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Lesson 11

Samson & Delilah

Open with prayer.

Introduce and show the Samson & Delilah video. Samson is a descendent of Dan, one of the 12
sons of Jacob. Very little is said of Dan; and Samson is one of the few, if not the only descendent
of significance.

Bible reading:

Judges 16: 4-31 Betrayal of Samson by Delilah

This reading takes 7 minutes.

Map comments. Different early Israel maps show different locations of the tribe of Dan. For
example, one map shows Dan in the most northern location just to the west of and on the border
of the Sea of Galilee, another map shows the tribe of Dan on the Mediterranean Sea, and yet
another shows the tribe split some in both locations. (Some presently believe the anti-Christ is a
descendent of the tribe of Dan?).

Specific questions:

1. Who was this strong man who gave the enemy of Israel such a hard time? Samson
2. And what was the name of Samson’s girlfriend? Delilah
3. Which of the 12 tribes was Samson from? Dan
4. What were the people called who Samson was always in trouble with? Philistines

Open ended questions:

1. Did anyone see any difference between what was on the video and what we read in the
Bible? (On the first and second class, tell the kids that this question is coming as we start the
2. What was the best thing you saw from either the video or the Bible reading?
3. Why do you think the tribe of Dan and the Philistines were always after each other?
4. Where do you see God’s love for the Hebrew people?

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