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(Từ ngày 18/1/2021 ->25/1/2021)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

Dù biết c|c em đ~ chắc v{ biết nhiều từ vựng lẫn kiến thức, nhưng bảng từ vẫn sẽ thiết
kế v{ list ra c|c từ quan trọng, nhằm mục đích để c|c em va chạm từ đó đi lại nhiều lần
để nhớ v{ củng cố thêm. Bảng từ sẽ mở rộng word formation (họ của từ) đề c|c em dễ
ôn v{ dễ nhớ kèm với đó l{ c|c ví dụ (phần bôi đậm l{ cấu trúc v{ collocation hay đi kèm
với từ đó) để giúp c|c em hiểu rõ về ngữ cảnh hơn. Ngo{i ra khi dùng bảng từ sẽ giúp
c|c em không cần tốn thời gian tra từ trên m|y cũng bảo vệ được mắt tốt hơn nữa. Chúc
c|c em có một tuần học tập hiệu quả. Mọi thắc mắc về b{i giảng, b{i tập v{ bảng từ c|c
em vui lòng cmt trên group nhóm kín trên facebook để anh chị v{ cô sẽ giải đ|p cho c|c
em. Mọi thắc mắc về xin miễn nộp b{i c|c em inbox chị Linh Dung nhé!

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 18/1/2020

I. Vocabulary

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Assistance n /əˈsɪstəns/ Sự giúp đỡ, trợ giúp

He’s been running the company with the
assistance of his son.
Assist v /əˈsɪst/ Giúp đỡ
Several top landscape designers assisted
in the creation of the garden.
Assistant n /əˈsɪst(ə)nt/ Người trợ giúp, thư ký
My assistant will show you around the
2 Cold a /kəʊld/ Lạnh lùng, không th}n thiện
She was very cold towards me.
3 Unapproachable a /ˌʌnəˈprəʊtʃəbl/ Khó gần
Neighbours described the man as being
difficult and unapproachable.
Approachable a /əˈprəʊtʃəbl/ Dễ tiếp cận; dễ gần
The summit was approachable only from
the south.
Despite being a big star, she's very
Approach v /əˈprəʊtʃ/ Tiếp cận, tiếp xúc
The issues should be approached with
We have been approached by a number
of companies that are interested in our
4 Whereas conj /ˌweərˈæz/ (used to compare or contrast two facts)
Trong khi đó
We thought she was arrogant, whereas
in fact she was just very shy.
5 Chronological a /ˌkrɒnəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ Theo thứ tự thời gian, theo thứ tự xuất
The facts should be presented in
chronological order.
Chronology n /krəˈnɒlədʒi/ Sự sắp xếp theo trình tự thời gian
I'm not sure of the chronology of events.
6 Historical a /hɪˈstɒrɪkl/ (connected with history or with the
past) Liên quan đến lịch sử
You must place these events in their
historical context.
Historic a /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ (very important and recorded in
history) Có tính lịch sử, được ghi v{o
lịch sử
It was a great fight, a historic moment in
Irish sport.
History n /ˈhɪstri/ Lịch sử
Many people throughout history have
dreamt of a world without war.
7 Numerical a /njuːˈmerɪkl/ Thuộc về hiển thị, biểu thị bằng số
The results are expressed in descending
numerical order.
numerical data
Numerate a /ˈnjuːmərət/ Giỏi to|n
All students should be numerate and
literate when they leave school.
Numeral n /ˈnjuːmərəl/ Chữ số, kí hiệu hay biểu tượng để biểu
thị một con số
Students were asked to write in
numerals a number that was presented
in words.
Numerous a /ˈnjuːmərəs/ Nhiều
Dr Malcolm has won numerous awards.
8 Alphabetic(al) a /ˌælfəˈbetɪkl/ Theo bảng chữ c|i
The names on the list are in alphabetical
Non-alphabetic a /ˌnɒn ˌælfəˈbetɪk/ Không thuộc chữ c|i
Passwords should contain both
alphabetic and non-alphabetic
Alphabet n /ˈælfəbet/ Bảng chữ c|i
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek
Alphabetize v /ˈælfəbətaɪz/ Sắp xếp theo thứ tự chữ c|i
The books are alphabetized according to
the author's last name.
9 Issue v /ˈɪʃuː/ (make something known formally) Ph|t
h{nh, đưa ra
A warning was issued yesterday by the
government, asking people to stay in
their homes.
issue a report/statement/warning =
officially publish or announce
10 Publish v /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ Xuất bản; công bố
The first edition was published in 2007.
The team's report will be published in
the journal on 18 August.
Publishing n /ˈpʌblɪʃɪŋ/ Công việc xuất bản
A publishing house/company
Publication n /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn/ Sự công bố, xuất bản
Her article has been accepted for
publication in the June issue of the
11 Divert v /daɪˈvɜːt/ L{m đổi hướng, chuyển hướng
More of the budget was diverted into
take someone's attention away from
something: l{m ai đó mất tập trung
khỏi c|i gì đó
Diversion n /daɪˈvɜːʃn/ Sự chệch hướng, chuyển hướng
We made a short diversion to go and
look at the castle.
The fire was started to create a
diversion, allowing some prisoners to
12 Refer v /rɪˈfɜː(r)/ Đề cập đến
He referred to the fact that the vessel
had not undergone a refit since 1987.
Reference n /ˈrefrəns/ Sự đề cập, nhắc đến
She made no reference to her illness but
only to her future plans.
13 Shot n /ʃɒt/ Liều thuốc tiêm, chích
a flu shot (= to protect you against flu)
14 Fatigue n /fəˈtiːɡ/ Sự mệt mỏi
Driver fatigue was to blame for the
15 Exhaustion n /ɪɡˈzɔːstʃən/ Sự mệt mỏi, mệt nhọc
suffering from physical/mental/nervous
16 Depression n /dɪˈpreʃn/ Sự suy yếu, suy nhược, trầm cảm
She suffered from severe depression
after losing her job.
17 Vigour n /ˈvɪɡə(r)/ Sức mạnh, sự nhiệt huyết
He worked with renewed vigour and
Vigorous a /ˈvɪɡərəs/ Sôi nổi, m~nh liệt, mạnh mẽ
Take vigorous exercise for several hours
a week.
18 Fulfil v /fʊlˈfɪl/ Thực hiện, ho{n th{nh, l{m trọn, đ|p
ứng được(yêu cầu, lời hứa..,)
Do you fulfil the entry requirements for
the course?
Fulfilment n /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ Sự ho{n th{nh, thực hiện
Being a doctor gives me a real sense of
19 Encounter v /ɪnˈkaʊn.tər/ to experience something, especially
something unpleasant: đương đầu, đối
đầu với
When did you first encounter these
20 Grapple v /ˈɡræp.əl/ Vật, vật lộn, đấu với nhau để gi{nh
được hay thắng được c|i gì đó.
The children grappled for the ball.
21 Uneasy a /ʌnˈiːzi/ Lo lắng, băn khoăn
He was beginning to feel distinctly
uneasy about their visit.
22 Trivial a /ˈtrɪviəl/ Tầm thường, không đ|ng kể, ít quan
Why do they get so upset over such a
trivial matter?
23 Biased a /ˈbaɪəst/ Không xứng, thiên vị
They admit that they're biased towards
the Republican Party.
24 Reform v /rɪˈfɔːm/ Cải tiến, cải thiện
The healthcare system must be radically
25 Chickenpox n /ˈtʃɪkɪnpɒks/ Bệnh thuỷ đậu
26 Indispensable a /ˌɪndɪˈspensəb(ə)l/ Rất quan trọng, không thể thiếu được
Cars have become an indispensable part
of our lives.
27 Susceptible a /səˈseptəb(ə)l/ Dễ bị ảnh hưởng
Children are particularly susceptible to
the disease.
28 Breakout n /ˈbreɪkaʊt/ Sự vượt ngục, trốn tho|t
a mass breakout from a top security
29 Outbreak n /ˈaʊtbreɪk/ Sự bùng ph|t (dịch bệnh, chiến tranh…)
the outbreak of war
Outbreaks of rain are expected in the
30 Shingles n /ˈʃɪŋɡlz/ Bệnh zona
31 Degradation n /ˌdeɡrəˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ Sự suy tho|i, giảm sút, tệ hơn
The photographs show the degradation
of the glaciers over the last 30 years.
Degrade v /dɪˈɡreɪd/ L{m giảm đi, l{m tệ hơn
Important natural habitats have been
degraded by development.
32 Deterioration n /dɪˌtɪəriəˈreɪʃn/ Sự tệ đi, giảm sút, sự suy tho|i
a serious deterioration in relations
between the two countries
Deteriorate v /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/ Xấu đi, giảm đi
Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she
died shortly afterwards.
33 Compromise v /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ L{m tổn hại, đặt v{o tình huống xấu
She had already compromised herself by
accepting his invitation.
34 Undisturbed a /ˌʌndɪˈstɜːbd/ Yên tĩnh, không bị x}m phạm, động v{o,
không bị thay đổi = not interrupted or
changed in any way
The treasure had lain undisturbed for
Disturb v /dɪˈstɜːb/ L{m phiền, quấy rầy
I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to
you for a moment?
Disturbance n /dɪˈstɜːbəns/ Sự l{m phiền, quấy rầy
The building work is creating constant
noise, dust and disturbance.
35 Unharmed (not a /ʌnˈhɑːmd/ Không bị tổn hại, l{m hại = not hurt or
usually before damaged
noun) He was released unharmed after being
held hostage for three weeks.
36 Unobtrusive a /ˌʌnəbˈtruːsɪv/ Kín đ|o, không phô trương = not
attracting unnecessary attention
The service at the hotel is efficient and
37 Object n /ˈɒbdʒɪkt/ Mục tiêu, mục đích
He put together an army with the
object of taking back the lost territory.
38 Differentiate v /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt/ Ph}n biệt điểm kh|c; ph}n biệt đối xử
It's difficult to differentiate between the
two varieties.
Rules that differentiate between
employees on the basis of gender need to
be revised.
39 Distinguish v /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ Ph}n biệt
It was hard to distinguish one twin from
the other.
Distinguishable a /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəbl/ Có thể ph}n biệt, nhận ra
The male bird is easily distinguishable
from the female.
40 Prioritize v /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ Ưu tiên
You should make a list of all the jobs you
have to do and prioritize them.
Priority n /praɪˈɒrəti/ Sự ưu tiên
Financial security was high on his list of
41 Enrich v /ɪnˈrɪtʃ/ L{m gi{u, phong phú thêm
The study of science has enriched all our
Enrichment n /ɪnˈrɪtʃmənt/ Sự l{m gi{u, l{m phong phú
Environmental enrichment helps to
prevent boredom and bad habits from
developing in caged animals.
42 Intimate a /ˈɪntɪmət/ Th}n mật, th}n thiết
We're not on intimate terms with our
Intimacy n /ˈɪntɪməsi/ Sự th}n mật, th}n thiết
43 Dysfunctional a /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃənl/ Không bình thường, rối loạn
children from dysfunctional families
44 Scope n /skəʊp/ Phạm vi, tầm
The police are broadening the scope of
their investigation.
45 Strive v /straɪv/ Cố gắng, phấn đấu
She strove to find a solution that was
acceptable to all.
46 Distress n /dɪˈstres/ Sự đau buồn, đau khổ
She sensed his deep emotional distress.
47 Inventory n /ˈɪnvəntri/ H{ng ho|
The inventory will be disposed of over
the next twelve weeks.
48 Follow-up a /ˈfɒləʊ ʌp/ Tiếp theo
follow-up treatment at the local hospital
49 Rewarding a /rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ/ Xứng đ|ng, bổ ích
a rewarding experience/job
50 Affinity n /əˈfɪnəti/ Sự hấp dẫn, đồng cảm, thích thú
Humans have a special affinity for
52 Empirical a /ɪmˈpɪrɪkl/ Dựa theo kinh nghiệm, thực nghiệm
empirical evidence/knowledge/research
52 Overachiever n /ˌəʊvərəˈtʃiːvə(r)/ Người l{m tốt ngo{i mong đợi
53 Worthwhile a /ˌwɜːθˈwaɪl/ Thoả m~n, xứng đ|ng, đ|ng gi|
We all felt we had done something
worthwhile for the local community.
54 Spur v /spɜː(r)/ Thúc đẩy, khích lệ
The band has been spurred on by the
success of their last single.

