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The Effects of Playing Video Games to the Academic Performance of the Senior High

School Students of Siena College of Taytay

I. Background
A study that focuses on the time spent playing video games that some pupils forget
to do their responsibilities as a student. What makes video games addicting to the
extent that most students choose playing instead of studying? How does video
games affect the academic performance of the students?
II. Target Participants
Senior High School students of Siena College of Taytay
III. References
Clark, A. (2018). The effects of computer games on students’ academic
performance. Classcraft.
Earp, J. (2021). Internet use, video games and student’ academic achievement.
Teacher Magazine.

Time Management Techniques of the Senior High School Students of Siena College of
Taytay in Handling Academics Amidst the Pandemic
I. Background
A study that focuses on the struggles of the students with time management because
of temptations around them, such as social media, online games, and extra-
curricular activities. How well does a student manage their time in academic and
other activities? How does time management affect the student’s learning process?
II. Target Participants
Senior High School students of Siena College of Taytay
III. References
Panigrahi, S. (2022). Importance of time Management Skills for Students. The Higher
Education Review.
Auld, S. (2019). Time managements skills that improve student learning. Australian
Christian College.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance of the Grade 12 Students of

Siena College of Taytay
I. Background
A study that focuses on the schedule of sleep of the Grade 12 students of Siena
College of Taytay; what could be the cause of lack of sleep? How does sleep
deprivation affect the academic performance of the students?
II. Target Participants
Grade 12 Senior High School students of Siena College of Taytay
III. References
Suni, E. (2022). Improve Your Child’s School Performance with a Good Night’s
Sleep. Sleep Foundation.
Jalali, R. et al. (2020). The Effect of Sleep Quality on Student’ Academic
Achievement. Dovepress.

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