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vn 60 đề minh họa 2023 môn tiếng Anh – Cô Trang Anh

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Biên soạn: Cô Trang Anh Bài thi: NGOẠI NGỮ; Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề


I. Từ vựng phần câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Nghĩa & Ví dụ

1 Precede v /priːˈsiːd/ Đi trước, đứng trước

Nouns are often preceded by adjectives

2 Decent adj /ˈdiː.sənt/ Tử tế, tươm tất

That's very decent of you to come

3 Handle v /ˈhæn.dəl/ (to deal with, have responsibility for)

Giải quyết
I thought he handled the situation very well.

4 Similar adj /ˈsɪm.ə.lɚ/ (looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same)
Gần giống, tương tự
I bought some new shoes which are very similar to a
pair I had before.
Paul is very similar in appearance to his brother.

5 Accumulate v /əˈkjuː.mjə.leɪt/ (to collect or increase something gradually, esp. over

a period of time)
Tích lũy, chồng chất
We've accumulated so much rubbish over the years.

Accumulation n /əˌkjum·jəˈleɪ·ʃə Sự tích lũy, sự chồng chất

n/ the accumulation of wealth

6 Investigation n /ɪnˌves.təˈɡeɪ.ʃə (the act of examining something carefully)

n/ Sự điều tra
Currently, the individuals who might have caused the
accident are subject to/under investigation.

7 Substantial adj /səbˈstæn.ʃəl/ Quan trọng, có giá trị lớn lao

She inherited a substantial fortune from her

8 Identical adj /aɪˈden.tə.kəl/ (exactly the same, or very similar)

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Đồng nhất, giống hệt

The tests are identical to those carried out last year.

9 Material n /məˈtɪriəl/ - Nguyên liệu

Every item we sell is made out of recycled material.

adj - Important and needing to be considered (law)

Quan trọng
She omitted information that was material to the

10 Rational adj /ˈræʃ.ən.əl/ (based on clear thought and reason)

Có lí trí
There must be some rational explanation for what

Rationally adv /ˈræʃ·ə·nəl·i/ (một cách) có lí trí

It’s hard to behave rationally at such times.

11 Preserve v /prɪˈzɝːv/ Bảo quản, giữ gìn, giữ nguyên tính chất, đặc điểm
ban đâu
The authority is trying to preserve the environment

Preservation n /ˌprez.ɚˈveɪ.ʃən/ Sự bảo tồn, sự bảo quản

There is great public concern about some of the
chemicals used in food preservation.

12 Reserve v /rɪˈzɝːv/ Để dành, dự trữ

These seats are reserved for the elderly and women
with babies.

13 Maintain v /meɪnˈteɪn/ Duy trì hiện trạng vốn có (chất lượng, mức độ…,)
The film has maintained its position as the critics'
favourite for another year.

Maintenance n /ˈmeɪn.tən.əns/ Sự giữ gìn, sự duy trì; sự bảo vệ

There are thorough maintenance checks on each
plane before take-off.

14 Conserve v /kənˈsɝːv/ Giữ gìn, duy trì, bảo tồn, bảo toàn
I'm not being lazy - I'm just conserving my
energy/strength for later.

Conservation n /ˌkɑːn.sɚˈveɪ.ʃə Sự bảo tồn, duy trì

n/ Energy conservation reduces your fuel bills and helps
the environment.

15 Assistance n /əˈsɪs.təns/ Sự giúp đỡ, sự hỗ trợ

Teachers can't give pupils any assistance in exams.

Assist v /əˈsɪst/ (to help)

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Giúp đỡ
The company said it would assist workers in finding
new jobs.

16 Hardship n /ˈhɑːrd.ʃɪp/ (difficult or unpleasant conditions of life)

Sự gian khổ, thử thách
The price of cooking gas increased five-fold,
worsening the economic hardship.

17 Necessity n /nəˈses.ə.ti/ Sự cần thiết

You can come early if you want to, but there's no
necessity for it.

Necessary adj /ˈnes.ə.ser.i/ Cần thiết

He lacks the necessary skills for the job.

Necessarily adv /ˈnes.ə.ser.ɪl.i/ (một cách) cần thiết

The fact that something is cheap doesn't necessarily
mean it's of low quality.

