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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Azib kabeer khan

NEBOSH learner 00751029
Learning Partner name Greenwich training & consulting

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23© NEBOSH 2023 page 1 of 7

Task 1: Duties of the employer and worker

Question 1
Article 19 of ILO convection C155 and recommendation 16 of R164 sate that employer
must provide a safe and healthy working environment and that worker as responsibility to
fellow the safe instruction given by employer. In the scenario there are several instances
where these obligations may have been contravened.
Firstly the AMS have told workers to keep attraction queues moving by any means
necessary which include taking shortcuts or disregarding safety procedures. This goes
against the obligation of the employer to provide a safe working environment and the
responsibility of the workers to follow safety instructions.Secondly the reopening deadline
of the haunted house was brought forward by the one month which did not give the
contractors enough time to complete the renovation the park used their own workers in
house maintenance team to help the contractors enough time to complete the renovation
the park used their own workers in house maintenance team to help the contractors
resulting in double shifts being worked by all worked by all workers meet the new
reopening deadline.
Thirdly the supervisors developed a safe system work for operating the hydraulic monster
but some worker did not did not fully understand the SSOW and asked the clarification
however the supervisor were difficult to locate and their and their requests for more time
to conduct extra training session were dismissed by the AM a waste of time this shows
that the employer did not adequate measures to ensure that workers were trained and
competent trained and competent to operate the hydraulic monster safely.
finaly the safety protection device on the hydraulic monster gate stopped working the day
shift but workers were not informed of this until the evening shift handover this delay
communication have put workers and visitors at the risk of injury. The obligations of both
the employer and workers regarding safety as article 19 of C155 and recommendation
16 of R164 may have been contravened in several instances in the scenario provided.

Task 2: Impacts of an accident

Question 2
The accident that occurred in the scenario was the result of the hydraulic monster
malfunctioning and injuring a worker. The amusement park could incur several uninsured
cost such as.
1.Legal fee: If the injured worker or their family decides to sue the amusement park, the
park may incur legal fees to defend itself in court. The cost of legal fees can be quite high,
especially if the case is prolonged or goes to trial.
2. Compensation :The amusement park may be required to compensate the injured worker
for their medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The compensation amount
can vary depending on the severity of the injury and the extent of the damages
3.Fines and penalties :The amusement park may face fines and penalties from regulatory
bodies if it is found to have violated any safety regulations or standards. The fines can be
significant, especially if the violation is deemed serious.
4. Reputation damage: The accident and any negative publicity that follows can damage
the amusement park's reputation and result in a loss of business. This could be particularly
problematic if the park was already struggling financially
4. Lost productivity: The accident could also result in lost productivity and reduced
employee morale. Workers may be hesitant to return to work resulting in lost revenue for
the amusement park.
5. Increased insurance premiums. Finally the amusement parks insurance premiums may
increase as a result of the accident. This could result in higher operating costs for the park
further impacting its bottom line

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23© NEBOSH 2023 page 2 of 7

Task 3: Influencing health and safety culture
Question 3
There are several negative indicators of health and safety culture at the amusement park,
which are as follows.
1.Pressure to win an award: The CEO has placed pressure on the AMS and workers to
keep the attraction queues moving by any means necessary to win the Amusement Park of
the Year award. This could lead to workers overlooking health and safety measures in
order to keep the visitors happy and ensure the parks success.
2. Verbal warnings: The workers have been told that any delay will lead to a verbal
warning, which could discourage them from reporting any hazards or incidents that could
lead to delays. This could lead to incidents being covered up or ignored which could result
in serious accidents.
3. Basic job training: The new workers for the Haunted House attraction have only
received a 10-minute induction tour and 15 minutes of job training which may not be
sufficient to ensure they are aware of the hazards and how to prevent accidents. This could
lead to inexperienced workers making mistakes that could put themselves and others at
4. Lack of supervision: The shift supervisors and AMs are extremely busy and difficult to
locate, which means workers may not receive the support they need or have their
questions answered. This could lead to workers not fully understanding the safe system of
work (SSOW) or the hazards involved in their tasks.
5. Faulty safety protection device: The safety protection device on the hydraulic monsters
gate stops working during the day shift which is not reported or rectified. This could lead
to workers operating the hydraulic monster without the necessary safety measures in place
which could result in serious accidents.
6. Dismissal of extra training: some supervisors requested more time from the AM to
conduct extra training sessions, but this was dismissed as "a waste of time." This could
lead to workers not receiving the necessary training and making mistakes that could lead
to serious accidents
7. Lack of maintenance and safety checks :The safety protection device on the hydraulic
monster's gate stops working during the day shift, but cannot be fixed until the park closes
that night. The day supervisor informs the AM, who then tells the workers not to use the
hydraulic monster until it is fixed. However, the evening supervisor was not properly
informed about the malfunctioning hydraulic monster, which may have led to the

Task 4: Accident investigation

Question 4 (a)
The first action that should be taken to collect evidence for the investigation is to secure
the accident scene and ensure the safety of anyone who may be in danger. The supervisor
should immediately stop all workers from operating the hydraulic monster until it is fixed.
They should also check the safety protection device on the hydraulic monster's gate and
ensure that it is working correctly.

