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Von Willebrand Disease ecchymosis, menorrhagia, hematemesis, GI bleeding,

surgical bleeding
- 1st described by Finnish professor
- ______________________________ creates factor
______________________in 1926.
VIII deficiency as a result of the inability to protect
- Is the most prevalent inherited mucocutaneous
unbound factor VIII from proteolysis.
bleeding disorder
- _________________________________: anatomic
- ________________________: quantitative (type 1)
bleeding into joints and body cavities accompanies
and qualitative (type 2)
typical mucocutaneous bleeding pattern of VWD.
- Both abnormalities can lead to decreased platelet
adhesion to injured vessel walls, impairing primary
hemostasis • VWD types and subtype
Type 1
- 40-70%
• Molecular Biology and Functions of VWF
- Quantitative VWF deficiency caused by autosomal
- A multimeric glycoprotein with
dominant frameshift, nonsense or deletion mutation
- Plasma concentration: _______________________.
- ___________________________ in human plasma.
- Common complaints: mild to moderate systemic
- Plasma concentration: _______________________
bleeding, menorrhagia which predicts postpartum
- Synthesized in the __________________________.
- Stored in EC cytoplasmic _____________________.
- Consists of 52 exons spanning 178 kilobase pairs in
Type 2
chromosome 12
- Encompasses four qualitative abnormalities
- Translated protein is a monomer of 2813 amino
- Plasma levels: _____________________________.
acids composed of four structural domains, A to D.
- Function: _________________________________.
- VWD mutations may occur anywhere on the VWF
Subtype 2A
- ______________________ cleaves VWF multimers.
- 10-20%
- __________________________ is the basis for TTP.
- autosomal dominant point mutations in the _______
- _________________________ supports receptor
and _________ structural domains
site for collagen and ligand for GP IB/IX/V.
- Susceptible to ______________________________.
- _________________________ provides a site that
- Levels in immunoassay are ____________________.
binds GP IIb/ IIIa.
- Activity is __________________________ as a result
- _________________________ provides the carrier
of the loss of the HMW and IMW multimers essential
site for factor VIII.
for platelet adhesion.
- Half-life: ____________ (bound); _________ (free)
- Process
Subtype 2B
1. VWF release. Unfolds and binds fibrillar intimal
- 5%
collagen exposed during the desquamation of
- Mutations within the A1 domain which raise the
endothelial cells or in a blood injury
affinity of VWF and GPIb/IX/V binding (gain of
2. Platelet adhere through their GP Ib/IX/V to VWF
carpet (HMW-VWF) which are best equipped to serve
- Confirmed using ristocetin-concentration,
the adhesion function
ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA)
3. Platelet activation and GP IIb/IIIa binding.
- Pseudo-VWD/Platelet type VWD
4. Binding to arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RDG)
▪ Platelet mutation that raises affinity for
sequences that mediated irreversible aggregation.
normal HMW-VWF multimer
▪ Creates clinical similarity to subtype 2B VWD
• Pathophysiology
▪ Often mistaken for ITP
- Abnormalities ________________________ which
leads to _________________________: epistaxis,

1|Hematology 2 Far Eastern University - Manila

Department of Medical Technology
MTY1215 – Lecture
By: Mr. Lance Edilbert G. Veloso, RMT
Subtype 2M 7. VWF:Ag : VWF:Ag, VWF:GPIbR, or VWF:GPIbR ratio
- describes a qualitative VWF variant that possesses - _____________________________ = qualitative or
__________________________________________. type 2 VWD
- Discrepancy between the concentration of • Follow up Lab Tests:
__________________ and its activity using 1. Low dose RIPA (Ristocetin Response Curve) –
____________________ (distinguishing feature of identifies _____________ (positive for agglutination)
2M to type 1) and ________________ (no agglutination)
- Incorrectly identified as ________ or ____________.
• Confirmatory:
Subtype 2N (Normandy variant; autosomal 1. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polycrylamide gel
hemophilia) electrophoresis – establish __________________ and
- 5% differentiates _______________________________.
- autosomal missense mutation in the _______
domain which impairs factor VIII binding site function
- Known as _________________________ because its
clinical symptoms are indistinguishable from the
symptoms of hemophilia except that it affects both
- Failure to respond __________________________.

