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Simulation Correlation for the equation Physical and Psychometric

Properties of Ethanol
Graduated Project to Obtain BSc. in Petroleum Engineering

Prepared by:

Noor-Alhuda E. Mardan

Zainab H. Abdulzahra

Shahad H. Ketof

Supervised by:

Dr. Sabah R. Aljabery

Dr. Haider N. Aziz


‫بسم هللا والحمد والشكر هلل رب العالمين الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات‪.‬‬

‫إلى فاطمة الزهراء ‪،‬وأبيها ‪،‬وبعلها ‪،‬وبنيها ‪ ،‬عليهم صلوات ربي‪.‬‬

‫إلى أئمتي وأئمة المسلمين المعصومين األربعة عشر (عليهم السالم )‬

‫سيما األمام الحسين الشهيد (عليه السالم ) واألمام المهدي المنتظر حجة هللا على الخلق (عجل هللا‬
‫تعالى فرجه الشريف )‬

‫بحب وخشوع‪...‬‬

‫إلى أملي في الحياة وقرة عيني وسر نجاحي أمي الحنون الغالية ‪...‬ادامها هللا وأطال في عمرها‬

‫ي ظلّها الوارف ونفعني بدعواتها الصادقة‬

‫وجزاها عني خير الجزاء وأدام عل َّ‬

‫إلى من أحمل اسمه بكل إفتخار و أمدني بالقوة والعزيمة والدي العزيز حبا واحتراما‪.‬‬

‫الى نجوم سمائي المتأللئة وسندي في الحياه اخوتي وأخواتي‬

‫الى اصحاب الجهاد والكفاح الى من بذلوا الغالي والنفيس من أجل تحرير االمة االسالمية من‬
‫الظلم واالضطهاد والفساد‬

‫شهداؤنا األبرار‬

‫الى من اصبحوا ضحايا وباء وجائحة العصر رحمهم هللا وغفر لهم وأسكنهم فسيح جناته‬

‫أهدي ثمرة جهدي المتواضع‬

‫ألشكر والتقدير‬

‫فيييييي البدايييييية ‪،‬الشيييييكر والحميييييد هلل‪ ،‬جيييييل فيييييي عييييياله فألييييييه ينصيييييب الفضيييييل فيييييي اتميييييام هيييييذا‬

‫البحث العلمي‪.‬‬


‫نتوجيييييه اليييييى اسيييييتا ينا اليييييد تور حييييييدر نييييياظم واليييييد تور صيييييباح الجيييييابري المشيييييرفين عليييييى‬
‫هذا البحث بالشكر والتقدير فلوال مثابرتهما ودعمهما المستمر ماتم هذا العمل‪.‬‬

‫وبعييييييدها الشييييييكر موصييييييول لكييييييل اسيييييياتيذنا الييييييذين تتلمييييييذنا علييييييى يييييييدهم فييييييي ييييييل المراحييييييل‬

‫مييييا نتقيييييدم بجزيييييل الشيييييكر إلييييى أعضييييياء لجنيييية المناقشييييية المييييوقرة إ نتشيييييرف بوقوفنييييا اميييييام‬

‫حضراتكم اليوم‪.‬‬

‫ما نشكر ل من ساعدنا من قريب أو بعيد ولو بكلمة او دعوة صالحة‪.‬‬

Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with the

structural formula CH3CH2OH (often abbreviated as C2H5OH or C2H6O). Ethanol is a

psychoactive drug and one of the oldest recreational drugs still used by humans. Ethanol

can cause alcohol intoxication when consumed. Best known as the type of alcohol found

in alcoholic beverages, it is also used in thermometers, as solvent and as a fuel.

In this project, we did four experiments (density, conductivity, viscosity and heat

capacity) as variable to ethanol temperature to generalize four correlation by using least

square method and MO. excel software 2016.