II. Structures
STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Take on Đảm nhiệm, g|nh v|c
Don’t take on too much work – the extra cash isn’t worth it.
2 Happen to do something Tình cờ l{m gì
I happened to meet an old friend in town.
3 In advance (l{m c|i gì) Sớm, trước
Details of the meeting had been circulated well in advance.
4 Take in - Cho ai ở tạm, ở nhờ
He was homeless, so we took him in.
- Lừa dối ai
Don’t be taken in by his charm—he’s ruthless.
- Hấp thụ
Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
5 Catch on Trở nên phổ biến, thịnh h{nh
He invented a new game, but it never really caught on.
6 Drop in = Drop by = Drop in on Ghé thăm ai đó, nơi n{o đó = to pay an informal visit to a
somebody = drop into something person or a place
I thought I'd drop in on you while I was passing.
7 Insist on/upon something Khăng khăng, nằng nặc
They insisted upon being given every detail of the case.
8 Regard someone/something as Xem ai, c|i gì như
She is widely regarded as the current leader’s natural successor.
9 Under investigation (for Bị điều tra
something) He is under investigation for assaulting a teenager.
10 Meet someone halfway Thoả thuận, nh}n nhượng với ai đó
If he was prepared to apologize, the least she could do was meet
him halfway and accept some of the blame.
11 Be in season/come into season (tr|i c}y, rau quả) V{o mùa
Strawberries are now in season.
12 Appreciate someone doing Cảm kích, biết ơn
something We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems.
13 Chance of doing something Cơ hội để l{m gì
She only has a slim chance of passing the exam.
14 At the crack of dawn Rất sớm, v{o lúc bình minh
I have to get up at the crack of dawn.
15 Meet/achieve/conform Đạt tiêu chuẩn
to/comply with standards A number of Britain’s beaches fail to meet European standards
on cleanliness.
16 A level playing field Tình huống m{ mọi người đều có cơ hội như nhau để th{nh
công = a situation in which everyone has the same opportunities
17 Factor into/in C}n nhắc, thêm v{o
(factor something in | factor Remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the
something into something) project.

