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Credit Subject Subject
Subject Code Subject Name Semester Status Precondition
Subject of
3FIS48 English for Physics 2 1 -
Learning Outcomes LO of Physics Education Study Program
S-9, Demonstrates responsibility for work in their area of expertise
P-1, Mastering the concepts of Physics and English needed to carry out learning
P in primary and secondary education units.
P-11, Able to conduct research independently or in groups that can be used to
provide guidance to stakeholders in choosing various alternative solutions to
problems in the field of Physics education.
P-13, Able to take appropriate decisions in the field of Physics education based
on information and data analysis.
KU KU-2,Able to perform an independent, qualified, and measurable.
KK-1,Applying the didactic-pedagogical concepts and principles of Physics
KK and Physics science to plan learning by utilizing science and technology which
is oriented to life skills.

Soft Skill (Scientific Attitude)

1. Critical attitude
2. Social competence
3. Ethics
4. Logic argumentation
5. Team-work
6. Analyze ability
7. Honesty
8. Tolerance
9. Objective
10. Full of smile

Basic Competence and Materials

1. The students to be able to use Be, Present and have

2. The students to be able to describe and use Noun clause
3. The students to be able to describe and use modals
4. The students to be able to describe and use Passive
5. The students to be able to describe and use The Infinitive
6. The students to be able to describe and use Dimension
7. The students to be able to describe and use Comparison
8. The students to be able to make a good scientific writing by using English
9. The students to be able to describe and inter prate the graph by using English

Subject Description This subject aims to improve student’s ability of English for Physics.

Reference: 1. Hutchings R. (2000). Physics, Second Edition.

2. Breithhaupt J. (2000). Physics, Fourth Edition.
3. Motan. (2012). English for Physics.
Teaching Strategy Collaborative Learning
Learning Media SIPDA, ZOOM Application, e-book
Task Student Assignments have to be collected on time.
Lecturer 1. Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Compilation Date Head of Subject Head of Physics Department
August 2020 Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D. Dr. WawanBunawan, M.Pd.,
SubCPMK Assessment Method
Mee Study Learning Time of Learning Learning
(The Final Expected Facilitator
ting Indicator Component (%) Materials Method Learning Experience Media
1 5 Course contract Online lectures Subject a. Discuss ZOOM
and subject and discussions Introduction via Application,
introduction through the eLearning: 2 ZOOM, SIPDA
ZOOM x50 minute. b. Discuss via
application and discussion
discussion forums in
forums in SIPDA,
SIPDA. c. Collaborate
multi -
Method: disciplinary

2 Student be able Accuracy in using be, Routine task 5 Be, Have and Online lectures Subject a. Discuss via ZOOM
To know, to understand, present and have. fromSIPDA: Present and discussions Introduction ZOOM, Application,SIP
to distinguish and to use a. Completing the through the eLearning: 2 b. Discuss via DA
be, present and have assignment/ ZOOM x50 minute. discussion
routine task application and forums in
from SIPDA. discussion Self-Study and SIPDA,
forums in doing task: c. self-study
SIPDA. 2 x120 minute. and doing
task in
Method: SIPDA.

3, 4 Student be able to the Accuracy in using noun Routine task 10 Definition, Online lectures Subject a. Discussion via ZOOM .
function of noun clause clause component. fromSIPDA: function, and discussions Introduction ZOOM, Application,
and how to use noun a. Completing the explanation, through the eLearning: 2 b. Discuss via SIPDA
clause on questions assignment/ and how to ZOOM x50 minute. discussion
word, if/whether, and routine task use noun application and forums in
that-clause. from SIPDA. clause on discussion Self-Study and SIPDA.
question word, forums in doing task:
If/whether, and Task of Critical
that-clause. Method: Book Review
Collaborative (CBR) and
Learning collected on
meeting 6th.
5, 6 Student be able to Accuracy in using Practice (using 10 Explanation, Online lectures Subject Discussion in ZOOM
understand and how to modals. modals on kinds of modals, and discussions Introduction ZOOM, and Application,
use modals. conversation) and how to use through the eLearning: 2 SIPDA. SIPDA
modals. ZOOM x50 minute.
application and Self-study,
discussion Self-study and discussion, and
forums in task ofCritical doing task.
SIPDA and Self- Book Review
study through (CBR) and
the topics that collected on
has been meeting 9th.
prepared in