Type 3
- _________________________ translation or
deletion mutations
- Produce severe mucocutaneous and anatomic
hemorrhage in compound heterozygotes or in
consanguinity homozygotes • Pitfalls in VWD diagnosis
- _________________________________________. Varying genetic penetrance, ABO blood group,
- VWF concentration is _____________ wherein inflammation, hormones, age, and physical stress
proportional diminished or absent VWF. influence VWF activity
- _______________________ during the second and
• Laboratory Detection third trimesters of pregnancy nearly normalize
Important Lab Test: plasma VWF activity even in women with moderate
1. CBC – ___________________________________. VWF deficiency which rapidly decreased after
2. PT / PTT – _______________________________. delivery and may lead to acute postpartum
3. VWF:Rco – employs ristocetin with platelet hemorrhage in VWD
aggregometers; automation using HemosIL Acutar - Oral contraceptives and HRT also _______________
(labelle VWF:GPIbR) and activity ___________________ with menstrual
4. Quantitative VWF:Ag assay – cycle.
___________________________________________ - VWF activity ______________ substantially in acute
employed by __________ (traditional method), inflammation and physical traumas (venipuncture
___________ (automated by Liatest [Stago]), and and tourniquet application) and ______________ if
___________ (automated [HemosIL Acustar] and specimen stored in the refrigerator before testing.
possesses the best sensitivity) - VWF:Rco assay has variable results hence poor
5. Factor VIII assay – parallel VWF:Ag and VWF:Rco reproducibility of results which led to the
results development of VWF collagen binding assay
6. VWF:GPIbM – promising alternative for (VWF:CB).
__________________________________________. - VWF:CB employs type III collagen as its solid-phase
target that will bind to predominantly HMW-VWF
multimers. This assay is pending for approval.

2|Hematology 2 Far Eastern University - Manila

Department of Medical Technology
MTY1215 – Lecture
By: Mr. Lance Edilbert G. Veloso, RMT
- To reduce false-positive type 1 VWD diagnoses, low 3.
VWF was coined by NHBLI VWD guidelines in 2009 for
the condition in which VWF activity and ag Plasma
concentration are between 30% - 50% of normal - Recombinant and affinity-purified factor VIII
- Type 1 VWD – VWF activity of 30%; VWF:Rco to concentrates – contain __________________ and
VWF:ag ratio >0.5; factor VIII activity >50 U/dL cannot be used to treat VWD
- 2009 NHBLI VWD guidelines have recommended - Cryoprecipitate and plasma – less desirable
against ABO vation with VWF, noting that, “despite alternatives because of the risk for
the ABO blood groupings and associated references, __________________ and ____________________.
the major determinant of bleeding risk is

• Treatment Hemophilia
- Therapeutic dosages are monitored using serial - _________________________________________
__________________________________________. - 1 in 800 (mostly males)
- 85% are factor VIII deficient, 14% are factor XI
__________________________________________. deficient, 1% are factor XI deficient or other
- An antidiuretic hormone analog used to control coagulation factors
incontinence in DM and bedwetting,
- Effective for ___________ and ___________ VWD Hemophilia A (Factor VIII Deficiency or Classic
and generally useful for _______________________. hemophilia)
- Contraindicated for ___________________ – Structure and function
because it releases abnormal VWF with increased Factor VIII
affinity for GPIb/IX/V receptors, which may intensify - two-chain, 285,000-Dalton protein translated from
platelet activation and consumption the X chromosome
- Oral form: _________________________________. Thrombin cleaves to FVIII
- Oral spray form: ____________________________. ↓
- Causes hyponatremia thus sodium monitoring and B domain release from the molecule
regulation is necessary. ↓
Detachment from VWF and leaves calcium-
E-aminocaproic acid (EACA) and Tranexamic acid dependent heterodimer
(TXA) ↓
- inhibit fibrinolysis and may help control bleeding Bind to phosphatidyl serin and factor IX
when used alone or in conjunction with desmopressin ↓
acetate. Factor X activation from tenase complex cleavage

Commercially prepared treatment for type 3 and - Factor VIII deficiency significantly slows the
subtype 2B (human plasma-derived-high-purity) coagulation pathway’s production of thrombin and
1. leads to hemorrhage.

