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Passive Voice

 Passive voice adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima
aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Kalimat Passive Voice lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau
objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).
 Pada umumnya, kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki rumus:

To Be + Past Participle
 Kapan saat yang tepat untuk menggunakan kalimat pasif?
1. Saat orang yang melakukan tindakan tidak diketahui atau tidak penting.
Contohnya: “My wallet was stolen last night.”
2. Jika sudah jelas diketahui apa/siapa yang melakukan suatu tindakan.
Contohnya: “Anita was fired from her office last week.”
3. Saat ingin menggambarkan suatu informasi yang factual, biasanya terdapat
suatu proses di dalamnya.
Contohnya: “The lasagna is baked in an oven for 35 minutes at 250 degrees
4. Digunakan dalam laporan pemberitaan dan juga untuk memberikan perintah.
Contohnya: “Seven people were arrested at a nightclub last night.”

 Contoh kalimat:

Tense Form Subject To be Past Participle

Simple Present The butter is kept here
Past Tense The window was broken
Simple Future The work will be done soon
Present Continuous The bridge is being repaired right now
Past Continuous The cheese was being eaten by mice
Present Perfect Our work has been finished
Past Perfect The car had not been used much
 Nice to be tried
Active Voice Passive Voice Tense Form
Waste materials are
disposed by the janitor in a
variety way
He said the documents
could be issued by
someone within the week
Leonardo DaVinci painted
Mona Lisa
A mass of gasses wraps
around our planet

 Exercise:
a) First, identify the sentence. Is it active or passive form?
b) Change the form of the sentence from Active to Passive, or Passive to Active
c) Identify the Tense form.

1. The director always adds the soundtrack after the film finished.
2. The statements are being taken from all the witnesses at this moment.
3. Was this washing machine made in Germany?
4. Donni and his friend repaired his car yesterday
5. Many tourists from abroad have visited this beautiful white sand beach.
6. The problem cannot be solved by me, I should share it to the teacher.
7. A party will not be held by Randi on next Saturday
8. The tasks have been completed by Samantha before the deadline
9. Right now, Deni Sanjaja is writing his novel.
10.In 1980, my grandfather built this house.

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