The results show correlations with 𝑅2 equals to 0.9847, 0.9834, 0.9916 and 0.9232 for

density, conductivity, viscosity and heat capacity respectively, which is mean the

percentage of error in equations, is simple.

Content Page No.
Abstract I
Contents II
List of figure III
List of tables III
List of Nomenclature and Abbreviations III

Chapter one: Introduction

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Characteristics of Ethanol 1
1.3 Ethanol production 3
1.4 Uses of ethanol 5
1.5 Objective of study 5

Chapter two: literature review

2.1.Brief history of ethanol 7
2.2.Previous studies on Ethanol 7

Chapter three: Theoretical Background and experimental work

3.1. Introduction 11
3.2 Least Square Method 11
3.3 Experimental Work 13

Chapter four : Result

4.1 Introduction 18
4.2 Density and Temperature experiments 18
4.3 Conductivity and Temperature Experiment 19
4.4 Viscosity and Temperature Result 20
4.5 Heat capacity and Temperature Experiment 21

Chapter five: Discussion and Conclusion

5.1 Discussion 24
5.2 Conclusion 24

5.3 Recommendations 25
References 26

List of figures
Fig. Page No.
Fig 1.1. Schematic of dry milling ethanol production 4
Fig 1.2. Schematic of wet milling ethanol production 5
Fig 3.1. a digital density meter 21
Fig 3.2. conductivity meter 21
Fig 3.3. heat capacity experiment 24
Fig 3.4. viscometer 25
Fig 4.1. density experience graph 21
Fig 4.2. conductivity experience graph 12
Fig 4.3. Viscosity experience graph 12
Fig 4.4. heat capacity experience graph 11

List of Tables
Table Page No.
Table 4.1 results of Density experiments 18
Table 4.2 result of Conductivity experiment 19
Table 4.3 viscosity experience 20
Table 4.4 heat capacity at constant pressure experience 21
Table 4.5 Final result 22

List of Nomenclature and Abbreviations

Nomenclature or Abbreviation Definition
K Kelvin
Cᵒ Celsius degree
Y Dependent variable

X Independent variable
a intercept
b Slpe
ϵ stands for “error”
C Specific heat
Cp Isobaric specific heat
Cv Isochoric specific heat
J Jule
g gram
cm Centimeter
W Watt
m Meter
s second
Pa Pascal
T Temperature
y Conductivity
v Viscosity

1.1 Introduction
Ethanol is an important component of the energy supply because of ethanol can be a better fuel, maximally
protect the environment, reach cost minima, attain its best commercial value, and help protect our security[1].
The emission of greenhouse gases because of combustion of fossil fuels led to desire for an alternative or a fuel
additive which has led to the increasing demand for ethanol.

Ethanol is an important member of a class of organic compounds with the general name ‘Alcohols’. During
those early times, ethanol was used as a constituent of alcoholic beverages. With civilization and advancement in
science and technology, the benefits derivable from ethanol have continued to multiply. These include solvent,
germicide, as anti-freeze, fuel and versatile intermediate for other organic chemicals. For these enormous
advantages of ethanol, researchers have been geared towards the production of ethanol from various raw materials
(or feedstock). However, in an attempt to save the food chain and to reduce the inflation of food prices caused by
ethanol from agricultural feed (sugar or starchy crops). [2]

1.2 Characteristics of Ethanol

1.2.1 Physical and

Ethanol is a volatile, colorless liquid that has a slight odor. It burns with a smokeless blue flame that is
not always visible in normal light. The physical properties of ethanol stem primarily from the presence of
its hydroxyl group and the shortness of its carbon chain. Ethanol's hydroxyl group is able to participate in
hydrogen bonding, rendering it more viscous and less volatile than less polar organic compounds of similar
molecular weight, such as propane. Pure ethanol is a liquid with a boiling point of 78.5° C. Its low melting point
of -114.5° C allows it to be used in antifreeze products. Its density is 789 g/l about 20% less than that of water. It is
easily soluble in water and is itself a good solvent, used in perfumes, paints and tinctures. [3]

1.2.2 Chemical properties

1- Dehydration: ethanol when heated Conc. H2SO4 at 443K or Al2O3 at 623K undergoes dehydration i.e.
losses water molecule to form alkene

2- Reaction with sodium: Alcohols are very weakly acidic. Ethanol reacts with sodium metal to form
sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas.