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 19/1/2020

I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa

1 Prospective a /prəˈspektɪv/ Có triển vọng, được kỳ vọng ra sao, l{m

I had a phone call from a prospective
client today.
Prospect n /ˈprɒspekt/ Triển vọng, viễn cảnh
They faced the prospect of defeat in the
2 Compelling a /kəmˈpelɪŋ/ Hấp dẫn, thuyết phục, không cưỡng lại
Her latest book makes compelling
a compelling need/desire
Compel v /kəmˈpel/ Buộc phải, bắt buộc
The law can compel fathers to make
regular payments for their children.
3 Concise a /kənˈsaɪs/ Ngắn gọn, vắn tắt, rõ r{ng
She gave us clear and concise
Conciseness = n /kənˈsaɪsnəs/ Sự ngắn gọn, rõ r{ng
4 Spontaneous a /spɒnˈteɪniəs/ Tự động, tự ý; không ép buộc, gò bó
Jo's a cheerful, spontaneous person,
always ready for some fun.
Spontaneity n /ˌspɒntəˈneɪəti/ Sự tự nhiên, tự ý, tự ph|t sinh; không
ép buộc, gò bó
There is a lack of spontaneity in her
5 Extrovert a,n /ˈekstrəvɜːt/ Có tính hướng ngoại
Ray was a much more extrovert
Extroversion n /ˌekstrəˈvɜːʃn/ Tính hướng ngoại
6 Unjustified a /ˌʌnˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd/ Vô lý, không công bằng
The criticism was wholly unjustified.
Unjustifiable a /ˌʌnˌdʒʌstɪˈfaɪəbl/ Không thể lý giải
The new law represents an unjustifiable
intrusion into the privacy of the
Unjust a /ˌʌnˈdʒʌst/ Không công bằng, không chính đ|ng
Most people agreed that the poll tax was
fundamentally unjust.
7 Unnoticed a /ˌʌnˈnəʊtɪst/ Không được chú ý, nhìn thấy
His kindness did not go unnoticed by his
8 Unchanged a /ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒd/ Giữ nguyên, không đổi
My opinion remains unchanged.
The company’s share price is unchanged
at 66.5p.
Unchanging a /ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ/ Không đổi
unchanging truths
Unchangeable a /ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒəbl/ Không thể thay đổi
unchangeable laws
9 Unattended a /ˌʌnəˈtendɪd/ Không được chăm sóc, quan s|t
Never leave young children unattended.
10 Death toll n /ˈdeθ təʊl/ Số người chết
The death toll has now risen to 200.
11 Incident n /ˈɪnsɪdənt/ Việc xảy ra bất ngờ, tai nạn
His back still hurts from an incident with
a vacuum cleaner.
12 Overtake v /ˌəʊvəˈteɪk/ Vượt qua
Nuclear energy may overtake oil as the
main fuel.
13 Near miss n /ˌnɪə ˈmɪs/ Tình huống cận kề nguy hiểm = a
situation when a serious accident or a
disaster very nearly happens
The two planes were involved in a near
14 Fatal a /ˈfeɪtl/ Tai hại, g}y chết người
If she gets ill again it could prove fatal.
15 Perception n /pəˈsepʃn/ Sự nhận thức, am hiểu
There is a general public perception that
standards in schools are falling.
Perceive v /pəˈsiːv/ Nhận thức, hiểu biết
A science degree and artistic interests
are often perceived as incompatible.
Perceptive a /pəˈseptɪv/ Am hiểu, thông suốt
The article gives a perceptive analysis of
the way bureaucracies work.
16 Dominate v /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/ Thống trị, l{m chủ; l{ chủ đề, thông tin
quan trọng nhất
The earthquake once again dominated
the news.
Dominant a /ˈdɒmɪnənt/ Chiếm ưu thế, l{m chủ, thống trị
The dominant feature of the room was
the large fireplace.
Dominance n /ˈdɒmɪnəns/ Sự chiếm ưu thế, thống trị, l{m chủ
In this situation one gene has dominance
over the other gene.
17 Pursuit n /pəˈsjuːt/ - Sự theo đuổi, đuổi theo
She travelled the world in pursuit of her
- Something that you give your time
and energy to, that you do as a hobby:
sở thích. (đã xuất hiện trong đề thi 2020
chính thức trong bài thi đọc điền)
SYNONYM hobby, pastime
outdoor/leisure/artistic pursuits
Pursue v /pəˈsjuː/ Đuổi theo, tìm kiếm
She wishes to pursue a medical career.
18 Respectively adv /rɪˈspektɪvli/ Tương ứng với, riêng từng c|i, theo thứ
Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19
19 Enclosed a /ɪnˈkləʊzd/ - Được bao bởi
I can't stand being shut in a small
enclosed space.
- Gửi kèm với
Please complete the enclosed application
Enclose v /ɪnˈkləʊz/ - V}y quanh, bao quanh
The yard had been enclosed with iron
- Gửi kèm theo
Please return the completed form,
enclosing a recent photograph.
Enclosure n /ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)/ - Sự bao v}y, v}y quanh
The result of the enclosures was that
many countrymen lost their only
- T{i liệu, c|i đính kèm
Always state the number of enclosures at
the bottom of your letter.
20 Conform v /kənˈfɔːm/ L{m cho phù hợp với, thích ứng với
He refused to conform to the local
Conformable a /kənˈfɔːməbl/ Theo đúng với, thích hợp với
What happens in cases where common
law is not conformable to the
Conformation n /ˌkɒnfɔːˈmeɪʃn/ Cấu tạo, hình d|ng
the ideal physical conformation of the
21 Unwind v /ˌʌnˈwaɪnd/ Nghỉ ngơi, thư gi~n
Music helps me unwind after a busy day.
22 Alternative a /ɒlˈtɜː.nə.tɪv/ Có thể chọn để thay cho một vật kh|c
The opposition parties have so far failed
to set out an alternative strategy.
Alternation n /ɒlˈtɜː.nə.tɪv/ Sự lựa chọn kh|c, vật thay thế
I'm afraid I have no alternative but to
ask you to leave (= that is what I have to
23 Subsidize v /ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz/ Trợ cấp, phụ cấp
The housing projects are subsidized by
the government.
Subsidy n /ˈsʌbsədi/ Tiền trợ cấp, phụ cấp
agricultural subsidies
24 Proportion n /prəˈpɔːʃn/ Tỷ lệ
The proportion of men to women in the
college has changed dramatically over
the years.
25 Hands-on (usually a /ˌhændz ˈɒn/ Thực tế, thực h{nh
before noun) to gain hands-on experience of
26 The spotlight n /ˈspɒtlaɪt/ Sự chú ý, nổi bật từ công chúng, h{o
The issue will come under the spotlight
when parliament reassembles.
27 Primary a /ˈpraɪməri/ Quan trọng nhất
Dealing with crime is our primary
28 Produce v /prəˈdjuːs/ Sản xuất, chế tạo
We are now producing the same
quantity of goods with far fewer
Productive a /prəˈdʌktɪv/ Sản xuất, tạo ra nhiều
He had an amazingly productive five
years in which he managed to write four
Productivity n /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvəti/ Năng suất
Wage rates depend on levels of
29 Emphasize v /ˈemfəsaɪz/ Nhấn mạnh
His speech emphasized the importance
of attracting industry to the town.
Emphasis n /ˈemfəsɪs/ Sự nhấn mạnh
The main emphasis should be on quality
rather than quantity.
30 Workload n /ˈwɜːkləʊd/ Khối lượng công việc
We have taken on extra staff to cope
with the increased workload.
31 Dig v /dɪɡ/ Tìm kiếm, đ{o bới thông tin
The press have already started to dig.
32 Repetitive a /rɪˈpetətɪv/ Lặp đi lặp lại
a repetitive task
Repetition n /ˌrepəˈtɪʃn/ Sự lặp đi lặp lại
In her work we find the constant
repetition of the same themes.
Repeat v /rɪˈpiːt/ Lặp lại
She kept repeating his name softly over
and over again.
33 Monotonous a /məˈnɒtənəs/ Đều đều, buồn tẻ, chẳng thay đổi, đơn
điệu, nh{m ch|m
New secretaries came and went with
monotonous regularity.
Monotony n /məˈnɒtəni/ Sự đơn điệu, nh{m ch|n
She watches television to relieve the
monotony of everyday life.
34 Soothe v /suːð/ L{m dịu đi
Only when Maisie came to hold him and
soothe his fears did he feel safe.

