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UNIT 12: Nature and

Lớp 12
GV: Võ Ngọc Khánh Minh



1 Vocab
2 Practice
3 Review

poacher antelope rhinoceros sea turtle mosquito

worm lizard parrot gorilla buffalo
panda camel leopard deer crocodile


poacher antelope rhinoceros sea turtle mosquito

worm lizard/gecko parrot gorilla buffalo
panda camel leopard deer crocodile

poacher antelope rhinoceros sea turtle mosquito

worm lizard parrot gorilla buffalo
panda camel leopard deer crocodile


graze (verb) if an animal grazes, it There were antelopes Gặm cỏ

/ɡreɪz/ eats grass grazing beside the river.
★★★ Có những con linh dương
cattle grazing đang gặm cỏ bên cạnh
graze sth / on sth dòng sông.

stem (noun) the long thin part of a plant But the plant continually produces Thân cây
/stem/ that grows up out of the new stalks through the year, so
★★★ ground there always should be some new
stems to pick.
Nhưng cây liên tục tạo ra các thân
mới trong năm, vì vậy luôn phải có
một số thân mới để hái.

root (noun) the part of a plant that grows Tree roots can cause damage to Rễ cây
/ruːt/ under the ground and gets buildings.
★★ water from the soil Rễ cây có thể gây hư hại cho các
tree roots công trình.


horn (noun) one of the two hard There is a large bull with Sừng
/hɔːn/ pointed parts on the curved horns on our way
★★★ heads of cows, goats home.
etc Có một con bò đực lớn với
cặp sừng cong trên đường
về nhà của chúng tôi.

ivory (noun) the hard smooth yellow-white I really love your ivory earnings. Ngà
/ˈaɪvəri/ substance from the tusk of an Where did you buy them?
★★★ elephant Tôi thực sự thích đôi bông tai ngà
voi của bạn. Bạn mua nó ở đâu

hump (noun) a large curved part on the I sat on its rounded hump. Cái bướu
/hʌmp/ back of some animals, Tôi ngồi trên cái bướu tròn trịa của
★★★ especially camels nó.

hump (verb) to make hump-shaped Without further pause and again in Khom người
/hʌmp/ silence, I hump my body up over
★★★ the rock.
Không dừng lại thêm nữa và một
lần nữa trong im lặng, tôi khom
người lên trên tảng đá.


Komodo dragons are the heaviest lizards on earth. Fully-

grown adults are enormous; they can reach three meters in
length and weigh more than 140 kg. The creature has been
around for millions of years, but scientists and biologists
didn't study them until about a hundred years ago.

Wild Komodo dragons are found in Indonesia's Lesser

Sunda Islands. They have thrived in this harsh climate for
millions of years. They prefer the tropical forests where it’s
damp, moist and misty all year round, but Komodo dragons
can be found across the islands from the coastal areas and
sandy beaches to marsh and swamps. They are
frightening-looking reptiles (and predators) with wide, flat
heads, and muscular tails. Though it is possible for these
athletic reptiles to walk up to seven miles per day, they prefer
to stay close to home — they rarely go on an expedition far
from the valleys in which they nested. They are carnivores
that have a back-and-forth walk and clumsy posture. They
are extremely fast and vigorous.


growth (noun) when something gets bigger or Eating nutritious food is important Sự phát triển
/ɡrəʊθ/ develops for healthy growth in children.
★★ Ăn thực phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng rất
the growth of sth quan trọng cho sự phát triển lành
growth in sth mạnh ở trẻ em.
economic growth
growth (noun) an increase in the size, The report links population growth Sự gia tăng
/ɡrəʊθ/ amount or degree of with rural poverty.
★★ something Báo cáo liên kết sự gia tăng dân số
revenue/earnings/sales/ với tình trạng nghèo đói ở nông
productivity growth thôn.
population growth

grown-up (adjective) someone who is grown-up is I’ve got two grown-up sons. Lớn, trưởng thành
/ˌɡrəʊn ˈʌp/ an adult Tôi có hai đứa con trai lớn.

