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Receiving a gift is one of the best parts of Christmas. People treasure it and feel loved.

No matter
what the value is, it makes people feel special.

I'd like to receive paint as a material gift because I became interested in painting and drawing
after quarantine began. I'm still learning it, but I can also use it as a coping mechanism. It helps
me ease my stress. The second thing that I want to receive that is non-material is love from
myself. Since I am having difficulties being compassionate towards myself, All of the things that
I did were not enough. I wish I could be proud of myself, but I can't. I always have mood swings.
I tend to get mad at everything in my surroundings, and I do not want that. I always think about
what others will think of me. It's like there are voices in my head saying that they are judging
me. Having this kind of mindset makes me want to give up. 

The second gift is hard to receive because I need to change my mindset and perspective. I do not
want to hurt myself every day. I am hoping that I will get through this.

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