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Divine Word College of Calapan : Basic Education - Junior High School

NAME: DATE: _____ SCORE: ______


Basic Concepts of Sets

Content-Based Activity
A. List the elements of the following sets.
1. M = { |𝑥 > 7, x is an odd integer.} ________________________________________
2. A = { 𝑥|𝑥 7 < x < 8, x is a counting number} ________________________________________
3. T = { 𝑥|𝑥 is a municipality in Oriental Mindoro} ________________________________________
4. H = { 𝑥|𝑥 is a counting number between 7 and 10} ________________________________________
5. S = { 𝑥|𝑥 is a set of days with names containing x} ________________________________________

B. Write a rule for the following.

1. A = {a,e,i,o,u} _________________________________________

2. M = {3,6,9,…,30} _________________________________________

3. E = {Mon, Tues, Wed,…Sunday} _________________________________________

4. L = {Sept, April, June, Nov} _________________________________________

5. Y = {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17…} _________________________________________

Problem-Based Activity
A. Let U = {1,2,3,4,5,6}, A = {1,3,5}, B = {2,4,5,6} and C = {1,2,4,6}. Find the following.
1. A’ = ______________________________

2. B’ = ______________________________

3. C’ = ______________________________

4. A’ ∩ B’ = ______________________________

5. A’ ∪ B’ = ______________________________

B. Solve the given problems using the concept of Venn Diagram

a. In a batch of 250 students, 62 are members of Sports Club, 170 students are members of drama
Club, and 40 students are both in clubs. How many students are a) in either the Sports Club or
Drama Club? B) in neither of the Clubs

b. In Mr. Prayer advisory class with 30 students, 20 like Mathematics, 15 like English and 6 don’t like
Mathematics or English. How many students both like Mathematics and English?

1 | Mathematics 7 Property of DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF CALAPAN.

Quarter 1 – Lesson 1 Do not reproduce or disseminate without the owner’s consent.

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