18 Monitor n/v /ˈmɑː.nə.tɚ/ - Người giám sát

The new findings suggest that women ought to
monitor their cholesterol levels.
- Giám sát
Comings and goings are monitored by security

19 Shallow adj /ˈʃæl.oʊ/ - Nông, cạn

The stream was fairly shallow so we were able to
walk across it.
- Nông, hời hợt, không nghiêm túc
= superficial >< serious
This shows how shallow their commitment to the
environment really is.

20 Commitment n /kəˈmɪt.mənt/ (a promise or firm decision)

Lời cam kết
Players must make a commitment to play for a full

Commit v /kəˈmɪt/ Cam kết

The government must commit itself to improving

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21 Attentive adj /əˈten.tɪv/ (listening carefully)

- Chăm chú lắng nghe
an attentive audience
(If someone is attentive, they are very helpful and
take care of you) = considerate
- Ân cần, chu đáo
A good teacher is always attentive to their students'

Attentively adv /əˈten·tɪv·li/ - (một cách) chăm chú

The children listened attentively to the story.

22 Demonstrate v /ˈdem.ən.streɪt/ (to show or make something clear)

- Giải thích, chứng minh
These problems demonstrate the importance of
strategic planning.

23 Determination n /dɪˌtɝː.mɪˈneɪ.ʃə (the ability to continue trying to do something,

n/ although it is very difficult)
- Sự cam kết
Because Thuy Tien had a lot of determination, she
became Miss Grand International 2021.

Determine v /dɪˈtɝː.mɪn/ - Quyết tâm

She determined that one day she would be an actor.
- Xác định rõ nguyên nhân của cái gì
We set out to determine exactly what happened that

24 Need n /niːd/ - Sự cần thiết

to satisfy/meet/fulfil a need
- Thiếu thốn, đang gặp khó khăn, cần giúp đỡ
The charity aims to provide assistance to people in
need. (in hardship)

II. Cấu trúc phần câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Look for (to hope for something; to expect something)
Tìm kiếm
We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term.

2 Get along with sb (If two or more people get along, they like each other and are
friendly to each other)
Hòa hợp, hòa đồng với ai

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I don't really get along with my sister's husband.

3 Take a joke Cười khi ai đó nói điều gì buồn cười về bạn và không bị đả kích
hoặc tổn thương
He’s always making fun of other people but just can’t take a joke
when it’s about him.

4 Tell/ make a joke kể một câu chuyển nhằm mục đích làm cho mọi người cười
She’s always telling a joke in the middle of meetings. The boss never
thinks it’s funny but the rest of us do.

5 Get the joke hiểu cái hài hước khi ai đó nói một chuyện tếu
Everyone was killing themselves laughing but he just didn’t get the

6 Hit the books (to study)

Học bài hoặc nghiên cứu
I can't go out tonight. I need to hit the books

7 Hit the ceiling/roof (to become extremely angry)

Giận dữ
Dad'll hit the ceiling when he finds out I've left school.

8 Hit the buffers (to suddenly stop being successful or stop happening )
Tạm dừng hoạt động
The main worry is that the economy might hit the buffers.

9 Hit the headlines (to receive a lot of attention in news reports)

được chú ý đến nhiều, nổi
He hit the headlines when he sold a million shares at £5.80 a share.

10 Throw in the towel (to stop trying to do something because you have realized that you
cannot succeed)
Từ bỏ
They throw in the towel because they can’t find the way back home.

11 Have the chance (have the opportunity)

Có cơ hội
We go to the beach whenever we have the chance.

12 Do one’s best (to try as hard as possible)

Cố hết sức
He did his best to be there on time.

13 ( Every) Once in a while (sometimes, but not regularly)

- Thi thoảng, thỉnh thoảng
You meet some really interesting people every once in a while.

14 Reserve (your) decision/judgement (to not decide or make a judgement about something until a later

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Dời quyết định, để quyết định sau một khoảng thời gian
Three judges have decided to reserve their decision until a later

III. Từ vựng bài đọc:

STT Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Nghĩa & Ví dụ

1 Dislocate v /dɪˈsloʊ.keɪt/ - làm trật khớp (mắt cá chân, cổ tay…)

He dislocated his shoulder in the accident.
- làm trục trặc (kế họach…)
Flight has been dislocated by the fog.

