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Passive Voice
Basic Class Team, E-PLC Bandung
What is
Passive Voice ?
Passive voice atau kalimat passive adalah kalimat yang
kata kerjanya berawalan “di-”

Rules :
1. Kalimat pasif selalu menggunakan TO BE + V3.
2. Kalimat pasif harus menggunakan transitive verb (kata
kerja yang ada objeknya).
Simple Present
(subject + am/is/are +
A : He always picks her up. (menjemput)
P : She is always picked up by him. (dijemput)

 Adam is often punished by teacher because of coming late. (dihukum)

 I am loved by Onu. (dicintai)
 My cats are fed three times a day. (diberi makan)
 Our house isn’t always painted every year. (dicat)
 The old table isn’t used anymore. (digunakan)
 The activities are recorded for our documentation. (direkam)
Simple Past
(subject + was/were + V3)
A : They laughed at me last night. (menertawakan)
P : I was laughed by them last night. (ditertawakan)

 Adriana was helped by rescue team yesterday. (ditolong)

 The thieves were caught by the police an hour ago. (ditangkap)
 Leon wasn’t invited last week. (diundang)
 Our phones weren’t charged fully this morning. (dicas)
 All food and drink were eaten up. (dimakan)
 This building was built in 1990. (dibangun)
Modal Auxiliary
(Modal + be + V3) Exercise
 I will be promoted this year. (dipromosikan) 1. Setiap pagi, kami selalu dibuatkan teh oleh
 The new product can’t be sold. (dijual) ibu.
 Our meeting must be concealed. 2. Laptopku selalu dibersihkan.
(dirahasiakan) 3. Kami diberi seekor kucing oleh bibi
 My presence couldn’t be ignored. kemarin.
4. Lagu itu tidak dinyanyikan dengan baik tadi
 This juice may not be drunk. (diminum)
 This food should be cooked. (dimasak)
5. Kue ini tidak bisa dipotong.
6. Rumahmu harus disapu.
When is Passive Voice used ?

 Subjeknya tidak diketahui:  Ketika ingin menekankan orang atau hal

The cave paintings of Lascaux were made yang ditindaklanjuti. Ini mungkin merupakan
in the Upper Old Stone Age. (Kita tidak topik utama:
tahu siapa yang membuatnya.) Insulin was first discovered in 1921 by
researchers at the University of Toronto. It is
 Subjek tidak relevan: still the only treatment available for diabetes.
An experimental solar power plant will be
built in the Australian desert. (Kita tidak  Ketika menulis karya ilmiah. Kalimat pasif
tertarik pada siapa yang membangunnya.) lebih disukai dalam laporan laboratorium dan
makalah penelitian ilmiah, terutama di
 Ketika berbicara tentang kebenaran bagian Bahan dan Metode:
umum: The sodium hydroxide was dissolved in water.
Rules are made to be broken. (Oleh siapa This solution was then titrated with
pun, kapan pun) hydrochloric acid.
Thank you
E-PLC Bandung
Join us for new batch on August 26, 2020

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