Yes, everyone wanted to

be understood but to be able to gain this from other, we should also know how to
listen, for us to effectively construct a proper words and response to the person

we implies its message. Withal, the expression itself indicates our emotion

towards the given concept. In that way, those cues presented would be visble for

them to sight the untold meaning of every act that we committed. One more thing

I’ve noticed that, if we didn’t opened ourselves to accept others personal

perspectives it will always turns into an argument until it deepen.Which

invalidate our professional aspects in regards to communication standards.

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