2 Regain v /rɪˈɡeɪn/ - Lấy lại, phục hồi lại, khôi phục lại
She made an effort to regain her self-control.

3 Apartment n /əˈpɑːt.mənt - Căn hộ (phòng lớn)

They have six luxury apartments for sale.

4 Fortunate a /ˈfɔːr.tʃən.ət/ - may mắn, gặp may

It was fortunate that they had set out early because
the traffic was terrible.

5 Injure v /ˈɪn.dʒɚ/ - làm tổn thương, làm tổn hại (physical)

A bomb exploded at the embassy, injuring several

6 Discomfort n /dɪˈskʌm.fɚt/ - sự không thoải mái, khó chịu

You may feel a little discomfort for a few days after
the operation.

7 Survive v /sɚˈvaɪv/ - sống sót, sống sót lại, qua khỏi được
The baby was born with a heart problem and only
survived for a few hours.

8 Overnight A, adv /ˌoʊ.vɚˈnaɪt/ - qua đêm

You can stay overnight if you want to.
- trong một choáng, nhanh chóng ( nghĩa bóng)
The book was an overnight success.

9 Complex n /kɑːmˈpleks/ - phức hệ (complex apartment: hệ thống các căn hộ),

quần thể (du lịch)
- sự mặc cảm, tự ti
Don't go on about her weight - you'll give her a

10 Corrugated a /ˈkɔːr.ə.ɡeɪ.tɪd/ - có nếp gấp, có nếp nhăn; thành làn sóng

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The roof is made from sheets of corrugated iron.

11 Occasion n /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ - dịp, cơ hội, sự kiện đặc biệt (khoảng thời gian cụ
thể để làm cái gì)
I seem to remember that on that occasion he was
with his wife.

Occasion v /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ - Gây ra =cause

Her refusal occasioned a lot of trouble.

12 Incident n /ˈɪn.sɪ.dənt/ - tai nạn, sự cố xảy ra ( bất ngờ làm hỏng kế hoạch..)
A youth was seriously injured in a shooting incident
on Saturday night.

13 Accident n /ˈæk.sə.dənt/ - tai nạn giao thông, hỏng hóc kĩ thuật

Josh had an accident and spilled water all over his

14 Situation n /ˌsɪtʃ.uˈeɪ.ʃən/ - tình huống (nói chung)

Her news put me in a difficult situation.

15 Function n /ˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ - chức năng

It is not the function of this committee to deal with

16 Celebrity n /səˈleb.rə.ti/ - người nổi tiếng, được nhiều người biết đến

17 Checkup n /ˈtʃek.ʌp/ - sự kiểm tra định kì về sức khỏe

She goes to her doctor for regular checkups.

18 Breakup n /ˈbreɪkˌʌp/ - sự phân chia, phân tách thành các phần nhỏ
The breakup of the oil tanker caused severe damage
to animal and plant life.
- sự chấm dứt (mối quan hệ, phụ thuộc)
The planned breakup of the company will give him a
less important role.

19 Outbreak n /ˈaʊt.breɪk/ - sự bùng phát (dịch bệnh, chiến tranh)

an outbreak of cholera/food poisoning/rioting/war

20 Breakthrough n /ˈaʊt.breɪk/ - bước đột phá, mang tính bước ngoặt

a A major breakthrough in negotiations has been

21 Pediatric a /pi:di'ætrik/ thuộc nha khoa

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IV. Cấu trúc bài đọc điền

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Fall off - ngã (từ một vị trí trên cao nào đó như ngã ngựa, ngã xe đạp, ngã
từ cái thang xuống): nghĩa trong bài
- giảm, sa sút
Membership of the club has fallen off in recent months.

2 Turn sb upside down - dẫn tới những thay đổi lớn, khác biệt trong cuộc sống của ai
His sudden death turned her world upside down.

3 Turb sb into - biến ai đó trở thành ai, cái gì, như thế nào
Turn sb into a celebrity overnight: trở thành người nổi tiếng chỉ
trong 1 đêm

4 To one’s discomfort/ dismay - rất buồn, rất thất vọng

He is leaving the department, much to the dismay of his

5 Prove + A - chứng tỏ là như thế nào, có đặc điểm gì

The strategy has proved successful.