3- Oxidation with chromic anhydride

4- Oxidation with alkaline

5- Oxidation with acidified potassium: Ethanol is oxidized to ethanoic acid with the help of acidified

During this reaction K2Cr2O7 changes to green therefore this reaction can be used for the identification
of alcohols.

6- Esterification

Ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid in presence of concentrated H2504 to form ethyl ethanoate and
water. The compound formed by the reaction of an alcohol with carboxylic acid is known as ester and the
reaction is called Esterification. Esters are sweet fruity smelling compounds because they occur in fruits.
They are used in ice creams, cold drinks and perfumes. The reaction takes place as follows:

7- Ethanol is highly inflammable liquid i.e., it catches fire very easily. It burns with blue flame in presence
of oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water.

1.2.2 Solvent properties

Ethanol is a versatile solvent, miscible with water and with many organic solvents, including acetic acid,
acetone, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, diethyl ether, ethylene glycol, glycerol, nitromethane,
pyridine, and toluene. It is also miscible with light aliphatic hydrocarbons, such as pentane and hexane,
and with aliphatic chlorides such as trichloroethane and tetrachloroethylene. [4]

Ethanol-water mixtures have less volume than the sum of their individual components at the given
fractions. Mixing equal volumes of ethanol and water results in only 1.92 volumes of mixture. Mixing
ethanol and water is exothermic, with up to 777 J/mol being released at 298 K. [5]

Mixtures of ethanol and water form an azeotrope at about 89 mole-% ethanol and 11 mole-% water or a
mixture of 95.6 percent ethanol by mass (or about 97% alcohol by volume) at normal pressure, which
boils at 351K (78 °C). This azeotropic composition is strongly temperature- and pressure-dependent and
vanishes at temperatures below 303 K. [6]

1.3 Ethanol production

3.1 Substrates

Ethanol is produced from various kinds of substrates. The substrate used for ethanol production is chosen
based on the regional availability and economic efficiency.

3.1.1 Sucrose containing materials

Ethanol is produced by fermentation. Fermentation process is a process to convert sugar to ethanol.

Sucrose containing materials could simplify the ethanol production process.

3.1.2 Starchy materials

Starch is converted to sugar by scarification followed by fermentation. Today, scarification and

fermentation are done simultaneously (SSF: simultaneous scarification and fermentation).

3.1.3 Lignocellulose biomass

Many studies are going on for ethanol production from lignocellulose biomass. Lignocellulose materials
include maize silage, barely hull, and paper sludge. The difficulties of using lignocellulose materials are

there poor porosity, high crystallinity, and lignin contents. Various kinds of pretreatment techniques have
been investigated, such as steam, acid and alkali treatments.

3.2 Production process

Starchy materials are converted to ethanol by two major processes, dry milling and wet milling.

3.2.1 Dry milling

Dry milling the dominant and more efficient ethanol production process than wet milling. It produces
about 2.8 gallons of ethanol per bushel of corn. The schematic of dry milling is shown in figure below.

3.2.2 Wet milling

The components of grain are separated in wet milling before scarification. Produces various high value
products such as corn gluten meal (CGM) and corn gluten feed (CGF) are produced though wet milling.
It produces about 2.7 gallons of ethanol per bushel of corn .The schematic of wet milling is shown below

Fig 1.1. Schematic of dry milling ethanol production

Fig 1.2. Schematic of wet milling ethanol production

1.4 Uses of ethanol

The following are some of the various uses of ethanol [2]:

1. Raw materials: it is a raw material in the manufacturing of acetaldehyde, acetic acid, ethylene, glycol, dyes,
detergents and cleaning solution.