7 Student be able to Accuracy in using Practice (using 5 Function, kind Self-study Subject Self-study, ZOOM
understand and how to passive voice. passive voice on of passive voice through the Introduction discussion, and Application,SIPD
use passive voice. conversation) and rules how topics that has eLearning: 2 doing task. A
to use passive been prepared x50 minute.
voice. in SIPDA.
Self-study and
Method: doing task:
Collaborative 2 x120 minute.

8 Midterm Exams Midterm exams 15 Doing exams Midterm exams

Online in Online Exams online online diSIPDA
9 Student be able to Accuracy in explaining Group Task (1) 5 Explaining Online lectures Study the Discussion in ZOOM
understand and how to the infinitive in concept and and discussions material via ZOOM, and Application,SIPD
use the infinitive. various sentences. rules how to through the eLearning: 2 SIPDA. A
use the ZOOM x50 minute.
infinitive in application and Self-study,
various discussion Self-study and discussion, and
sentences. forums in task doing task.
SIPDA. ofEngineering
Idea (EI) and
Method: collected on
Collaborative meeting 11th.
10 Student be able to Accuracy in explaining Group Task (2) 5 Explaining Online lectures Study the Discussion in ZOOM
understand and how to rules and how to use concept and and discussions material via ZOOM, and Application,SIPD
use dimension. dimension. rules how to use through the eLearning: 2 SIPDA. A
dimension on ZOOM x50 minute.
countable noun
application and Self-study,
and plural noun.
discussion discussion, and
forums in doing task.
11, 12 Student be able to Accuracy in Group Task (3) 10 Explaining Online lectures Study the Discussion in ZOOM
understand and how to explaining rules and concept, and and discussions material via ZOOM, and Application,SIPD
use comparison. how to use and rules how to use through the eLearning: 2 SIPDA. A
distinguish the comparison: ZOOM x50 minute.
comparison word in adjectives, application and Self-study,
sentences. Comparative and discussion Self-study and discussion, and
superlative forums in task ofMini- doing task.
adjectives, SIPDA. research (MR)
preposition, and collected
emphasizingand Method: on meeting
form. Collaborative 14th.
13 Student be able to Accuracy in Group Task (4) 5 Explaining Online lectures Study the Discussion in ZOOM
draw, design and explaining rules and concept and and discussions material via ZOOM, and Application,SIPD
read Graph in how to draw, design rules how to through the eLearning: 2 SIPDA. A
English. and read a graph in draw, design, ZOOM x50 minute.
English. and read a application and Self-study and Self-study,
graph discussion task of Project discussion, and
sequentially. forums in and collecting doing task.
SIPDA. Method: in meeting 15th
14, 15 Student be able and Accuracy oflanguage Practice (writing 10 Topic, writing, Online lectures Subject Discussion in ZOOM
improve Language Skill skillin write down scientific paper) grammar, and discussions Introduction ZOOM, and Application,
in Scientific Writing. scientific paper about diction. through the eLearning: 2 SIPDA. SIPDA
the random topic about ZOOM x50 minute.
physics. Self-study,
application and
discussion Self-study and discussion, and
forums in doing task: doing task.
SIPDA. 2 x120 minute.