creature (noun) an animal, fish, or insect Blue whales are the largest Sinh vật
/ˈkriːtʃə(r)/ creatures ever to have lived.
★★★ Cá voi xanh là sinh vật đang sống
a living creature lớn nhất.
a little creature
a sea creature

biologist (noun) someone who does academic She’s a research biologist for a Sinh vật học
/baɪˈɒlədʒɪst/ research in the field of biology pharmaceutical company.
★★★ Cô ấy là nhà sinh vật học nghiên
• biology cứu cho một công ty dược phẩm.

harsh (adjective) unkind, cruel, or strict He said some harsh words about Cay nghiệt
/hɑːʃ/ his brother.
★★★ Anh ấy đã nói những lời cay nghiệt
harsh words về anh trai mình.
harsh criticism
harsh treatment


tropical (adjective) in or from the hottest parts of Most species live in tropical rain Nhiệt đới
/ˈtrɒpɪkl/ the world forests.
★★★ Hầu hết các loài sống trong các
a tropical forest khu rừng có mưa nhiệt đới.
a tropical storm
a tropical rainforest

damp (adjective) slightly wet The house was cold and damp. Ẩm thấp
/dæmp/ Căn nhà lạnh lẽo và ẩm thấp.

moist (adjective) slightly wet, especially in a Keep the soil in the pot moist, but Ẩm ướt, mọng
/mɔɪst/ good way not too wet. nước
★★★ Giữ cho đất trong chậu luôn ẩm,
• Moisture (n) nhưng không quá ướt.
• Moisturize (v)

misty (adjective) misty weather is weather with She peered through the misty light Mờ sương
/ˈmɪsti/ a lot of mist at the approaching car.
★★★ Cô nhìn qua ánh đèn mờ ảo về
a cold, misty morning chiếc xe đang lao tới.

coastal (adjective) near the coast Phan Thiet is one of the coastal city Ven biển
/ˈkəʊstl/ of Vietnam.
★★ Phan Thiết là một trong những
coastal waters thành phố biển của Việt Nam.
waters (noun) a very large area of water, for St Lucia depends on its clean Vùng nước
/ˈwɔːtə(r)/ example an ocean or large coastal waters for its income.
★★★ river St Lucia phụ thuộc vào vùng biển
sạch ven biển để có thu nhập.

sandy (adjective) covered with sand or Cactuses grow well in sandy soil. Cát
/ˈsændi/ containing sand Cây xương rồng phát triển tốt ở
★★ đất cát pha.


marsh (noun) ground near a lake, a river, or At the mouth of the river is a large Đầm lầy, vũng
/mɑːʃ/ the sea that often floods and area of marsh. sình
★★★ is always wet Ở cửa sông là một vùng đầm lầy
rộng lớn.

swamp (noun) land that is always very wet or But witnesses in a nearby aircraft Đầm lầy
/swɒmp/ covered with water said the plane flew directly into the
★★★★ swamp.
Nhưng các nhân chứng trong một
chiếc máy bay gần đó cho biết
chiếc máy bay đã bay thẳng xuống
đầm lầy.

frightening (adjective) making you feel fear It is frightening to think about what Đáng sợ
/ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/ might happen if the sun won't rise.
★★★ Thật đáng sợ khi nghĩ về những gì
có thể xảy ra nếu mặt trời không

predator (noun) an animal that kills and eats They also suspect that the move Săn mồi
/ˈpredətə(r)/ other animals against wolves is part of a wider
★★★ campaign against predators.
• prey (n) Họ cũng nghi ngờ rằng động thái
chống lại sói là một phần của chiến
dịch chống lại những kẻ săn mồi
rộng lớn hơn.