2. Pharmaceutical preparation: ethanol is used in the preparation of cough syrups. It is also used in the preparation
of antiseptics.

3. Fuel: It is used as an additive to extend gasoline for automotive fuel, has advantage of being renewable. Fuel
blended with very high ethanol content has lower hydrocarbon emission than 100% gasoline.

4. Miscellaneous: It is used as anti-freeze in automobile radiator. It is also used in preparation of alcoholic


1.5 Objective of study

The aim of this project is development a new generalized correlation of ethanol properties.

2.1. Brief history of ethanol
Ethanol is an alcohol made through the fermentation of plant sugars from agricultural crops and biomass
resources. With rapid depletion of the world reserves of petroleum, ethanol in recent years has emerged as
one of the alternative liquid fuel and has generated immense activities of research in the production of ethanol
and its environmental impact.
Production of alcoholic beverages is in fact as old as human civilization. The production of pure ethanol
apparently begins in the 12-14th century along with improvement of distillation. During the middle ages,
alcohol was used mainly for production of medical drugs but also for the manufacture of painting pigments.
The knowledge of using starchy materials for ethanol production was first employed in the 12th century in
typical beer countries like Ireland. Ethanol was one of the most popular lamp illuminants used in 1850s and
approximately 90 million gallons ethanol was produced in the United States. But due to the tax imposition on
ethanol to assist in financing the civil war and the cheaper price of kerosene, it quickly replaced ethanol as
the premier illuminant in 1861.
It was only in the 19th century that this trade became an industry with enormous production figures due
to the economic improvements of the distilling process. It was at the beginning of the 20th century that it had
become known that alcohol might be used as fuel for various combustion engines, especially for automobiles.
In the 1970‟s, the interest in fuel ethanol was renewed due to the oil crisis. Nearly 25 federal agencies
administered various ethanol programs and the National Alcohol Fuels Commission was established to study
the potential for alcohol based fuels (Lansing, 1983). Ethanol gained further support in 1980 when Chrysler,
Ford and General Motors released statements that ethanol with blends of up to 10% would b covered in their
vehicle warranties (RFA, 1998). It’s market grew from less than a billion litres in 1975 to more than 39 billion
litres in 2006 and is expected to reach 100 billion litres in 2015. [8]
2.2. Previous studies on Ethanol
In 2009, Raghad Kwater Maeh and Jasim Al-Hilo published a paper about immobilized yeast for
production of ethanol from molasses; they found that the production of ethanol from cane molasses by Ca-
alginate immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae in shaking incubator was studied. The temperature was 30C
and the shaking rate was 150 rِِِِ/m. Maximum ethanol (4.62%), theoretical yield (82.9%) and volumetric
productivity (10.16 gl/1) were obtained from the cane molasses medium containing 10.90% total sugar with
2.0-2.4 mm diameter beads prepared from 2% (w/v) sodium alginate solution added dropwise to 1000 ml of
2% CaCl2 . Lower ethanol concentration (3.94%), theoretical yield (70.7%) and productivity (8.67 g/1) were
obtained. [9]

Also, in 2009 Mohammed Bahjet, Safa A. Al –Rassul and Alaa K. Mohammed published a paper titled “Bio-
production of Ethanol in Packed Bioreactor”. they used lab-scale packed Biofilm reactor for ethanol
production by fermentation of sugar solution using a local isolated yeast saccharomyces .In this study four
types of packing in the reactor were used. They are; polypropylene mesh, glass rushing rings, ceramic and
glass beads. Glucose solutions were used as substrate with four concentrations; (5, 10, 15, 20 g/U. Results
show that the ethanol productivity was increase with increasing sugar concentration. In addition, it was found
that polypropylene mesh packing give the highest productivity while glass beads gives the lowest productivity.
The experiments were conducted at three temperatures; 30, 35, 40'C. Highest value of productivity was
obtained at 35"C. Finally, results show that ethanol productivity increased with increasing the feed ratio of
yeast / sugar. [10]