V. Từ vựng 2 bài đọc hiểu

STT Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Nghĩa & Ví dụ

Witness n /ˈwɪt.nəs/ - nhân chứng, người chứng kiến

1 Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident
to come forward.

v - chứng kiến, làm chứng, quan sát

They were married a year after they first met, with
two friends acting as witnesses.

2 Innovation n /ˌɪn.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ - sự đổi mới, cải tiến, sự canh tân

This is the latest innovation in computer

3 Sophisticated a /səˈfɪs.tə.keɪ.tɪd/ - tinh vi, phức tạp, sành sỏi (người)

These are among the most sophisticated weapons
in the world.

4 Interaction n /ˌɪn.tɚˈræk.ʃən/ - sự tương tác, tiếp xúc qua lại

There's not enough interaction between the
management and the workers.

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Interactive a /ˌɪn.tɚˈræk.tɪv/ - có tính chất tương tác

Many educational and instructional programs are

5 Platform n /ˈplæt.fɔːrm/ - hệ thống nền tảng

6 Versatility n /ˌvɝː.səˈtɪl.ə.ti/ - tính đa di năng, đa dạng

He wanted to challenge the actors and demonstrate
their versatility.

Versatile a /ˈvɝː.sə.təl/ - đa năng, linh hoạt, tháo vát

He's a very versatile young actor who's as happy in
highbrow dramas as he is in TV comedies.

7 Undoubtedly adv /ʌnˈdaʊ.tɪ - không còn nghi ngờ gì, chắc chắn
She was undoubtedly the best candidate.

8 Establish v /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ/ - thành lập, thiết lập

There is a strong need to establish effective
communication links between staff, parents, and
- tìm ra rõ, xác định rõ nguyên nhân
Before we take any action we must establish the

9 Invasion n /ɪnˈveɪ.ʒən/ - sự xâm phạm, xâm lăng

an invasion of privacy: sự xâm phạm quyền riêng

10 Boon n /buːn/ - điều có lợi, lợi ích

The radio is a great boon to the blind.

11 Revolutionize v /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən.aɪz/ - cách mạng hóa, làm thay đổi...

Newton's discoveries revolutionized physics.

12 Drawback n /ˈdrɑː.bæk/ - điểm trừ, nhược điểm

One of the drawbacks of living with someone is
having to share a bathroom.

13 Advance n /ədˈvæns/ - tiến bộ, cải tiến, sự đổi mới

- tiền ứng trước ( trả trước thời gian qui định)
She asked for a £300 advance on her salary.

14 Suffer v /ˈsʌf.ər/ - trải qua (thường là những thứ xấu)

She's been suffering from (= been ill with) cancer
for two years.

15 Catchy a /ˈkætʃ.i/ - (giai điệu nhạc ) bắt tai

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16 Genuinely adv /ˈdʒen.ju.ɪ - một cách thành thật, một cách chân thật
She was genuinely sorry.

17 Technically adv /ˈtek.nɪ.kəl.i/ - liên quan đến kĩ thuật

It was a technically brilliant performance.
- thực tế, chính xác là
Technically, the country's economic problems are
over, but recovery will be slow.

18 Originate v /əˈrɪdʒ.ən.eɪt/ - khởi nguồn từ, bắt nguồn từ

The call had originated from Jamaica.

19 Clumsy a /ˈklʌm.zi/ - hậu đậu, lúng túng

20 Adultery n /əˈdʌl.tər.i/ - tội ngoại tình, kẻ ngoại tình

Many people in public life have committed

21 Emulate v /ˈem.jə.leɪt/ - noi gương, học theo, làm theo (tích cực)
They hope to emulate the success of other software

22 Regurgitate v /rɪˈɡɜː.dʒɪ.teɪt - ợ ra ( thức ăn )

-đưa ra như của chính mình (ý kiến lượm lặt được
từ kẻ khác)
Many students simply regurgitate what they hear in

23 Empower v /ɪmˈpaʊər/ - cho quyền, cho ai quyền làm gì

We want to empower individuals to get the skills
they need.

24 Character n /ˈkær.ək.tər - tính cách, tính nết, đặc tính

25 Portray v /pɔːrˈtreɪ/ - phác họa, mô tả

The writer portrays life in a small village at the
turn of the century.

26 Independent a / ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/ - độc lập, không phụ thuộc

Students should aim to become more independent
of their teachers.