II. Structures

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 In particular Đặc biệt l{
He loves science fiction in particular.
2 Pose a threat/risk/danger… Đe doạ/g}y nguy hiểm…
Obesity poses real risks to health and happiness.
3 In response to something Đ|p lại, phản hồi lại c|i gì
I am writing in response to your enquiry.
4 Launch a campaign Ph|t h{nh một chiến dịch
Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents.
5 Reflect reality Phản |nh thực tế
Does popular culture reflect reality or distort( xuyên tạc, bóp
méo sự thật) it?
6 Admit to doing something Thừa nhận l{m gì
She admits to being strict with her children.
7 Make use of Tận dụng, lợi dụng
something/somebody We could make better use of our resources.
8 Attached (to Gắn chặt với, ghiền, thích
somebody/something) George is obviously very attached to you.
9 The rat race Cuộc đua vô tận, nơi mọi người tranh đấu với nhau để hơn
người kh|c, tự chuốc lấy thất bại, đau khổ
The novel is about a couple who get out of the rat race and buy
a farm in France.
10 Save up Tiết kiệm, d{nh dụm
She spent all the money I had saved up for our trip.
11 Associated with Liên quan đến
His social problems were associated with heavy drinking.

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 20/1/2020

I. Vocabulary

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Sensitive a /ˈsensətɪv/ (easily offended or upset) Nhạy cảm, dễ

cảm thấy bị xúc phạm
He's very sensitive about his weight.
She's very sensitive to criticism.
Sensible a /ˈsensəbl/ (able to make good judgements based
on reason and experience rather than
emotion; practical) Có quan s|t, đưa ra
nhận xét đúng, nhạy cảm, thực tế
We are just asking people to be sensible
about the amount of water they use.
2 Responsive a /rɪˈspɒnsɪv/ Phản ứng nhanh
The company is highly responsive to
changes in demand.
Respond v /rɪˈspɒnd/ Phản ứng, trả lời
The government did not respond to our
3 Successive a /səkˈsesɪv/ Kế tiếp, nối tiếp
There has been low rainfall for two
successive years.
Succession n /səkˈseʃn/ Sự kế tiếp, liên tiếp
She has won the award for the third year
in succession.
4 Classical a /ˈklæsɪkl/ Cổ điển, thuộc về truyền thống l}u đời
classical and modern ballet/dance
Do you prefer classical music like Mozart
and Mahler, or pop?
Classic a /ˈklæsɪk/ Kinh điển, có gi| trị cao; tiêu biểu, ho{n
hảo, điển hình
I grew up listening to classic rock.
a classic example of poor
5 Rational a /ˈræʃnəl/ Có lý lẽ, dựa trên lý lẽ, lý trí
There is no rational explanation for his
Irrational a /ɪˈræʃənl/ Không hợp lý
You're being irrational.
Rationale n /ˌræʃəˈnɑːl/ Lý do, cơ sở hợp lý
What is the rationale behind these new
6 Deadly a /ˈdedli/ G}y chết người = likely to cause death
(very dangerous)
This is a potentially deadly disease.
Death n /deθ/ C|i chết
He suffered a slow and painful death.
Deathly a /ˈdeθli/ - extreme in a way that is unpleasant: ở
một mức độ g}y khó chịu vô cùng
After he had spoken, a deathly
silence/hush fell on the room.
- seeming like death: giống như chết,
trông có vẻ đ~ chết
Madeline looked deathly pale. (Madeline
trông nhợt nhạt như chết vậy)
Dead a/adv /ded/ Chết; không hoạt động nữa
He was shot dead by a gunman outside
his home.
Suddenly the phone went dead.
Die v /daɪ/ Chết
My father died suddenly at the age of 48.
7 Distinguish v /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ Ph}n biệt
It was hard to distinguish one twin from
the other.
Distinguishable a /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəbl/ Có thể ph}n biệt, nhận ra
The male bird is easily distinguishable
from the female.
Distinguished a /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃt/ Th{nh công, được mến mộ; xuất sắc
He has had a long and distinguished
career in medicine.
8 Differentiate v /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt/ Ph}n biệt điểm kh|c; ph}n biệt đối xử
It's difficult to differentiate between the
two varieties.
Rules that differentiate between
employees on the basis of gender need to
be revised.
9 Accredit v /əˈkredɪt/ - Tin l{, tin rằng
The Arabs are usually accredited with
the discovery of distillation (quá trình
chưng cất).
- Cấp phép, chứng nhận
Institutions that do not meet the
standards will not be accredited for
teacher training.
Accreditation n /əˌkredɪˈteɪʃn/ Sự cấp phép
The Accreditation of Prior Learning
scheme allows work experience to be
added towards qualifications.
10 Stimulate v /ˈstɪmjuleɪt/ Kích thích, khuấy động
The article can be used to stimulate
discussion among students.
Stimulating a /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/ Ấn tượng, g}y kích thích, hấp dẫn
She was a very stimulating teacher who
got the best out of her students.
Stimulation v /ˌstɪmjuˈleɪʃn/ Sự kích thích, sự khuyến khích
11 Galvanize v /ˈɡælvənaɪz/ Khích động
The results of the study galvanized
residents into action.
Galvanic a /ɡælˈvænɪk/ Khích động mạnh
12 Neglect v /nɪˈɡlekt/ Sao nh~ng, không chú ý
Local communities have been neglected
in favour of private sector interests.
Neglectful a /nɪˈɡlektfl/ Sao nh~ng, cẩu thả, không chú ý
She became neglectful of her
Neglected a /nɪˈɡlektɪd/ Không nhận được sự quan t}m, chăm
sóc, bị ngó lơ
neglected children
a neglected area of research
13 Ignore v /ɪɡˈnɔːr/ L{m ngơ, không quan t}m, phớt lờ đi
She can be really irritating but I try to
ignore her.
Ignorant a /ˈɪɡnərənt/ Thiếu hiểu biết, thiếu kiến thức
He's ignorant about modern technology.
Ignorance n /ˈɪɡnərəns/ Sự thiếu hiểu biết
He showed a remarkable ignorance of
the facts.
14 Overlook v /ˌəʊvəˈlʊk/ - Bỏ qua, bỏ sót
In my hurry to finish the exam I had
overlooked part of one of the questions.
- (not consider somebody for a job or
position, even though they might be
suitable) Không công nhận ai mặc dù họ
phù hợp với vị trí đó
Sean Connery was once again
overlooked in the New Year’s Honours
15 Oversee v /ˌəʊvəˈsiː/ Quan s|t, gi|m s|t
United Nations observers oversaw the
16 Unvoiced a /ˌʌnˈvɔɪst/ - Không được b{y tỏ, không được nói ra
- = voiceless (ngôn ngữ học) Âm điếc,
}m c}m
unvoiced consonants such as ‘p’ and ‘t’
17 Office hours n /ˈɒfɪs aʊəz/ Giờ l{m việc
Our telephone lines are open during
normal office hours.
18 Enquiry n /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/ Sự tra hỏi, thẩm vấn; c}u hỏi, yêu cầu
giải đ|p
I'll have to make a few enquiries (= try to
find out about it) and get back to you.
Enquire v /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ Hỏi han, điều tra, thẩm tra
I called the station to enquire about
train times.
19 Accountability n /əˌkaʊntəˈbɪləti/ Tr|ch nhiệm cho việc mình l{m v{ phải
giải trình khi được yêu cầu
There have been calls for greater
accountability within the health service.
Accountable (not a /əˈkaʊntəbl/ Chịu tr|ch nhiệm giải trình
usually before Politicians are ultimately accountable to
noun) the voters.
20 Crave (for) v /kreɪv/ Ham muốn, mong muốn, thèm kh|t
She has always craved excitement.
Craving n /ˈkreɪvɪŋ/ Sự thèm kh|t, mong muốn
a craving for chocolate
21 Adolescence n /ˌædəˈlesns/ (the time in a person’s life when he or
she develops from a child into an adult)
Thời thanh niên
Adolescence brings about major changes
in a young person’s body.
22 Toddler n /ˈtɒdlə(r)/ Trẻ mới biết đi
She was left at home with a toddler and
a four-month-old baby to care for.
23 Infant n /ˈɪnfənt/ Trẻ sơ sinh
She was seriously ill as an infant.
Infancy n /ˈɪnfənsi/ Giai đoạn sơ sinh
to die in infancy
24 Share v /ʃeə(r)/ Có cùng ý kiến, quan điểm
They share a love of cinema.
25 Thereunder adv /ˌðeərˈʌndə(r)/ Theo luật, văn bản đ~ ban h{nh, đ~
nhắc đến = under the thing mentioned
26 Fuss n /fʌs/ Sự ồn {o, om sòm
It's a very ordinary movie—I don't know
what all the fuss is about (= why other
people think it is so good).
27 Dismissive a /dɪsˈmɪsɪv/ Không quan t}m, tr}n trọng đến sự gi|
trị của người kh|c, khinh thường, thờ ơ
She was always dismissive of other
women in the office.
Dismissal n /dɪsˈmɪsl/ Sự không coi trọng, khinh thường
Dismissal of the last piece of evidence as
unreliable would severely affect our
28 Import n /ˈɪmpɔːt/ - Ý nghĩa, ẩn ý
It is difficult to understand the full
import of this statement.
- Tầm quan trọng
matters of great import
29 Spatial a /ˈspeɪʃl/ Về không gian
the development of a child’s spatial
awareness (= the ability to judge the
positions and sizes of objects)
30 Column n /ˈkɒləm/ Cột, mục (b|o)
She writes a monthly column for a
leading national newspaper.
in our columns: trong tờ báo của chúng
31 Vehicle n /ˈviːəkl/ Ngo{i nghĩa hay gặp l{ phương tiện, xe
cộ thì “vehicle” còn có nghĩa l{ phương
tiện để b{y tỏ, đạt được điều gì
Art may be used as a vehicle for
32 Distinct a /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ Kh|c biệt, riêng biệt; dễ nhận, dễ thấy,
rõ r{ng
- They were classified into two distinct
- There was a distinct smell of burning
coming from downstairs.
Distinction n /dɪˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n/ Sự kh|c biệt; nét độc đ|o; sự ưu tú
- Do other countries have the same
distinction between amateur and
professional athletes that we do?
- We are fortunate that so many people
of distinction and talent are present.
Distinctive a /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/ Dễ nhận biết, ph}n biệt
She's got a very distinctive voice.