In 2010, H. H. Kanakan , F. R. Ali and F. J. Shalash published a paper titled “Selection of highly ethanol
productive yeast “ . They identified Seventy five isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, they were isolated
from different local sources which included decayed fruits and vegetables, vinegar, fermented pasta, baker
yeast and an alcohol factory. Identification of isolates was carried out by cultural microscopical and
biochemical tests. Ethanol sensitivity of the isolates showed that the minimal inhibitory concentration of the
isolate (Sy18) was 16% and Lethal concentration was 17%. The isolate (Sy18) was most efficient as ethanol
producer 9.36% (v/w). The ideal conditions to produce ethanol from Date syrup by yeast isolate, were
evaluated, various temperatures, pH, Brix, incubation period and different levels of (NH4)2HP04. Maximum
ethanol produced was 10.32% (v/v). Experimental production of ethanol using continuous methodology with
immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed that this method is superior by producing 5.83 g/L/h
in comparison with 1.95 g/l/h produced by batch culture method. [11]

In 2017, Haroun A.K. Shahad and Adnan Kahtan Ebraheem studied the possibility of producing bio-ethanol
from Iraqi date crop. The juice of the Zahdi species of Iraqi dates is chosen for this purpose since it is available
in large quantities in Iraq and has good sugar contents. The production procedure consists of fermentation,
distillation and dehydration processes. A special rig is designed and assembled for the production. The
fermentation process involved the use of three different types of yeast (the bread yeast, cheese Yeast and
whey) to choose the best type that requires shorter fermentation time. It is found that the fermentation times
for these yeasts are 25, 40 and 34 hrs respectively. The fermentation process is followed by the distillation
process, which was performed in three stages. Finally, the dehydration process which is the most important
and difficult process because it takes a long time to produce the required concentration of ethanol. This process
involved the use of two different types of drying materials (ethylene glycol and calcium oxide). Experimental

results show the importance of using dates as a source of bio ethanol in Iraq. It is found that 1 ton of Zahdi
yields 300 L of bio-ethanol. It is also found that the cost of 1 L bio-ethanol is about 1022 ID which is about
85 cents. This cost can be reduced in case of mass production. This price is comparable with ethanol prices
worldwide. This work proved that date crop in Iraq is an important source of renewable energy comparable
to crude oil. [12]
In 2018, Kadhim Fadhil Nasir studied the consequence of mixing pure ethanol with gasoline on the pollution
and performance of SI engine are investigated experimentally. The SI engine that employed in the experiment
is a single cylinder four stroke. Analysis is carried out for engine operation parameter, CO2, CO and unburned
HC productions. The measurements are recorded for several engine speeds from 1500 – 3000 rpm with load
and ethanol addition of (0E, 10E, 20E, 30E, 40E, 50E,). The results displayed increasing in brake power, and
brake thermal efficiency while the brake specific fuel consumption decreases when the ethanol- gasoline
blends fuel increases. Also it was found that CO, HC, and CO2 concentrations decrease when the ethanol-
gasoline increases. The best results obtained in the study is for the blend of E-50. [13]

In 2019 Amel G. Abed established (according to the biological and industrial importance of Schiff bases
compounds) a new simple and accurate UV spectrophotometric method for the studied and determination of
the Schiff bases compounds formed from the reaction between aromatic aldehydes compounds and P-
toluenesulphonamide , depending on the zero and fourth derivative mode techniques . The zeroth and fourth
order derivative spectra of the Schiff bases: [benzylidine (compound I), 3, 4 – dimethoxybenzylidine
(compound II) and 2, 6 – dichorobenzylidine (compound III)] p-toluenesulphonamid, were recorded in
absolute ethanol for series of different concentration solutions. The calibration curves were plotted, which
result in straight lines obeying Beers – Lambert law with R2 values and R.S.D for compound I. II and III.
These values indicate that these techniques having good sensitivity and precision for the quantification of
these Schiff bases. [14]