wide (adjective) measuring a large distance They destroyed a wide area of the Rộng
/waɪd/ from one side to the other forest only for farming.
★★ Họ phá một vùng rừng rộng chỉ để
a wide area canh tác nông nghiệp.
a wide field
a wide mouth

width (noun) the distance across something This room is five metres in width. Chiều rộng
/wɪtθ/ from one side to the other Căn phòng này rộng năm mét.


possible (adjective) that can be done or achieved We spent every possible moment Có thể
/ˈpɒsəbl/ on the beach.
★★ Chúng tôi đã dành mọi khoảnh
khắc có thể trên bãi biển.

expedition (noun) a short trip that you make for We're going on a shopping Chuyến đi (ngắn)
/ˌekspəˈdɪʃn/ a particular purpose expedition on Saturday.
★★★ Chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện một chuyến
a fishing expedition đi mua sắm vào thứ Bảy này.
a shopping expedition
go on an expedition
expeditionary relating to or constituting an Yet the army's overseas Viễn chinh
(adjective) expedition, esp a military one expeditionary force mustered just
/ˌekspəˈdɪʃənri/ six divisions.
★★★★ Tuy nhiên, lực lượng viễn chinh ở
nước ngoài của quân đội chỉ gồm
sáu sư đoàn.

nest (noun) a place that a bird makes to Cuckoos are famous for laying their Tổ / xây tổ
/nest/ lay its eggs in eggs in the nests of other birds.
★★★ Chim cu gáy nổi tiếng với việc đẻ
a bird's nest trứng vào tổ của các loài chim
a wasps'/hornets' nest khác.
a rat's nest

vigorous (adjective) using a lot of energy and Take vigorous exercise for several Mạnh mẽ, tràn đầy
/ˈvɪɡərəs/ strength or determination hours a week. năng lượng
★★★ Tập thể dục mạnh mẽ trong vài giờ
vigorous exercise một tuần.


Komodo dragons are the heaviest lizards on earth. Fully-

grown adults are enormous; they can reach three meters in
length and weigh more than 140 kg. The creature has been
around for millions of years, but scientists and biologists
didn't study them until about a hundred years ago.

Wild Komodo dragons are found in Indonesia's Lesser

Sunda Islands. They have thrived in this harsh climate for
millions of years. They prefer the tropical forests where it’s
damp, moist and misty all year round, but Komodo dragons
can be found across the islands from the coastal areas and
sandy beaches to marsh and swamps. They are
frightening-looking reptiles (and predators) with wide, flat
heads, and muscular tails. Though it is possible for these
athletic reptiles to walk up to seven miles per day, they prefer
to stay close to home — they rarely go on an expedition far
from the valleys in which they nested. They are carnivores
that have a back-and-forth walk and clumsy posture. They
are extremely fast and vigorous.

Moist/ damp Ẩm

Creature Sinh vật

Grown-up Trưởng thành

Vigorous Mạnh mẽ

Expedition Chuyến đi ngắn

Coastal Ven biển

Harsh Cay nghiệt

Predator Săn mồi

Marsh / Swamp Đầm lầy

Tropical Nhiệt đới


harsh tropical vigorous moist

1. Rice is exclusively produced in tropical

_______ countries like Vietnam and Thailand.

2. The sandwiches are made with moist

_______ slices of chicken breast.

3. Environmentalists have begun a vigorous

_______ campaign against pesticides.

4. The cold, harsh

_______ realities of life are not for me but other people to worry about.


- grazing

Stem / root

Komodo dragons are the heaviest lizards on earth. Fully-

grown adults are enormous; they can reach three meters in
length and weigh more than 140 kg. The creature has been
around for millions of years, but scientists and biologists
didn't study them until about a hundred years ago.

