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Stephannie E.

BSEd 1- Social Studies

Narrative Report

NSTP-CWTS is a program designed to increase students' civic consciousness by

instilling the value of service and commitment to the welfare and betterment of all
members of the community. One of its components is cleanliness in which very important
to achieve a better community.

On February 4, 2023. Mr. Aldrin Madurog, our CWTS instructor, led our first in-
person orientation for the start of our second semester. He requested that the students
bring COR, ID, and a broom stick. He also reminded the students to dress in school-
approved attire. The call time was 7:30, and we began around 7:50. He discussed
important reminders such as attendance is required, student participation must be
observed, and the performance criteria were divided into three categories: attendance
(30%), written examination/activities 40%, and performance (30%) and makes 100%.
Following the orientation, Mr. Madurog directed the students to disperse on the ground
and begin cleaning. The students came from various courses and have their own cleaning
stations. Our group filled two garbage bags, while others also filled their garbage bags.
We took a break after cleaning our area, and after nearly 20 minutes, our instructor
summoned the students for the closing program. We then returned home.
Our second clean-up drive for our CWTS took place on Saturday, February 11, 2023.
The same time and place. But this time, instead of just sweeping out the dried leaves, we
began pulling out the grasses and cutting some tree and plant branches. Each course has a
designated cleaning area. Our Education group spent nearly two hours cleaning our area
before taking a break under the shade of a tree. We left the campus around 9:30 but some
group stay because they’re not yet done cleaning their area.

This clean-up drive was extremely beneficial to both our mother Earth and us
students. It allows our mother earth to breathe for a short time. It serves as a reminder of
our responsibility as citizens of this planet to care for and value it. This clean-up drive
also served as a reminder to us and others that we can save our planet through our small

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