3|Hematology 2 Far Eastern University - Manila

Department of Medical Technology
MTY1215 – Lecture
By: Mr. Lance Edilbert G. Veloso, RMT
- Factor VIII deteriorates in storage. Extremely labile Complications
factor. - Hemophilia patients often experience debilitating an
progressive musculoskeletal lesions and deformities
and neurologic deficiencies subsequent to
intracranial hemorrhage
- Other chronic diseases effects, such as limited
productivity, low self-esteem, poverty, drug
dependency, and depression are common problems
- Chronic Hepatitis often resulted from repeated
exposure to blood products

Laboratory Diagnosis
- It starts with
- Continues with ___________________________ on
the results of the initial tests
Genetics - ___________________________________ have
- 186 kilobases of the X chromosome and is the site of __________________ to bleeding
various deletions, stop codons, and nonsense and
missense mutation.
- Most mutations result in quantitative and qualitative
(cross-reacting material positive) disorders
- Commonly affects males. Females are
______________________. Sons are affected at 25%
- All sons of men with hemophilia A and non-carrier
women are normal, whereas all daughters are
obligate carriers.
- Rarely, symptoms of hemophilia A may be seen in
females due to true homozygosity or double

Clinical Manifestation
- _____________________: Acute joint bleeds are
exquisitely painful and
cause temporary immobilization.
- Chronic joint bleeds cause inflammation and
eventual permanent loss of mobility. Bleeding into
muscles may cause nerve compression injury
- ____________________ lead to severe, debilitating, Carrier Detection
and durable neurologic symptoms, such as loss of
- 90% of female carriers of hemophilia A are detected
memory, paralysis, seizures, and coma, and may be
by measuring the ratio of
rapidly fatal.
The diagnosis of hemophilia A begins with (effective because VWF production is unaffected by
___________________________________________ FVIII deficiency)
___________________________________________ - Carrier: __________________________________.

4|Hematology 2 Far Eastern University - Manila

Department of Medical Technology
MTY1215 – Lecture
By: Mr. Lance Edilbert G. Veloso, RMT
• Human plasma-derived FVIII (pdFVIII)
- Prepared from healthy plasma donors using
chemical fraction. Traditionally been employed for Hemophilia A and FVIII inhibitors
on-demand therapy - Patients suspected with an inhibitor have
- Goal is to raise the patients FVIII activity to ___________________________________________
hemostatic levels which is to reach activity __________________________________________.
__________________________________________. - FVIII inhibitors are ___________, non-complement
- Target activity should be maintained until the threat fixing, warm-reacting antibodies.
is resolved. - First step in inhibitor detection is
Examples: Alphanate (Grifols), Humate-P (Behring), __________________________________________.
Wilate (Octapharm), Kogenate FS (Bayer), Hemofil-M
(Shire) Result
No inhibitor: ______________________________.
• Recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) concentrates Presence of inhibitor: _______________________.
Less immunogenic thus deleting the large central B - In <30, proceed with _______________________.
domain to shorten it - ______________________________ is suggestive
Administered ______________________________ to to quantitate titers of FVIII inhibitors and monitor
maintain their FVIII activity at hemostatic levels. therapy
NP (100 units/dL) is mixed at increasing dilutions =
Examples: NBU
BDD-rFVIIIFc (Eloctate) ____________ is the reciprocal of the dilution that
- first extended half-life rFVIII nearly ______________ caused neutralization of 50% of the NP FVIII
- reduced infusion (once every 4-5 days) ▪ _____________________: <5 NBU (no
- fused with the Fc region of human IgG1 significant increase after therapy)
PEG rFVIII (Adynovate) ▪ _____________________: >5 NBU (ab
- full length rFVIII covalently conjugated with further rise to therapy)
polyethylene glycol
- extends half-life ___________________________. Treatment in patients with inhibitors
- reduced infusion ( _________________________) - Low responders often experience cessation of
rFVIII-Single Chain (Afstyla) bleeding on administration of large doses of FVIII
- full length single-chain rFVIII concentrate
- claims to closely resemble native FVIII - High responders may gain no benefit from FVIII
- extended half-life concentrates, instead are treated with activated PCC
or rFVIIa, all which generate thrombin despite the
Computation presence of FVIII inhibitors
- Physicians treating hemophilia base on FVIII __________________________ (HemLibra) – factor
concentrate dosage calculations on the definition of VIII mimetic biphasic antibody that bypasses factor
an international unit (IU) of FVIII activity VIII by binding factor X with IXa
- Global mean activity – ________ normal plasma =
____________________. Hemophilia B (Factor IX Deficiency)
- Calculation may also be used to treat VWD - aka ______________________________________.
- The key reason for careful dosage calculation is to - Caused by ________________________________.
__________________________________________. - Factor IX is a substrate for both factors XIa and VIIa
- ___________________________________does not - _________________________________ and cause
accurately measure BDD-rFVIII or the extended half- anatomic bleeding that is indistinguishable from that
life rFVIII formulations in Hemophilia A.