Wild Komodo dragons are found in Indonesia's Lesser

Sunda Islands. They have thrived in this harsh climate for
millions of years. They prefer the tropical forests where it’s
damp, moist and misty all year round, but Komodo dragons
can be found across the islands from the coastal areas and
sandy beaches to marsh and swamps. They are
frightening-looking reptiles (and predators) with wide, flat
heads, and muscular tails. Though it is possible for these
athletic reptiles to walk up to seven miles per day, they prefer
to stay close to home — they rarely go on an expedition far
from the valleys in which they nested. They are carnivores
that have a back-and-forth walk and clumsy posture. They
are extremely fast and vigorous.


Komodo dragons are the heaviest lizards on earth. Fully-

grown adults are enormous; they can reach three meters in
length and weigh more than 140 kg. The creature has been
around for millions of years, but scientists and biologists
didn't study them until about a hundred years ago.

Wild Komodo dragons are found in Indonesia's Lesser

Sunda Islands. They have thrived in this harsh climate for
millions of years. They prefer the tropical forests where it’s
damp, moist and misty all year round, but Komodo dragons
can be found across the islands from the coastal areas and
sandy beaches to marsh and swamps. They are
frightening-looking reptiles (and predators) with wide, flat
heads, and muscular tails. Though it is possible for these
athletic reptiles to walk up to seven miles per day, they prefer
to stay close to home — they rarely go on an expedition far
from the valleys in which they nested. They are carnivores
that have a back-and-forth walk and clumsy posture. They
are extremely fast and vigorous.

Female Komodo dragons can breed without mating with their male
counterparts. This is a major evolutionary advantage, as no male
dragons are needed to contribute to fertilization. However, this
process has a significant drawback: It only results in sons. The
dearth of other females within a population can lead to inbreeding.
The reptile’s reluctance to mate far from home makes the issue
even worse as the species’ population declines and fragments.
Humans have also posed a danger to the Komodo dragon’s
survival. People have burned and contaminated the Komodo
dragon’s habitat, damaging the wildlife it feeds on to build homes
and cities, while poachers target the reptile and its prey. These
factors put the dragons in a very vulnerable position – they are on
the verge of becoming endangered species. Tourists, too, disrupt
and interfere with the dragons’ mating process—which led the
government of Indonesia to consider a temporary closure of
Komodo Island to raise awareness, protect and preserve the
dragons. Tourists are also important to conservation efforts, as
they provide incentives for the locals to save these exotic animals
from extinction.


breed (verb) to keep animals or plants in While the animals are still Sinh sản
/briːd/ order to produce young immature, they do not breed.
★★★ animals or develop new plants Trong khi các loài động vật còn non
nớt, chúng không sinh sản.

major (adjective) very large or important Some major international Lớn

/ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ companies refused to do business
★★ with them.
Một số công ty quốc tế lớn đã từ
chối làm ăn với họ.

evolution (noun) the way in which living things Religious traditionalists objected to Tiến hóa
/ˌiːvəˈluːʃn/ change and develop over theories of evolution being taught in
★★★ millions of years schools.
• evolutionary (a) Những người theo chủ nghĩa truyền
thống tôn giáo phản đối thuyết tiến
hóa được giảng dạy trong trường

fertile (adjective) fertile soil is able to produce These plants need a fertile soil and Màu mỡ
/ˈfɜːtaɪl/ good crops a sheltered position.
★★★ Những cây này cần đất màu mỡ và
• Fertilize (v) một vị trí có mái che.
• Fertilization (n)
• Barren (a) = infertile The treatment has been tested on
healthy fertile women under the age
of 35.

decline (noun) a decrease in the quality, The fur industry is already seeing a Giảm
/dɪˈklaɪn/ quantity, or importance of major decline in sales.
★★★ something Ngành công nghiệp lông thú đã
a decline in sth chứng kiến sự sụt giảm lớn về
the decline of sth doanh số bán hàng.
be in decline


danger (noun) something or someone that Icy roads are really a danger to Mối nguy hiểm
/ˈdeɪndʒə(r)/ may harm you drivers.
★★ Những đoạn đường bị đóng băng
thực sự là một mối nguy hiểm đối
với người lái xe.

