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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

• Describe verb, adjective, or another adverb using adverbs,

• Use adverbs (adverb of time, place and manner) in sentences
• Differentiate the types of adverbs.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Kinds of Adverbs

Material: Manila Paper, Cartolina, pictures, white board marker.


III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Routine Activities

a. Greeting

Good morning, Good morning, Ms. Rivera!

b. Prayer

Before we go on, let us Almighty Father, we praise and

all pray together. glorify your Holy name. Thank

you for the opportunity you

gave to each one to

experience learning despite the

pandemic. We ask for

forgiveness thought at times we

tend to disobey your will. We

pray that you will continue to

guide us as we start our

academic year at NTC. Bless

our school, the teachers, the

parents, relatives, friends and all

the people around the globe.

Make our stay at NTC be filled

with joy, excitement, and

fulfillment as we go along to

reach our goals. In Jesus name

we pray, Amen.

c. Rules

Now that we are done with

First, I want you to arrange your
our prayer, I would like to

start our class by Second, listen to the teacher

when being spoken to and
reminding you the simple answer your question.

rules here in our Third, raise your hand if you

have a question and wait to be
classroom. called on

Lastly, Speak loud and clear.

d. Checking of Attendance

Let us now move to our


Class secretary, is Everybody is present today.

everybody present


2. Recall

Last meeting, we discussed

about adverb.

What is adverb? Adverb is a word that describe

and give more information

about) a verb, adverb and

another adverb in a sentence.

Very good!

What is the difference between An adjective modifies a noun,

adverb and adjective? while adverb modifies a verb.

Very Good!

An adjective describes a noun. A word used to identify any of a

What is noun? class of people, places, or

Very good!

While adverb describes a verb.

What is verb? Is an action word.

Very good!

We also discussed about the kinds

of adverbs.

How many types of adverbs? There are 3 types of adverbs.


What are the types of adverbs? Simple, Interrogative and

Relative adverb.

Very Good!

Now, I want you too answer this


Direction: Use the correct adverb

in each sentence by forming the

word inside the parenthesis.

Underlined twice the word it

modifies or describe.

1. The The children run 1. Run – quickly

(quick). 2. Singing – harmoniously

2. The kids are singing 3. Loves – tenderly

(harmony). 4. Screams – angrily

3. She loves him (tender) 5. Sleep – soundly

4. Mother scream (angry). 6. Eats – hungrily

5. Her husband sleeps 7. Taking – seriously

(sound). 8. Dance - gracefully

6. She eats food (hungry). 9. Exercise – regularly

7. students are taking the 10. Laughs – heavily

test (Serious).

8. The girls dance


9. She exercises (regular).

10. The child laughs (heavy).

God job!

I’m happy that you

understand our lesson last


3. Motivation

INSTRUCTIONS: Place the (The students listened

purple and green cards carefully.)

into two piles. Take turns

choosing a card from

each pile, identify the

verb and adverb, and

act it out. Have other

team members try to

guess the verb and

adverb that were on your


B. Presentation

(Teacher will show each card)

These are the cards

represented in the game

we did awhile ago.

C. Discussion

These words are examples of


If you remember last meeting, We

discussed about the kinds of


Am I right? Yes teacher.

The three kinds of adverb


• Adverb of manner

• Adverb of time

• Adverb of place

Again, what is the 3

Adverb of manner, adverb of
types of adverb?
time and adverb of place.

Very good!
Adverb of manner

These adverbs answer

the question of ‘how’

or ‘in what manner’ an

action takes place.

For example:

• He speaks slowly.

o How does he speak? Slowly

• They helped us cheerfully.

How did they help us?

• James Bond drives his

cars fast.

How does James Bond drive his Fast


Very good!

Now, Let’s find the adverb of

time in the following sentence:

1. Rohit speaks English fluently.

2. Her uncle is seriously ill.

1. Fluently
3. I was terribly upset with my
brother. 2. Seriously
4. The soldiers fought the 3. Terribly
war bravely.
4. Bravely
5. You should handle fragile
items carefully. 5. Carefully

Very good!
We now move on to adverb
of time

Adverb of time

These adverbs answer the

question ‘when’ an action
took place.

For example:
• He came yesterday.

When did he come?

• I want it now.

When do I want it?


Very good!

Adverb of time can answer

the question “how often”.


D. They deliver the

newspaper daily.

How often do they deliver

the newspaper? Daily

• We sometimes watch a


How often do we watch a

movie? Sometimes

Let’s find the adverb of time

from the following


1. We will go to a
movie tonight.
1. Tonight
2. She went
shopping yesterday. 2. Yesterday
3. Max likes to finish his 3. Early
work early.
4. Frequently
4. My grandparents visit
us frequently. 5. Once
5. She has only been to the
theatre once.

Very good!
Lastly, adverb of place.

Adverb of place

These adverbs answer the

question of ‘where’ an action

takes place.
For example:

• Please sit here.

Where should I sit?

• They looked everywhere. Here

Where did they look?

• Two cars

were parked outside.

Where were two cars

Very good!

Find the adverb of place in

the following sentence:

1. I searched for my lost

pen everywhere.

2. The lady went inside her 1. Everywhere

2. Inside
3. Let’s go out.
3. Out
4. He went downstairs to
the basement. 4. Downstairs
5. It was too
5. Here, there
crowded here, so they
went there.

D. Generalization
After the discussion children, May I

know what you have gotten on

our topic.

What are the 3 kinds of

E. Adverb of manner

Very good! F. Adverb of time

What is adverb of manner? G. Adverb of place

Adverb of manner answer the

question of ‘how’ or ‘in what

Good job. manner’ an action takes place.

What about the adverb of

Answer the question of ‘when’
an action took place.
Very good.

What is adverb of place?

Adverbs answer the question of

That is correct! ‘where’ an action takes place.

E. Application

1. Oral Activity
Direction: Read the

paragraph. Write the

adverbs on the box below.


2. Written Activity

Direction: Find the adverb and it’s


1. The dog ran home quickly. (quickly : adverb of

2. The taxi drove away manner)

(away : adverb of
3. He went upstairs.
4. We went to the mall (upstairs : adverb of

yesterday. place)
5. Two cars were parked (yesterday : adverb of
(outside : adverb of
IV. Assignment

In your English notebook

have a list of kinds of

adverb (manner,time and


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