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1. In your own perspective, define what is beauty.

Beauty is not based on how you look or how you style yourself. It is not also hopping on trends
and having expensive clothes or gadgets. It is on how you do good thing with the purity of you
heart. I do believe that the real beauty is the legacy that a person will going to leave on this earth.

2. Give at least two persons in your life whom you consider beautiful and explain what makes
them beautiful.
I think the two most beautiful persons in my life are my parents. I consider them as beautiful not
just because I see them as my parents but because I see them as the most beautiful gift for me
that I was grateful for.
3. Which part of your body you consider beautiful, explain why.
The part of my body that I consider beautiful is/are my eye/s. I believe that our eyes speaks and
they would never lie. The eyes are the window to our soul and I think that is where beauty came
from, the soul.
4. I am handsome because I am the most precious charm of my parents. I am the treasure
and gift from God that my parents were grateful for. I am handsome because I believe in
myself and I never compare myself to others. I am handsome because I believe that I
have my own colors that made me a unique one.

1. Explain the message she wishes to convey through her music.

This song deals with plastic surgery, its consequences, and the struggle for beauty in the
modern world itself, and people who succumb to these pressures. She wanted to enlighten
our minds that we don’t need the physical beauty or appearance to be loved. Just learn to
love and accept yourself because that’s the real definition of beauty.

2. Discuss what line(s) struck you the most.

“No one will love you if you’re unattractive”

This line struck me the most because I know that now in the modern times, most people always
choose to love someone because of their physical appearance. If they found you attracted, you
are lovable but if you’re not too desirable for them, you will be rejected. It’s sad to hear that this
but this is a sad reality. What I wanted here is that, let’s change our minds and think of this.
“Everyone has its own color that made us a unique one. You don’t nee a lot of people who will
love and accept you based on what you look. All you need is a few but surely will accept you.”
After all, if you feel unlovable, just love yourself because selflove is important.

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