endanger (verb) to put someone or something Smoking during pregnancy Gây nguy hiểm
/ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r)/ in a dangerous or harmful endangers your baby’s life.
★★★ situation Hút thuốc khi mang thai gây nguy
endanger sb's life hiểm đến tính mạng của đứa trẻ.
endanger sb's health

perilous (adjective) very dangerous The country roads are quite Nguy hiểm, hiểm
/ˈperələs/ # harmless perilous. trở
★★★★ Những con đường quê khá hiểm
a perilous trở.

survival (noun) when someone continues to Illegal hunting is threatening the Sự sống còn
/səˈvaɪvl/ live or exist, especially after a survival of the species.
★★ difficult or dangerous situation Săn bắn bất hợp pháp đang đe dọa
the survival of sb/sth sự sống còn của loài.
the survival rate

contaminate (verb) if a dirty or poisonous Much of the coast has been Ô nhiễm
/kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ substance contaminates contaminated by nuclear waste.
★★★ something, it gets into it and Phần lớn bờ biển đã bị ô nhiễm bởi
makes it dangerous chất thải hạt nhân.

habitat (noun) the natural environment in With so many areas of woodland Môi trường sống
/ˈhæbɪtæt/ which a plant or animal lives being cut down, a lot of wildlife is
★★★ losing its natural habitat.
in a habitat Với rất nhiều diện tích rừng bị chặt
sth’s natural habitat phá, rất nhiều loài động vật hoang
a habitat for sth dã đang mất dần môi trường sống
tự nhiên.


wildlife (noun) animals living in natural The organization was set up to Động vật hoang dã
/ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ conditions in a region protect wildlife across Europe.
★★ Tổ chức được thành lập để bảo vệ
a wildlife habitat động vật hoang dã trên khắp châu
wildlife conservation Âu.
a wildlife sanctuary

poacher (noun) someone who illegally catches At night my fields are more alive Thợ săn trộm
/ˈpəʊtʃə(r)/ or hunts animals or fish on with poachers than rabbits.
★★★★ private land Vào ban đêm, những cánh đồng
• Poach (v) của tôi có nhiều kẻ săn trộm hơn là

vulnerable (adjective) easily harmed, hurt, or We work mainly with the elderly and Dễ bị tổn thương
/ˈvʌlnərəbl/ attacked other vulnerable groups.
★★★ Chúng tôi chủ yếu làm việc với
• vulnerability (n) người cao tuổi và các nhóm dễ bị
tổn thương khác.

verge (noun) the edge or border of They set up camp on the verge of Bên bờ
/vɜːdʒ/ something the desert.
★★★ Họ dựng trại bên bờ sa mạc.

interfere (verb) to involve yourself in a It's their problem and I'm not going Can thiệp
/ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)/ situation when your to interfere.
★★★ involvement is not wanted or Đó là vấn đề của họ và tôi sẽ không
is not helpful can thiệp.

awareness (noun) knowing something; knowing Most people have little awareness Nhận thức
/əˈweənəs/ that something exists and is of the problem.
★★★ important Hầu hết mọi người có ít nhận thức
raise awareness of về vấn đề này.
• Aware (a)
• Unaware


preservation (noun) when you prevent something The paintings were in an excellent Bảo quản
/ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/ from being harmed or state of preservation.
★★★ damaged Các bức tranh ở trong tình trạng
state of preservation bảo quản tuyệt vời.

conservation (noun) the protection of natural things Modern zoos do important work in Bảo tồn
/ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/ such as animals, plants, conservation, breeding
★★★ forests etc programmes, and education.
the conservation of sth Các vườn thú hiện đại đóng vai trò
nature conservation quan trọng trong các chương trình
a conservation group bảo tồn, nhân giống và giáo dục.