II. Structures

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 On/off duty (working/not working at a particular time) Đang l{m/không
l{m việc
You're not allowed to drink alcohol on duty.
2 Come into conflict (with Xảy ra tranh c~i, c~i v~
someone) He and his ex-wife frequently came into conflict.
3 Take after Giống ai đó
Your daughter doesn't take after you at all.
4 Look forward to something/ Mong đợi, trông chờ việc gì, điều gì đó
doing something I'm looking forward to the weekend.
We're really looking forward to seeing you again.
5 Take place Xảy ra, diễn ra
The story takes place in the 18th century.
6 be without equal/have no Tốt hơn bất cứ ai, thứ gì cùng loại
equal/have no|few equals He is a player without equal.
7 Break in - Chặn lời, cắt ngang
She longed to break in on their conversation but didn't want to
appear rude.
- Đột nhập
Burglars had broken in while we were away.
8 Break off - Bị t|ch ra, vỡ ra
The back section of the plane had broken off.
- Ngưng, dừng nói, l{m gì
She broke off from the conversation to answer the telephone.
9 Break out (cuộc chiến) Bùng nổ
They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in
Fire broke out during the night.
10 Break up - Ph| vỡ
The plane broke up in mid-air.
- Kết thúc
Their marriage has broken up.
- (if the sound on a radio or mobile phone breaks up, you can
no longer hear the person who is speaking on it) Không nghe
được ai nói qua điện thoại nữa vì đường d}y bị ngắt
I can’t hear you, you’re breaking up.
11 Break down - Ngưng chạy, ngưng hoạt động
The telephone system has broken down.
- Thất bại
Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.
12 Bring in - Thu hút ai đến nơi n{o đó, lôi kéo doanh nghiệp
We need to bring in a lot more new business.
- Ban h{nh, công bố luật mới
They want to bring in a bill to limit arms exports.
13 Bring down - Hạ bệ ai
The scandal may bring down the government.
- Giảm gi|
We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.
14 Catch up with Bắt được tội phạm sau thời gian d{i tìm kiếm
The law caught up with him years later when he had moved to
15 Get/knock/lick somebody into Rèn dũa, đ{o tạo
shape It took him just two weeks to knock the new recruits into shape.
16 Struggle along/on Tiếp tục l{m mặc dù gặp vấn đề, khó khăn
Life is hard but we all have to struggle on.
17 The end of the road/line Lúc phải kết thúc, dừng lại vì không thể ph|t triển, tiếp tục…
được nữa
It looks like the peace process has come to the end of the line.
18 Accord with Đồng ý, có cùng ý kiến, hợp
His views accord with public opinion.
19 Hunger for something Mong muốn, thèm kh|t
Nothing seemed to satisfy their hunger for truth.
20 Impose something on/upon Áp đặt
something/somebody I wouldn’t want to impose my views on anyone.
21 Be, get, keep, stay, etc. in touch Giữ liên lạc
(with somebody) Are you still in touch with your friends from college?
22 Involve oneself in something Tham gia v{o
Parents should involve themselves in their child's education.
23 Crowd into/onto something Đổ v{o, ùa v{o
Thousands of shoppers had crowded into the town centre.
24 Near enough Gần đúng, không có gì kh|c biệt
We've been here twenty years, near enough.
25 The import (of something) Ý nghĩa, ẩn ý của c|i gì
It is difficult to understand the full import of this statement.

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 21/1/2020

I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa

1 Spin v /spɪn/ Xoay tròn, xoay vòng

My head is spinning (= I feel as if my
head is going round and I can't balance).
2 Sustain v /səˈsteɪn/ - Duy trì
He seems to find it difficult to sustain
relationships with women.
- = suffer: chịu đựng, trải qua
The company sustained losses of millions
of dollars.
to sustain damage/an injury/a defeat
Sustainable a /səˈsteɪ.nə.bəl/ Bền vững, th}n thiện với môi trường
A large international meeting was held
with the aim of promoting sustainable
development in all countries.
3 Pertain v /pəˈteɪn/ Liên quan, xuất hiện, gắn liền với một
thời điểm
Living conditions are vastly different
from those pertaining in their country of
Those laws no longer pertain.
4 Detain v /dɪˈteɪn/ Giam giữ; ngăn cản, cản trở
One man has been detained for
The minister was unavoidably detained
in Lisbon on affairs of state.
5 Retain v /rɪˈteɪn/ Giữ lại
We’re trying to recruit and retain skilled
6 Ditch n /dɪtʃ/ R~nh, mương
The car left the road and ended up in a
7 Forgetful a /fə(r)ˈɡetf(ə)l/ Hay quên
She became increasingly forgetful and
Forgettable a /fə(r)ˈɡetəb(ə)l/ Đ|ng quên
Dennis White scored the only goal in an
otherwise forgettable game.
8 Headquarters n /ˌhedˈkwɔːtəz/ Trụ sở
(abbreviation HQ) Several companies have their
headquarters in the area.
9 Crowded a /ˈkraʊdɪd/ Đông đúc, tấp nập
The main beach can get really crowded
in summer.
In the spring the place is crowded with
10 Eligible a /ˈel.ɪ.dʒə.bəl/ Đủ điều kiện, đủ tư c|ch, thích hợp
Only those over 70 are eligible for the
special payment.
When are you eligible to vote in your
Eligibility n /ˌelɪdʒəˈbɪləti/ Sự phù hợp, đủ điều kiện, tư c|ch
Marriage to a national gave automatic
eligibility for citizenship.
11 Zenith n /ˈzenɪθ/ Thời điểm c|i gì đó nở rộ, th{nh công,
mạnh mẽ nhất
The rock band was at the zenith of its
creative powers.
12 Flashpoint n /ˈflæʃpɔɪnt/ (a situation or place in which violence
or anger starts and cannot be
controlled) Điểm bốc ch|y, bùng ch|y,
lúc không thể kiểm so|t được nữa
Tension in the city is rapidly reaching
13 Credence n /ˈkriːdns/ Lòng tin, tín ngưỡng, niềm tin
Historical evidence lends credence to
his theory.
14 Dismay n /dɪsˈmeɪ/ Cảm gi|c buồn, ch|n sau khi nhận tin,
kết quả không tốt
She could not hide her dismay at the