16 Final Exams Final exams Online 15 Online Exams Doing Final Exams SIPDA
inSIPDA online

No Elements of Attitude Descriptor Aspects

1. Communication Do not say rude, snotty and arrogant,
ethics Do not interrupt the conversation at the wrong time,
Saying thanks after receiving someone else's help,
Attitude: greetings, smiles, greetings,
Ask for permission when entering the room.
2. Honesty No cheating,
Do not become plagiarism,
Express feelings as they are,
Recognize mistakes or deficiencies that are owned,
Make a report based on data.
3. Responsible Carry out individual tasks well,
Accept the risk of the actions taken,
Do not blame or accuse others without accurate evidence,
Return items borrowed,
Keeping promises,
Not to blame others for our own mistakes,
Carry out what was said without being told.
4. Cooperation Willingness to carry out tasks according to agreement,
Willing to help others without expecting anything in return,
Active in group work,
Focus attention on group goals,
Not prioritizing personal interests,
Look for ways to explore differences of opinion / thoughts between
yourself and others.
5. Toughness Stick to the establishment if you believe the truth,
Actively trying to complete every task given by the lecturer,
Never give up when facing difficulties.
6. Concern Have initiative in study assignments in the lecture hall,
Showing curiosity,
Attention to fellow friends in completing learning tasks,
Responsive to the learning situation in the lecture hall,
Maintain a college or campus environment.
7. Discipline Arrive on time,
Comply with the rules of joint rules,
Do and collect tasks according to the specified time,
Writing follows the rules of written language that is good and right.
8 Perseverance Enterprising and enthusiastic in learning,
Being active in learning, for example asking the lecturer about the
material to be understood,
It is not easy to despair in doing the assignments given by the lecturer,
Not dependent on others in doing college assignments,
Diligently participate in extracurricular activities to improve self-
9. Independence The ability of a person independently in carrying out lecture tasks as
evidenced by the product or output from the task.
10. Initiative A person's ability to provide a unique solution in solving a problem
(lecture assignment).

a. Value of Knowledge or skills

Input value F1, F2, F3 dan F4 with the following conditions:
1) F1 = average value of Routine Task
2) F2 = 0,2 CBR + 0,3 CJR + 0,5 RI
3) F3 = 0,4 MR + 0,6 PR
4) F4 = 0,5 F4 A + 0,5 F4 B
TR = Routine Tasks (Tugas Rutin)
CBR = Critical Book Review
CJR = Critical Journal Report
RI = Engineering Ideas (Rekayasa Ide)
MR = Mini Research
PR = Project
F4 A = Knowledge Test + Performance (Mid-Semester)
F4 B = Knowledge Test + Performance (endof Semester)

b. Course value (number) is calculated by the formula as following below:

NM = 0,1 F1 + 0,1 F2 + 0,15 F3 + 0,65 F4

c.Course Value (alphabet) provided with the following conditions:

Alphabet of Value Number of Value Interval Value

A 4 90 – 100
B 3 80 – 89
C 2 70 – 79
E 0 0 – 69

d. Attitude Value
Attitude value in the form of numbers and values in the form of categories as below:
No Interval Category
1 3,51 – 4,00 Very Good
2 2,51 – 3,50 Good
3 1,51 – 2,50 Bad
4 0 - 1,50 Very Bad


a. Di saat kegiatan pembelajaran dimulai, toleransi keterlambatan 15 menit.

b. Pengumpulan tugas perkuliahan harus sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditetapkan. Mahasiswa yang terlambat
menyerahkan tugas dari jadwal yang ditentukan, tugasnya tidak diterima dan tidak mendapat nilai untuk tugas
c. Tugas yang merupakan plagiat diberi nilai 0 (nol).
d. Aturan jumlah minimal kehadiran dalam pembelajaran tetap diberlakukanyaitu 12 pertemuan minimal.
e. Mahasiswa berhak menginformasikan kepada dosen jika tidak dapatmengikuti kuliah


a. Memulai PMB tepat waktu dan melaksanakan PBM sesuai dengan jadwal.
b. Tetap terlibat untuk seluruh aktifitas pembelajaran.
c. Memeriksa, menganalisis dan mengembalikan tugas mahasiswa.
d. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap mahasiswa tentang pembelajaran yang dilakukan.
e. Mematuhi seluruh aturan akademik yang berlaku.