exotic (adjective) from or in another country, The menu described the dessert as Ngoại bang
/ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/ especially a tropical one; 'a mixture of exotic fruits'.
★★★ seeming exciting and unusual Thực đơn mô tả món tráng miệng
because it seems to be là 'hỗn hợp các loại trái cây ngoại
connected with foreign nhập'.

extinct (adjective) a type of animal or plant that There is concern that the panda will Tuyệt chủng
/ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ is extinct no longer exists soon become extinct.
★★★ Có lo ngại rằng loài gấu trúc sẽ
sớm tuyệt chủng.

extinction (noun) when a type of animal or plant The extinction of the dinosaurs Sự tuyệt chủng
/ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn/ stops existing occurred millions of years ago.
★★★ Sự tuyệt chủng của loài khủng long
extinction of sth xảy ra hàng triệu năm trước.
mass extinction
face extinction


Female Komodo dragons can breed without mating with their

male counterparts. This is a major evolutionary advantage, as no
male dragons are needed to contribute to fertilization. However,
this process has a significant drawback: It only results in sons. The
dearth of other females within a population can lead to inbreeding.
The reptile’s reluctance to mate far from home makes the issue
even worse as the species’ population declines and fragments.
Humans have also posed a danger to the Komodo dragon’s
survival. People have burned and contaminated the Komodo
dragon’s habitat, damaging the wildlife it feeds on to build
homes and cities, while poachers target the reptile and its prey.
These factors put the dragons in a very vulnerable position – they
are on the verge of becoming endangered species. Tourists, too,
disrupt and interfere with the dragons’ mating process—which led
the government of Indonesia to consider a temporary closure of
Komodo Island to raise awareness, protect and preserve the
dragons. Tourists are also important to conservation efforts, as
they provide incentives for the locals to save these exotic animals
from extinction.

fertile vulnerable interfere conservation extinct

endangered predators creature harsh vigorous

1. Hunting is a skill predators

__________ will readily learn and master.
2. My group is mainly concerned with bird conservation
__________ in coastal areas.
3. The virus leaves the patients vulnerable
__________ to a range of infections.
4. The soil in this valley was __________
fertile , and a good crop was a near certainty.
5. During vigorous
__________ exercise the brain generates chemicals called endorphins.

6. The movie has received harsh

_______ criticism from the press.

7. The lizards are classed as an endangered

__________ species.
8. Dinosaurs have been extinct
__________ for millions of years.


farmland tableland

highland scrubland

wetland farmland highland scrubland tableland

soot ranger oasis well mould - mildew

oasis well ranger

soot mildew - mould

wetland farmland highland scrubland tableland

soot ranger oasis well mildew-mould


farmland (noun) land that is used for If this wetland was Đất trồng trọt
/ˈfɑːmlænd/ or is suitable for drained, it would be good
★★ farming farmland.
Nếu vùng đầm lầy này
được thoát nước, nó sẽ
trở thành đất trồng trọt tốt.

wetland (noun) an area of land that is Marshes, the edge of a Đất ngập
/ˈwetlənd/ partly covered with lake or ocean, the delta at nước
★★★★ water, or is wet most the mouth of a river—all
of the time of these are wetlands
Các đầm lầy, mép hồ
hoặc đại dương, châu thổ
ở cửa sông — tất cả đều
là đất ngập nước.

tableland (noun) a large area of The northeast is a land of gently Cao nguyên
/ˈteɪbllænd/ high flat land rolling tablelands interrupted by
★★★ granite hills.
Phía đông bắc là vùng cao
nguyên có nhiều cây cối thoai
thoải bị ngắt quãng bởi những
ngọn đồi đá granit.

highland (noun) an area of land In some parts of the highlands, Vùng đồi núi
/ˈhaɪlənd/ with hills or villages are separated by valleys
★★★ mountains and mountain ridges.
Ở một số vùng cao nguyên, các
bản làng bị ngăn cách bởi các
thung lũng và các rặng núi.