v L{m ai đó buồn, thất vọng

/dɪsˈmeɪ/ What dismayed me most about their
behaviour was their rudeness.
Dismayed a /dɪsˈmeɪd/ Cảm thấy ch|n, thất vọng
He was dismayed at the change in his
old friend.
The suggestion was greeted by a
dismayed silence.
15 Dismissal n /dɪsˈmɪsl/ Sự giải t|n, đuổi, sa thải…
He still hopes to win his claim against
unfair dismissal.
Dismiss v /dɪsˈmɪs/ - Đuổi, sa thải
She claims she was unfairly dismissed
from her post.
- L{m qua loa, coi không quan trọng
The criticisms were summarily dismissed
by the government.
Dismissive a /dɪsˈmɪsɪv/ Không coi trọng, không nghĩ ai đó xứng
She was very dismissive of his
16 Disgrace n /dɪsˈɡreɪs/ Tình trạng bị ghét bỏ, không được đón
The swimmer was sent home from the
Olympics in disgrace.
v /dɪsˈɡreɪs/ Bị ghét bỏ
He was publicly disgraced and sent into
17 Meticulous a /mɪˈtɪkjʊləs/ Tỉ mỉ, kỹ c{ng
He's always meticulous in keeping the
records up to date.
18 Sensitive a /ˈsensətɪv/ (easily offended or upset) Nhạy cảm, dễ
cảm thấy bị xúc phạm
He's very sensitive about his weight.
She's very sensitive to criticism.
19 Neglect v /nɪˈɡlekt/ Sao nh~ng, không chú ý
Local communities have been neglected
in favour of private sector interests.
Neglectful a /nɪˈɡlektfl/ Sao nh~ng, cẩu thả, không chú ý
She became neglectful of her
Neglected a /nɪˈɡlektɪd/ Không nhận được sự quan t}m, chăm
sóc, bị ngó lơ
neglected children
a neglected area of research
20 Thorough a /ˈθʌrə/ Tỉ mỉ, cẩn thận, kỹ lưỡng
The police carried out a thorough
21 Considerable a /kən'sidərəbl/ Đ|ng kể, to t|t, lớn lao
Drug trafficking is a matter of
considerable concern for the entire
international community.
Considerate a Ân cần, chu đ|o, tử tế, tốt bụng
It wasn't very considerate of you to drink
all the milk.
22 Disconcerting a /ˌdɪskənˈsɜːtɪŋ/ L{m chưng hửng, g}y cảm gi|c bối rối
She had the disconcerting habit of
saying exactly what she thought.
Disconcerted a /ˌdɪskənˈsɜːtɪd/ Lo lắng, bối rối
I was disconcerted to find that everyone
else already knew it.
23 Discerning a /dɪˈsɜːnɪŋ/ S|ng suốt, nhận thức rõ
The discerning customer will recognize
this as a high-quality product.
Discern v /dɪˈsɜːn/ Nhận thức, thấy rõ
It is possible to discern a number of
different techniques in her work.
Discernible a /dɪˈsɜːnəbl/ Có thể nhận thức, thấy rõ
There is often no discernible difference
between rival brands.
24 Conscientious a /ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs/ Tận t}m, chu đ|o, tỉ mỉ
She was a popular and conscientious
25 Conducive a /kənˈdjuːsɪv/ Đưa đến, góp phần mang lại, giúp c|i gì
xảy ra
The noise was hardly conducive to a
good night’s sleep.
26 Adverse a /ˈædvɜːs/ Bất lợi, hại, tiêu cực
Lack of money will have an adverse
effect on our research programme.
Adversity n /ədˈvɜːsəti/ Tình huống khó khăn
He overcame many personal adversities.
Adversary n /ˈædvəsəri/ Kẻ địch, đối thủ
The two of them were old adversaries.
Adversative a /ədˈvɜːsətɪv/ Đối lập
the adversative conjunction ‘but’
27 Detrimental a /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ G}y hại
This move could be seriously detrimental
to the economy.
Detriment a /ˈdetrɪmənt/ Sự thiệt hại, sự g}y tổn hại
Too many tests are a detriment to good
28 Favourable a /ˈfeɪvərəbl/ Có thiện chí; thuận lợi
The weather was favourable for a
barbecue outside.
Unfavourable a /ʌnˈfeɪv(ə)rəb(ə)l/ Bất lợi, không tốt
His business methods have attracted
plenty of unfavourable comments.
Favour v /ˈfeɪvə(r)/ Thích, yêu mến; thiên vị; tạo điều kiện,
giúp đỡ
It’s a resort favoured by families with
young children.
The warm climate favours many types of
tropical plants.
29 Responsive a /rɪˈspɒnsɪv/ Phản ứng nhanh
The company is highly responsive to
changes in demand.
Respond v /rɪˈspɒnd/ Phản ứng, trả lời
The government did not respond to our
30 Enact v /ɪnˈækt/ Ban h{nh (đạo luật)
Their crimes were committed before the
law was enacted.
Enactment n /ɪˈnækt.mənt/ Sự ban h{nh, ban bố
The goal of the legislators was
enactment of a tax bill.
31 Jumper cable n /ˈdʒʌmpə keɪbl/ C|p có đầu nối, d}y mồi khởi động
32 Jumper-start v /ˈdʒʌmp stɑːt/ Khởi động lại động cơ khi ắc quy của xe
hết điện
33 Advisory a /ədˈvaɪzəri/ Đóng vai trò tư vấn, tham mưu, cho ý
She acted in an advisory role.
Advisor n /ədˈvaɪzə(r)/ Cố vấn, người đưa lời khuyên
Advisable a /ədˈvaɪzəbl/ Nên, thích đ|ng, khôn ngoan
It is advisable to book early.
Advisement n /ədˈvaɪzmənt/ Lời khuyên, sự tư vấn
the University Advisement Center
34 Ensure v /ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/ Đảm bảo, chắc chắn c|i gì
We are working to ensure the safety of
people in the city.
35 Feasible a /ˈfiːzəb(ə)l/ Khả thi, l{m được
It is financially feasible to use coal as an
energy source.
Unfeasible/ a /ʌnˈfiː.zə.bəl/ Không khả thi
infeasible The teachers’ demands were
economically unfeasible.
36 Hearing aid n /ˈhɪərɪŋ eɪd/ Thiết bị trợ thính
to have/wear a hearing aid
37 Refer v /rɪˈfɜːr/ Quy cho, quy đến; đề cập, |m chỉ, nói
- Most of the site's links simply refer you
to the company's toll-free support line.
- In her autobiography she occasionally
refers to her unhappy schooldays.
Reference n /ˈrefrəns/ Sự đề cập, nhắc đến
She made no reference to her illness but
only to her future plans.
38 Perspective n /pəˈspektɪv/ Th|i độ, quan điểm
You can call it brave or foolish,
depending on your perspective.
39 Overbearing a /ˌəʊvəˈbeərɪŋ/ Độc đo|n, kiểm so|t
I wasn’t the least impressed or
intimidated by her overbearing attitude.
40 Stunt v /stʌnt/ Ngăn cản, kìm h~m
The constant winds had stunted the
growth of plants and bushes.
41 Setback n /ˈsetbæk/ Khó khăn
The team suffered a major setback when
their best player was injured.
42 Interfere v /ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)/ Can thiệp
I wish my mother would stop interfering
and let me make my own decisions.
Interference n /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/ Sự can thiệp
They expressed resentment at outside
interference in their domestic affairs.
43 Acquainted a /əˈkweɪntɪd/ Quen thuộc với
Employees should be fully acquainted
with emergency procedures.
Acquaint v /əˈkweɪnt/ Tạo sự gần gũi, th}n thuộc
You will first need to acquaint yourself
with the filing system.
Acquaintance n /əˈkweɪntəns/ - Người quen
I bumped into an old acquaintance on
the train.
- Hiểu biết
I had little acquaintance with modern
44 Dam v /dæm/ X}y, đắp đập
Locals strongly opposed plans to dam
the river.
45 Sediment n /ˈsedɪmənt/ Cặn
If milk is clean, there should be no
sediment in the bottom of the bottle.
Sedimentary a /ˌsedɪˈmentri/ Được hình th{nh từ cặn, đất đ|, bùn…
sedimentary rocks
46 Heed v /hiːd/ Chú ý, để ý
They failed to heed the lessons of history.
47 Disregard v /ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːd/ Ngó lơ, không chú ý
The board completely disregarded my
48 Outbreak n /ˈaʊtbreɪk/ Sự bùng ph|t (dịch bệnh, chiến tranh…)
the outbreak of war
Outbreaks of rain are expected in the
49 Uptick n /ˈʌptɪk/ Sự tăng nhẹ
The futures market is showing an uptick.
50 Off-putting a /ˈɒf pʊtɪŋ/ G}y khó chịu, không thoải m|i
My first camping trip was an off-putting
51 Putrid a /ˈpjuːtrɪd/ (động, thực vật) ph}n huỷ, thối
the putrid smell of rotten meat
52 Demographic n /ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk/ Nhóm người, kh|ch h{ng m{ một công
ty, sản phẩm nhắm đến
The products are designed to appeal to a
young demographic.