3.1. Introduction
In this chapter, we present theoretical background of least square method that we will use to
generalize properties; also, we will describe the experimental work

3.2 Least Square Method

The method of least squares is the standard method used to obtain unique values for physical
parameters from redundant measurements of those parameters, or parameters related to them by a known
mathematical model. [16]

The least square method -a very popular technique- is used to compute estimations of parameters and
to fit data. It is one of the oldest techniques of modern statistics as the French mathematician Legendre in
a now classic memoir first published it in 1805. But this method is even older because it turned out that,
after the publication of Legendre’s memoir, Gauss, the famous German mathematician, published another
memoir (in 1809) in which he mentioned that he had previously discovered this method and used it as
early as 1795. A somewhat bitter anteriority dispute followed (a bit reminiscent of the Leibniz-Newton
controversy about the invention of Calculus), which, however, did not diminish the popularity of this
technique. Galton used it (in 1886) in his work on the heritability of size which laid down the foundations
of correlation and (gave the name) regression analysis. Both Pearson and Fisher, who did so much in the
early development of statistics, used and developed it in different contexts (factor analysis for Pearson and
experimental design for Fisher). Nowadays, the least square method is widely used to find or estimate the
numerical values of the parameters to fit a function to a set of data and to characterize the statistical
properties of estimates. It exists with several variations: Its simpler version is called ordinary least squares
(OLS), a more sophisticated version is called weighted least squares (WLS), which often performs better
than OLS because it can modulate the importance of each observation in the final solution. Recent
variations of the least square method are alternating least squares (ALS) and partial least squares (PLS).

In the standard formulation, a set of N pairs of observations {Yi, Xi} is used to find a function giving
the value of the dependent variable (Y) from the values of an independent variable (X). With one variable
and a linear function, the prediction is given by the following equation:


This equation involves two free parameters which specify the intercept (a) and the slope (b) of the
regression line. The least square method defines the estimate of these parameters as the values which

minimize the sum of the squares (hence the name least squares) between the measurements and the model
(i.e., the predicted values). This amounts to minimizing the expression:


where ϵ stands for “error” which is the quantity to be minimized.

This is achieved using standard techniques from calculus, namely the property that a quadratic (i.e., with
a square) formula reaches its minimum value when its derivatives vanish. Taking the derivative of E with
respect to a and b and setting them to zero gives the following set of equations (called the normal




Solving these 3.3 and 3.4 equations gives the least square estimates of a and b as:


Where MY and MX denoting the means of X and Y and


Least square can be extended to more than one independent variable (using matrix algebra) and
to non-linear functions. [17]

3.3 Experimental Work
Tow experiences that we did in the laboratory (relationship between Density and Temperature
and relationship between Conductivity and Temperature for Ethanol) to genrnlaize correlation for
density and conductivity with temperature.

1- Relationship between Density and Temperature

Pure ethanol, CH3CH2OH, as pure liquid. It is similar to water in that it is polar, with a
permanent dipole moment, and forms hydrogen bonds with itself. It does not have the same
type of 3-dimensional lattice that water has though. The density decreases with temperature
through this range. Unlike the situation with water, there is no maximum density point.
We measured density for different temperature at 10, 15, 20, 25,30.35,40,60.80 and 100𝐶 ᵒ .
For these experiments, we used a digital density meter (figure 3.1).
A digital density meter Are an analytical tool that can be used to determine the amount of
ethanol in a sample. The digital density meter first draws up a small amount of sample, which
is analyzed via an oscillating U-tube. Through this technique, the sample enters a tube that
oscillates due to an external electromagnetic force with the frequency corresponding to the
density of the liquid. Measurements of the frequency and duration of the oscillation are obtained
by the instrument, in order to provide a digital reading of the density of the sample. A liquid
with a greater density will oscillate with a higher frequency than one with a lower density. As
digital density meters are very accurate, they were also one of the tools used in developing a
methodology to determine ethanol content in beer samples. [18]