scrubland an area of land which Thousands of acres of Vùng cây bụi

(noun) is covered with low forests and scrubland
/ˈskrʌblənd/ trees and bushes have been burnt.
★★★ Hàng ngàn mẫu rừng và
vùng cây bụi đã bị đốt

oasis (noun) a place in a desert The thought of the hotel Ốc đảo

/əʊˈeɪsɪs/ where there are trees seemed like the mirage of
★★★ and water an oasis, something
always just out of reach.
Ý nghĩ về khách sạn
giống như ảo ảnh của
một ốc đảo, một thứ gì đó
luôn nằm ngoài tầm với.

ranger (noun) someone whose job There are now four full Kiểm lâm
/ˈreɪndʒə(r)/ is to look after a forest time countryside rangers
★★★ or area of public land and two seasonal
Hiện có bốn kiểm lâm
nông thôn toàn thời gian
và hai kiểm lâm thời vụ.

soot (noun) a black powder It can be dangerous to let Bồ hóng

/sʊt/ composed mainly of too much soot
★★★★ carbon, produced accumulate inside a
when coal, wood, etc. chimney.
is burned Có thể nguy hiểm nếu để
quá nhiều bồ hóng tích tụ
bên trong ống khói.


mildew (noun) a substance that grows on There are patches of mildew on the Nấm mốc
/ˈmɪldjuː/ walls or other surfaces in wet, walls which smell unpleasant.
★★★★ slightly warm places Trên tường có những mảng nấm
mốc, bốc mùi khó chịu.

mould (noun) a soft, green or grey growth There was mould on the cheese. Mốc
/məʊld/ that develops on old food or Có nấm mốc trên pho mát.
★★ on objects that have been left
for too long in warm, wet air

saltwater living in salty water The disease is fatal to Nước mặn

(adjective) fresh and saltwater fish.
/ˈsɔːltwɔːtə(r)/ Bệnh gây tử vong cho cá
★★★★ nước ngọt và nước mặn.
saltwater intrusion

sand dune a hill of sand made by The performance took Cồn cát
(noun) the wind on the coast place along a cliff top
/ˈsænd djuːn/
hummock orvery
a in a small
deserthill or which dropped
Vegetation to a can
moulds lagoon
be Gò
(noun) raised part of the protected from the ocean
seen on the underside of
ground by a thick
some sandhummocks.
of these dune.
Màn biểu diễn diễn ra dọc
★★★★ Nấm mốc thực vật có thể
theo một đỉnh vách đá đổ
được nhìn thấy ở mặt dưới
xuống một đầm phá được
của một số gò này.
bảo vệ khỏi đại dương bởi
một cồn cát dày.


climate change long-term changes in These policies are designed to Biến đổi khí hậu
(noun) temperatures and weather combat the effects of climate
/ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/ patterns. change.
★★ Các chính sách này được thiết kế
để chống lại tác động của biến đổi
khí hậu.

ecosystem (noun) all the animals and plants in They are working to preserve the Hệ sinh thái
/ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ an area, and their relationship balanced ecosystem of these
★★★ to each other and their wetlands.
a marine ecosystem environment Họ đang nỗ lực để bảo tồn hệ sinh
a natural ecosystem thái cân bằng của những khu vực
a fragile ecosystem đầm lầy này.

biodiversity (noun) the number and types of The mining project threatens the Đa dạng sinh học
/ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsəti/ plants and animals that exist rich biodiversity of the area.
★★★ in a particular area or in the Dự án khai thác mỏ đe dọa sự đa
world generally, or the dạng sinh học phong phú của khu
problem of protecting this vực.

biomass (noun) natural materials from living or The most common biomass Sinh khối
/ˈbaɪəʊmæs/ recently dead plants, trees materials used for energy are
★★★★ and animals, used as fuel and plants, wood, and waste.
in industrial production, Các vật liệu sinh khối phổ biến
especially in the generation of nhất được sử dụng cho năng lượng
electricity là thực vật, gỗ và chất thải.



Thanks y’all


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