27 Anchor n /ˈæŋkə(r)/ - nguồn tin cậy, nơi nương tựa

v She was my anchor when things were difficult for me.

28 Feminist n /ˈfemənɪst/ - người theo chủ nghĩa nữ quyền

All her life she was an ardent feminist.

29 Squabble n,v /ˈskwɒb.əl/ - cãi vã ầm ĩ

My sisters were squabbling over what to watch on

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30 Stereotype n /ˈsteriətaɪp/ - định kiến, khuân phép

The characters in the book are just stereotypes.

31 Notable a ˈnoʊ.tə.bəl - đáng chú ý, lỗi lạc, xuất chúng

"Hamlet" and "Macbeth" are among Shakespeare's
most notable works.

32 Static a /ˈstæt.ɪk/ - giữ nguyên, không thay đổi

Oil prices have remained static for the last few

33 Appreciate v /əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/ - đánh giá cao, trân trọng

We appreciate all the help you gave us last

Appreciation n /əˌpriː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/ - sự đánh giá cao, sự trân trọng, sự biết thưởng

Children rarely show any appreciation of/for what
their parents do for them.

Appreciative a /əˈpriː.ʃə.tɪv/ - có thái độ đánh giá cao, coi trọng

I'm very appreciative of all the support you've
given me.

Appriciable a /əˈpriː.ʃə.bəl/ - đáng kể (nói về số lượng)

There has been an appreciable drop in the number
of unemployed since the new government came to

34 Choreography n /ˌkɔːr.iˈɑː.ɡrə.fi/ - thuật biên đạo múa

35 Promising a /ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ/ - có triển vọng, hứa hẹn

The research produced promising results.

VI. Cấu trúc 2 bài đọc hiểu

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa

1 Engage sb to V - thuê ai đó làm gì

Karl Böhm engaged her to sing in Vienna.

2 Prove + A - chứng tỏ là như thế nào, có đặc điểm gì

The strategy has proved successful.

3 In the early stage of - trong giai đoạn, thời kì đầu

This technology is still in its early stages.

4 Make friends - kết bạn

It’s easy for extroverts to make friends in a new environment.

5 To name a few - nói ra một số cái tên.. điển hình.

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6 Cope with - đương đầu, giải quyết

He wasn't able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job.

7 A wide number of+ N - một lượng lớn cái gì

8 Associated with (a) - có liên quan tới

Exposure to the sun is strongly associated with an increase in the incidence
of skin cancer.
Associate with (v) - kết hợp với
He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education.

9 In the age of - trong thời kì nào

Social media have undoubtedly proved to be a boon to connectivity and
social interaction between people in this age of communication.

10 At the age of - ở độ tuổi bao nhiêu

He left school at the age of 18.

11 As means of N/ Ving - là một hình thức, phương thức làm gì, cho mục đích gì
Interest rates are used as a means of controlling borrowing.

12 Participate in - tham gia vào

13 Tell the story - kể/ nói câu chuyện

14 Be steeped in - đắm mình trong, chìm đắm mình trong một giá trị nào đó
He steeped himself in the literature of ancient Greece and Rome.

15 Pull sth off - thành công (nhất là sau một khoảng thời gian thất bại)
Noone thought that she would be able to do it, but she PULLED it OFF in
the end.
- bắt đầu lăn bánh
When the lights turned green, the car PULLED OFF.

16 Portray sb as sb/ sth - khắc họa, miêu tả ai như ai/ cái gì

The father in the film is portrayed as a fairly unpleasant character.

17 Sell itself as sb/sth - chứng tỏ như là, làm cho tin là...
Sell itself to sb/ sth In an interview, you have to sell yourself to the employer.

18 Imbue sb with sth - làm thấm nhuần, in dấu các giá trị...
Her poetry was imbued with a love of the outdoors.

19 Be soaked in - ướt sũng, thấm đầy (nghĩa bóng)

This house is soaked in memories.

20 Implant sth in sb - ghi khắc vào tâm trí, in sâu vào tâm trí
He implanted some very strange attitudes in his children.

21 Be connected with - có liên quan tới

He was connected in some way with that fraud scandal a couple of years

12 60 đề minh họa 2023 môn tiếng Anh – Cô Trang Anh
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