5|Hematology 2 Far Eastern University - Manila

Department of Medical Technology
MTY1215 – Lecture
By: Mr. Lance Edilbert G. Veloso, RMT
- Sex-linked Hemophilia C (Rosenthal Syndrome, Factor XI
- Determination of female carrier status is less Deficiency)
successful because of the large number of factor IX - autosomal dominant hemophilia with mild to
mutations and the lack of a linked molecule such as moderate bleeding symptoms
VWF that can be used as a normalization index. - more than half of the cases have been described in
Lab findings: - the frequency and severity of bleeding episodes do
PTT: ______________________________________. not correlate with factor XI levels, and laboratory
PT, Fibrinogen, TT: __________________________. monitoring of treatment serves little purpose after
diagnosis is established.
Clinical symptoms - Treatment involves frequent plasma infusions
If suggestive of hemophilia B, during bleeds and times of hemostatic challenge.
__________________________ should be performed - PTT: Prolonged
even if PTT is within reference range, because PTT rgt - PT: Normal
may be insensitive to factor IX deficiencies at the level
of _______________________________________. Other Congenital Single-Factor
Treatment Deficiencies
• Immunine (Shire) and Monomine (Behring) - Cause by __________________________________.
- Immunopurified FIX concentrates - PT, PTT, and TT may be employed
- Calculated the same way as FVIII concentrates in - In qualitative disorders (dysproteinemia), factor
hemophilia A except the calculated initial dose is activity to antigen is __________________________.
_______________ to compensate for FIX distribution - Severe bleeding symptoms in dysproteinemias than
- Repeated doses are ____________________, quantitative deficiencies, but the risk of inhibitor
reflecting the half-life of the factor formation is theoretically smaller.
- Second subsequent doses are
___________________________ provided that the Factor II and X – clot-based measurement
target level of FIX was achieved. Factor I – Clauss clot-based assay (modified TT)
Factor V – prolonged PT and PTT treated with Factor
• rFIX (Benefix) V concentrate
- infusion rate of ___________________________. Factor VII – moderate to severe anatomic bleeding
where it does not reflect from factor levels
• rFIX-Fc (Alprolix) and albumin-fusion Idelvion - Half-life: ~6 hours
(Behring) - Treatment: NovoSeven at 30 ug/mL and non-
- extended half-life preparations that extend activated four-factor PCC
administration ______________________________. - Target level: 10 units/dL to 30 units/dL.
- Lab findings are PT: normal; PTT: prolonged
FIX therapy may be measured using one-stage clot Factor X – moderate to severe anatomic hemorrhage.
assay; however, chromogenic assays with improved Acquired Factor X has been described in
accuracy, low-level sensitivity, and reproducibility are ______________________ and antifungal therapy.
in development. - Half-life: 24-24 hours
FIX inhibitors arise in 3% may be detected using - Treatment: Plasma or non-activated PCC
Nijmen-Bethesda assay and treated using activated - Therapeutic levels: 10 units/dL to 40 units/dL.
PCC or rFVIIa and immunomodulation therapy - Lab findings:
▪ PT and PTT are prolonged.
▪ Russel Viper venom time is prolonged (factor
X, V, II, I). Factor VII is normal.

6|Hematology 2 Far Eastern University - Manila

Department of Medical Technology
MTY1215 – Lecture
By: Mr. Lance Edilbert G. Veloso, RMT
Factor XIII – with a-chain (active enzyme site) and b-chain (binding and stabilizing portion). Deficiency occurs in three
forms related to the affected chains
- Lab findings: normal PT, PTT, and TT
▪ __________________________ – traditional screening test
Clot dissolves within 2 hours when suspended in 5M of urea solution
▪ Confirmatory test: chromogenic assay (Behrichrom FXIII assay)

a2-antiplasmin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) are rare cases that cause moderate to severe bleeding
and diagnosed using chromogenic substrate assays.

***end of discussion***

7|Hematology 2 Far Eastern University - Manila

Department of Medical Technology
MTY1215 – Lecture
By: Mr. Lance Edilbert G. Veloso, RMT

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