a. Tatacara Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
1. Perkuliahan dilaksanakan melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang menuntut mahasiswa lebih aktif (Students-
Centered Learning,) atau SCL.
2. Dilakukan secara berkelompokdengansistemkolaborasi. Setiap anggota kelompok harus siapdankompeten
setiap saat dihunjuk oleh dosen menjadi penyaji.
3. Dalam melaksanakan sajian, setiap kelompok harus menggunakan fasilitas notebook dan proyektor yang
tersedia. DalamPenyajianMahasiswatidakmembacakembaliisi slide.
4. Setiap anggota kelompok harus menguasai produk akademis yang dihasilkan dan keaktifan menjawab serta
keakuratan jawaban terhadap pertanyaan anggota kelompok lain maupun pertanyaan dosen dijadikan
indikator penguasaan produk tersebut. Atas prestasi tersebut, anggota kelompok itu berhak mendapat nilai
5. Kualitas produk akademik, kualitas sajian, dan keakuratan respons yang diberikan anggota kelompok
dijadikan indikator kualitas dan setiap anggota kelompok berhak mendapat nilai yang sama. atas produk yang
6. Setiap anggota kelompok harus menunjukkan tingkat penguasaannya terhadap topik yang dibahas melalui
keterlibatan yang intensif dan berkontribusi secara tepat. Setiap anggota yang berhasil menunjukkan prestasi
seperti ini tambahan nilai.
7. Seluruh produk akademik harus selesai disajikan dan dibahas pada sesi yang terkait oleh karena itu
pengaturan waktu harus dijaga dengan ketat. Kelompok yang molor menyaji dikurangi nilainya.

b. Disiplin Mengikuti Perkuliahan

1. Setiap mahasiswa harus masuk tepat waktu. Keterlambatan lebih dari lima belas menit tidak diperkenankan
masuk mengikuti perkuliahan.
2. Setiap mahasiswa harus berpakaian rapi pada saat mengikuti kuliah. Tidak diperbolehkan memakai sandal,
kaus oblong, dan celana jeans.Tidakdiperkenankanmenggunakanbajutanpakerah.
DiwajibkanPriamengenakanCelanaKeperdanPerempuanmengenakanRok di bawahlutut.
3. Selama perkuliahan berlangsung tidak diperbolehkan menghidupkan HP.
4. Setiap mahasiswa Priatidak diperkenankan berambut panjang atau gondrong.

c. Tugas
Tugas terdiri atas dua bagian, yakni: (1) tugas kelompok dan (2) tugas individu.
1. Setiap kelompok harus mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan untuk didiskusikan secara berkelompok
sebagaimana yang tertera pada kontrak perkuliahan
2. Setiap mahasiswa harus menyerahkan berupaportofolio secara lengkap dari masalah Fisika SMA
BerorientasiLaboratoriumdalambentuk Softcopy di pertemuanke 15 atau paling lambatpertemuanke 16.
3. Tugas RutindapatberupaRingkasanmateri, Summary Jurnal, AnalisisJurnal, Paper/Makalah, Outline,
atauPortofoliosesuaidenganinstruksiDosenPenanggungjawab. Tugasrutinselaluada di
setiappertemuanperkuliahansebagai modal awalperkuliahandanpemahamanawalMahasiswa yang


Etika Kelas :
Harapan bersama untuk :
a. Kita akan saling mendengarkan penuh perhatian. 
b. Kita tidak akan berbicara sementara yang lain berbicara. 
c. Apabila kita tidak setuju dengan seseorang, kita akan kritik dengan gagasan konstruktif dengan rasa hormat.
d. Bila pandangan orang lain dari perspektif yang berbeda dari kita, maka kita akan mencoba memahaminya, bukan
hanya sekedar mengkritik.
e. Kita akan menghindari stereotypes (meniru-niru) dan humor yang meremehkan orang lain. 
f. Kita akan mengingatkan dengan sopan ketika seseorang berlaku kasar dan tidak adil terhadap orang lain.
g. Pertanyaan yang


Saya telah membaca dan memahami kontrak ini secara komprehensif dan jelas dan dengan ini saya nyatakan bahwa
saya menerima seluruh bagian kontrak ini secara sadar.

Medan, September 2020

Head of Physics Department, Lecturer,

(Dr. WawanBunawan, M.Pd., M.Si.) (Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D.)

NIP. 196812051993031001 NIP. 19590805 198601 1 001

Wakil Mahasiswa,

(..............................................) ( ..............................................)

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