II. Structures

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Keep up with Bắt kịp, theo kịp
We always try to keep up with our competitors.
2 Come down with Bị bệnh, nhiễm bệnh, thường không nặng lắm
I think I'm coming down with flu.
3 Fight off - Chống lại, đ|nh trả lại
The jeweller was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off.
- Chống lại 1 căn bệnh
Elaine’s fighting off a cold.
4 Wear off Dần biến mất
The effects of the drug will soon wear off.
5 Sit/do/take an exam Thi, l{m kiểm tra
Dave’s doing his Accountancy exams next week.
6 By/in virtue of something Bằng c|ch gì, bởi vì
She got the job by virtue of her greater experience.
7 On behalf of somebody/On Thay mặt ai, đại diện ai
somebody’s behalf Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his
8 Pertain to Liên quan, gắn với
the laws pertaining to adoption
9 Be based in (to use a particular city, town, etc. as the main place for a
business, holiday, etc.) Đặt chính ở đ}u, có trụ sở chính ở đ}u
The organization is now based in Geneva.
10 I/we regret to inform/tell you Dùng khi thông b|o tin buồn đến ai đó
that I regret to inform you that you have not been selected for
11 A blessing in disguise Trong c|i rủi có c|i may
Losing your job might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
12 Pull off - Dừng lại, đỗ lại
If you’re feeling sleepy, pull off the road immediately and have a
- Th{nh công
Hanley pulled off a surprise victory in the semi-final.
13 Clear up - Dọn sạch
They started clearing up the mess.
- Giải quyết, giải thích rõ
I hope this explanation clears up any confusion.
14 (as) fit as a fiddle Khoẻ mạnh
He was as fit as a fiddle right up to the time he died.
15 At a loss Lúng túng, không biết l{m gì, nói gì
His comments left me at a loss for words.
16 At a disadvantage Ở thế bất lợi
The fact that he didn't speak a foreign language put him at a
distinct disadvantage.
17 Impose something on/upon Bắt chịu, bắt g|nh v|c; |p thuế; |p đặt
something/somebody A new tax was imposed on fuel.
I wouldn’t want to impose my views on anyone.
18 Do/cause (someone) harm L{m hại, g}y hại
Eating sweets occasionally doesn’t do children any harm.
19 Turn someone away Ngăn không cho ai v{o
Hundreds of people were turned away from the stadium (=
because it was full).

BẢNG TỪ NGÀY 22/1/2020

I. Vocabulary

STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa


1 Experiment n /ɪkˈsperɪmənt/ Thí nghiệm

to do/perform/conduct an experiment
Many people do not like the idea of
experiments on animals.

v /ɪkˈsperɪment/ L{m thí nghiệm

They experimented successfully on the
plants to discover disease-resistant
Experimental a /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl/ Dựa trên thí nghiệm, thực nghiệm
The equipment is still at the
experimental stage.
2 Assurance n /əˈʃʊərəns/ Sự chắc chắn, đảm bảo
Unemployment seems to be rising,
despite repeated assurances to the
Assure v /əˈʃʊə(r)/ Bảo đảm, chắc chắn
I won’t let you down, I can assure you of
Assured a /əˈʃɔː(r)d/ Tự tin, chắc chắn
You can rest assured (feel certain) that
the salesman won’t bother you again.
3 Compete v /kəmˈpiːt/ Tranh đấu, thi đấu
They are competing against teams of
full-time professional players.
Competence n /ˈkɒmpɪtəns/ Sự tranh đấu, thi đấu
to gain a high level of competence in
Competent>< a /ˈkɒmpɪtənt/ Có đủ khả năng, trình độ để l{m tốt hay
incompetent để đ|p ứng tiêu chuẩn cần thiết
He's very competent in his work.
She is highly competent at her job.
Competency n /ˈkɒmpɪtənsi/ Năng lực, khả năng
managerial competencies
Competing (only a /kəmˈpiːtɪŋ/ - Không thể xuất hiện đồng thời =
before noun) unable to exist or be true at the same
We have to choose between the
competing priorities of industry, health,
and education.
- Cạnh trang, ganh đua = competing
teams or organizations are all trying to
win a competition
Four of the competing nations are from
South America.

Competition n /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ Cuộc đua, cạnh tranh, cuộc thi

She's won a prestigious singing
Competitive a /kəmˈpetətɪv/ Tính cạnh tranh, ganh đua
Graduates have to fight for jobs in an
increasingly competitive market.
4 Discard v /dɪsˈkɑː(r)d/ Loại bỏ
Remove the seeds from the melon and
discard them.
10 per cent of the data was discarded as
5 Ambiguous a /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ Khó hiểu, mơ hồ, nhập nhằng
an ambiguous word/term/statement
Ambiguity n /ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti/ Sự mơ hồ, không rõ r{ng
Write clear definitions in order to avoid
6 Vague a /veɪɡ/ Mập mờ, mơ hồ, không rõ r{ng
They had only a vague idea where the
place was.
We had only a vague description of the
7 Biased a /ˈbaɪəst/ Không xứng, thiên vị
They admit that they're biased towards
the Republican Party.
Bias v /ˈbaɪəs/ Thiên vị, định kiến; l{m sai lệch sự thật,
kết quả
The newspapers have biased people
against her.
8 Dull a /dʌl/ Nh{m ch|n
Life in a small town could be deadly dull.
9 Randomly adv /ˈrændəmli/ Một c|ch ngẫu nhiên
The winning numbers are randomly
selected by computer.
Random a /ˈrændəm/ Ngẫu nhiên
The information is processed in a
random order.
Randomize v /ˈrændəmaɪz/ Ngẫu nhiên ho|
10 Indiscriminately adv /ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmɪnətli/ Bừa b~i, ẩu, cẩu thả
He indiscriminately mixes extracts from
ancient Irish literature with modern
sentimental songs.
Indiscriminate a /ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmɪnət/ Bừa b~i, cẩu thả, không xem xét kỹ
Doctors have been criticized for their
indiscriminate use of antibiotics.
11 Innocence n /ˈɪnəsns/ Sự vô tội, trong trắng, ng}y thơ
This new evidence will prove their
Innocent a /ˈɪnəsnt/ Vô tội, trong trắng, ng}y thơ
She was found innocent of any crime.