Fig 3.1 a digital density meter

2- Relationship between Conductivity and Temperature

Conductivity is the ability of a solution, a metal or a gas - in brief all materials - to pass an
electric current. In solutions, the current is carried by cations and anions whereas in metals
electrons carry it.

Conductivity measured by applying an alternating electrical current (I) to two electrodes

immersed in a solution and measuring the resulting voltage (V). During this process, the
cations migrate to the negative electrode, the anions to the positive electrode and the solution
acts as an electrical conductor.

A conductivity meter (figure 3.2) used to determine the conductivity for ethanol in different
temperature 20,25,30,35,40,45,50 and 55.

Fig 3.2 conductivity meter

3- Relationship between Heat capacity and Temperature

Specific heat (C) is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of a mass unit of a
substance by one degree. Isobaric specific heat (Cp) is used for ethanol in a constant pressure (ΔP
= 0) system. Isochoric specific heat (Cv) is used for ethanol in a constant-volume, (= iso
volumetric or isometric) closed system. However, the specific heat - CP and CV - will vary with
temperature. This may influence on the accuracy of ethanol conditioning and industrial ethanol

handling process calculations. When calculating mass and volume flow of ethanol in heated or
cooled systems with high accuracy, therefore, the specific heat should be corrected.

Specific heat is typically quoted in units of J/g/K or J/g/degree C (Joules per gram per
Kelvin or Joules per gram per degree Celcius). For example, if a substance has a heat capacity of
2 J/g/degreeC that means it takes 2 Joules of energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of the
substance by 1 degree Celcius. Note that when we are talking about temperature changes rather
than absolute temperatures, a Kelvin is the same as a degree Celcius. [20]

Fig 3.3 heat capacity experiment

4- Relationship between Viscosity and Temperature

The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or
tensile stress. Generally, dynamic and kinematic viscosity of liquid ethanol decreases when
temperature increases. In addition, dynamic and kinematic viscosity of gaseous ethanol increases
with temperature. Generally, viscosity of ethanol liquid decreases when temperature increases
[20]. Viscometer is used in this experiment (figure 3.4).

Fig 3.4 viscometer

4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we present the results of experiments and use the least square method to generalize
the equations of density, conductivity viscosity and heat capacity as variables with temperature.

4.2 Density and Temperature experiments

Table 4.1 below shows the results of ethanol density as a variable with temperature. We observed
that the density decreases when temperature increases.

Table 4.1 results of Density experiments

T °C ρ, g/cm3
10 0.79788
15 0.7928
20 0.7892
25 0.78522
30 0.78197
35 0.77071
40 0.77044
60 0.74554
80 0.71862
100 0.7117

Density experince






0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig 4.1 density experience graph

4.3 Conductivity and Temperature Experiment

Table 4.2 result of Conductivity experiment

T (°C) Y (W.𝒎−𝟏 . 𝑲−𝟏 )

20 0.161
25 0.16
30 0.159
35 0.158
40 0.157
45 0.156
50 0.155
55 0.155

Conductive experiment



Conductivity 0.158




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig 4.2 conductivity experience graph

4.4 Viscosity and Temperature Result

Table 4.3 viscosity experience

T (°C) V (mPa.s)

0 1.873

30 0.983

50 0.684

75 0.459

100 0.323

Viscosity experince









0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig 4.3 Viscosity experience graph

4.5 Heat capacity and Temperature Experiment

Table 4.4 heat capacity at constant pressure experience

T (°C ) Cp (kJ/kg K)
-23.2 2.032
6.9 2.351
25 2.719
36.9 3.064
66.9 3.374
96.9 3.665
127 3.91
157 3.981
187 4.451
217 5.754
228 7.63

Heat capacity excperience


-50 0 50 100 150 200 250

Fig 4.4 heat capacity experience graph

By using least square method and depended on results above, the final generalized correlations of
ethanol properties calculated (using MO Excel 2016 software).