The supervisor should also contact the AM and inform them of the situation, including the
malfunctioning of the hydraulic monster and the fact that the day supervisor has left a
report on the control panel. They should request that the AM and any relevant authorities
be informed of the accident.The supervisor should also begin to gather evidence, such as

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23© NEBOSH 2023 page 3 of 7

taking photographs of the accident scene and the hydraulic monster. They should also
interview any witnesses including the injured worker other workers who were in the area
at the time of the accident and the day supervisor who left the report. The supervisor
should record their statements and take notes of any relevant details. It would also be
necessary to investigate the training provided to the workers and supervisors on how to
operate the hydraulic monster safely. The supervisor should request copies of the training
materials and review them to ensure that they are adequate and clear. They should also
review the safe system of work (SSOW) developed by the supervisors and check whether
it was communicated effectively to all relevant workers Conducting interviews with
workers and supervisors involved in the Haunted House attraction would help gather
information on the incident and identify potential safety hazards. Questions can include
whether the workers and supervisors received adequate training whether they were aware
of the safety procedures whether they were provided with proper equipment and whether
they have reported any safety issues in the past.

Finally the supervisor should review the incident reporting and investigation procedures
of the amusement park and report the accident to the relevant authorities such as the
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK as required by law.

Question 4 (b)
Based on the scenario, the immediate causes of the accident at the amusement park are
1 Failure of the safety protection device: The safety protection device on the hydraulic
monster's gate stopped working during the day shift, which allowed the hydraulic monster
to be operated without proper safety measures in place.
2. Lack of communication and coordination among supervisors and workers: The
supervisors were busy and difficult to locate, and requests for extra training sessions were
dismissed by the attraction manager (AM) as "a waste of time". This resulted in workers
not fully understanding the safe system of work (SSOW) for operating the hydraulic
monster, and not being adequately trained to operate it safely.
3. Lack of proper reporting and documentation: The day supervisor wrote a report
about the issue with the hydraulic monster and left it on the control panel, but the evening
supervisor was not able to read it due to the lack of light in the location. This lack of
proper reporting and documentation may have contributed to the evening supervisor's
inability to identify the issue and take appropriate action.
4. Inadequate maintenance and repair: The maintenance team informed the day supervisor
that the issue with the safety protection device on the hydraulic monster's gate could not
be fixed until the park closed that night, indicating a potential issue with maintenance and
repair procedures at the park.

Task 5: Improving the emergency procedure

Question 5
As the safety adviser for the amusement park, there are several areas where emergency
procedures could be improved to ensure the safety of the workers and visitors. Here are
some recommendations newly-hired health and safety
1.Develop a comprehensive emergency response plan: The park should have a detailed
emergency response plan in place that covers various scenarios such as fires power
outages, medical emergencies, and evacuations. The plan should include clear procedures
for reporting emergencies, evacuating the park, and providing first aid or medical
assistance. It should also outline roles and responsibilities of different personnel during

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23© NEBOSH 2023 page 4 of 7

emergencies, including the CEO, AMs, shift supervisors, and workers.
2. Conduct regular emergency drills: Regular emergency drills should be conducted to
ensure that all workers, including permanent and temporary staff, are familiar with the
emergency response plan and know what to do in case of an emergency. These drills
should be conducted in different areas of the park, including the Haunted House, and
should involve all relevant personnel, including attraction managers, shift supervisors, and
3.Provide proper training for all workers :All workers, including temporary staff, should
receive comprehensive training on emergency procedures, including how to report
emergencies, operate fire extinguishers, provide first aid, and evacuate the park. This
should be in addition to the basic job training and induction tour provided to new workers.
Training should be provided in a language that workers are comfortable with to ensure full
4.Ensure proper maintenance of safety devices and equipment: He safety protection device
on the hydraulic monster's gate should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure it
is functioning properly. If any issues are identified, they should be promptly addressed
and fixed to prevent any potential accidents. Regular maintenance checks should also be
conducted on other safety devices and equipment throughout the park, and a system for
reporting and addressing maintenance issues should be in place
5. Improve communication and coordination among personnel: The CEO, AMs, shift
supervisors, and workers should establish a clear system for communication and
coordination during emergencies. This should include regular meetings and walk-arounds
to discuss safety concerns, addressing worker's questions or requests for clarification on
safe operating procedures, and promptly reporting and addressing any safety issues or
incidents. The CEO and AMs should also make themselves more accessible to workers to
ensure effective communication .By implementing these recommendations, the
emergency procedures at the amusement park can be improved to ensure the safety of
workers and visitors, and reduce the risk of accidents or incidents during normal
operations or emergencies. It is crucial to prioritize safety and provide proper training and
resources to all personnel to effectively respond to emergencies and maintain a safe
environment in the park.

