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“Coping is “defined as the thoughts and behaviors used to manage the internal and

external demands of situations that are appraised as stressful.” (Drench et al., 2012,
p. 177). In all the cases in the YouTube video, everyone had similar coping
strategies for their diagnosis. Mr. Cimera, used his diagnosis of ADHD (Attention
Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder) to his advantage. He found a way to multi-task to
accomplish many things at once and not get frustrated with trying to focus on one
task. Everyone else has a diagnosis of Type II diabetes, have coped with not
allowing the diabetes to take control of their life and take control over the diabetes
and change their eating habits and exercise more. Mr. Shein, Ms. Bumford, and Ms.
Belser went through a period of denial but realized they needed to change their
lifestyle and eating habits to maintain their diabetes to a healthy level. Mr. Brandwine
knew before he was diagnosed with diabetes and neglected his health at first, then
had an empowerment of realizing he had to do better at maintaining his blood sugar
levels and exercise to stay healthy. Ms. Belser was discouraged thinking she would
have amputations of her legs and/or her toes. She had some empowering thoughts
of staying away from biscuits, pies, and other sweets, eating a healthier diet,
exercise, daily finger sticks, and taking medications as prescribed to not have any
amputations. Ms. Robinson empowered her mother to eat healthier and exercise to
stay healthy. Mr. Shein ignored his doctor and continued to eat poorly and not
exercise, until he was told by the eye doctor that diabetes can cause blindness. Mr.
Shein then changed his diet and lifestyle and now does not take medication for
diabetes. Mr. Pham has stopped eating sizable portions, exercises daily and that is
preventing his diabetes from returning.  
Word count: 307 
Initial post 
Drench, M. E., Noonan, A., Sharby, N., & Ventura, S. (2012). Psychosocial aspects
of health care (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall. 
HSC 3661 Week 3 Discussion Patient Voices. (n.d.).

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