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Lesson NL21

Saul of Tarsus

Open with prayer.

Introduce and show the video

Bible reading:

Acts 5: 34-39 Gamaliel asked for his opinion.

Acts 7 Stephen stoned

Acts 9: 1-2 letters given to Saul authorizing him to capture Christians

Acts 9: 3-18 Saul blinded on way to Damascus then Ananias restores Saul’s sight and Saul’s
name changed to Paul
Acts 9: 20-25 Paul escapes Damascus being lower over the wall.

This reading takes minutes.

Specific questions:

1. What was the name of the young man who chased and beat up the early Christians? Saul
2. What did Saul’s name change to after he met Jesus and became a Christian? Paul

Open ended questions:

1. Did anyone see any difference between what was on the video and what we read in the
Bible? (On the first and second class, tell the kids that this question is coming as we start the
2. What difference did you see in the same story covered by different Bible books? Which
Bible book did you like the best? Why?
3. What was the best thing you saw from either the video or the Bible reading?
4. How do we know God loved Saul? What can we do to love those who treat us like Saul
behaved toward those who followed Jesus?

Names covered on earlier lesson:

Mary: mother of Jesus

Joseph: husband of Mary
Herod: evil local ruler who wanted to kill baby Jesus
John the Baptist
Matthew tax collector turned disciple
Andrew (Peter’s brother)
Nicodemus (local religious leader who came later helping prepare Jesus’ body for burial)

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