Task 6: Working within a health and safety management system

Question 6
The amusement park will benefit from a formal health and safety management system in
several ways
1.Compliance with regulations: A formal health and safety management system will
ensure that the amusement park complies with all relevant regulations and standards
related to health and safety in the industry This includes regulations related to employee
safety, visitor safety, and operation of attractions and rides. Compliance with regulations
is essential to avoid fines, penalties, and legal liabilities, which can adversely affect the
park's reputation and financial health
2. Reduction of accidents and incidents:A formal health and safety management system
will help identify and mitigate potential hazards and risks within the amusement park.
This can include conducting thorough risk assessments, implementing safety protocols
and procedures, providing comprehensive training to workers, and ensuring that all
attractions and rides are properly maintained and operated. By reducing accidents and
incidents, the park can protect the health and safety of its employees and visitors, avoid
disruptions to operations, and maintain a positive reputation
3. Improved emergency preparedness. A formal health and safety management system will
include emergency preparedness plans and procedures to effectively respond to incidents

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23© NEBOSH 2023 page 5 of 7

such as fires, medical emergencies, and natural disasters. Having robust emergency
preparedness plans in place can help minimize the impact of emergencies, prevent injuries
or fatalities, and ensure a swift and coordinated response to protect the well-being of
employees and visitors
4. Cost savings: Implementing a formal health and safety management system may require
an initial investment, but it can result in long-term cost savings. By identifying and
mitigating potential hazards and risks, the park can reduce the likelihood of accidents,
incidents, and associated costs such as medical expenses, legal fees, and insurance
premiums. Additionally, a well-managed health and safety program can help avoid
disruptions to operations, which can result in financial losses
Overall, a formal health and safety management system can help improve the amusement
park's future health and safety by ensuring compliance with regulations, reducing
accidents and incidents, improving emergency preparedness, enhancing employee morale
and productivity, protecting the park's reputation, and generating cost savings. It can
provide a structured approach to managing health and safety risks, and promote a culture
of safety throughout the park's operations.

Task 7: Benefits of combined worker and employer involvement

Question 7
As the newly-hired health and safety adviser for the amusement park, you recognize the
importance of worker and employer involvement in workplace health and safety
consultation. Some potential benefits of worker and employer involvement in workplace
health and safety consultation at the amusement park may include.
1.Enhanced safety awareness: When workers are involved in workplace health and safety
consultation, they become more aware of potential hazards and risks in their work
environment. They are more likely to identify and report safety concerns or near misses,
leading to prompt actions to address them and prevent accidents or incidents.
2. Increased ownership and responsibility: Involving workers in health and safety
consultation empowers them to take ownership of their own safety and the safety of their
colleagues. When workers are engaged in the decision-making process and have a say in
health and safety policies and procedures, they are more likely to adhere to them and take
responsibility for their actions and behaviours.
3: Improved communication and collaboration: Worker and employer involvement in
health and safety consultation promotes open communication and collaboration between
workers and management. It encourages workers to share their experiences, knowledge,
and insights regarding health and safety, which can lead to better decision-making and
more effective safety measures. It also fosters a positive safety culture where workers feel
comfortable expressing their concerns and ideas.
4: Higher morale and job satisfaction: Involving workers in health and safety consultation
demonstrates that their well-being and opinions are valued by the management. This can
boost worker morale and job satisfaction, leading to increased productivity and loyalty to
the organization.
5. Early identification and resolution of safety issues:Workers who are actively engaged in
health and safety consultation are more likely to identify safety issues or potential hazards
in their work areas. By involving workers in the consultation process, these issues can be
addressed proactively, preventing accidents or incidents from occurring in the first place.
6. Compliance with regulations and standards: Involving workers in health and safety
consultation can help ensure that the amusement park complies with relevant regulations
and standards. Workers can provide valuable input and feedback on the effectiveness of
existing safety measures and help identify areas that may require improvement to meet
regulatory requirements.

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7.Positive impact on business performance: Effective workplace health and safety
consultation can have a positive impact on the overall business performance of the
amusement park. By preventing accidents or incidents, reducing downtime, and
improving worker morale and productivity, the park can achieve higher visitor satisfaction
ratings, which can contribute to winning awards such as the 'Amusement Park of the
Years as well as attracting more visitors and generating higher revenues.
Overall, worker and employer involvement in workplace health and safety consultation at
the amusement park can lead to a safer work environment, improved safety policies and
procedures, enhanced communication and collaboration, increased worker engagement
and morale, and prevention of accidents and incidents. It is important to establish a culture
of safety that involves all stakeholders and promotes a proactive approach to workplace
health and safety.

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0026-ENG-OBE-V1 Apr23© NEBOSH 2023 page 7 of 7

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