Innocently Adv /ˈɪnəsntli/ Ng}y thơ, vô tội

The lawyer says that his client was
acting innocently.
12 Beneficial a /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/ Có lợi
A good diet is beneficial to health.
Beneficent a /bɪˈnefɪsnt/ giving help; being kind: tử tế, tốt bụng
SYNONYM generous
Benefit n /ˈbenɪfɪt/ Lợi ích
The industry will be one of the first to
enjoy the benefits of the recovery.
Beneficiary n /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəri/ Người hưởng lợi; người thừa kế t{i sản
Who will be the main beneficiary of the
cuts in income tax?
She was the sole beneficiary of her
father’s will.
13 Crude a /kruːd/ Còn nguyên, sống, thô
crude oil/metal
14 Detrimental a /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ G}y hại
This move could be seriously detrimental
to the economy.
Detriment a /ˈdetrɪmənt/ Sự thiệt hại, sự g}y tổn hại
Too many tests are a detriment to good
15 Deceive v /dɪˈsiːv/ Lừa gạt
She deceived him into handing over all
his savings.
Deceit n /dɪˈsiːt/ Sự lừa dối
She realized that their whole
relationship had been based on lies and
Deceitful a /dɪˈsiːtfl/ Không trung thực, lừa dối
The government were accused of being
hypocritical and deceitful.
16 Deliberately adv /dɪˈlɪbərətli/ Cố tình, có tính to|n trước
The fire had been started deliberately.
Deliberate a /dɪˈlɪbərət/ Cố tình
The speech was a deliberate attempt to
embarrass the government.
Deliberative a /dɪˈlɪbərətɪv/ Thể hiện sự b{n bạc, chuẩn bị, quan
t}m chu đ|o
We are engaged in a deliberative
Deliberation n /dɪˌlɪbəˈreɪʃn/ Sự quan t}m, chuẩn bị chu đ|o
After ten hours of deliberation, the jury
returned a verdict of ‘not guilty’.
17 Sincere a /sɪnˈsɪə(r)/ Thật lòng, ch}n thật
She is never completely sincere in what
she says about people.
Sincerity n /sɪnˈserəti/ Sự ch}n th{nh
I can say in all sincerity that I knew
nothing of these plans.
18 Accustomed a /əˈkʌstəmd/ Quen thuộc, như thường lệ = usual
SYNONYM habitual
He took his accustomed seat by the fire.
19 Established (only a /ɪˈstæblɪʃt/ Đ~ được chính thức ho|, công nhận =
before noun) having existed for a long time, and
therefore recognized as good or
an old established family firm
They are an established company with a
good reputation.
This unit is now an established part of
the course.
20 Considerable a /kən'sidərəbl/ Đ|ng kể, to t|t, lớn lao
Drug trafficking is a matter of
considerable concern for the entire
international community.
Considerate a /kənˈsɪdərət/ Ân cần, chu đ|o, tử tế, tốt bụng
It wasn't very considerate of you to drink
all the milk.
21 Reinforce v /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs/ Củng cố, tăng cường
Success in the talks will reinforce his
reputation as an international
Reinforcement n /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːsmənt/ Sự củng cố, tăng cường
the reinforcement of existing prejudices
by the media
22 Neglect v /nɪˈɡlekt/ Sao nh~ng, không chú ý
Local communities have been neglected
in favour of private sector interests.
Neglectful a /nɪˈɡlektfl/ Sao nh~ng, cẩu thả, không chú ý
She became neglectful of her
Neglected a /nɪˈɡlektɪd/ Không nhận được sự quan t}m, chăm
sóc, bị ngó lơ
neglected children
a neglected area of research
23 Impoverished a /ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃt/ Rất nghèo khó
the impoverished areas of the city
Impoverish v /ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃ/ Bần cùng ho|; l{m hao mòn, giảm chất
These changes are likely to impoverish
single-parent families even further.
Intensive cultivation has impoverished
the soil.
Impoverishment n /ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃmənt/ Sự bần cùng ho|; l{m giảm, hao mòn
24 Well-to-do a /ˌwel tə ˈduː/ Gi{u có
She was the daughter of a respected and
well-to-do London merchant.
25 Slump n /slʌmp/ Sự hạ, giảm, tụt xuống
This is the worst slump in property
prices since the 1990s.
26 Siesta n /siˈestə/ Giấc ngủ trưa, sự nghỉ ngơi
to have/take a siesta
27 Nature n /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ Tính c|ch, bản chất, bản năng
Apes are curious by nature.
Medical records, by their very nature,
contain sensitive information.
28 Coincide v /ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd/ Xảy ra cùng lúc, trùng hợp
The singer's arrival was timed to
coincide with the opening of the festival.
Coincidence n /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ Sự trùng hợp
By (sheer) coincidence, I met the person
we’d been discussing the next day.
Coincidental (not a /kəʊˌɪnsɪˈdentl/ Trùng hợp, tình cờ
usually before It's purely coincidental that we both
noun) chose to call our daughters Emma.
29 Amplify v /ˈæmplɪfaɪ/ L{m tăng lên (thường l{ }m thanh), mở
to amplify a guitar/an electric current/a
30 Intensify v /ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ/ Tăng cường, l{m mạnh thêm
Economic conditions intensified the
pressure on industry to raise prices.
31 Secretarial a /ˌsekrəˈteəriəl/ Liên quan đến công việc thư ký
secretarial work
Secretary n /ˈsek.rə.tər.i/ Thư ký
My secretary will phone you to arrange
a meeting.
32 Principal a /ˈprɪn.sə.pəl/ Đầu tiên, chính, quan trọng nhất
He was principal dancer at the Dance
Theatre of Harlem.

II. Structures

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Get someone’s hopes up/build Gieo hy vọng cho ai
someone’s hopes (up)/raise I don’t want to raise her hopes about the promotion until I’m
someone’s hopes sure.
2 Have an axe to grind Có động cơ c| nh}n
She had no axe to grind and was only acting out of concern for
their safety.
3 Go on strike/be (out) on strike Biểu tình
Air traffic controllers are threatening to go on strike.
4 Show off Thể hiện, khoe ra, lấy l{m tự h{o
He likes to show off how well he speaks French.
5 Turn up = Show up = Arrive Xuất hiện
We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up.
6 Run out Hết, cạn kiệt, không còn
I've run out of milk/money/ideas/patience.
7 Get by (on/in/with something) Có đủ để sống qua ng{y, xoay sở
How does she get by on such a small salary?
8 Take measures to do something Đưa ra biện ph|p, c|ch giải quyết vấn đề
Stronger measures will have to be taken to bring down
9 Take someone for a ride Lừa dối ai
I found out I’d been taken for a ride by someone I really trusted.
10 Drive away L|i xe đi mất; xua đuổi, l{m ai không muốn ở lại
She got into the car and drove away.
Terrorist threats are driving away tourists.
11 Dos and don’ts (also do’s and Điều nên v{ không nên l{m
don’ts) Here are some dos and don'ts for exercise during pregnancy.
12 Miss out Bỏ lỡ
Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.
13 Pitch something (at something) Ở mức độ n{o đó
The test was pitched at too low a level for the students.
14 Step up Tăng tốc
He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.
15 On occasion(s) Thỉnh thoảng
He has been known on occasion to lose his temper.

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