Table 4.5 Final result

Property Equation 𝑹𝟐
Density -0.0001 (T) + 0.8094 0.9847
Conductivity -0.0002 (T) + 0.1645 0.9834
Viscosity 1.7449e-0.017(T) 0.9916

Specific heat 2.3673e0.0042(T) 0.9232

5.1 Discussion

In this project, we introduce new correlations of ethanol properties depending on least square
method and using Excel software 2016 for this purpose.

Correlations resulted with 𝑅2 equals to 0.9847, 0.9834, 0.9916 and 0.9232 for density,
conductivity, viscosity and heat capacity respectively, which means the percentage of error in
equations, is simple. Therefore, we can depend the equations in future work to predict the
density, conductivity, viscosity and heat capacity for deferent temperature degrees and with high
degree of accuracy. The relation between density and conductivity with temperature is liner
equation. While the relation between viscosity and heat capacity with temperature is exponential
equation (see table 4.5).

Figure (4.1) represents the relationship between density and temperature of ethanol. From
the figure, we see that the relationship between density and temperature of ethanol is inverse.
In other words, the density decreases with increasing temperature and Change in density will
be reflected in a change in temperature and vise-versa. When ethanol is heated, it expands.
Therefore, the mass remains constant, but the volume increases. Density = mass / volume.
Therefore, as the temperature increases, the density decreases.

Figure (4.2) represents the relationship between conductivity and temperature of ethanol.
Also this relation is inversely proportional. Conductivity depends predominantly on molecular
diffusion effect. As temperature increases, the randomness of molecular movements increases.
This obstructs transport of heat through ethanol. Thus, the thermal conductivity of ethanol
decreases with increase in temperature.

Figure (4.3) represents the relationship between viscosity and temperature of ethanol.
Viscosity of ethanol decreases when temperature increases in exponential curve. The reason for
this is due to the forces of cohesion between the molecules, which overshadow the transfer of
molecular momentum between these molecules, and this is due to the great affinity of the
molecules. When ethanol is heated, the cohesion forces between the particles decrease and
consequently the attracting forces between them decrease, eventually reducing the viscosity of

Figure (4.4) represents the relationship between heat capacity and temperature of ethanol,
which is directly exponential relation. When ethanol heated, the heat goes first into increasing
the kinetic energies of the molecules. Molecules can also store energy in vibrations and rotations
and these energies are quantized. The collisions impart enough energy to allow rotation to occur.
Rotation then contributes to the internal energy and raises the specific heat.

An important reason in this acceptable result that is the accurate working in the laboratory.
Because the properties is very sensitive to temperature so higher accuracy in working required.
However, there are some errors; Sources of error in this work include measurements errors,
devices errors and personal errors

One advantage of generalized equation to provide a rapid mathematical solution to calculate

the properties that are affected by temperature. Another advantageous use of correlation is a
solution of problems that normally requires laboratory working, which is taking a lot of time
and effort.

5.2 Conclusions

1- Density, conductivity, viscosity and heat capacity of ethanol are very sensitive properties
to temperature.

2- Accuracy work in laboratory mean less effort and high accuracy.

3- Least square method provide a mathematical model we can depend to predict properties

4- We can generalize correlation when we have experimental work in condition of accuracy .

5.3 Recommendations

For future work

1- Using genetic algorithm and artificial intelligent technique to generalize
2- Generalize property depend on two variable (e.g. temperature and pressure).
3- Using other program such as matlab or eureqa instead of excel.

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