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Name: Chlarez I.


1. What is computer education?

- Computer education is a process of learning wherein computer users (students, teachers,
business owners, and etc.) are being educated about computers. Computer education helps
the users to be knowledgeable or at least to be familiar with the different usage of
2. When was the first use of computer education?
- In the 1960 computer was introduced to education.
3. What are the benefits of using computer in education?
- According to my research the 12 benefits of using computer in education are the following:
 Convenience
 Improved student performance
 Fast access to research and information
 Online resources
 Increased efficiency
 Admissions information
 Study schedules
 Better opportunities
 Easy communication
 Better rate of learning
 Visualization tools
 Making task easier
 Verdict
4. Is computer-assisted instruction effective in education? Why and how?
- For me computer-assisted instruction is effective in education because it makes the learning
process convenient to both the teacher and students. It is effective in a way that the
computer itself provides instructions to make the learning process simpler than the
traditional way of teaching.


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